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Text Chapter 254: Must fight

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    It's just that although on the battlefields on both sides of Xinjing, the Anti-Japanese Alliance defeated almost all the armored forces invested by the Japanese army on the battlefield. Relying on the advantage of heavy equipment, they also clearly had the upper hand and initiative on the battlefield, but they destroyed the Japanese armored clusters.  , only pulled out the sharpest claws invested in the Japanese counterattack.

    At most, it can be regarded as destroying the biggest obstacle that can prevent the Anti-Japanese Alliance from encircling the entire Greater Xinjing battlefield, but this does not mean that the next offensive can be overwhelming. In fact, the resistance of the Japanese army is still extremely tenacious, and the Kwantung Army continues to attack Xinjing.  Additional troops were deployed on the surrounding battlefields, and even in the core of southern Manchuria, only one division remained.

    Compared with the northern Shanxi battlefield, which is located in the hinterland of Guanhai and close to the jurisdiction of several war zones in Chongqing, it has attracted domestic attention. The Xinjing battlefield, which is isolated in the northeast, did not cause much sensation in the country, but because  Observers from the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union visited the front line in person, attracting almost the entire world's attention.

    The fierce battle, the high price paid by both sides, and the fierce ground and air firepower from both the enemy and ourselves were completely blown into ruins. In addition to the wreckage of destroyed equipment everywhere, all the buildings in Xinjing were razed to the ground.  Because of its brutality, the battlefield was called the Battle of Verdun in the East by the American and British media.

    At this time, the even more tragic Battle of Stalingrad had not yet begun. During the defense of Moscow, the German Army Group Center had been severely damaged and the front had been advanced more than 300 kilometers to the west. At this moment, the smug Soviet army was preparing for Hal  Battle of Cobh Offensive.

    The German troops on the Soviet-German battlefield also seized the time, desperately mobilized troops, transported supplementary equipment and ammunition from the rear to the front, and adjusted their deployment at all costs, preparing to recover from the huge losses last winter. At this moment  The Soviet-German battlefield is in a rare period of calm. There are almost no tragic battles, so naturally it will not be praised by the media.

    When Western media describes this tragic battle, they still use the most tragic Battle of Verdun during World War I as a comparison. However, this gimmick is enough to attract headlines from media around the world, especially in the battlefields of Southeast Asia, which is suffering unprecedented defeats.  In order to boost their country's low morale, the American and British media spared no effort in advocating for the Anti-Japanese Alliance in newspapers. The help of the American and British media actually contributed to the final settlement of the stalemate negotiations with the Soviet Union.

    In the current Northeast War situation, although it is still in a stalemate, the Anti-Japanese Alliance has also paid a heavy price, especially the urgent need for tanks, artillery shells, aerial bombs, and a large amount of military raw materials.  When the Soviet Union seized U.S. aid supplies and equipment, the most urgently needed military materials for the Anti-Japanese Alliance were not replenished.

    Under the constant supervision and pressure from the United States and Britain, there has been a stalemate with the Soviet Union. There has also been the latest progress in the Soviet Union's seizure of military aid to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Soviet Union have each taken a step back.  And left behind this batch of US aid equipment for personal use for recourse.

    The Soviets agreed to allocate the most urgently needed 200,000 rounds of 122 howitzer shells and 20000 rounds of 152 howitzer shells to the Anti-Japanese Alliance from their stocks in the Far East. At the same time, the impounded US aid tanks had already been damaged by the battle.  Under the circumstances, the Matilda II tanks assisted by the British were transferred to part of the Anti-Japanese Alliance as compensation.

    Although the Anti-Japanese League made some concessions to the Soviet Union in the distribution of US aid supplies, the Soviets also agreed to accept a group of cadres and soldiers selected by the Anti-Japanese League to go to the Soviet Union in the name of learning the navy and take over part of the Soviet naval defense  , and agreed to transfer a batch of aviation technology to the Anti-Japanese Alliance and develop a long-range fighter for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to escort bombing Japanese troops.

    Yang Zhen took the opportunity to ask the Soviets for 500 aviation torpedoes stored by the Pacific Fleet, as well as a batch of gas masks and anti-virus tools. At the same time, the Soviet Union also promised that if similar incidents occur in the future, the two sides will coordinate with each other to resolve them and will not take similar measures.  Actions that intensify conflicts.

    After listening to Yang Zhen's report on the progress of the Northeastern battlefield and the latest progress in the negotiations with the Soviet Union, which was of greatest concern to the central government, the boss's brows knit together. After a long time, the boss said: "Once you have fought this battle, the entire Northeastern battlefield will be over."  The initiative is in our hands from now on. If we fail, it will be a serious injury to you and you will not be able to recover within a few years. "

    "And judging from the current progress of the battle and the average consumption rate of two regiments per day, even if you have achieved a decisive victory, judging from the number of casualties, I am afraid it can only be said to be a tragic victory. Once the old bones of the army are lost,  Too many, which will have a considerable impact on the future development of the army.¡±

    "Comrade Yang Zhen, can you consider shrinking the Northeast battlefield to a certain extent and reducing the investment of troops. If the situation permits, switch to offensive to defensive across the entire Northeast, because not only the Northeast battlefield, but also the northern Shanxi battlefield needs  You are the main force.¡±

    "The number of reinforcements mobilized from the Japanese army"Look, in the future, there will be a cruel and bloody battle in the northern Shanxi battlefield. Judging from the current battle situation, the troops in the pass are not yet able to undertake the main combat tasks. In other words, you still need to be the main force in the northern Shanxi battlefield.  .  "

