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Text Chapter 246: Exchange of Ideas

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    The central decision conveyed by the boss gave Yang Zhen a headache. He didn't care if Guyang was abandoned, but even the Maoming'an United Flag, where Baiyun Obo is located, was handed over to Houtao. This really made it difficult for him to accept. The entire Suibei,  It was a very important part of his entire plan. As a result, all his original plans for Beiman and Suixi, the two major industrial zones to go hand in hand, could only be abandoned.

    But the central government has already decided, and it is difficult for him to raise objections. Damn it, who made this suggestion with the central government, Guyang got the upper hand, and it does not affect the overall situation. As long as the Maominggan United Flag is in his hands, even if  If Guyang is not taken down, at most it will be a nail in the whole system, at least in the short term, it will not be able to affect the overall situation.

    As for the more than two thousand puppet Mongolian troops in Bailing Temple, Yang Zhen didn't pay attention at all. He sent out a regiment and solved them in a short time. He was also careless. If Chen Hanzhang made a detour to the northern foot of Yinshan Mountain,  If you take the Bailing Temple back with ease, you won't have those troubles anymore.

    If before Chen Hanzhang's roundabout insertion, he only considered the logistical supply issues of the roundabout troops, but did not take into account the vast area of ??Suibei, he would not calculate the troops so tightly and allow Chen Hanzhang to have more spare parts in the distribution of troops.  As for so much trouble.

    He knew very well that the deputy commander of the Eighth Theater Zone behind him had a strong ability to capture fighter planes. He probably already knew the situation of the Japanese and puppet troops' deployment. Although it was not yet clear why he had not taken action for a long time, but  Even though the maneuverability and combat effectiveness of his unit were absolutely top-notch in the entire national army, he was still so careless and reduced his troops too thinly. He also had no idea about Chen Hanzhang's suggestion to put aside the first-line pseudo-Mongolian army in Bailing Temple.  Pay attention.

    Nor did I expect that the puppet Mongolian army on the front line of Bailing Temple, after so many years of fighting with the back cover, would actually surrender immediately when their master behind them was defeated and their retreat was cut off.  Behind the scenes, without the strategic control point of Bailing Temple, even if the Maoming'an United Banner is in its own hands, there will be a lot of trouble.

    Bailing Temple is not Guyang, where the Japanese-occupied area and the Houtao-controlled area hand over. Once it is seized by the Houtao side, it will not be as simple as hammering a nail into one's forward position. Bailing Temple is located dozens of kilometers east of Maoming'an Banner.  Having the temple in the hands of the back cover is almost like inserting a knife into the heart of one's heart.

    Fighting, although I am not afraid of the commander in the back cover, will destroy the current relatively calm and stable situation in the back cover and northern Shaanxi, and even cause a chain reaction of the commander in Yulin in northern Shaanxi.  The Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, semi-surrounded by the war zone, was really surrounded by enemies on all sides.

    But if you don¡¯t fight, with Bailing Temple as a nail in your belly, you will not be able to settle down for a day, and all your industrial business plans will not be launched. You will never be able to work hard to create a foundation. In the end, you will not have a penny.  Send what you collect to others.

    The boss was right. After the front-line puppet Mongolian army in Bailing Temple surrendered to Houtao, the opportunity to seize the entire Suibei was lost. Unless he openly fell out with Houtao, he would never be able to recapture Suibei. Although he  Not afraid of the ever-conquering general, there is really no way to openly fall out with the Houtao area at this time.

    Moreover, not only can we not fall out with the back cover, but we should also try our best to avoid conflicts with the Chongqing side in any region, so as not to give the United States and Britain any excuses internationally, especially those who are always causing trouble behind the scenes and are still thinking about it.  The British who take advantage of the Chinese must be on guard.

    Judging from the speed with which he captured Guyang, that man was able to seize Baotou in the Shanxi-Sui Military Region. When all the main anti-alliance forces in the Suiyuan battlefield moved south to the northern Shanxi battlefield, he did not use his unit's maneuverability to cross over.  Yinshan seized Guisui, did not seize Tuohetuo and Qingshuihe, and intervened in the Baotou war, which already showed that he still had some leeway in doing things.

    If he gets involved, the fun will be really great. He is the chairman of Suiyuan Province, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth War Zone, and the internationally recognized military and political commander of Suiyuan. Suiyuan is his territory.  , if they really fall out, the international and domestic situation will be unfavorable to the central government. This is indeed not the right time to fall out with them for Suibei.

    After thinking for a long time, Yang Zhen raised his head and said: "Boss, you are right. Since the Guyang line has fallen into the hands of the back cover, it is indeed impossible for us to insist on building a steel industry base in Baotou, and we cannot openly fall out with them.  Under the circumstances, if we don¡¯t recapture the front line of Bailing Temple, even if the Maoming¡¯an United Flag is in our hands, it will be difficult to stabilize it.¡±

    "A large number of well-trained main forces are tied up in Suibei, which will have a great impact on the battlefield inside the pass. Moreover, our army cannot maintain a large number of long-term garrisons on the line of Tuohetuo and Qingshui River. Once someone intervenes, our army will be left alone.  IncludedThe main force of the Jinsui Military Region is still quite dangerous.  "

    "The deputy commander-in-chief of the Eighth Theater Zone is quite a kind person. He did not have a hand in our army's Suiyuan battle this time, but I heard that his deputy and commander of the Yike Zhao League garrison is not very honest.  The Kezhao League borders the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, and the Yi League garrison has a cavalry division. If they cross the Yellow River and seize the Tuohetuo and Qingshui River lines, the straight-line connection between our army in Baotou and northwest Shanxi will be completely cut off.  ¡±

    "The cavalry's mobile assault capabilities are still very strong in the rear. Only by mobilizing heavy troops can we dispel their thoughts of extending their hands into Suibei. You are right. Under the current situation, unless we take down the entire Yikezhao  Otherwise, it would be unsafe to build an industrial base in Baotou.¡±

    "In this way, if the central government approves it, I suggest that we can also hand over the Baotou area. Our army's defense line will be withdrawn to the line from Chasuqi to Tuohetuo. However, it should not be handed over to the back cover, but to the Jin.  Commander of the Sui-Shaanxi Border Region, but they want to hand over the Yulin area, especially Shenmu and Fugu counties, to us, and their Shanxi-Suiyuan-Shaanxi Border Region headquarters will withdraw to the Baotou area."

