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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 322 The conflict in the aftermath

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    While Yang Zhen was sweeping through the Japanese mainland, in addition to keeping the emperor, he also escorted all the members of the Japanese royal family who served in the military back to the Northeast. The Asaka Palace who single-handedly created the Nanjing Massacre  King Yan, after learning that the first people to land were actually Chinese, committed suicide on the day the Anti-Japanese Alliance entered Japan.

    However, Yang Zhen kept the emperor, but nothing of the royal family's property was left. The Japanese emperor, who was actually Japan's number one war criminal, first met the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific Theater.  In this case, they actually hope that the US military can subsidize some living expenses to the royal family so that the remaining royal personnel can maintain a minimum living.

    Because all the properties of him and all the royal family members in the imperial family were combined, except for some small villas in the countryside that were extremely worthless real estate, not even 10,000 yen was left, and this made the emperor even more  What is puzzling is how the Chinese knew the location of the secret treasures of the Japanese royal family, which even most members of the royal family did not know except for a few of his confidants.

    Not only did they plunder all the apparent royal property, but there was not a single trace of the huge amounts of gold plundered from China and all the Japanese victimized countries in World War II that were secretly hidden by the Japanese royal family and buried deeply.  Those who were pulled down were also found and transported away.

    The Chinese plundered the Japanese royal family so thoroughly. In addition to the dead money that could not be withdrawn from the Swiss bank account that had been frozen since the war with the United States and Britain, the entire royal family, including the emperor himself,  , before the large-scale landing of the US military in Japan, they were so embarrassed that they could no longer even afford money for food.

    The most important thing is that almost all the palaces of the Japanese royal family were deliberately razed to the ground in the air raids. If it were not for the strong air-raid shelters built by the Japanese government for His Majesty and the external anti-virus and fire-setting facilities, I am afraid that the royal family would have been destroyed.  In this war, it is not just a matter of a few princes.

    Wherever the emperor went, wherever he was bombed by the Anti-Japanese War, from Tokyo to Kyoto, from Kyoto to the countryside, no place where the emperor lived was not bombed to the ground, even the Americans  The bombings and the actions of razing the palaces to the ground that they had deliberately avoided made it clear that they wanted to wipe out his entire royal family.

    When the first wave of anti-alliance troops parachuted in Tokyo found the emperor and brutally suppressed the resistance of the Guards Division in order to protect the emperor's dignity and safety, the emperor was almost frightened to death for fear that the Chinese would come.  , like General Matsui Iwane, parade him around various cities in China with a sign and a high hat, and then shoot him.

    As soon as the U.S. military arrived, the emperor, who was so frightened that he couldn't help himself all day long, didn't seem to have seen the great savior there. Although it was a bit embarrassing to open his mouth to ask for living expenses, it was still better than being under the gunpoint of the Chinese all day long.  Being scared to death is much better than being hungry.

    In fact, Yang Zhen's plan was not really to kill the emperor, let alone bring him back to China. He knew that if he also captured the emperor, it would be easy to do it, but it would be difficult to finish it.  At that time, this guy couldn't be killed, and it was useless to raise him. It would also become a problem in the future work against Japan.

    In the end, Yang Zhen simply adopted a method of intimidation, trying to scare the emperor out of his mental state and let him abdicate on his own initiative, or let the Americans force him to abdicate, so as to save himself trouble. After all, he is a mental patient.  As the supreme ruler, even if it is used as a tablet, it is not acceptable to the public.

    Yang Zhen is still clear about this guy's methods. He knows that Emperor Showa is not only much smarter in his methods than his brain-dead father, Emperor Taisho, but his methods are not only very vicious, but also deeply rooted in Chinese culture.  It is not an easy task to turn him into a psychopath with his emperor's mental tricks.

    It's just that this guy with tough nerves was far more difficult to deal with than Yang Zhen imagined. Under repeated threats, he managed to survive for nearly a month, watching his brother and nephew being taken away without doing anything.  , quite resigned, and waited until the US military landed and took over his custody.

    However, compared with the failure of turning the emperor into a madman, Yang Zhen's looting of Japanese industry was quite successful. When the new Japanese government was established after the war, it was actually found that the equipment of the mint, together with the technical personnel, and the take-out inventory were  Paper money, as well as all the raw materials for coinage, were looted.

    The newly established Japanese government wanted to print a batch of banknotes to cope with the increasingly severe inflation, but it could not find printing equipment and workers. It was impossible to find a piece of paper that could print banknotes in Japan, nor could it find a printing press.  Machines and technicians were needed to print currency, all bank vaults were looted, and all coins were shipped back to China.

      The new Japanese government was in desperation, while negotiating with the United States, asking the Americans who were about to become the Emperor of Japan to immediately stop the Anti-Japanese League's almost unlimited looting of Japan by dismantling whatever they caught.  The loan model printed a batch of currency at the U.S. Mint and re-customized a batch of equipment.

    Although after the landing, the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific Theater urgently negotiated with Yang Zhen, who personally rushed to Japan and personally directed the sweep of Japanese industries, demanding that the Anti-Japanese Alliance immediately transport back all the equipment that had been dismantled and evacuate all equipment immediately.  troops in Japan and return all Japanese scientific and technical personnel kidnapped by them.

