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Text Chapter 180 I believe in my troops

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    This force, all mechanized, moved extremely quickly without encountering any stubborn resistance from a strong enemy. By dusk of the 20th, Chen Hanzhang's troops, who were making good progress, met at the Wulanhua line with the Jinsui Military Region who came to respond.  A cavalry battalion of the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment and a squadron of the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region converged.

    Looking at the huge mechanized cluster in front of him, hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles, who came to meet him in person, the captain and political commissar of the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment, who had served as a division commander during the Red Army, couldn't help but be frightened and touched his T-three-four  Looking at the thick armor of the tank, the thick muzzle, and the almost endless military trucks behind the tank, this veteran Red Army general could only sigh secretly.

    If you don¡¯t know, I was really shocked. During the large-scale raids launched by the Japanese and puppet troops, the Japanese garrison in Mongolia sent out tanks, cavalry and mechanized groups many times in order to eliminate this serious threat that had penetrated deep into its heart.  But the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment, because of the lack of anti-tank weapons, could only wander in the ravines where tanks could not enter.

    Several surprise attacks failed because the Japanese cavalry mechanized clusters moved quickly and reinforcements arrived within a short time. In order to enhance their mobile combat capabilities, the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment formed its own cavalry by selling iron and steel. It was a pity that these cavalry were replaced last year.  They suffered heavy losses in the anti-mopping operations, and most of them had to return to northern Shanxi to recuperate.

    Now that we have tanks, we no longer have to be chased all over the mountains by Japanese tanks and armored vehicles when fighting the Japanese army. We don¡¯t have to give up the easily obtained results because the Japanese reinforcements are too fast. We don¡¯t have to be helpless in the face of Japanese automobiles, cavalry, and mechanized troops.  .

    How could we prevent this man from leaving his troops during the most difficult time in Daqingshan? He did not completely give up on this hot land. He could not even eat enough wild vegetables. He wore single clothes on days when the dripping water turned into ice, and endured hunger and cold.  The Red Army veteran who watched the troops persevere sighed with emotion.

    But Chen Hanzhang didn't have time to understand how deep the emotion of this veteran was. Chen Hanzhang, who knew that time was equal to a fighter plane, laid out the map and directly asked about the routes available for travel in the Yinshan Mountains and the enemy situation along the way. The most important thing was that Jin  The current arrival location of the Sui Military Region troops and their progress.

    When it was learned that the main force of the Jinsui Military Region had already used the main force of the Japanese troops stationed in Mongolia and Xinjiang in Suinan to basically move eastward, the Japanese troops newly mobilized to northern Shanxi and Suinan were all focused on the eastern battlefield. The only cavalry group left behind shrank.  Go to the two important towns of Baotou and Guisui.

    Only the puppet Mongolian troops and a small number of Japanese troops were stationed along the entire Qingshuihe and Tuohetuo lines. The main troops were deployed on the Guisui-Baotou railway line. Most of the troops in the area had basically been abandoned, and the troops transferred from northern Shanxi to Suinan were  Mainly concentrated on the Datong-Jining line of the Ping-Sui Railway, leaving the entire southwestern Sui region with no opportunities for military strength.

    The day before yesterday, they had left the Great Wall line from Shahukou and Pianguan, and were rushing towards the Baotou area day and night. At this moment, they had entered the Hetao area from between Tuohetuo and Helinger, and the leading two cavalry brigades were already in Sa  Collect information on the first-line crossing of the Pingsui Railway.

    Chen Hanzhang hesitated for a moment and decided to divide his troops into two groups, with a tank regiment, a cavalry brigade, and two regiments of the Fifth Division, starting from Wulanhua on the spot, heading south over the Yin Mountains and directly into Wuchuan and Guisui.  The goal along the way is very simple, which is to return to Suiyuan, the political, economic and transportation core of Suiyuan.

    As for the Second Armored Regiment, the 1st Armored Division Mechanized Infantry Regiment reinforced one regiment of the 5th Division, plus the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, and marched south from the direction of Dadan, west of Taolin County, avoiding Taolin County in the middle, and going straight into Jining, Fengzhen, and  The Datong line blocked the passage for the Japanese troops in northern Shanxi to reinforce the Suiyuan battlefield.

