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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 337 The Fatty Battle of Western Liaoning

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    Therefore, after immediately reporting the situation of the enemy in person, he immediately commanded the troops to deploy without waiting for a reply from his superiors. The fighter opportunity was fleeting, and if he stubbornly waited for a reply from his superiors, he would get nothing, and he might even lose the initiative on the battlefield.  handed over to the enemy.

    However, he was not willing to block the attack like this, so he concentrated his troops to adopt an outflanking posture, using the mountainous terrain to outflank the enemy's flanks and rear. If the enemy's troops were not large, he still wanted to eat them in one bite. Since  If you encounter it, how can you be worthy of yourself if you don¡¯t get a piece of it?

    If the enemy has a large number of troops and far exceeds your own, adopt the tactics of frontal blocking and flanking to buy time for the superiors to adjust their deployment. At the same time, the flanking troops can also protect your surroundings and understand the enemy's position.  Quantity, fighting for time is fighting for time. If you want to eat meat, you want to eat meat, but you can't let the Japanese army make your own dumplings.

    However, after all the Japanese follow-up troops were put into the battlefield one after another, and the troops responsible for outflanking did not find the follow-up Japanese troops, they saw that the total number of Japanese troops in front of them was only one reinforced brigade. Although they were equipped with a heavy machine gun squadron, they only carried two artillery pieces.  The heavy weapons of an infantry cannon and a mountain cannon made the brigade commander's eyes sparkle with joy.

    In his eyes, this is no longer a reinforced infantry brigade of the Japanese army, but a piece of walking fat. Of course, he regards the Type 99 rifle, Type 99 light machine gun, and Type 92 heavy machine gun equipped by this Japanese infantry brigade.  He is also quite greedy, how can he let go of such good equipment.

    After arriving in the Northeast, everyone in the advancing army clearly felt that the level of Japanese equipment in the Northeast was better than that in the North China battlefield. Just like the rifle machine gun equipped by the Japanese army, except that it was the same as the Type 92 heavy machine gun, it was better than the 38 type still used in the pass.  Type rifles and crooked-handled light machine guns, and even the North China Security Division and independent mixed brigades that only have a small number of Type 96 light machine guns.

    Although these weapons are not as good as the automatic weapons of the brother armies, they are still better than the 38 big cover and the crooked handle, especially their light machine guns. Although the number of bullets of this kind is not very sufficient in the Jinjin Army, it has not been widely used.  Equipment, but also added more than 20 guns, the performance is much better than the crooked handle, at least it does not need to be so meticulous in maintenance.

    The reason why the brigade commander is very coveted for these Japanese weapons and equipment is because his brigade is short of 79-caliber weapons, and the two regiments are still equipped with Japanese-made weapons, that is, they are all three-dimensional weapons.  Type 8 rifle, Type 96 light machine gun, and Type 92 heavy machine gun.

    Although the number of German-made rifles handed over by the Soviet Army was relatively abundant, the number of machine guns was seriously insufficient. Except for some Czech light machine guns equipped by the German Army and the Romanian Army, the number of German-made MG 3 and 4 machine guns was not only insufficient, but also  There is a general lack of heavy machine gun frames, spare barrels, and spare parts.

    After these weapons were handed over, after all, they were trophies captured on the battlefield, and they all needed extensive maintenance. These machine guns could only be made into one by two, and some even needed three or four to make a usable machine gun.  , there are not enough spare drums, and most machine guns can only use ammunition chains.

    Moreover, for the advancing army, this kind of weapon has an excessive rate of fire and wastes ammunition. In the eyes of Lao Balu, who always pays attention to saving ammunition, these machine guns are not as good as the ZB 53s handed over by the Soviet army and equipped by the German army and the Romanian army.  The number of heavy machine guns and Czech light machine guns is not sufficient to meet the needs of the entire army.

