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Text Chapter 335 Battle of Western Liaoning (3)

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    In order to build this iron and stone force and become a useful helper in suppressing the Chinese people's anti-Japanese armed forces, the Kwantung Army not only mobilized a large number of Japanese officers for it, but also repeatedly selected among the so-called Manchu officers.  The Manchu officers were unreliable and were immediately eliminated.

    Among this iron and stone force, there are not only military police teams dedicated to internal monitoring, but also plainclothes teams used for reconnaissance. Their weapons and equipment are also extremely sophisticated, and their treatment is much higher than that of the general Puppet Manchukuo army.  Among its officers, Japanese officers account for a quarter of the total, and a considerable number of them are active officers of the Kwantung Army.

    This unit has an infantry brigade and a cavalry brigade, a battalion-level tank unit codenamed Iron Tiger, two infantry regiments under the infantry brigade, and a cavalry detachment under two cavalry companies. Each infantry regiment has three under  An infantry battalion, a level artillery company, a mortar company, an engineering company, a baggage company, one each for the command platoon, communications platoon, and health team.

    Each battalion has three infantry companies, plus one heavy machine gun company. Each infantry company has 188 soldiers and is equipped with twelve Type 96 light machine guns and twelve **-type grenade launchers.  The heavy machine gun battery consists of eight Type 92 heavy machine guns. This firepower configuration even exceeds the firepower configuration of an ordinary Japanese squadron of six light machine guns and six grenade launchers.

    The regiment's mortars are equipped with eight 82 mortars, and the level-firing artillery company is equipped with eight type 41 level-firing cannons. Without strengthening the firepower, it exceeds the firepower of an ordinary infantry brigade of the Japanese army. The battalion, company, and platoon are three levels  Officers, including squad leaders and combat squad leaders, all made speed machines in Fengtian.

    The baggage company has 30 rubber trucks, 60 pack horses, and four trucks. The communication platoon is equipped with two five-watt radios. The entire brigade plus the cavalry detachment organized by two cavalry companies totals more than 8,500 people.  If we add the two cavalry regiments of the cavalry detachment, the total strength is 2,500 people, as well as the 1,600 people of the Puppet Manchukuo Railway Police Road Protection Unit of the so-called Tiehua Unit, and several thousand people of the directly affiliated troops.

    Before the Battle of Redong, the unit had a total of more than 16,000 people. The total strength was slightly lower than a division of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but far exceeded the main force of the Jidong Military Region and the local troops. The equipment was extremely sophisticated, not only infantry and cavalry.  It has a complete range of artillery and supplies, and is also equipped with a light combat convoy, an armored convoy and a motor vehicle convoy.

    This weaponry and equipment, let alone the anti-alliance armed forces in various base areas behind enemy lines in the pass, is not inferior to an elite division of the Central Army in Chongqing on a one-to-one basis. As for the puppet troops recruited by the Wang puppet regime, whether they are  Former bandits, former security corps, or former motley crews from Chongqing who surrendered to the enemy are all far from being equipped with this firepower.

    In addition to the former Chongqing army who was transferred to the Taihang and Taiyue base areas by General Okamura Neiji and vigorously renovated using the captured Chongqing weapons and equipment, the remaining puppet troops, including the most well-equipped North China troops,  Including the security forces, they are all very different.

    Compared with the Anti-Japanese Alliance, its firepower below the battalion does not have 12mm high-level dual-purpose machine guns, 60-guns and rocket launchers. However, the number of grenade launchers is more than the number of 60-guns in the anti-Japanese infantry company's machine gun platoon, but the number of light and heavy machine guns is  The total number is compared with the eighteen general-purpose machine guns and six 12mm high-level and flat dual-purpose machine guns equipped by a battalion participating in the Anti-Japanese War.

    Although the number is greater than that of the Anti-Japanese League, the power is far different. If the Anti-Japanese League adds a squad light machine gun for each combat squad, it will still be higher than the firepower density of a battalion. Its Type 92 heavy machine gun, regardless of  Neither the range nor the power can be compared with the 12mm high-level dual-purpose machine gun equipped by the Anti-League.

