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Text Chapter 165 No choice

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    The Americans, who were originally stationed in the Philippines, were transferred from first-line airports to second-line airports before the Pearl Harbor incident and survived the Japanese attack.  However, when faced with a large number of Japanese troops on the battlefield in the Philippines, the B-17 bomber group, which was almost unable to survive in the air without escort, all flew to Northeast China and handed over to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    At the same time, after being transferred to the documentary of the Anti-Japanese War's first air raid on Japan, which Pearson quickly sent home, he was faced with the fact that the war situation had taken a turn for the worse, and the Dutch East Indies could no longer hold on.  The U.S. government will have no choice but to withdraw to India or Australia. In the end, it will transfer all the more than 100 bombers transferred there by the U.S. Air Force to the Anti-Alliance.

    At the beginning, the Americans hoped to organize these American-made bombers into a separate American bomber group, and the Americans would carry out bombings against Japan on their own.  However, due to Yang Zhen's strong opposition and the fact that the United States was in urgent need of a large number of mature pilots, these bombers were eventually handed over to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    What Americans are lacking now is not airplanes, but qualified pilots and aircrew.  With the production capacity of the Americans, these bombers transferred to the Anti-Japanese Alliance can be produced within a month as long as they operate at full capacity.  But this group of pilots stayed in China for a long time, but the Americans were unwilling to do so.

    After all, with the loss of Southeast Asia, the spearhead of the Japanese attack in the Pacific has been directed at Australia.  The Americans can accept losing the Philippines for the time being, but they cannot accept losing Australia anyway.  The lack of Americans on the plane was only temporary.  But it takes time to develop qualified air crews.

    ¡°Subject to domestic policies and laws, as well as the unique geographical environment, the Americans¡¯ air power was not strong before the Pearl Harbor incident.  Although they have the most powerful aviation industry in the world, the scale of American air power is still far from large.

    Even though civilian flying sports are very popular in the United States, flying sports and air combat are two different things.  On a weak foundation, rapid expansion requires a certain amount of time and energy.  Although by the time these aircraft were handed over to the Anti-Japanese War, Americans had been getting beaten on the Pacific battlefield.  However, the first bomber unit formed by the United States to participate in the war was the Eighth Air Force scheduled to be transferred to Europe.

    But as the war situation in the Pacific continues to worsen, Americans also urgently need to cheer up their allies.  With the U.S. Army still expanding and unable to take action at the moment, mobilizing a group of bombers is the best option.  Coupled with the resolute opposition of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the Americans eventually transferred all these bombers to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    As for the air crew, they were directly transferred back to the country to receive the new aircraft as soon as possible.  The arrival of these hundreds of American-made heavy bombers gave the Anti-Japanese Alliance true strategic air power for the first time.  But the arrival of these bombers also gave Pearson the confidence to act fiercely.

    As soon as these bombers were handed over to the Anti-Alliance, Brother Pearson ignored the fact that the Anti-Alliance troops were undergoing conversion training and the Anti-Alliance's ability to withstand fuel and bomb consumption.  After the arrival of these American bombers, they insisted that the Anti-Japanese Alliance immediately dispatch bomber groups to bomb Japanese naval bases, shipyards, naval aircraft production plants, and naval fuel reserves.

    He was very smart in his calculations. All the targets he proposed were Japanese naval facilities and equipment manufacturers that the U.S. Navy would encounter in the future Pacific battlefield.  As for the Army's goals, he mentioned none.  It's just that he is not a fool, and Yang Zhen, who is not stupid at all, does not pay attention to Pearson who is jumping up and down.

    Tell your bomber unit to complete the conversion training step by step and train as many bomber pilots as possible.  As for the continuous bombing of Japan, it does not have to be a routine matter of bombing every day.  Before the logistics are unable to support large-scale bombing, irregular door-to-door visits will be enough.

    And the target should not be limited to Tokyo alone. Osaka and Nagoya, Japan's important military production bases, can also be used.  Any major city in Japan can be used as a bombing target.  However, naval bases and naval shipyards are not bombing targets.

    Japan¡¯s domestic steel plants and naval combat aircraft production plants are not targets for bombing.  The priority targets for bombing were mainly the Army Arsenal, and he had no objection to the Japanese Imperial Palace being used as a bombing target.  The Anti-Japanese Alliance did not have a navy, let alone fight a naval war with Japan, and could not shoulder too many burdens for the Americans.  Everything related to the navy has nothing to do with the Anti-Japanese War.

    The first batch of thirty-six B-17 bombers given by the Americans arrived at the Anti-Japanese War in mid-December.  All conversion flight training was completed at the end of January.  However, due to aviation fuel issues, the first time we participated in the air raid against Japan was in February.

    thisThis is a heavy bomber with advanced performance, long range, large bomb load, and self-defense firepower that is far from comparable to that of the Il-4 bomber.  The extremely strong body also made it difficult for Japanese fighter jets to shoot it down.  However, the fuel consumed by this kind of four-engine bomber in one flight is really a considerable burden for the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    Even because this bomber consumes so much fuel, after the Anti-Japanese Alliance launched its offensive, these bombers still spent most of their time training.  Because the fuel is limited, it must be used in battle.  If there is an all-out air strike against Japan, coupled with the B-24, which consumes more fuel, the aviation fuel reserves of the Anti-Japanese Alliance will not be able to support it for too long.

