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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 199 Change of Plan

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    Now that he had found a breakthrough, the company commander did not hesitate. He immediately led a platoon with his squad as an echelon and carefully descended into the mountain along the entrance of the passage.  After talking to the guards, they immediately dispersed in combat groups and gradually cleared them, focusing on the direction leading to the hills on both sides.

    As for the front passage, we should expand it as far forward as possible and control it with firepower. We don't have enough troops. If we want to fully seize this fortification group in a short time, we must also develop rapidly in depth. We don't have the strength. We are now  The most important task is to open a channel for follow-up troops to develop in depth and get rid of this Japanese military fortification group.

    It wasn't until he entered the mountain that he discovered that the fortifications inside the mountain were actually much simpler than he imagined and judged. It was not very complicated. Maybe it was built in a hurry. Although the entire mountain was opened, the overall internal structure only had the upper and lower parts.  Two floors, three passages.

    All external firepower points are mixed in the passage. Once inside the mountain, these firepower points of different heights can be clearly seen without any deliberate observation. Of course, according to the consistent characteristics of the Japanese army's construction of fortifications, even if they were built in a hurry,  , the structures inside are reinforced with reinforced concrete.

    However, due to the rush of construction, the anti-gunfire level here is not high. In many places, the quality of the project is very rough at first glance, and there are obvious signs of rush work. The distance between the passages in several directions is not very wide, and can only accommodate  Two people pass quickly, but if there is one more person, it will become very crowded.

    Moreover, the passage is not a straight road, but is opened up using the internal structure of the mountain. It is winding, leaving a lot of hiding places for the infiltrating troops. Of course, these can also be used as hiding places for the Japanese army.  The place will also bring certain troubles to the attacking troops.

    As for those firepower points, the firing range was painstakingly shot and calculated. However, except for the firepower points of the six heavy machine guns, most of the light machine gun firepower points were only connected to each other with gasoline barrels. The firepower points in front of the passage were also  Just the area of ??two gasoline barrels seems quite narrow.

    After putting down the main and auxiliary machine gunners, it is difficult for a third person to enter. If he is hit by a direct-aimed artillery, it means that this firepower point will no longer have the opportunity to be used. It can be said that the scale of this Japanese fortification group is not small, and the firepower layout is not small.  Careful calculations were made, but traces of hasty construction can be seen everywhere.

    Now that he has figured out the situation, what are you waiting for? Each of his troops has an automatic rifle, a pistol, a three-edged bayonet, and two submachine guns per squad. There are also three submachine guns and three submachine guns in the company.  Although the sound pistol, equipment and training are not as elite as the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region, they have also received strict professional reconnaissance training.

    But the company commander was not reckless, and behaved quite steadily. He would rather go slower and avoid shooting as much as possible. He adopted a gradual penetration and elimination one by one. When necessary, he used silent submachine guns and silent pistols as cover to resist the enemy.  The joint scouts' special short triangular bayonet is a tactic used to solve the problem with bare hands.

    Coupled with the tunnel-like structure and the fact that there is a lamp every fifty meters, although the light is not bright and even a little dim, it can basically meet the needs, and the entire interior of this huge Japanese fortification can barely be illuminated.  It is clear that it is not difficult to find the Japanese troops.

    When the reconnaissance company launched an attack inside the Japanese fortifications, the Japanese troops inside were obviously not in a tense situation. Except for a few on-duty firepower points, the Japanese troops inside were either chatting together or sleeping soundly under blankets.  , did not notice any unusual movements outside, and no one noticed that the entrance and exit passage had been opened, and the enemy had penetrated into his interior.

    Faced with such a situation, this man was naturally rude and commanded his troops. Although the progress was not fast, they were steadily clearing the Japanese troops from the mountain. However, good luck was still limited and it was impossible to cover them all the time.  While clearing the two machine gun bunkers on the top of the mountain in front, a gunshot completely alerted the Japanese troops in the entire fortification group.

    Immediately, the entire fortification changed from the one-sided situation to a melee. The Japanese army, which had not yet been resolved, tried their best to clear out the enemy troops in the fortification and penetrate into the mountain.  The Anti-Japanese Alliance scouts also wanted to evacuate and capture this fortification group that contained the entire Kangbao Japanese fortification area in the northeast as soon as possible.

    The Japanese army invested more and more troops, but the narrow terrain inside the fortifications limited the number of troops the Japanese army could invest at one time. The Anti-Union reconnaissance company commander who led the team directly fired two Vickers machine guns inside the Japanese army's fortifications.  It was erected in the front passage facing the fortifications and connected to the second line of defense of the Japanese army.

    With intensive fireThe force directly blocked the narrow passage of the dragon, preventing the Japanese army from investing troops from the front. Inside the fortifications, the Japanese army could neither use grenades nor draw a skirmisher line. The entire passage was blocked by two towers.  Vickers machine gun, the blockade is tight.

    At the same time, he broke the ban on firing and ordered the troops who were already close to the hills on both sides to use firepower to clear the way towards the two flanks and advance quickly. They captured the two hills on the flanks in the shortest possible time and covered the large troops going up the mountain. During the battle, his men  Strict training and the rapid-fire weapons in his hands were a big advantage.

