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Text Chapter 302 The battle situation is like a chessboard

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    Commander Okamura Neiji's idea of ??using offense instead of defense was not wrong in Yoshimoto Teiichi's opinion.  The enemy has a large number of tanks and is extremely mobile.  There are also a large number of so-called armed forces behind enemy lines supporting the two flanks, and at the same time causing damage to the logistics supply lines of the divisions participating in the war in northern Shanxi.

    Pure defense can only be passively beaten everywhere.  For a long time, the entire Shanxi First Army could only run exhausted.  Substituting offense for defense, the elite divisions of the Imperial Army were concentrated to attack northward to contain the offensive that was the main force in the entire Shanxi battlefield to resist the alliance.  The inner Great Wall was used as a natural barrier to block the maneuverability of the anti-Union tank group.

    As long as several important passes of the Inner Great Wall are in the hands of the empire, the terrain there will be enough to prevent the anti-alliance tank troops from quickly advancing.  With several divisions advancing hand in hand, Northeastern Shanxi and Northern Shanxi coordinated with each other to fight steadily, without giving the Anti-Japanese Alliance any opportunity to make detours.

    At the same time, the newly recruited Peace Army of the Nanjing government, these former motley crews who had been marginalized by Chongqing, were eager to gain territory, and mobilized these people to carry out raids on the Communist Army base areas in North China. It can be said to be a classic of using China to control China.  These Nanjing government troops were used to fight against the Chongqing side to worry about mutiny.  There is absolutely no problem in dealing with the Communist army.

    For these moves of General Okamura, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi believed that they were a stroke of genius.  However, the disagreement between Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi and General Okamura Neiji happened exactly after entering northern Shanxi with the Denai Great Wall.  Okamura Neiji's plan was to use two wings to hold back the main force of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and use the 32nd Division in the center to advance northward, directly inserting into the line from Datong to Jining at the rear of the northern Shanxi battlefield, cutting off the entire supply line of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  .  A large-scale encirclement was implemented against the anti-alliance departments in northern Shanxi.

    And Yoshimoto Teiichi believes that after entering the north of the Great Wall, we must not underestimate the enemy and advance rashly. The three lines should join forces to fight steadily.  Little by little, we are working hard with the Anti-Japanese Alliance to fight for long-term continuous combat capabilities.  It is necessary to maintain the coercive posture of the army pressing down on the border and force them not to dare to go south.

    It won¡¯t be long before they themselves are overwhelmed by the huge logistical burden.  When the time comes, they will be short of guns and ammunition, and cannot even guarantee the most basic food supply. Facing the fierce offensive of the North China Front, although it is impossible to win without a fight, they can avoid all risks.

    At the same time, it can also alienate its relationship with the Soviet Union and weaken its capital to obtain long-term external supplementation.  Even if the Soviets delay supplies passing through their country for a month, it will be a breathing space for the entire Imperial Army on the North China battlefield.

    The current situation is that as the commander of the North China Front, Okamura Neiji is a little too eager for success, and his appetite is obviously too big.  And Yoshimoto Teiichi made use of the Kwantung Army's experience gained with blood, and what he talked about could be said to be a mature way of planning for the country.  The two sides continued to fight over telegrams, and Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo, commander of the 32nd Division, received two completely opposite telegrams.

    Although he is now the commander of the Japanese First Army in North China, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi has not completely separated from the role of chief of staff. He still has lingering fears about the performance of the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the entire battlefield.  When discussing with the Chief of Staff of the First Army in private, he couldn't stop praising him.

    Use the high mobility of tanks to bypass the defense lines of the two Japanese divisions in Suidong and Chaxi.  They forcibly detoured from the flanks, climbed over steep mountains that in the eyes of all the armies of the world were not suitable for tank marches, and penetrated into the hinterland of Suiyuan.  Before the North China Front could react, in a short period of time, it used its powerful tank cluster offensive to sweep across the entire Suiyuan and invade northern Shanxi in one fell swoop.

    Using a small force, with the cooperation of the so-called armed forces behind enemy lines, to sneak attack and seize Taiyuan.  The reinforcements mobilized by the empire were held back for several days.  It created great convenience for its offensive in the entire northern Shanxi battlefield.  Datong, the gateway to northern Shanxi, was captured in a short period of time.

    And swept across the entire northern Shanxi, with the forward pointing directly at the inner line of the Great Wall.  They even crossed the Inner Great Wall several times and seized several important counties inside and outside the Ningwu and Beitongpu Railway Great Wall.  The entire battlefield deployment and adjustment is like a chess game that has been conceived in advance, and almost every move is the most fatal part of the North China Front.

    On the Western Front battlefield, the Anti-Japanese Alliance successively displayed these moves.  Even as an enemy, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi had to say a word of admiration.  In Yoshimoto Teiichi's view, the entire combat operation of the anti-Japanese war was extremely meticulously planned, and the combination of steady and bold attacks achieved miraculous results.

    The entire combat operation is like an antelope hanging its horns in the Art of War.  Even if you can't trace it, it's like mercury running down the ground, making it hard for you to guard against.  That is to say, it specially stabs you in the waist and attacks you where you must save it.  And it often happens unexpectedly, leaving you confused and passive in the overall strategic deployment.

    Especially the use of tanks and mechanized troops, in Yoshimoto Seiichi's opinion, is no worse than the previous Germans.  Its use in battle almost subverted the entire world.Historically, there has been a view that tanks are not suitable for mountain combat, let alone crossing mountains.

    If he could be an opponent, Yoshimoto Teiichi really wanted to meet the person who planned the entire battle and have a good talk with him.  Although he had the Kwantung Army intelligence department in his hands, he found photos of the two top military officers of the Anti-Japanese Alliance from the archives of the 731st Unit.  But Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi really wanted to meet these two people.