    And for a long period of time, these bombers were used by Yang Zhen to airdrop troops within the customs because of their strong self-defense firepower and long range.  As for the first few batches of semi-finished bombs aided by the Americans, after the final manufacturing was completed in the Anti-League base areas, 80% were used by the Anti-League in battles.

    Even if it was dispatched several times to give the Americans an explanation, the number of aircraft dispatched for each air strike would be controlled within thirty.  In addition to ensuring the amount of fuel reserves, Yang Zhen took out one of the two bombers after they arrived at the Anti-Japanese War and handed them over to the industrial department to dismantle them into parts for research.

    Among the remaining aircraft, some B-17G bombers were transferred and converted into special operations aircraft.  This kind of aircraft has four engines, a maximum range of more than 3,000 kilometers, an extremely strong body, and a maximum bomb load of eight tons.  When used to modify special aircraft, both the endurance of the aircraft body and the maximum ceiling are much better than those of the C-47 transport aircraft.  On average, there are not many bombers left to participate in the war.

    Although they have been ignoring the jumping up and down of these two people, these two people ignored the reality of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and demanded that the Anti-Japanese Alliance launch a counterattack against Mojijin as soon as possible, which really gave Yang Zhen, who was concentrating on preparing for the second stage of the battle, a headache and annoying.  Who would want to be followed by two scoundrels all day long besides going to Yan'an to report?  There are many things about the Anti-League that we cannot let these two know.

    Yang Zhen, who had nothing to do with the two guys who had become the target of the Northeastern population, simply resorted to intimidation.  When the Anti-Japanese Alliance launched its third air attack on Japan, these two were stuffed into an Il-4 bomber and allowed to go to Osaka, Japan. The air defense situation was completely different. They almost became like fire hedgehogs.  One lap.

    When the bombers returned from the bombing mission against Japan, Pearson and Ross, who had been tricked by Yang Zhen into boarding the bombers, looked as pale as if they had returned from hell.  After the four bombers got off.

    Although his somewhat childish behavior was severely criticized by the central government, fortunately, Yang Zhen's ears became quieter.  First of all, Pearson no longer urged the Anti-Alliance to carry out air strikes on the Japanese mainland all day long, and Ross ran to the Anti-Alliance headquarters much less frequently.  They were afraid that Yang Zhen would get angry and send them to Japan for a day trip.

    Although as soldiers, killing enemies on the battlefield is what they should do most, these two are both pure soldiers.  One is a semi-civilian general with a background as a military attache stationed abroad, and the other is an intelligence officer.  For them to experience this kind of life and death is naturally beyond what their hearts can bear.

    But Yang Zhen¡¯s ears finally calmed down, and it was not until the Anti-Alliance offensive was launched in March that these two guys stopped making noises completely.  Yang Zhen, who had finally sent them away at this moment, had no time to think about what these two guys were thinking, which would bring him so much trouble in the next three months.  If he knew now, he would have put these two people on the bomber and let them travel to Japan frequently.

    Right now, his main focus is still on preparations for the second phase of the battle.  The storage of supplies, the hoarding of ammunition, the training of new soldiers, the formation of new troops, and the adjustment of weapons and equipment. The myriad of things involved before a big war made him extremely busy.  There were also telegrams from the central government asking for help, which also kept him busy.

    Even during the Chinese New Year, Yang Zhen didn¡¯t have a day off.  He just took the time to accompany his parents and had a reunion dinner with his siblings in Harbin, then left Yuan Zhiruo to spend New Year's Eve with his parents, and then returned to the headquarters to hold consecutive meetings.  For Yang Zhen right now, the supply of troops within the pass has even replaced battle preparations to a certain extent.

    In addition to the matters that must be decided by him, as well as the adjustments to Chen Hanzhang's combat plan based on changes in the enemy's situation.  The rest of the matters were basically handed over to Guo Bingxun.  And he put most of his energy into airdropping supplies to the troops inside the pass.

    There is no way, time and solar terms wait for no one.  Telegrams from the central government asking for help came almost one after another, and Yang Zhen had to seize the time to execute them.  The severe situation facing the North China team also made Yang Zhen very worried.  In the next stage of combat, the North China Army?An important link in his entire combat plan.

    Once the North China Army collapses, relying solely on the Anti-Japanese Alliance will not only increase the cost several times, but the combat troops heading south and west will also lose important support.  At that time, the Anti-Japanese Alliance faced the two major strategic groups of the Japanese North China Front Army and the Kwantung Army, and it was really difficult for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to stand alone.

    In order to better supply, Yang Zhen divided labor with the Northeast Bureau.  The preparation of cotton-padded clothes and the allocation of food belong to the Northeast Bureau. Other materials required for airdrops, including the allocation of supplementary ammunition and weapons, as well as the airdrop routes are under the management of the military.  In order to ensure the aircraft needed for airdrops, Yang Zhen even roughly stopped the originally weak bombing campaign against Japan.

    "Except for a few aircraft, they were just doing errands, occasionally going to Japan and southern Korea to drop some bombs and show off to the Americans.  All aircraft capable of transporting grain and cotton-padded clothes were mobilized to make emergency airdrops to various base areas behind enemy lines in the Pass, in order to maximize the solution to the plight of the troops within the Pass.

    Even if the airdrop of the Anti-Japanese Alliance cannot completely change the plight of hundreds of thousands of troops in the pass, at least it must ensure that the troops in the pass who are in the most difficult moment can sustain themselves and not be frozen or starved in these four years.  The winter of the second year.  Although doing so would put considerable pressure on the Alliance's logistics, Yang Zhen had no choice.

    Chapter 165: No choice:
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