    There is a lack of direct-aiming firepower below the battalion level, and the power of grenades is also very different from that of the 60-gun. Although there are a lot of Type 41 flat-firing guns equipped at the regiment level, there is no direct-aiming firepower below the battalion level.  The total number of soldiers in a battalion is only two-thirds of a battalion in the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    However, although the firepower of these puppet troops is not as good as that of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they were trained by the Japanese army. They are almost replicas of the Japanese army. Their combat style is extremely fierce on the battlefield, whether it is the command level of officers at all levels or the strength of troops at all levels.  The level of coordination and tactics is quite high.

    During the Battle of Redong, it once had a battalion. After a sudden encounter with a fully-equipped infantry battalion of the Anti-Japanese Alliance while intersecting in the mountains, it was at a disadvantage in terms of strength. Although it was strengthened with two 82 mortars and a  Although the cannons were fired flatly, but the firepower still did not gain the upper hand, the two sides fought fiercely for four hours without losing the slightest advantage.

    Due to the four-hour delay in this interspersed operation, the Anti-Japanese War troops failed to arrive at the designated combat area on time. After four hours of fierce fighting, although the battalion was damaged by more than half, when it withdrew from the battlefield,  It still maintains the integrity of its organizational structure, and its fierce combat effectiveness can be seen from this.

    Although more than half of its main force was wiped out in the Battle of Redong, there were more than 16,000 people in the army, and onlyThere were more than a thousand people, and the chariot convoy to which they belonged, known as the Iron Tiger Force, was completely wiped out. The special team composed of Koreans known as the Iron Man Force was also wiped out, and not a single piece of heavy equipment in the entire army was left.

    However, even though the department suffered heavy losses during the Battle of Redong, the basic structure of the department is still intact. The army has more than 4,000 troops, coupled with its fierce fighting style, and is quite good at plainclothes activities and below the regiment level.  The ability to move independently can still be said to be a big threat in the western Liaoning battlefield.

    It was precisely because of the trouble that the so-called iron and stone troops of the puppet Manchuria brought to the participating troops during the Redong Battle that before this battle, Lee Myung-bak repeatedly told the deputy commander of the Mountain Division who commanded the roundabout and interspersed troops. Once during the battle,  When encountering this iron and stone army, you must not underestimate them.

    Although it is currently downsized from two infantry regiments into one infantry regiment, and the cavalry brigade has been downsized into a four-platoon cavalry regiment, its combat effectiveness from the Redong Battle is different from the existing one that is composed of flat-fire artillery and mountain artillery.  Judging from the equipment of an artillery battalion and a mortar company, the unit should be calculated as a reinforced brigade of the Japanese army.

    But in today's battle, the commanders of the participating troops were shocked to find that the so-called iron and stone troops of the Puppet Manchu Army that they fought today were not only somewhat incomplete in terms of strength and equipment, but also had a different combat effectiveness and morale than the Redong Battle that ended less than a month ago.  Compared with the previous period, it has dropped by more than one grade.

    Not only was the offensive organization weak, it was even quite chaotic. During the defensive operations, the position not only collapsed immediately, but even collapsed immediately. The Manchu officers either dealt with the situation or dispersed at the first touch.  , it¡¯s not much better.

    The strong and stubborn performance during the Redong Battle was completely different after just a month. These were also extremely ferocious in the Redong Battle not long ago. Fighting against one's own flesh and blood compatriots was simply like fighting against the enemy, but  In such a short time, it has become so vulnerable that it is almost unbelievable.

    This transformation of this puppet Manchukuo army, which was so majestic and stubborn on the battlefield a month ago, puzzled the front-line commanders. After most of the main force was wiped out in the Redong Battle, although a certain amount of troops were retained.  , but the equipment and troops of the ministry must be incomplete, and he knew this.