    The Japanese Type 38 rifle was difficult to turn around in such a narrow space. To fire a shot, you need to pull the bolt of the gun, which also limits the firepower. As for the submachine guns and short rifles in the Anti-Japanese Alliance,  For many automatic rifles, this situation can give full play to their maximum firepower advantage.

    Using the winding terrain in the passage, grenades and automatic firepower to open the way, basically there will not be much resistance. Even if the enemy sets up machine guns to resist, the distance is basically not far. A deadly pineapple will be enough.  It can completely solve a Japanese machine gun position.

    It seemed that they had never imagined that the enemy would hit the Japanese troops inside the fortifications. Only the front of the entire fortification had a passage leading to the depth. After the middle road was captured, the Japanese troops inside the two wing fortifications were almost like turtles in a urn.  Reinforcements cannot come in, and the people inside cannot rush out.

    Even though the Japanese troops on both wings tried their best, they could not stop the Anti-Alliance's tactic of using a three-person combat team to cover alternately while using rapid-fire weapons in their hands to cover and open the way. Although it also paid a certain price, in the  After being able to shoot, the speed of advancing to both wings is much faster than before.

    Using the troops who received the notification from the front, they found gaps and rushed in to attack from the front and back. In less than ten minutes after the gunshots were fired, the hills on both sides were neatly captured. Although there were still remnants of the enemy taking advantage of corners or terrain.  They are stubbornly resisting in the corner, but they are basically unable to affect the overall situation. These remaining enemies only need to be left with some troops to eliminate them.

    The Japanese troops who were reinforcing from the depth on the front, unable to defeat the enemy after repeated attacks, launched a 37 rapid-fire cannon in an attempt to deal with the two machine guns that blocked the entire passage with cross-fire.  Before he could fire it, the scouts used a rocket launcher to get the first step and blow it up, including the man and the cannon.

    The interior of the mountain was mixed together. The Japanese army's large-scale fortification group was thrown into pieces by a company that had penetrated in. Su Yingqi, who had already received the report from the bottom of the mountain, took advantage of this opportunity to use blasting tubes bundled together.  and explosives, directly opening three passages in the Japanese minefield, and directing two companies of troops to go up the mountain immediately.

    The troops of one company quickly deployed to the two wings along the breach, and the other company strengthened a platoon to immediately seize the deep Japanese positions at the foot of the mountain and develop as far south as possible to expand and prepare the defensive space for the Japanese army.  Be prepared for counterattack.

    The last infantry company deployed two platoons and deployed towards the Mandetang line, preparing to block the reinforcements of the Japanese and puppet troops in that direction. These two platoons were also prepared to serve as the general reserve of the entire army when necessary.  Use it and be prepared to use it in the most critical position when necessary.

    For Su Yingqi, now that the sound of gunfire has been heard here, the concealed assault and infiltration tactics he originally planned to adopt can no longer be carried out. If it is delayed at this time, it will really delay things until the Japanese reinforcements arrive.  If you arrive and seize the surface position on the mountain, all previous efforts will be in vain.

    As for the fighting situation inside the fortification group, Su Yingqi didn't bother at all. There was no way to get in there now, and it was meaningless to invest troops. If the troops were to go further, they would only increase the number of casualties. They also had to guard against the Mande behind them.  In the case of the Japanese and puppet troops in the Tang stronghold, he did not have so many troops to waste like this.

    As for the next step of the battle, after climbing to the top of the hill and seeing the depth of the Japanese defense line, Su Yingqi was no longer prepared to execute the original plan. This place was at the junction of two Japanese armies, and there were more than ten people.  The commanding heights of the Japanese defense line inside Li.

    Standing here, you can almost see the entire depth of the Japanese army from north to south, as well as the dense fortifications and firepower points. Even if you raise your telescope, you can see Kangbao City in the daytime. I only have one reinforced battalion to launch a deep attack.  It can be said that the attack will definitely be intercepted by heavy Japanese troops.

    With this commanding height, this direction is far more important to the Japanese army than the direction of the feint attack from the opposite side. Instead of hitting the sharp knife and curling the blade and using up such a small amount of vitality, it is better to take advantage of the situation that the Japanese army will never give up here and push the Japanese army away.  Attract heavy troops to create the best conditions for assaults in other directions.?.

    For Su Yingqi, who had the experience of operating independently for a long time when fighting guerrillas in the pass, which made him have a strong sense of independence during combat, he has never been the kind of person who rigidly executes combat plans.  In combat, the most advantageous adjustments are often made in the shortest time according to changes in the situation.

    It was precisely because of this that he was able to basically bring out the Second Regiment and its affiliated troops that were deeply embedded in the Japanese army in the battle at Alukorqin Banner. It was also because of this combat style that he asked Yang Jicai not to give up before the war.  He sets so many rules and regulations.

    Now that the original combat plan has changed from favorable to unfavorable, he quickly adjusted his deployment and prepared to use the terrain here and the original Japanese fortifications to move the Japanese defense focus of the entire Kangbao front line from the southeast.  The direction is attracted to the northeast.

    Here, the Japanese army's firepower points are not only forward. Behind this hilly area, the Japanese army has also built a large number of backward firepower points. In this way, once the assault force does not completely eliminate the Japanese troops here, even if they break through and block the attack  , when developing in depth, they will also encounter fire from both front and rear.
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