    Most people think that the machine guns used by the Germans in World War II were the MG 34 and MG 42, two very excellent machine guns. They created a new era of general-purpose machine guns and completely eliminated the bulky water-cooled heavy machine guns. Even the prophet Yang Zhen  , I thought so for a while, and even thought that the number of heavy weapons of the German army in World War II was not very sufficient, and the number of light weapons was always sufficient.

    However, most people don¡¯t know that throughout World War II, the German army did not have sufficient quantities of light weapons, especially machine guns. Especially the MG 42 machine guns that are currently manufactured using the stamping process have just completed testing and mass production has just been launched.  On the schedule, the production of machine guns equipped by the German army is still mainly M, G three or four machine guns, which are expensive and have extremely complicated manufacturing processes.

    However, due to the complicated manufacturing process of this kind of machine gun, it was not bad in other battlefields where the German army was making rapid progress. After the outbreak of the Soviet-German battlefield, the originally barely sufficient output was unable to meet the huge needs and could not make up for the losses. On the Eastern Front battlefield  On the war, the German army not only used a large number of captured Soviet machine guns, but also used a large number of old machine guns and trophies from other countries.

    At present, the German army on the Eastern Front is not only equipped with MG 34 light machine guns, but also a large number of 79-caliber machine guns made in the Czech Republic, Belgium, Poland, and Yugoslavia, as well as the MG 13 machine guns and MG 08 that have been eliminated by the country.  heavy machine gun.

    Especially at this time, the SS, which was just starting out and was far less valued than a year later, was almost exclusively equipped with Czech and Belgian troops.There were no rifles or MG three or four machine guns made at that time. Coupled with the slave country troops participating in the war on the Eastern Front, the Soviet army handed over a wide variety of trophies.

    At this time, the German army was still at its peak, and the Soviet army's general victories were achieved against the armies of slave countries with poor combat effectiveness. Therefore, the calibers of light weapons transferred to the Anti-Japanese Alliance were four or five, including caliber 79.  The number of machine guns is not too sufficient.

    In order to unify the caliber, Hungary's eight-millimeter Suratung light machine gun, Schwartz Ross heavy machine gun, and Italy's 65-caliber Breda light and heavy machine gun were not issued to the troops. Not only were these machine guns not in large numbers, but their accessories were incomplete, they were not even connected.  There are not many bullets, although the quantity of Italian goods is still quite large.

    Although most of the current advancing army has been equipped with 79-caliber weapons through internal adjustments, coupled with the German troops transferred from the Soviet Union and the small weapons equipped by the slave countries, the number of rifles transferred from the Soviet Union  It is relatively sufficient, but the number of machine guns is not only diverse, but also insufficient in quantity.

    Since most of the machine guns have battle damage and are in urgent need of repair, and the Anti-Japanese League is currently unable to produce accessories for such machine guns, usually the Anti-Japanese League arsenal can only use two or even several of these battle-damaged machine guns.  The method of making one machine gun for emergency repairs resulted in the number of machine guns in the army being unable to meet the needs of the entire army.

    What's more, the Czech-type machine guns and various types of 79 machine guns originally equipped by the Jinjin Army, except for those allocated by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the rest are generally very badly worn due to years of use. A considerable part of the machine guns have already been used.  Due to its longevity, not only are the accessories missing, but even the rifling is polished.

    The Czech machine guns originally equipped by the entire army basically did not have spare barrels. The original equipment was made in the Czech Republic, Belgium, and Denmark. Due to quality, industrial and raw material reasons, although some spare parts were incomplete,  The wear and tear is not that serious, especially for the Czech original machine guns. Despite years of use, the quality has not generally declined.

    However, due to the steel quality and manufacturing process, as well as years of high-intensity use, more than 60% of the products copied by various domestic arsenals have reached the point of being scrapped. They are only used reluctantly because there is no source of replacement.  These machine guns simply did not dare to fire continuously, which caused the actual number of replacements to be far more than the gap in the book.