    "Although Baotou is handed over, as long as the Yulin area can be exchanged, especially Shenmu and Fugu, the entire northern Shanxi will directly border the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. This will be very important for the next strategic development of our army.  It is beneficial, and it is also quite secure for the security of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region.¡±

    After careful consideration of Yang Zhen's suggestion, the boss nodded slightly and said, "This can be considered, but it may be difficult. Although the commander of the Shanxi-Suiyuan-Shaanxi Border Region has always had a good relationship with us, he has to accept the offer from the Eighth Theater Command."  This is the order of the deputy commander-in-chief who is commanding hundreds of thousands of troops to defend the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region on our behalf.¡±

    "Without the order from his immediate superior, he will not give up his defense area easily. As for the first disciple of the Emperor in Chongqing, he will not give up Yulin, a strategic town that controls the north gate of our Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region. Your  The idea is good, but the chances of it being realized are not high.¡±

    "Another problem is that its unit is an indigenous local armed force in northern Shaanxi, and the Yulin area is its base. Although the unit has a good relationship with our army, it may be difficult for it to give up its base, especially Fugu and Shenmu.  It is its main food producing area, so it is not easy for them to move north to Baotou, which they regard as a bitter and cold place. "

    "This unit has occupied Yulin City and several counties in northern Shaanxi for nearly thirty years since the early years of the Republic of China. Although it has served as two army commanders, the unit has almost never left Yulin. The vast majority of its officers and soldiers  Some of them are also natives of Yulin and northern Shaanxi. If they are asked to give up Yulin, I am afraid it will be difficult for the officers and soldiers of the department to do their job. "

    "In this way, the central government will try its best to do the work, but I have no way to determine whether this work can be done successfully. If it can be done successfully, Baotou for Yulin will directly connect the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region with northern Shanxi, and  It is the best result to be completely integrated with northwest Shanxi.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's suggestion, the boss thinks it is a good idea, but looking at the overall situation, the boss thinks the result will not be very optimistic. As for Yang Zhen, he has put forward this suggestion, but whether it is implemented or not depends on the central government.  Decided that since Suixi's matter has reached this point, he will not interfere in any more.

    As for the cooperation between major strategic areas and the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the battlefield in Shanxi, Yang Zhen can't say too much, but this problem is indeed very serious now. It's not that the troops in the pass are not brave, nor that they accept the mission.  Avoiding the easy and taking the serious, but the guerrilla habit of fighting when the victory is won for many years and leaving when the victory is not achieved is really out of tune with this kind of warfare.

    In the early days of the Datong campaign, a regiment from the Jinsui Military Region cooperated with Mu Changqiu's plan to seize Gaoshan Town and cut off the road from Datong to Zuoyun. However, this regiment, which cooperated with an artillery company of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, fought for more than an hour because  The Japanese and puppet troops resisted tenaciously. They felt that there was no advantage to be gained by continuing to fight so hard, so they evacuated without permission because it was not worthwhile.

    As a result, Mu Changqiu had no choice but to allocate some of his already very tight troops to seize Gaoshan Town and contain the line from Gaoshan Town to Yungang, which is the key point of the Datong-Zuoyun Highway.  The development will be a big hidden danger.

    And although there are not many Japanese and puppet troops here, it is still a bit unsafe to keep such a Japanese and puppet stronghold by your side. When a regiment from the Jinsui Military Region that cooperated with the operation evacuated without even saying hello,  Mu Changqiu could only make enough food and clothing by himself.

    However, he temporarily transferred three companies. Although the number of troops was not large, it weakened the already insufficient assault force. The troops that broke into Datong were almost beaten out by the Japanese counterattack because all the follow-up troops were not in place.  if notA BT tank company that entered the city, at the cost of all being destroyed, firmly contained the Japanese army's all-out counterattack on the breach. I am afraid that the Datong battlefield will not be what it is now.

    After Chen Hanzhang went south, the problems in the cooperation between the two armies increased day by day. When there was an urgent need for brotherly troops to cooperate, it was often difficult to find brotherly troops to cooperate with him. This was even more of a headache for Chen Hanzhang. Every time  Before the battle, people have to be sent everywhere to look for them, but the key is where to find these light and flexible brother troops for the Anti-Japanese Alliance who are unfamiliar with the place.

    Chen Hanzhang deployed a number of radio stations to strengthen the cooperating troops of the Jinsui Military Region, but found that the time for these military radios to be turned off was much longer than the time for them to be turned on. Once the radio was turned off, no orders could be conveyed, even if they were stationed at that fixed location.  , and did not pay attention to setting up telephone lines and wartime communications, resulting in frequent human failures.

    The most troublesome thing for him was that the battle here had not yet started. These brother troops mobilized together and destroyed the road in a mess. The entire road west of Tongpu Road in the northern Shanxi battlefield was almost completely destroyed by the brother troops participating in the battle.  , not only was the highway completely destroyed, but not a single telegraph pole along the line was demolished.
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