    Putting down the map in his hand, Chen Hanzhang pointed to the large number of tanks, half-track armored vehicles, and military trucks behind him and said to the leader of the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment: "Comrade, what I want to know now is, if we don't take the road from Wuchuan to Guisui,  As well as the Taolin line, from here to the Zhuozi mountain line, is there a road that can be passed by these iron horses of mine? "

    In response to Chen Hanzhang's inquiry, the detachment leader smiled bitterly and said: "Old Chen, there shouldn't be any big problem with tanks. When the Japanese army launched a large-scale raid on us last year, they also dispatched tanks in Suidong and Suizhong Districts, and from Wulanhua to  Zhuozi Mountain, as long as you avoid the subordinate camp and follow the Dahei River channel, the mountains are relatively gentle in some places and the tanks should be able to pass if they are not too steep. "

    "But it would be very difficult for these trucks not to take the highway. From Wulanhua to Dadan, the route is all mountainous. It is better to go to the north. If you enter the front line of Hongzhao and its battalions, the terrain will be more complicated.  Although the mountain is not very high or steep, I am afraid it will be difficult for this truck to pass. Lao Chen, would you like to reconsider the choice of the first line? "

    "I suggest that if you insist on dividing your troops, the troops on the eastern front can choose to move from Taolin County.Turning south, Taolin County has a highway that leads directly to Zhuozi Mountain. Although the road condition is a little worse, it can be passed directly by vehicles. From that direction, we can directly go to Zhuozi Mountain, but the old road  Chen, do you think it is appropriate to divide the troops at this time?  "

    "The current defenders in Fengzhen and Jining in Suinan are garrisoned by the Japanese third mixed brigade transferred from northern Shanxi. We divide our forces to attack. Although our actions are more flexible, it also results in the strength of the troops in that direction.  Without an absolute advantage, if the Japanese troops are deployed in full force, then our weak troops will be in danger of being defeated by the enemy. "

    "The Japanese army has an entire independent third brigade in Suinan, as well as a cavalry group from Baotou to Guisui, as well as a large number of Japanese and puppet troops, especially the cavalry group. Their main effective forces are in Guisui and Baotou.  At present, we are only using one force to ensure control. If we divide our forces, we will easily face an attack from the east and west by the Japanese army. "

    Hearing this, Chen Hanzhang smiled and said: "I also want to form a rope and rush through Yinshan together, but Brother Comrade has no choice. There are indeed roads from Wulanhua to Wuchuan and Guisui that can be used, but from your introduction just now,  Look, this road is too steep. It is quite dangerous for such a large number of mechanized cavalry troops to be crowded on a mountain road. "

    "If the Japanese army blows up one of our tanks, they can block the entire highway. My tanks have strong cross-country capabilities, but they can't climb mountains. On such a narrow road with complex terrain, it is even more dangerous for us to advance in a line.  "Time is victory. If we are blocked at the Centipede Dam line and wait for the Japanese army to recover and mobilize troops to block various passes, then the price we will pay will be even greater."

    "Under such complex terrain, dividing our forces and attacking together is our best choice. We have conducted many drills in the Northeast for this kind of terrain. Although the mountains in Xing'anling are not as high as here, they are not as high.  It¡¯s steep on this side, but there are airtight forests and lots of swamps in the mountains on that side.¡±

    "The complexity of the terrain is almost the same. For us, this side is no more difficult than that side. What's more, I still have you brother troops here who are familiar with the terrain and the enemy's situation. The most important thing is that I believe  My troops, after being divided, will not have any fear in any direction, even if they face a Japanese division."

    Having said this, Chen Hanzhang pointed to the map and said to the commanders of the various troops around him: "I not only want to divide the troops, but also divide them again on the eastern front. At Bailing Temple, let's release a division of the Puppet Mongolian Army first.  , It¡¯s not worth paying too much attention to. Since the terrain from Wulanhua to Zhuozi Mountain is complicated, we will divide it.¡±

    "The main force of the Jinsui Military Region, according to the current advancement speed, the leading cavalry unit will arrive in Baotou one day. We don't want to compete with the brother troops for food. The little stuff is not enough to fill the teeth of Big Brother's troops. In this way, the West  The deployment of the line remains unchanged, starting from Wulanhua along the highway, rushing through Wuchuan County at the fastest speed and entering the outskirts of Guisui."