    In addition, the MG 34 machine guns handed over by the Soviet Army lacked a tripod for heavy machine gun status, so even if they were repaired, they could only be used as light machine guns. In addition, in order to repair these battle-damaged machine guns, only some of them could be used.  Allocated troops, and the number of other seventy-nine-caliber machine guns is not sufficient.

    After all, throughout 1941, the Soviet army was defeated most of the time. Occasionally they seized a batch of trophies, which was consumed on the front line. It was not until the end of the Moscow Defense War that a large number of German light weapons, machine guns, especially heavy machine guns were seized.  The large number of gaps means that there are still several regiments in the advancing army, which are currently equipped with Japanese-made weapons and equipment.

    Of the two brigades currently remaining on the battlefield in Jehol, two regiments are equipped with all Japanese-made weapons. The other regiment is equipped with 79-caliber rifles and light machine guns, but the heavy machine guns are still equipped with 92 caliber rifles.  Type heavy machine gun, as for the other brigade, it is also a mixture of Japanese equipment and German caliber, so it can only ensure that the caliber is the same as much as possible.

    Although he prefers German-made MG 3-4 machine guns to Japanese-made light and heavy machine guns, isn't this kind of machine gun in short supply? Only one of his three regiments is equipped with this kind of machine gun as a squad light machine gun.  In the absence of fish or shrimps, these latest Japanese small weapons have become a piece of meat in his eyes.

    In this brigade commander's view, his brigade has a strength advantage. Although the current equipment is not sophisticated, it is in much better condition, and the amount of ammunition is sufficient. Coupled with the training at the end of last year, the military and political quality has generally been greatly improved.  Under such circumstances, there is no way to control a reinforced brigade of the Japanese army.

    Especially in this mountainous terrain, with the commanding heights under his control, this battlefield was fucking designed for him to defeat the Japanese army. Wouldn't these weapons and equipment belong to him sooner or later?  He had tried the Type 99 machine gun used by the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War, and its performance was quite good.

    In particular, it can be fired without oiling, the barrel can be replaced quickly, and the power of the bullet is relatively high, far exceeding the Japanese 65-caliber bullet. Although it is not as good as the German machine gun and the anti-Japanese machine gun, it is better than the crooked gun.  A stick is much better than a crutch. As a veteran, who doesn't want to use sophisticated weapons.

    This brigade commander, who was full of confidence and had an eye on other people's weapons and equipment, planned to wipe out the Japanese troops in front of him in one go. After counterattacking the Japanese troops who were trying to compete for the commanding heights, he mobilized the artillery behind him., suppressing Japanese machine gun fire on the ridges covering both flanks across the board.

    In addition to the two battalions that outflanked the two flanks, two organic companies were sent along the ridges on both sides to launch a counterattack against the Japanese troops who were attacking along the ridges and outflanking him. He himself personally commanded a battalion to attack the Japanese troops.  At the same time, two battalions were equipped with two mortars each, as well as two strengthened heavy machine guns, and sent out warnings in two directions: Ye Baishou and Jianping County.

    When dispatching the security force, he focused on telling the battalion commander who was on alert in the direction of Jianping that if the battle in the direction of Jianping County continued as planned, the reinforced battalion under his command would immediately forcefully attack Zhangjiayingzi along the direction of Jianping County.  Insert it and expand northwest along the key points of Zhangjiayingzi. If you encounter a small group of Japanese and puppet troops on the way, you will not be willing to fight. Even if you run to death, you still have to reach the Zhangjiayingzi front line on time.

    After arriving at Zhangjiayingzi, immediately use no less than one company of troops to control the Jiangjiadian and Dongshantou lines southward to ensure the safety of the entire Sihancheng River Basin battlefield flanks and the smooth completion of the Jianping battlefield battle. If the Japanese army  From Ye Baishou's reinforcements to Jianping, his battalion was exhausted and had to withstand the Japanese offensive before reinforcements arrived.
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