    It is precisely because of this battle of the Anti-Alliance that an overall analysis was conducted from a staff perspective.  Coupled with the experience gained from long-term combat with the Anti-Japanese Alliance during the Kwantung Army period, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi repeatedly ignored General Okamura Neji's original plan and issued orders to Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo to fight steadily.

    And if Okamura Neiji really accepts all the suggestions he made, he will really hit the weak spot of the Anti-League.  The terrain of northern Shanxi is intertwined with basins and mountainous areas. If the Japanese army marched hand in hand in the mountainous areas, it would be really difficult for Chen Hanzhang to find fighters.

    At the same time, once the war is delayed for a long time, just as Yoshimoto Teiichi expected, the Anti-Japanese Alliance will be overwhelmed.  Relying on road transportation for a long time consumes huge amounts of fuel and will completely wear down the logistics transportation lines of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Almost all the required combat materials need to be transported thousands of miles from the northeast.

    Now that there are no expressways and most roads are in extremely poor condition, the price paid is not only fuel, but also time.  Moreover, the huge consumption of ammunition on the two battlefields also made the anti-alliance military industry department somewhat overwhelmed.  Reserved raw materials are declining at an unprecedented rate.  As the war drags on, the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the battlefield in northern Shanxi will become increasingly passive.

    This Yoshimoto Sadakachi not only clearly saw the real weakness of the Northern Shanxi Resistance Alliance, but also clearly judged the serious estrangement between the Resistance Alliance and the Soviet Union over the seizure of US and British aid equipment.  If the Japanese army really implements his suggestions, Chen Hanzhang may have even more headaches.

    It¡¯s just that although his point of view is correct, the real decision-maker, General Okamura Neiji, cannot adopt it.  As the commander of a strategic group under the North China Front, Yoshimoto Teiichi can certainly take back northern Shanxi in a leisurely manner.  But General Okamura Neji, who is now under tremendous pressure from the base camp, is unable to do so.

    The Anti-Alliance forces have been used to their limit, but the Japanese troops who are now reaching out everywhere have also used their forces to their limit.  The base camp is actively planning an attack on Australia, completely destroying the U.S. counterattack base in the South Pacific, and making the most adequate preparations to ensure the safety of the absolute defense circle.

    But the current strength of the base camp in Southeast Asia is obviously insufficient when the Southern Army is also planning to attack India.  The base camp is calling three times a day, urging Okamura Neiji to stabilize the war situation in North China as soon as possible and ensure the safety of Shanxi, Hebei, and the Beining Railway.

    And General Hata Shunroku, the commander of the Japanese dispatched troops in Nanjing, also repeatedly warned Okamura Neiji that the reinforcements he dispatched were risk-takingly drawn from various theaters.  While Chongqing's military strength is still there and the important grain and cotton producing areas of East and Central China must be ensured, it cannot fight outside for a long time.

    Under the huge pressure from both sides, how can Okamura Neji still play steadily?  Formulating this plan of containing the two wings and penetrating Datong in the middle is already the most stable play method that Okamura Neiji can think of under the current conditions.  If we follow Yoshimoto Seiichi's ideas, I'm afraid the base camp won't agree at all.

    In fact, for the front-line commander Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo, he actually believed more in the judgment of Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi.  The air power of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the First Battle of Taiyuan caused the loss of nearly one-third of his 32nd Division.  After a long period of recuperation in Taiyuan, I barely regained my strength.

    Although the Japanese army currently has two field divisions concentrated in northern Shanxi, which is equivalent to a division detachment, plus two brigade-level detachments, it can be said that they have elite soldiers and strong generals.  However, Ide Tetsuzo, who was almost killed when he was bombed outside Taiyuan, was not very optimistic about the prospects of General Okamura's plan.

    "The reason why he was able to quickly break through Ruyuekou before was that he strictly implemented the orders of Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi, which made him firmly believe that Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi's judgment was correct.  Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo, who was in the midst of two contradictory orders, really wanted to fully comply with Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teichi's requirements.

    But he dared not fail to carry out the orders of General Okamura Neiji, the commander of the North China Front.  Although General Okamura Neiji did not directly remove his power, he could use the base camp to pack his bags and get out.  And after returning to the mainland, even the Military Senate, known as the General's Nursing Home, would not let him in.

    Looking at the Yingxian city wall opposite and listening to the intensive gunfire in the city, Lieutenant General Ide Tetsou gritted his teeth and deployed two more squadrons from his left-wing security force and put them into Yingxian County.  For Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo, no matter what happens,The most important thing to do at the moment is to carry out whose order it is and capture Yingxian County to open the passage to the north.

    At this moment, Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo did not know that in the northwest mountainous area of ????Yingxian County on his left wing, the two regiments of the 10th Division were seizing the time to conduct final pre-war training and hoard ammunition and other combat supplies.  On the one hand, there were blood-red eyes staring at his every move.

    Lieutenant General Ide Tetsuzo, who was dizzy after being constantly urged by Okamura Neiji and being sent steady telegrams by Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teichi, still had no final solution to the two squadrons transferred into the city.  After the battle, the 32nd Division used what was later called the most foolish move in the Yingxian battle.

    He was eager to seize the county seat of Ying County and explain it to General Okamura Neiji.  With repeated increases in troops failing to completely resolve the battle, the last infantry brigade on his left wing was mobilized and a squadron was thrown into the battle for the county seat of Yingxian.

    And concentrated an infantry brigade and searched for two squadrons of the regiment, launched an attack to the northeast of Yingxian County, trying to open a northward passage bypassing Yingxian County despite the delay in taking Yingxian County.  At the same time, defeat the defenders in the northeast as quickly as possible and cut off the last enemy force around Yingxian County
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