    "However, the terrain here is complicated, and almost the entire highway is in the mountains, so you must pay more attention. When marching, infantry security troops must be posted on the mountain ridges on both sides. If you encounter Japanese troops blocking them, move as quickly as possible.  Rush over as fast as you can and don¡¯t engage in any fighting.¡±

    "During the march, medium tanks were placed at the front and rear to cover the infantry. The cavalry took advantage of their small dependence on roads and marched along the ridges. Fast tanks with strong maneuverability should try not to rely on roads when marching. They would rather waste more fuel, but they should also speed up.  speed."

    "The center line consists of two companies of medium tanks and a second battalion of fast tanks of the Second Armored Regiment, carrying the 15th Regiment of the 5th Division, the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, a heavy mortar battalion of the division's artillery, and two companies of a self-propelled artillery regiment of the 1st Armored Division.  From Wulanhua to the southeast, cross the northern foot of Daqing Mountain, go straight to the line of Zhuozi Mountain, seize Zhuozi Mountain, and cut off the Pingsui Railway. "

    "The mechanized infantry regiment of the 1st Armored Division, the 13th Regiment of the 5th Division, one company of the medium tank battalion of the 1st Armored Regiment, and two companies of the 1st Fast Tank Battalion will bypass Taolin and directly insert the railway line from Jining to Fengzhen, cutting off Jining and Fengzhen.  The railway connection between them blocked the Japanese reinforcements from northern Shanxi to Suiyuan."

    "The Armored Reconnaissance Battalion of the 1st Armored Division strengthened the 1st Battalion and 3rd Company of Fast Tanks, the 1st and 6th Company of Self-propelled Artillery, and the 2nd Company of the Anti-aircraft Artillery Regiment. After following the West Group into the Guisui area, they immediately headed west to contact the Jinsui Military Region.  The main force converged and cooperated with the main force of the Shanxi-Sui Military Region to capture the line from Baotou to Guyang, and then advance out of the Wula Mountain line to control the east coast area of ????Wuliangsuhai."

    "The Thirteenth Automobile Regiment following our operations was divided into three. One battalion followed the troops on the Western Front. After entering the Guisui area, two companies were left to cooperate with the operations of the Western Group, and one company joined in.  In the detachment that cooperates with the troops of the Jinsui Military Region, all vehicles and personnel must obey the instructions of the Jinsui Military Region.??waving.  "

    "The Second Battalion follows the troops on the eastern front and is specifically used to cooperate with the operations of the Thirteenth Regiment of the Fifth Division. As for the Third Automobile Battalion, I will dispatch two cavalry companies to escort you back to the Sunit Left Banner. We have limited fuel and are short-term.  There is no rear operations within a short period of time, and the fuel consumption of so many vehicles cannot be guaranteed for a long time. Letting the third car battalion return to the rear is also a way to reduce the burden. "

    After explaining all the tasks neatly, Chen Hanzhang turned to the leader of the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment and said: "Comrade, you are more familiar with the terrain and enemy situation here than I am. Your battalion will move together with the troops that are detouring to Taolin. The center line is ahead of us.  The reconnaissance troops parachuted here will cooperate. As for the western front, we will ask the main force of the Daqingshan guerrilla detachment to cooperate. "

    After hearing Chen Hanzhang's plan, he looked back at the rows of tanks and artillery behind Chen Hanzhang, as well as the confident expressions on the faces of the Anti-League cadres at all levels. Although the Red Army veteran was a little worried, in the end he was convinced of everything Chen Hanzhang had done.  Deployment still nodded.

    Turning around, he gave an order to the staff officer beside him, asking him to immediately forward Chen Hanzhang's deployment to all departments of the Daqingshan Guerrilla Detachment, instructing all departments of the Daqingshan Guerrilla Detachment to cooperate with the anti-alliance roundabout forces, leaving the director of the Political Department to command a battalion to cooperate with the Dong  In addition to the front-line operations, he returned to the army with the Western Front troops.
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