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Text Chapter 243 Dilemma is just the beginning

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    Although Yang Zhen had already made preparations when he came, after all, the losses caused by the Japanese army's raid last year were in his mind at this time. He also knew very well that the originally barren and impoverished northwest of Shanxi might not be able to fully bear the burden.  If he could afford half of the food needed for the first battle, he would be satisfied.

    But he still didn't expect that even if he wanted a small amount, he would still have difficulty raising money. He knew that killing people to raise troops was absolutely unacceptable. Even if the army ran out of food, he couldn't plunder all the people's food and kill them.  The people support the army, the army is the fish, and the people are the water. Without water, even if the fish can survive for a while, it will not last long.

    However, the food problem has now become the biggest dilemma for the combat troops in northern Shanxi. The northern Shanxi region itself has never been a major food-producing area. On weekdays, a large amount of food needs to be transported from other places to meet the needs, especially in Pianguan, Zuoyun, and Youyun.  Jade has never been a source of food in Shanxi. Now that so many troops are concentrated, it is even more difficult to raise enough food.

    Although all the miners rescued from the Datong Coal Mine have withdrawn to their base areas, they are no longer able to support the combat troops alone. Since Mu Changqiu transferred to Datong to fight, the total food he can raise locally is less than one thousand dan.  In this regard, the Anti-League also had certain conflicts with Zuo Yun's local armed forces.

    The amount of grain seized in Jining is indeed large, but it is impossible to maintain unlimited consumption for a long time. After Wang Minggui's troops and the troops deployed by the advancing army arrived in northern Shanxi, the food problem rose to a level directly related to this time.  The key issue for the success or failure of the Datong Campaign.

    Although Wang Minggui's troops carried a lot of food, they could still meet part of their needs in a short period of time. The troops mobilized from the advancing direction also seized a lot of food in the relatively wealthy Yanggao and Tianzhen.  , and raised part of the food in Yanggao, but this was not a long-term solution after all.

    Yang Zhen did not expect that northwest Shanxi, which was continuously raided by the Japanese army, would be able to provide a large amount of food in the long term, but Yang Zhen still hoped to raise a batch of food in the short term to ease the pressure on anti-union transportation. After all, with the Japanese army  As reinforcements arrive one after another, all logistics transportation must prioritize ammunition.

    The standard weapons of the Anti-League, except for some mountain shells, whether they are light weapons or heavy weapons, the captured trophies cannot be used at all. In the entire world, only the Anti-League uses 7.62*39 rifle ammunition, and only the Anti-League uses 7.62*39 rifle ammunition.  Liancai used 82 recoilless rifles and twin 23mm anti-aircraft guns.

    107 rocket launchers and 122 rocket launchers. In addition to the 107mm rocket launchers that are also used by the Soviet Union, the 122 rocket launchers are the only ones used by the Anti-Japanese War. The power of these weapons with unique calibers is indeed amazing, surpassing that of most of today's rockets.  Small arms and similar weapons used by most countries.

    However, these ammunition are only used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the world. There is no place to capture them. The captured ammunition cannot be used universally. Especially these weapons generally have fast firing rates and high firepower density. The consumption of this ammunition is also  Far more than a manual rifle.

    These ammunitions, which are only for the Anti-Alliance equipment, including all the ammunition required by other Anti-Alliance forces, can only be transported thousands of miles from the rear, especially in the absence of railway lines and nearly half of the transportation can only rely on roads.  This will inevitably affect the transportation of food.

    The most critical issue now is not only the heavy pressure on transportation, but road conditions have also become a serious problem. As the weather begins to get warmer, last winter's frozen soil has been cultivated on a large scale. Simple roads that were already in poor condition have fallen into trouble.  Into a piece of mud.

    The driving of wheeled vehicles has been greatly restricted. It not only consumes more time and fuel, but also limits the transportation capacity and efficiency to a certain extent. The muddy roads make even American-made vehicles with excellent performance and high engine horsepower difficult.  Trucks often get stuck.