    The supreme commander of the Allied Pacific Theater, who believed that dismantling Japan was not in the interests of the Americans, was extremely firm on this matter. He insisted that the Anti-Japanese Alliance was not an army of the Chinese government and had not been authorized by Chongqing.  , has no right to station troops in Japan as required by the established United Nations.

    If the Anti-Alliance does not immediately withdraw all troops in Japan, the United States will regard the Anti-Alliance as illegal intruders and retain the right to fire on the Anti-Alliance. If any unpleasant incident occurs, all responsibilities will be borne by the Anti-Alliance.  responsible.

    However, Yang Zhen's attitude towards the threat from the United States was very firm. He not only refused to return all the dismantled industrial equipment and the technicians who had been snatched away, but also asked the US military to agree to the anti-Japanese resistance to the Yawat Steel Plant and the remaining parts as a whole.  , all demolished to Northeast China.

    The reason for Yang Zhen's insistence was that during the war, the Americans promised to use loans to aid the construction of two steel plants in Northeast China. However, not all of them were in place. They only provided one set of 450-ton ironmaking blast furnaces and 270-ton iron-making blast furnaces.  There are three sets of blast furnaces. As for steel-making equipment, only two sets of 60-ton open-hearth furnaces, four sets of 50-ton open-hearth furnaces, and six sets of 15-ton converters are provided.

    The rest are about three tons of electric furnaces that are demanding on raw materials and consume huge amounts of energy. The Americans only provided one-third of the required coal and coke equipment. They need power transmission and transformation equipment that other steel plants should have.  , and other key equipment, did not even arrive by the end of the war.

    Even with the equipment dismantled from the Taiyuan Northwest Steel Plant, the steel plant barely put into operation, but due to the lack of a large number of key equipment, the production capacity was less than one-third of the original promise of the Americans, and due to the lack of rolling equipment  , although this steel plant was barely put into operation, it could only produce crude steel and could not be rolled into finished products.

    The promised second oil smelting plant was only provided with half of the equipment. Not a single part of the key equipment distillation tower was provided. Other industrial equipment was promised to be assisted, but only 45% of what the Americans had originally promised was delivered.  , especially the various lathes urgently needed by the machinery industry, the quantity was far less than the original commitment of the Americans. In Yang Zhen's view, it was the Americans who breached the contract first, which forced the Anti-Japanese Alliance to take unilateral actions.

    These steel plants, oil smelting companies, and other factories in the hands of the Japanese were built using resources plundered from China. Before the Japanese brutally plundered China, the Anti-Japanese Alliance generously gave up their claims, and the Americans  The Anti-Japanese Alliance does not intend to pursue the breach of contract during the war, but these factories must be used to compensate for the industrial equipment that the Americans had promised during the war but were not shipped in the end.

    In the face of Yang Zhen's accusation that the United States did not provide real benefits to the population, the promised aid was far from the amount originally promised by the Americans. The huge gap caused serious consequences, causing the Chinese to pay more blood in the war.  In fact, in the eyes of the Americans, it was an accusation that they intended to deny and not repay, and the resulting warship incident caused serious conflicts between the two militaries.

    After President Roosevelt died of illness, the United States, which had already changed its policy towards China, finally broke away from the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Originally, according to Yang Zhen's intention, the Americans tried to mediate the post-war situation in China by using their mentality as mediators.  , the idea of ????finding a way to get back the equipment that the Americans promised but never had in place ended up in vain.

    The so-called blood-earned friendship formed during the war by using each other was so fragile that after the war against Japan ended, it disappeared in a short period of time. The public accusations between the two sides intensified.  There was a verbal exchange of words, and privately they were making some preparations for the unexpected.

    After falling out, the United States not only rejected Yang Zhen's suggestion that the United States continue to provide the equipment it had promised but failed to provide during the war, and that the Anti-Japanese Federation should return some Japanese industrial equipment in exchange, it also demanded that Yang Zhen immediately return the equipment that had been provided during the war.  All U.S. aid equipment expenses will be paid, and all troops will be immediately withdrawn from Japan.

    After being rejected without hesitation by Yang Zhen, in order to intimidate these, in the eyes of the arrogant American general who had been transferred from the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in the Pacific to the Commander-in-Chief of Allied Military Control in Japan, China was quite lawless.People, the US military stationed in Japan sent troops to surround the armored brigade of the Anti-Japanese Alliance that was performing tasks in Japan and equipped with all-made equipment.

    Yang Yan said that now that the war is over, they will disarm this armored brigade and take back the ninety M4 Sherman tanks, thirty M5 light tanks, and a large number of M3 half-tracks equipped by this brigade. In order to threaten the Anti-Japanese Alliance  Garrison, the US military also dispatched troops and dispatched a large number of aircraft, hung bombs and shuttled back and forth over the armored brigade's station, and cut off all supply channels and wired communication links between the brigade and the station.

    The armored brigade of the Anti-League that received the ultimatum, without receiving orders from their superiors, immediately followed the Anti-League's private policy of beating the hell back on anyone who dared to take action. Even if they lay down, they could not let their opponents stand.  Following the old habit, he immediately reduced his troops without showing any signs of weakness. The whole army began to build fortifications and prepare for battle.

    And put on a posture of if you really dare to come, I will fight you to the death. Even if I die, I will bite you off hard. The other two divisions of the Anti-Japanese Alliance stationed in the Japanese mainland,  Under Yang Zhen's order, the US troops in front of him were immediately surrounded, and the artillery was set up directly under the nose of the US military headquarters in Japan.
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