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Text Chapter 340 The First Domino

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    After the Redong Battle, the headquarters called again and again, requesting Li Mingfeng to mobilize as many recruits as possible in the Redong and Liaoxi areas. However, under the current situation, this request from the headquarters made Li Mingfeng undoubtedly feel  There was tremendous pressure.

    During the Redong battle, although the Japanese army did not offer strong resistance in Redong, they forcibly moved a large number of Redong's population to western Liaoning before Redong was completely captured. Except for the Chengde area, the advancing army was quick to attack.  , the Japanese army did not move much, and the rest of the area was already empty.

    Coupled with the number of people who were mobilized to join the army when the advancing army was stationed in Rehe last year, as well as the people who followed the Anti-Japanese Alliance and went north to live in the North Manchu base area, it was difficult to seize the entire Redong except Jianping, Lingyuan, and Chaoyang areas.  After the Eastern Region, the population here has dropped to one-fifth of its previous size.

    The population of Redong area, which itself was not large, is now even more sparse. Based on Redong's current control area alone, and in accordance with the headquarters' requirement to mobilize 30,000 to 50,000 recruits, Li Mingfeng is really powerless, even if the company is not recruiting soldiers for the resistance.  Counting all the people in their 30s and 40s within the range, this number is really not available.

    Although after the Redong Battle, his entire political department mobilized and tried their best to mobilize more than 3,000 people in the Chifeng, Ningcheng, and Xinhui areas. This number was less than one-sixth of the minimum standard required by the headquarters.  First, even if the two brigades of the Southern Front Advance Army are included, the more than 3,000 recruits mobilized in the Chengde, Pingquan, and Longhua areas are far from meeting the requirements of the headquarters.

    But when he was a division commander, because he was the first-class main division commander of the Anti-Japanese League, and he had a strong personality, he did not like to complain to his superiors. When he was in the old Anti-League League, he only had more than 20 people in a company in the Anti-Japanese League at that time.  Under the circumstances, he was ordered to lead a company to cover the Fourth Army headquarters and the main force's breakout.

    But he took more than 20 people and thousands of Kwantung Army and puppet Manchukuo soldiers and policemen and wandered around Laoye Ridge for a full half a month, successfully covering the breakout of the Fourth Army headquarters safely.  During the coldest time of the year, the temperature in Laoyeling Mountain dropped to more than 30 degrees below zero.

    After only carrying supplies for three days, most of the secret camp was destroyed, and the cotton-padded clothes on his body were tattered due to continuous fighting, and could no longer block the cold wind in the Laoye Ling Mountain area, but he did not cry out in pain.  In the Mudanling Mountains in Tu territory, when they found the headquarters of the Fourth Army, there were only three soldiers left around them.

    After being transferred to the headquarters of the Second Route Army, he has been following the commander-in-chief in all battles. No matter how bad the situation was, he never betrayed or betrayed his commander. Even when the situation was difficult, he never complained. After the formation of the New Anti-Resistance Alliance,  , from the battalion commander to the first-class main division commander, to now the deputy commander of the column and commanding a war zone, no matter how arduous or difficult the tasks he shouldered, he has never been afraid of any difficulties.

    Now that the situation is so good, he will not complain to his superiors over something that he considers to be a trivial matter, such as mobilizing new soldiers. However, after racking his brains and failing to come up with a solution, Li Mingfeng set his sights on the large number of people who came from the customs.  Beipiao and Fuxin were arrested as laborers.

    However, in his opinion, Fuxin is currently too far away from the entire battlefield, and he cannot reach anywhere for the time being. However, the large number of miners in the Beipiao Coal Mine, which is very close to the battlefield, makes him salivate. There is currently a chaotic battle on the battlefield.  The group gave myself such a rare opportunity.

    It is now the practice of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to select young adults from the rescued laborers, especially those originally from the Pass, to recruit new soldiers. These people are all in the Pass, and deserters have no place to go. It turns out that  When I ran back to the pass and had to pass through enemy-occupied territory, I betrayed myself with just one mouthful.