    Yang Zhen's idea is that the northwest Shanxi region can provide at least half of the food needed for the Datong battlefield, which is enough to relieve some pressure on the already overwhelmed Anti-Japanese supply lines. However, even with all the efforts in the northwest Shanxi region, and Yang Jicai's  The Japanese army's grain stocks rushed out of Taiyuan could only produce more than 10,000 shi of grain, which was far from the amount they expected.

    As for the drought that the boss mentioned, he remembered that it only happened in Henan. How come the southeastern Shanxi, southern Hebei, and Hebei, Shandong, and Henan regions were also hit by famines. But considering the boss¡¯s personality, and since it came from his mouth, Yang Zhen believed this kind of drought.  The situation must have happened, and it is definitely not an exaggeration for some reason.

    In fact, Yang Zhen did not know that the drought and locust plague that occurred in 1942 was not concentrated in Henan Province alone, but swept across the entire North China region. Henan was just one of the hardest hit areas with the largest number of people starving to death.  It is just one of the hardest-hit areas. Of course, Henan, which has only dozens of counties but bears the supply of hundreds of thousands of troops, also has the largest number of disaster victims.??A province.

    In the various base areas behind enemy lines in North China, the disasters in southern Hebei, Hebei, Shandong and Henan were no worse than those in Henan. The Taiyue and Taihang districts in southeastern Shanxi were also severely affected, but after painstaking deployment,  However, the situation has not deteriorated to the level in Henan.

    Among them, the disasters in southern Hebei and Hebei, Shandong and Henan were particularly severe, not much less severe than in Henan. Moreover, the disasters that had been revealed since the end of 2001 would have lasted far longer than when the grain supply came down in the summer of 2003.  In Henan, which had completely alleviated the disaster, the situation only worsened in 2002.

    The transfer of troops from the Southern Hebei Military Region to the Taihang District to participate in the war is certainly to solve part of the reason for the Taihang Military Region's original shortage of troops in the current situation of dealing with an unprecedented war, but a considerable part of the reason is due to last year's disaster and the cruelty of the Japanese army.  Under the raids, a considerable number of areas in Jinan District, which has already experienced food shortages, are no longer able to supply so many troops.

    Hebei, Shandong and Henan suffered a large-scale harvest failure in autumn last year because there was no water all winter and winter wheat was not sown. This spring, the scope of the spring drought continues to expand. In the beginning of this spring, the southern Hebei Military Region is really unable to provide food.  Next, disband the only cavalry regiment.

    With the disbandment of this cavalry regiment, the entire Guan Nei army no longer has any bases except for the fifth division of the New Fourth Army operating in the southeastern Henan and northern Anhui areas, which have slightly better economic conditions, and an established cavalry regiment.  into an organized cavalry.

    What Yang Zhen didn't even know was that the situation that the entire North China base area would encounter this year and next would be much worse than he had originally understood. The drought that swept across North China only lasted for one year in Henan.  After the summer grain harvest in 1943, there was fundamental relief. However, in parts of southeastern Shanxi, southern Hebei, Hebei, Shandong and Henan, the epidemic lasted for three full years.

    The drought and the locust plague that accompanied the drought in Taihang, southern Hebei, Hebei, Shandong and Henan regions in 2003 were more severe than the drought in 2042. In particular, the southern Hebei and Hebei, Shandong and Henan regions suffered the longest drought.  The drought is also the area with the greatest losses. In some areas, the drought has lasted for four or four years.

    Long-term natural disasters, as well as the frequent raids by the Japanese army in 44 years ago, have caused the area of ??the North China base area to shrink sharply since last year, and the development of the army has come to a standstill. Especially after the loss of the Jizhong Plain, known as North China Ukraine, the various base areas in North China have gradually become smaller and smaller.  difficult.

