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Text Chapter 319 The Japanese Army¡¯s Attempt

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    Special operations does not mean that if you train one or two special forces, everything will be fine. It is a brand-new combat concept and a new and three-dimensional combat system. Without a complete set of concepts and systems, even if you train a few special forces, it will not help.

    As for this kind of system, except for the senior officers you capture, ordinary combatants have no idea what the real key of the system is. At most, they can only provide selection standards, some training standards, and certain aspects of their own knowledge.  Combat expertise.

    Wanting to cultivate and train a real special forces by capturing some ordinary combatants is basically a daydream. It is precisely because he clearly knows what is really special about the special forces that Yang Zhencai is most worried about Guo Bingxun.  Not considered human.

    However, the overconfident Yang Zhen and the worried Guo Bingxun did not expect that some of Guo Bingxun's worries were not completely unfounded. After this battle, the Kwantung Army, which suffered heavy losses from this force, although during this battle  Not a single living member was captured.

    However, based on the experience of this battle and previous encounters with this force, under the first large-scale implementation of special operations by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, it was considered shameful and courageous, and began to form a similar force, although it was not  They knew the training system of the Anti-Japanese Alliance training force, but the Japanese army also relied on their own experience to figure out a set of unique training methods.

    At the same time, in terms of weapons equipment, based on the emerging situation, some research was also conducted in an attempt to create light weapons that could compete with the Anti-Japanese Alliance. However, they clung to the concept of fully loaded ammunition and focused on long-range and high-precision shooting.  After the Japanese army failed to imitate the Type 40 automatic rifle using 65-mm and 77-mm bullets, they equipped the unit they formed with Japanese-standard equipment.

    Although they are also equipped with some Nanbu-style submachine guns, supplemented by some of their newly developed pistols and captured anti-Soviet-style pistols, replacing the Japanese-standard Nanbu-style pistols with unreliable performance, most of them are still equipped with Japanese-style pistols.  The weapons, at best, were just replacing their rifles, which were basically about the same height as soldiers, with lances.

    Moreover, not only the weapons and equipment remain the same as those of the infantry, but the training methods of this unit are only a few changes to the training methods of ordinary reconnaissance units. The focus is on makeup reconnaissance. As for other aspects, they are no better than ordinary reconnaissance units.  What fundamental improvements have been made to the reconnaissance force?

    Although the Kwantung Army formed the same troops and conducted some similar targeted training, it did not master the special operations system. During the selection, it only selected ordinary army officers and soldiers from various search wings. The Kwantung Army did not conduct special selection and training.  Army, the army they created is nothing like a tiger, it doesn¡¯t even look like a cat, it¡¯s totally nondescript.

    It's not that the Japanese army didn't want to be unable to suppress the opponent in front of them in terms of infantry firepower. When forming this unit, they also struggled with the suppression and selection of weapons and equipment, and conducted a large number of new weapons development, but they struggled with too many weapons.  For various reasons, the weapons eventually equipped were ordinary infantry weapons.

    The concept of the Japanese base camp is really a bit too conservative. Although many Anti-League Type 40 rifles were seized on the battlefield, as well as two fully automatic rifles equipped by two reconnaissance brigades directly under the Anti-League, although they also admitted that the rate of fire of these small weapons was astonishing.  , the accuracy is also ideal.

    However, they are very dismissive of the use of short rifle ammunition with an effective range of only 400 meters for these weapons. They believe that their effective range is too short to carry out long-distance sniping. It is not in line with the Japanese army's usual combat habits. Although the rate of fire  It greatly improves the combat firepower of individual soldiers, and because the length of ammunition is shortened, it can increase the number of ammunition carried. However, this shortcoming cancels out all the advantages.

    Although the Japanese army also tried to imitate some of these weapons, they still stubbornly used the Japanese standard 65- and 77-caliber fully loaded bullets. However, they found that these two weapons, which were originally excellent in performance, were replaced by their impression.  After hitting the two bullets, which were supposed to be more powerful, they were simply unusable.

    Even when firing three rounds, it cannot guarantee the most basic accuracy. Often the accuracy of the first bullet is okay, but subsequent bullets don¡¯t know where to fly. Moreover, after replacing the Japanese army¡¯s standard ammunition, continuous shooting will produce  The huge recoil was also unbearable for the short Japanese soldiers. This kind of accuracy was unacceptable to the Japanese army, which always paid attention to shooting accuracy.

    But if even the ammunition is replaced, it will be difficult for the Japanese, who have always been very economical, to accept it. Under such circumstances, a stingy army that is not even willing to equip a large number of submachine guns will mass-produce such high-speed shooting.  It is another fully automatic rifle that has a short range and cannot use Japanese standard ammunition.

    As Yang Zhen said, even if a small amount is produced for use by special forces, they are reluctant, and for the Japanese army, the Type 40 rifle isHe has a certain stabbing ability, and the lethality of the triangular bayonet he is equipped with is also higher than the sword-type three-zero bayonet equipped by the Japanese army. If he is stabbed on the battlefield, it is basically impossible to save him.

    However, the disadvantage is that the gun body is too short, which makes it difficult to fight with a bayonet. It is also difficult to meet the Japanese army's requirements for hand-to-hand combat. Even compared with the Japanese army's standard lance, it is far behind. Its high rate of fire is in battle.  The consumption of ammunition, in the view of senior Japanese generals, is also unbearable for Japan's national strength.