    Not only is there the risk of being recaptured as a laborer at any time on the road, but there is also the risk of being killed. During last year's Tongliao Campaign, the participating troops once rescued a man whose original home was in Hebei. He was captured by the Japanese and was taken to the Northeast to build fortifications.  After Lian was rescued, he was mobilized to join the army, but because he was homesick, he took advantage of the army's change of defense to sneak away. As a result, he ran to Tongliao and was captured as a labor soldier.

    If the troops had not acted quickly at that time, he and the laborers who were captured by the Japanese army to repair fortifications would probably have been silenced. It is precisely because the risk of being a deserter is very high and there is no way to run home. Most of the laborers in the customs are from  Soldiers are still emotionally stable, so workers whose families live in the customs have always been the focus of the recruitment of workers rescued by the anti-union mobilization forces.

    In addition, these people were either captured or deceived. They were tortured after working in the mines in the Northeast. They hated the Japanese and puppet regime deeply, especially those who were captured. Most of them were  Young and middle-aged people, when the Japanese arrested laborers in the customs, their eyes were still very poisonous, and they always selected young and strong people to arrest.

    Catching these people can not only alleviate the labor shortage in Northeast China, but also weaken the various anti-Japanese armed forces in Guanxi in disguise.?The source of conscription is that these people are strong and efficient as coolies than those middle-aged people. When recruiting, everyone is willing to recruit younger soldiers rather than middle-aged and elderly recruits.

    For every more young man they capture, the anti-Japanese armed forces of various factions in the pass will have one less qualified soldier. Therefore, among the rescued workers, a large proportion of young and middle-aged people from the golden age of military service are in the eyes of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  , the best supplementary soldiers are based on labor, which can minimize the impact of conscription on production in the base area.

    Therefore, in previous battles, most of the focus of the Anti-Japanese War were factories and mines with huge numbers of workers. The Japanese have also noticed this now. Those who can be transported away first will be transported away, and those who cannot be transported will be all.  Kill them. Anyway, if I can't use them, you won't be able to use them either. In last year's battle, as long as the Anti-Japanese Alliance moved a little slower, they might miss.

    But in any case, since he already has past experiences that he can learn from, he will never turn a blind eye to Beipiao, who has a large number of supplementary troops in his eyes and is very close to the entire Jianping main battlefield. As long as he acts quickly,  Rescue those workers before the Japanese attack, which means that a large number of new soldiers will be obtained.

    Moreover, there are many special workers there who were captured by the Japanese troops in the Zhongtiao Mountain last year and during the raids on various bases behind enemy lines. Judging from current intelligence, there are more than 4,000 special workers in the three Japanese coal mines in Beipiao.  The total number of workers is more than 20,000. These special workers are veterans and can replenish the army after a short period of training.

    After losing Xi'an and Hailong, as well as various coal mines in northern Manchuria, the Kwantung Army significantly strengthened the development of the Fuxin and Beipiao coal mines. In addition to the continuous expansion of the original three mines, it is also constantly trying to expand the coal mines in western Liaoning.  Looking for new coal mines, and at the same time defrauding and arresting laborers from within the pass and southern Manchuria to continuously increase the number of workers.

    Moreover, Beipiao not only has tens of thousands of workers, but also a large number of ordinary people who were forcibly relocated from the Redong area by the Japanese army this year. More than 60,000 people were placed in Beipiao by the Japanese army to serve as a reserve labor resource at any time. If these workers can be  Grab them all, and then mobilize a few thousand people from the more than 60,000 civilians. With this, the number of recruits required by the headquarters will basically be achieved.

    Therefore, after the Japanese army gave up attacking Xinhui County and instead used its troops to build peace in the Northeast battlefield, firstly, based on the needs of the progress of the entire war situation, and secondly, under the pressure of the headquarters to mobilize new troops, Li Mingfeng ordered the Xinhui garrison unit to  Secretly go south and cross in the direction of Beipiao. Don't stop at all after you get it, and immediately withdraw everyone into Daheishan.