    Troops in various places are not only severely downsized, but most of the time can only be used for production and self-rescue. The shortage of guns, ammunition, food and clothing has seriously adversely affected all troops. It has become a common phenomenon in various troops. There was a meeting at the Eighth Route Army headquarters, and all the people participating in the meeting were  He was a senior officer, but he couldn't even sit still because he was hungry, so he could only lie down and listen to the report.

    This is true for high-level agencies, not to mention the troops below. What is placed in front of each base area is that the problems of food and survival of the troops must be solved first, and then the battle. If the troops cannot eat, they cannot even stand up, let alone fight.  , fought.

    This period was also a period that was constantly criticized by some so-called fans of later generations. In fact, after experiencing this famine that lasted for three years, the troops in North China did not partially recover until the autumn of 1944, not to mention weapons and equipment.  , First of all, the troops couldn¡¯t even eat, so why did they talk about fighting, but some people just pretended not to see it.

    At this moment, Yang Zhen didn't even know how much of a burden the drought in North China had brought to the Northeast throughout the second half of 1942 and 1943. From the winter of 1942 to the first year of 1943, Northeast China passed through Shanxi Province.  The amount of grain transported into the pass reached millions of tons, and millions of victims were received from the Henan, southern Hebei, Hebei, Shandong and Henan regions. The soybeans used as nutrients were transferred to the pass alone, reaching 50,000 tons.

    Coupled with the troops from various base areas in Guan who entered the Northeast for rotation training, the burden on the Northeast base in the entire 1943 period exceeded the total of the years before 1942. It can be said that in 1943, the Northeast and the Anti-Japanese Alliance borne almost all the troops in Guan except  Food needs of party, government and military personnel in all base areas except the New Fourth Army and Shandong Military Region.

    Fortunately, the weather has been good in the North Manchuria area in the past two years. In addition, the agricultural planting structure has been adjusted. The planting of low-yielding sorghum and millet has been basically canceled and replaced by the planting of wheat and corn with much higher yields. This has improved the overall food quality of the North Manchu base area.  The yield is several times higher than when sorghum was the main crop.

    And in 1942, the Production and Construction Corps used a large number of tractors and harvesters aided by the United States to reclaim a large amount of wasteland and harvest nearly one million tons of additional grain. During the battle in 1942, they captured several famous areas around Xinjing.  Large grain-producing counties have added many new channels for grain sources.

    In addition, emergency negotiations with the United States and the Soviet Union used 10,000 tons of mutton to obtain back the 150,000 tons of Canadian flour, 10,000 tons of sugar, and 20,000 tons of American canned meat originally planned to be transferred to the Soviet Union, which was also to a certain extent.  Alleviationpressure, otherwise the economy of the Northeast base area will collapse.

    At this time, Yang Zhen had never thought about the impact of this natural disaster that swept across North China. The current food dilemma had just begun. The real dilemma was still waiting for him and Northeast China.  Bureau, as well as major base areas in North China within the pass.

    But these are all things for later. For him now, the most critical thing is to solve the problem of food needed. Even if it is only part of the food needed to solve the battlefield in northern Shanxi, it is better than transporting all the food from the rear area.  , at least part of the transportation capacity can be freed up to increase the transportation volume of ammunition.

    However, these more than 10,000 kilograms of grain amounted to only 1.2 million kilograms of grain, which could only meet the needs of the participating troops in the northern Shanxi battlefield for six days. The more than 50,000 troops, based on four kilograms of grain per person per day, needed 20 kilograms of grain per day.  Thousands of kilograms of grain, coupled with the large number of war horses and pack horses needed, this amount of food is really insufficient.

    But fortunately, it is better to satisfy one week than nothing. Although the quantity is far from what I originally expected, it still partially meets my needs. With these 1.2 million kilograms of grain, plus the addition of food in Jining City  There are still more than 200,000 kilograms of grain left, and the transportation line, which has been extremely tense, can breathe a sigh of relief.
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