    "Under the massive consumption of two major battlefields at the same time, whether your troops can persist, or preserve their vitality, is the issue that the central government is most concerned about. The situation in the Northeast battlefield is so tense that an average of two entire regiments are consumed every day.  Coupled with the fierce battles you may have to bear in the northern Shanxi battlefield, you can imagine the burden on you. "

    "The Central Committee also knows that this battle is fought not only to meet the needs of our overall strategy, but also to cooperate with the international situation. But Comrade Yang Zhen, is it completely worth paying such a high price? We  We must have a long-term plan and cannot imitate the Northwest Army in the Central Plains War.¡±

    "Don't give up at all times, ignore everything, devote everything to the battlefield. If you win, everyone will be the king. If you lose, everyone will be scattered. The chairman has said more than once that the scenery is long and we should take a broad view. Today I put this  One sentence, once again, remember, we want long-term development, not just immediate benefits.¡±

    "We are not Americans, let alone British, or even Soviets. Even if your industrial construction has made great achievements, we cannot compare with Japan, a modern industrial country. We cannot compete in a battle.  In the meantime, let go of all the money you have in your hands.¡±

    "Don't forget, this is a long and drawn-out war. Your armored forces, heavy artillery units, and aviation units are the hope of the entire army, and they are also the basis and basis for our construction of these units. Once they are all destroyed, the impact will be  Not only your Northeast battlefield, but also the future development of our army.¡±

    In response to the boss's heartfelt persuasion, Yang Zhen did not immediately answer the boss's words. Instead, he suddenly fell silent, looked at the mountains outside this small cave, and after a long time he said: "Boss, I understand what you are thinking.  , I also know very well that in the eyes of many people in the central government, this battle is similar to a battle of surrender. "

    "We use the future and development of our own army, and even the blood of cadres and soldiers, to flatter the United States and Britain in exchange for charity from the United States and Britain. As soon as this battle started, the chairman called me repeatedly to ask me what this battle was like.  Whether the battle is sure enough and whether the troops can bear the corresponding huge consumption.¡±

    "But boss, whether it is your rhetorical question today or the previous inquiry from the chairman, I still say one thing: We must fight this battle, no matter how much the price is, we must fight this battle. This is not against me personally.  It is for the future development of our army that this battle must be fought and must be won.¡±

    "The Anti-Japanese Alliance is not the Northwest Army before the Central Plains War, and I am not that General Feng Huanzhang. This battle, whether it is a letter of honor or flattery, must be fought. First, this is the future of the North Manchu base area and the Anti-Japanese Alliance  Development is a necessary step. The development and growth of the army are not achieved by conserving strength, but by fighting battle after battle. "

    "This operation is actually fundamentally speaking, it is our army's first regular large-scale coordinated operation, large-scale infantry tanks, ground and air firepower, coordinated operations. Compared with last year, its combat mode can be said to be further quantified.  And refinement, last year¡¯s battle can only be said to be some exploration and summary based on a blank sheet of paper.¡±

    "This year's battle is the real test of our army's synthetic warfare capabilities. We have no foundation and little time to explore bit by bit. We can only continuously improve our army's synthetic warfare through continuous actual combat training."  level, and explore integrated strategies and tactics that suit our military¡¯s operational characteristics.¡±

    "One of the characteristics of me is that everything is based on the development level of our military. We do not focus on foreigners, do not worship foreigners, and do not copy them wholesale. We can learn from good foreign experiences, but we cannot copy them wholesale.  Everything must be based on our own situation and development to formulate our own development direction.¡±

    "Our army cannot always stay at the level of millet plus rifles, nor can it always stay at the level of only fighting guerrilla warfare against the enemy. The army needs to develop and grow, and the situation at home and abroad is different. What should we do?  Gradually accumulate experience through battle after battle.¡±

    "Second, in fact, this battle is exactly what some people say. To put it nicely, it is the requirement of the development and changes of the domestic and international situation. To put it ugly, it is to flatter the United States and Britain. It is a pledge of support. At present, the United States and Britain are the most important  When you are weak."

    "Although we have reached an agreement with the United States and Britain, it can be said that the United States and Britain have complete distrust of our military. Our difficulty in obtaining assistance is far more difficult than that of the Soviet Union and Chongqing. The United States and Britain want to use us, but they are even more wary of us.  "

    "Add more?Some parties are secretly involved because of their own interests and considerations about the post-war situation. We want foreign machinery and equipment to build our own modern industry. It is impossible without spending some capital. There is no free lunch in the world.  Don't spend any money.  "

    "Boss, don't tell lies in front of real people. Some people are not wrong. I can say that a considerable part of this battle is for the United States and Britain. This battle is our capital to win aid from the United States and Britain. The Japanese  The national strength of Japan is there to compete with the United States and Britain. Even if they fight on both sides, the Japanese national strength is far from their opponent. "

    "Now if we don't take advantage of the fact that the United States and Britain were defeated by the Japanese offensive, and the entire Pacific battlefield is in a weak situation, and wait until the United States and Britain reverse the situation before taking action, we will be defeated and nothing will be achieved. Once the Americans feel that we have already  If there is no use value, not a cent of the equipment will be given to us.¡±

    "Boss, this is the reality. In the eyes of Americans, we are not a central government. To put it nicely, we are a local government. At worst, we are a political party. In terms of dealing with Americans and seeking American assistance, we are  At an absolute disadvantage, anyone can become our obstacle, and everyone thinks they can take things out of our pockets and put them into their own pockets. "This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, and you can read the original content first.  !
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