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Text Chapter 221 A quick victory

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    Although the Japanese troops coming out of Jining City, plus the Japanese troops on the front line of Hongshazui, had the strength of five infantry brigades, Chen Hanzhang was able to mobilize only four infantry battalions and three cavalry brigade battalions to surround and annihilate the Japanese troops.  In addition, two companies of tank regiments were missing, but Chen Hanzhang never considered the issue of initiative on the battlefield.

    For Chen Hanzhang, as long as the current Sixty-ninth Division leaves Jining City, he will see it as a pile of corpses. For him, he only considers choosing a cemetery for the Japanese troops, and has never considered fighting with these Japanese troops.  When fighting, will there be any other results?

    Chen Hanzhang thought of eating up all the Sixty-ninth Division in one go, and let the commander and political commissar of the Saibei Military Division, which was adapted from the Daqingshan Guerrilla Detachment and the local armed forces of the Jinsui Military Region that had penetrated the Great Wall in advance, to accompany him.  I was stunned, almost thinking I heard wrong.

    That's nearly five infantry brigades of Japanese troops, not five brigades of puppet troops. You actually have to swallow them all in one breath when the forces are roughly equal. Isn't your tone a bit too loud? Even if your equipment is better than  The Japanese army had a large number of tanks to cooperate with the battle, but this was too exaggerated.

    However, Chen Hanzhang did not have much time to explain to his brothers. He still let the results of the battle speak for themselves. After thinking for a long time, Chen Hanzhang decided that if the 69th Division retreated south, the battlefield would be between Huangqihai and Pingsui Railway.  In the east, it starts from an unknown river that flows into the Huangqi Sea, to the west to Pingsui Railway, and to the south to Mizokouzi, within a radius of more than ten square kilometers.

    This is within the terrain of Jining County with mountains on both sides and a plain in the middle. It is the most suitable place for tank operations. Moreover, it is located between Fengzhen County and Jining County. The large reed swamps on the west bank of the Huangqi Sea can also be effectively used against  The troops took cover.

    Although Chen Hanzhang is very agile, it takes time to adjust the deployment, especially the troops he led to detour to Fengzhen. Although most of the troops did not enter Fengzhen County, they were placed to contain Jining.  to Fengzhen Highway, and the line from Mizokouzi to Changditrough on both sides of Pingsui Railway.

    Just as his deployment was adjusted in place, Lieutenant General Inoue Sadao's 69th Division of Jining County lined up in four neat columns, with a guard squadron on each wing, and quickly withdrew with the cavalry as the lead.  Later, contrary to almost everyone's expectations, the retreat path chosen by Lieutenant General Inoue Sadae did not go through the mountains on both sides, but retreated straight along the Pingsui Railway.

    As for why, under the situation of huge disparity in maneuverability, the plain area was chosen to be most conducive to the advantage of the anti-alliance tank cluster, it was because Inoue Sadao was betting on his opponent who had the same strength and did not have an advantage, thinking that he would go to the mountains.  Avoiding the opponent's tank cluster, he placed the troops that might be used to encircle him in the hilly areas on both sides.

    Lieutenant General Sadae Inoue had a gambling mentality and led his troops to retreat south as quickly as possible, hoping to bypass the Fengzhen line and withdraw to Datong from the Zhenchuankou line before the enemy could react.  He had no intention of carrying out General Okamura Neiji's order to retake Fengzhen.

    Even if his deception method can attract the enemy, if he is delayed in Feng Town for too long and waits for the enemy to react, all his previous efforts will be in vain. The enemies are all mechanized troops with considerable mobility.  Hurry, if you delay even a little, you will be blocked outside the Great Wall.

    When Lieutenant General Inoue Sadao led his retreating army and successfully passed through a series of important points such as Pingdiquan and the Mosque, he slowly let go of his original choice. As long as he crossed the Huhe Wusu River and entered the mountainous area,  It means that he is out of danger.

    However, Lieutenant General Inoue Sadao did not know that as soon as the troops he led arrived at the front line of the mosque, behind him, Yi Liangpin had personally commanded the troops to seize Pingdiquan and blocked his route back to Jining. His leading troops  An infantry battalion followed leisurely five kilometers behind the 69th Division.

    When the vanguard of the 69th Division reached the west bank of Huangqihai, Chen Hanzhang's troops deployed in the mountainous area west of the Pingsui Railway had quietly entered the Naobao Valley and Danaling Valley lines west of Pingsui Road, and with a force  The troops, together with the independent regiment of the Saibei Division, seized the Mizokouzi line and blocked the Japanese army's way into the mountains.

    The tanks of all participating troops have been organized and the artillery has been mobilized. At Guisui Airport, an A20 attack aircraft squadron and an attack aircraft squadron modified from MS 406 fighter jets have taken off one after another and are heading towards  Fly over from the battlefield south of Jining.

    But facing the 69th Division that was rushing all the way, Chen Hanzhang was very patient. Even though the Japanese advance troops had crossed the west bank of the Yellow Flag Sea, he was still very calm and did not issue an attack order. He still had to stretch the Japanese army for a certain distance until he could wait.  After most of the Japanese troops entered the narrow area between the west bank of Huangqihai and the Pingsui Railway, they launched an attack again.?will achieve greater results.

    When the leading cavalry squadron of the 69th Division arrived at Mizokouzi, and the large troops had already reached the top of the mountain, Beifangfang, and South Camp on the west bank of the Yellow Flag Sea, and the follow-up troops had passed the mosque, Chen Hanzhang, who felt that the time had come, gave  Various troops that have been deployed issued a general attack order.