    At the same time, he ordered the brigade commander who went south to Yebaishou not to be restrained by the defenders after arriving at Yebaishou. He should use no less than one regiment of troops to attack along the Jincheng Railway in the direction of Chaoyang to distract the Japanese army from the Jianping battlefield.  , to contain the Japanese reinforcements to the entire Jianping battlefield.

    In the telegram, Li Mingfeng told him that the troops originally deployed on the front line of Zhangjiayingzi in the south of Jianping City were now of no use. Judging from the overall situation, the enemy troops in Jianping City would not easily break through. In the northeast of Jianping City,  Before the battlefield battle was decided, the battalion deployed on the front line of Zhangjiayingzi had no effect.

    Let him immediately order the battalion to move south from Zhangjiayingzi on the spot, or join the main force and cooperate with the main force's activities on the Yebaishou to Duanjincheng line in Chaoyang, or insert it southeastward, taking advantage of the strong dispersion ability of the troops, and directly insert into Chaoyang  near the city.

    The first is to solve the supply problem of various frontline troops and reduce the pressure on the rear to deliver supplies. Although this area is not the main grain-producing area in the Northeast, due to soil quality and climate, the local grain production is much better than that in the Redong region.  , especially Fuxin, is the main grain-producing area in the entire western Liaoning region.

    Moreover, the population density in this area is much higher than that in Redong counties. In addition, the Japanese army forcibly moved a large number of people from Chifeng, Ningcheng and other Redong counties to Chaoyang, Beipiao, Fuxin and other places. Here,  The population density is actually higher than on paper. Although it is not as good as the counties in Liaozhong, it is at least much better than the counties in Rehe.

    If possible, mobilize as many people as possible in this area and find a way to recruit a group of recruits for the army. Even if the army cannot gain a foothold around Chaoyang City in the end, it must still leave a certain impact. If a group of recruits can be mobilized,  That's the best way.

    2. Destroying the enemy's logistical supply lines and cooperating with the operations of the combat troops on the Jianping battlefield. In order to ensure the supply of materials for the battlefield in western Liaoning, the Japanese army hoarded a large amount of materials at several key points in Chaoyang, Fuxin, and Beipiao. In addition to a large number of ammunition, the Japanese army  , the remaining food and other military supplies are also extremely abundant.

    If this batch of materials can be seized, it can at least alleviate the logistical pressure the army is facing now, even ifIf it cannot be transported back, then blowing it up will starve the Japanese troops on the front line, including their guns and men, forcing them to either retreat across the board, or take the initiative to expose more weaknesses in order to end the war as soon as possible.

    The most critical point is to prevent the Japanese army from deploying backup troops to reinforce the Jianping battlefield, ensuring that the Jianping battlefield can achieve greater results and lay a good foundation for the headquarters' next combat operations. As for Ye Baishou, if he can win, then  In disguise, it is equivalent to obtaining a starting point for attacking the Beining Railway.

    In this Japanese counterattack at the junction of Redong and Western Liaoning, the rear depth defense has inevitably shrunk from the original surface and line to a point defense posture. Although there are railways that can move troops back and forth, the railway lines are dead after all.  And the battlefield settings are alive.

    As long as you mobilize a part of your troops, take advantage of the large number of available gaps created by the shrinkage of troops in the Japanese second-line defense zone, and proactively go deep into the Japanese defense depth, you can influence the entire deployment of the Japanese army on the battlefield in western Liaoning to a wider extent and find the  A more advantageous fighter.

    It doesn't matter to Li Mingfeng whether he can threaten the Beining Railway. His troops are limited and he can't make much noise. However, his ultimate goal is to eat as many Japanese troops as possible who are counterattacking. As for threatening the  The security of the Beining Line was just a means to mobilize the Japanese army. As for Ye Baishou, he was just the first one to push the dominoes.
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