    Although the grassroots officers below are very vocal about the development and distribution of automatic rifles so that they can compete with the Anti-League in terms of infantry firepower, and a large number of officers even demand to directly imitate the standard rifles of the Anti-League, but for the top brass of the Japanese army  It is said that the Type 40 automatic rifle, which has a short range, wastes bullets, and suffers from bayonets, except for its high rate of fire, is generally a piece of garbage.

    Despite the strong appeal from below, the Japanese base camp also obtained the G-41 semi-automatic rifle and drawings from Germany through submarine transportation, and based on these drawings, tried to use Japanese standard ammunition without making extensive adjustments.  Next, certain improvements were made to the Type 38 and Type 99 rifles.

    However, for the purpose of saving bullets, the Japanese military leaders are still unwilling to put this improved rifle into front-line combat troops. In addition, the performance of the improved rifle is really not good, and it cannot meet the needs at all, especially  The 38-type rifle standard 65 rifle bullets used cannot withstand the automatic shooting method. Once fired continuously, the shell rupture problem that occurs in the Taisho 11-year-old machine gun is easy to occur.

    The strength of the firing pin and the gun body of the Type 38 rifle was also difficult to withstand the test brought by the high rate of fire. Within a few days, the firing pin was beaten bald or simply broke, causing considerable damage to the gun body.  It's okay to use Type 11 light machine gun ammunition.

    But for the Japanese army, rifles cannot use rifle bullets, only machine gun bullets. Is that still called a rifle? And even if special light machine gun bullets are used, the bullets will often jam if they are not oiled when shooting.  In this situation, the jamming frequency is even higher than that of the Taisho 11-type light machine gun.

    But if you install an oil can on the rifle like the Taisho 11-year-old light machine gun, the structure is too complicated, and it is not the same thing. There are precedents in the world for installing oil cans on machine guns. This is not the Japanese army.  It is a special case, but the rifle is also equipped with an oil can, which is ridiculous. Who has ever seen a rifle equipped with an oil can specially used to oil bullets?

    If you use the Type 99 rifle to modify it, although there are not so many problems, the firearm is obviously overweight, the accuracy of continuous shooting is not ideal, and the recoil force is unbearable. The damage to the gun body structure is also no greater than using the 38  The most important thing is that this kind of modification is not that much less expensive than building a new rifle.

    The Japanese who want to take shortcuts only want to get twice the result with half the effort, but ignore the impact of the different gun body structures on the transformation. Moreover, the German semi-automatic rifle is an emergency product that is urgently needed on the battlefield. Among the German army  Neither is popular among their own people.

    The Japanese army spent a lot of effort to obtain the so-called most advanced weapons and equipment from the Germans. They tried to learn from the German experience and improved their own standard rifles to create a semi-automatic rifle.  Just like the evaluation of their prototype gun among the German army, it was quite low. Even among the Japanese, due to the different structure of the gun body, it caused shortcomings in use and failed during the experiment.

    The Japanese army originally wanted to take a shortcut, but was unwilling to imitate a weapon that they had always looked down on their opponents. They felt that it would be embarrassing to directly imitate original products. However, they spent a lot of money and got a lot of scrap products, which were eventually imported.  One thousand German-made automatic rifles were thrown to the Chinese dispatched troops stationed in central China who had easier access to 79 bullets.

    Later, the Japanese army seized some Garand semi-automatic rifles used by the US military in the Pacific battlefield. They simply changed the caliber to the Japanese standard 77-caliber bullets and copied some of these semi-automatic rifles that fired fully loaded bullets. As for the American-made M  Although the Type 1 carbine has a higher rate of fire and is lighter, it is considered inferior to the automatic rifles of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Not only the senior figures scorned it, but no one in the troops below liked it either.

    It's just that this kind of semi-automatic rifle can only have an average rate of fire compared to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Although it is more popular among front-line officers and soldiers of the Japanese army, it is still considered by some people with real power among the top brass of the Japanese army to consume too much ammunition and undermine Japan's national strength.  Unaffordable without mass production.

    In the end, due to the low production process, the performance of this kind of equipment was much lower than that of the captured American original equipment. After it was changed to 77-caliber ammunition, although the quality was even worse, it could still be regarded as a weapon with good performance, at least in terms of firepower.  Density is high??It is much higher than that of a manual rifle.

    If it is really put into production and equipped to front-line combat troops, at least some of the light weapons can barely compete with the Type 40 rifles equipped by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and can fully compete with the Garand semi-automatic rifles equipped by the US military. We are no longer able to increase the number of light machine guns.  Under the configuration, only a part of them were produced and assigned to the Chinese Expeditionary Forces. They were used as infantry squads to strengthen their firepower and assigned to various strongholds to resist the endless harassment of the Communist army.

    After many failed experiments, the Japanese army finally found a weapon that was barely suitable for them. However, because there were some high-powered people in the top ranks of the Japanese army, they clung to the old ideas and still stubbornly believed that automatic weapons had poor accuracy.  The waste of ammunition is unbearable for Japan's national strength. It always talks about the old idea that it is better to equip one rifle with one hundred shots and one hundred hits than one hundred rifles that are always with one shot.

    Faced with the fact that almost all opponents are equipped with light weapons that exceed their own, they always emphasize tactical adjustments to face the enemy with superior firepower. Many marshal-level figures in the base camp, represented by the former chief of staff, have been  It emphasizes using the spirit of Bushido to fight the opponent's so-called will and spirit, rather than trying to solve the problem from the root.
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