    The first to launch the offensive operation were two squadrons of attack aircraft that had been circling for a long time in the sky west of the Pingsui Railway. The leading squadron of twenty-four A20 attack aircraft took advantage of its thick skin and low altitude.  Passing over the Japanese marching group, he accurately dumped all the 16 tons of napalm bombs hanging in the belly magazine on the heads of the Japanese troops.

    This was the first time they encountered a new type of incendiary bomb air attack like napalm. The Sixty-ninth Division, which obviously had no experience in dealing with this kind of napalm, still adopted the method of avoiding conventional high-explosive bombs after the anti-alliance aviation troops flew overhead.  tactics in an attempt to reduce the damage caused by air strikes to oneself.

    However, they did not expect that the napalm bombs dropped by the Anti-Japanese Alliance would burn a large area. People within a hundred meters of the dropped bombs had nowhere to hide. The Japanese troops near the direct explosion point lay down as usual.  Tactics basically have no effect, even finding covert objects has no effect.

    As long as the Japanese soldiers affected by the fire caused by the explosion were either burned alive or directly cremated on the spot, the casualties caused by these 16 tons of napalm bombs to the retreating 69th Division were quite huge.  The napalm bombs that exerted their maximum power on the plain terrain caused even greater casualties to the 69th Division than a 100-ton conventional bomb.

    Even the Japanese troops hiding in the house were burned to ashes along with the people and the house. This bombing directly sent one-third of the troops of the 69th Division back to the embrace of Amaterasu. The entire Japanese army marched.  The army columns were filled with charred corpses of Japanese soldiers, and the few artillery pieces they had were blown up to the sky during the air raids.

    After the twenty-four A-20 attack planes had dropped all the bombs, before the raging fire caused by napalm bombs on the ground was extinguished, these attack planes turned around in the air and then turned back, using the aircraft  The five 12mm machine guns on board, two in an echelon, swooped down from three directions.

    These planes flew along the Japanese marching column in batches, firing wildly with machine guns. Only when all the bullets and bombs carried on the planes were cleared, they were satisfied and flew away easily. After the attack planes completed their bombing, they served as  The eight P-40 fighter jets that were covering the area also swooped down without encountering any threats, and fired another wild sweep with their onboard machine guns.

    And just when the A-20 attack planes and cover aircraft were wreaking havoc in the sky over the Sixty-ninth Division, and they scattered the bombs and machine gun bullets they carried on the head of the Sixty-ninth Division without hesitation, in the midst of the Anti-Alliance  The French MS 406 attack aircraft squadron, nicknamed the Grouse because of its small size, was covering Yi Liangpin's mechanized tank cluster and was already chasing after them.

    Before the 69th Division could wake up from the stormy air strikes, Yi Liangpin had already commanded his tank clusters to rush over at high speed from the east and north directions. At the same time, Chen Hanzhang commanded  The armored cavalry group, also with the cavalry as the forerunner, cooperated with the tanks to cross the Pingsui Railway under the cover of artillery fire, and rushed towards the location of the Japanese troops from the west and south directions.

    Facing the cluster of anti-Union tanks and armored cavalry that surrounded them from all sides, the Sixty-ninth Division, which had only a few artillery pieces and had been destroyed in air raids, was unable to resist. It finally gathered some of its troops and tried to  Block the anti-alliance forces that are encircling them from all sides.

    However, they were attacked by attack planes swooping down from the sky, with a barrage of air-to-ground rockets and machine guns, which disrupted some of the assembled troops. Finally, after these planes had used up their rockets and machine gun bullets, they retreated.  Long-range artillery fire exploded again.

    The 69th Division, which suffered heavy casualties during the bombing, was attacked by air and ground firepower. Before it could build fortifications, the entire march was attacked by tanks and cavalry that rushed over at high speed under the cover of artillery fire.  It was torn into pieces, and within just an hour of the war, the entire army fell into chaos.

    In plain areas, mechanized group battles between infantry and tanks and cavalry without the cover of fortifications are a tragedy for any army. Although the Japanese army is not afraid of death, it still does not change its ferocity and sends a large number of desperate troops to fight.  Grenades were tied up and down, trying to open a gap in the anti-alliance tank offensive and cover the division's main breakout.

    However, the death squads dispatched were of no use at all under the intensive firepower of the Anti-Japanese Alliance armored tank group infantry. The troops dispatched were beaten into pieces without the machine guns on the half-track armored vehicles approaching the flanks of the tanks.  ?A hornet's nest is like an infantryman being pulled by a tank. The automatic rifle in his hand was beaten into a sieve at a distance of 200 meters.

    In order to contain the impact of the Anti-Japanese Alliance tanks, the Japanese army's desperate charge not only failed to contain the Anti-Japanese Alliance offensive, but actually involved a considerable number of combat soldiers themselves. Although Inoue Sadae used gasoline and wine bottles to make a  A large number of incendiary bombs were used, but the losses caused by these meat bomb offensives to the anti-Union tanks can only be described as negligible.

    Less than four hours after the battle started, Chen Hanzhang had neatly completed the division of the 69th Division. The entire 69th Division was divided into six large and small pieces. Some of the troops on the right wing were even  Yi Liangpin's mechanized group of tanks collided and crushed them, and in a panic, they drove Huang Qihai away.

    After completing the division of the 69th Division, Chen Hanzhang immediately launched a general attack without any hesitation. In order to reduce casualties and speed up the battle, although he knew that it was not easy to transport fuel and bombs from the rear to Guisui, Chen Hanzhang still  Chen Hanzhang's only thought at the moment was to order the aviation troops stationed in Guisui to take off again to conduct air strikes against the Japanese troops that had been divided. A quick battle to deal with the Japanese troops in front of them as quickly as possible.
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