    Although these so-called iron and stone troops escaped quickly in the final stage of the Redong Battle and finally escaped the fate of being wiped out, although a considerable number of them finally ran away, their cavalry and infantry brigades and a large number of attached troops  , were all defeated in the Battle of Redong, and the losses were at least half.

    One of the two infantry regiments was completely defeated, and the other had half of its strength. The two together barely formed a new infantry regiment. However, the regiment only had two infantry battalions with about 1,200 people.  Compared with before, there was a huge gap in both military strength and equipment. At this time, it was impossible for the Japanese to give priority to replenishing them. It was not surprising that the troops and equipment were insufficient.

    However, morale and combat effectiveness declined so quickly. They collapsed in the middle of the battle. There were even large-scale battlefield escapes that even the Japanese officers and Japanese troops supervising the battle could not control. This was beyond his expectation. However, these puppet Manchurians  The changes in the army were so drastic, but they greatly reduced the pressure on the troops participating in the Anti-Japanese War.

    Precisely because of the low morale and combat effectiveness of these so-called iron and stone troops, they were unable to pose an effective threat at all. In the first round of battle, their commander Awano Shigeyoshi was killed and his thirty-seventh regiment commander Nan Seiichi was captured alive.  Instead of treating it as an effective opponent, for such an army whose morale and combat effectiveness have seriously declined, there is no need to waste troops. Only one unit is used for containment, and the focus of the attack is still on the Japanese army.

    As for the Japanese troops who controlled the commanding heights, they first moved all their troops to the two 82 mortars on a slightly lower hill northwest of the commanding heights, as well as two 14-gun mortars with large oblique firing range, intensive firepower, and quite amazing power.  mm anti-aircraft machine gun fire cover.

    Continuously launch feint attacks to contain and disperse their firepower, making them unable to suppress firepower on other fronts. The main force will concentrate on dealing with the divided Japanese troops at the foot of the mountain. As long as they dig out their main trunk first and leave some side branches, that is  There is no threat anymore.

    Moreover, although the Japanese army struck first and seized the commanding heights, they only brought a few heavy machine guns. Not only the infantry artillery and other firepower were intercepted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but also their own connections with other Japanese troops.  , was also cut off by a reinforced company of the Anti-Japanese Alliance that was forcibly inserted.

    Several heavy machine guns, plus a squadron of Japanese troops, as long as the suppressive firepower is sufficient, the troops should affect the battle at the foot of the mountain. As long as the Japanese troops in other directions are defeated first, the remaining Japanese squadron can resist even if it temporarily occupies favorable terrain.  It won't affect the overall situation.

    After the encounter started, whether it was the frontline commander of the Anti-Japanese Alliance or the Japanese troops inColonel Kobayashi Shimaji, captain of the 31st Infantry Regiment of the 58th Division, who is commanding the front line, is constantly adjusting the deployment of troops and firepower according to the development of the battle situation in front of him, so as to defeat the opponent in front of him in the shortest possible time.

    Moreover, the first thing the two people did together was to desperately gather the troops that had been disrupted due to the continuous participation. Mountain marching is restricted by the terrain, and it is impossible for anyone to conduct a group march. All troops are concentrated in  A marching plan for action together.

    As a result, with the different order of the troops entering the battlefield and the time interval, the battlefield was completely disrupted. The entire battlefield was more than twenty miles long from east to west and nearly nine miles wide from north to south.  They are both Chinese and Japanese armies in a melee.

    Contrary to the order of Lieutenant General Yokoyama Shizuo, the commander of the 8th Division, asking Colonel Kobayashi Shimaji to gather the disrupted troops at all costs, Lee Myung-bak was very dissatisfied with the battle situation report of the frontline commander. The organizational structure was disrupted.  Whatever happens, just beat them randomly.

    As long as the enemy in front of him is dealt with, he is not interested in how the front-line commanders attack him. He clearly told the front-line commanders that there is no need to rush to gather the troops and fight indiscriminately.  The enemy has nothing to worry about.
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