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Text Chapter 163 When will it be in place?

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    According to the research of Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun, judging from the supplies and the terrain of the Malayan Peninsula, the Japanese army will use a large number of flanking landing tactics in the battle on the Malayan Peninsula.  , the latest chapter visit:.  But if the number of troops invested reaches more than 100,000, I am afraid that the Japanese simply do not have the ability to meet the logistical supplies needed for such a large number of troops.

    Regarding the American and British officers who were expecting Yang Zhen to attack immediately, Yang Zhen did not answer them immediately. Instead, he asked Yuan Zhiruo to pour a glass of water for the two of them before speaking: "Brigadier General Ross, Pearson, you are all soldiers, and  Your military ranks are not low."

    "A brigadier general or a colonel are both senior commanders. You should understand that as a commander, the more crisis comes, the more you have to stabilize your emotions. I know you Westerners don't pay attention to general demeanor.  But the worse the situation is, the more calm a commander should be. This is a common practice among armies around the world."

    "Look at you now, what are you like? How about the behavior that senior officers should have? If you are allowed to go to the front line to command the army, with your current appearance, then the troops below will not be in panic.  The war has just broken out. I don¡¯t know what it will be like. How about leaving you two like headless chickens now?¡±

    "A brigadier general and a colonel actually came to my headquarters and made a fuss with my guards. Do you think this is ridiculous? Where has your officer demeanor gone? Your gentlemanly demeanor has been fed to the dogs?  If all the officers in the United States and Britain were as stupid as you, I would be really worried about the battlefield in Southeast Asia. "

    Yang Zhen was not polite at all, and gave these two people, who were now completely confused, a harsh criticism.  There is no way, the two of them are emotionally unstable, and there is no way to talk about this today.  These two are currently focused on urging the Anti-Japanese Alliance to send troops, and whatever they say seems hard to hear.

    It wasn't until these two people's faces turned red after what Yang Zhen said and their emotions became slightly more stable that Yang Zhen said: "We already know about the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the attack on the American and British teams in Southeast Asia. Japanese broadcast  , obviously more informed than the two of you, but at this time, I think the most important thing for you two is to stabilize your emotions."

    "Also, you asked us to send troops now. I want to ask you, what should we send troops for? We have just ended a war, and the troops are in urgent need of training and regeneration. Moreover, the huge number of casualties in the battle also needs to be supplemented. Also  We must have sufficient reserves of necessary supplies. We must also familiarize ourselves with the equipment you handed over."

    "And all of this has just begun. Just ask me to send troops. How are we going to fight this battle? Are we supposed to have a shortage of one-third of the troops to face the combined forces of the Japanese Kwantung Army and the North China Front?  Hundreds of thousands of troops? Or let our untrained recruits go to the battlefield and be massacred by the Japanese? "

    "Brigadier General Ross, you were a brigade commander of the British Army. As a professional soldier, you should know the importance of training an army. Our previous casualty figures have not been supplemented yet. Even the new recruits have been supplemented.  , but it¡¯s also time to train. Letting untrained recruits go to the battlefield is not called fighting, it¡¯s sending them to the slaughterhouse.¡±

    "Also, I want to remind you that the agreement we signed with General Wavell was to launch an offensive within three months after the full-scale war broke out. But now that the war has just started, you let us go to the battlefield.  This is not in line with the agreement.¡±

    "We will strictly implement the agreement, but now is not the time. Our establishment still needs to be adjusted, the troops with serious casualties urgently need to be replenished, and the new recruits need training. There is also new equipment that we still need to be familiar with. Your British  A tank is not a bicycle, and it can be learned in just a few days. These two equipments are completely unfamiliar to us, and it will take some time to become familiar with them.¡±

    "And General Ross, have you British completely fulfilled the agreement? I would like to ask General Ross, what about the tactical aircraft that we stipulated in the agreement that should arrive with these tanks? In addition to the Tiger Moth training aircraft that cannot participate in the battle, combat  Why didn¡¯t I see any planes?¡±

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking, Ross and Pearson stopped talking.  Looking at the two people who fell silent, Yang Zhen said: "I understand the mood of the two of you. It will be the same no matter who you are. But what I mean is that instead of rushing into the battlefield now when we have not completed preparations for combat, not only will  If we cannot support the Allied forces in their operations, they will suffer unnecessary losses.¡±

    "It is better to wait until we are fully prepared and launch a powerful attack. Even if we cannot attract the Japanese troops in Southeast Asia back, we must prevent the Japanese troops from continuing to invest in Southeast Asia."???strength.  General Ross, Hong Kong is isolated and helpless and cannot hold on for too long. Let's not talk about him first.  "

    "But the hundreds of thousands of British troops you have in Southeast Asia from Malaya to Burma can't be defeated in one blow. You know, although your troops on the battlefield in Southeast Asia are not large, they are no less than the Japanese troops you face.  . Coupled with the complex terrain and climate of the Malayan Peninsula, we should still have the ability to persist for several months. "

    "And Pearson, I believe in the combat effectiveness of the American team. Even if it is temporarily at a disadvantage, I think there should be no problem in persisting for a while. The Philippines is an archipelago, and facing such a scattered battlefield, the Japanese army cannot be on one battlefield.  Too much force was invested in it.¡±

    "Coupled with the Dutch East Indies Army, I think it is still possible for these hundreds of thousands of Allied troops in Southeast Asia to withstand the Japanese offensive. As long as you can delay it for a few months, we can complete the pre-war  Prepare. Of course, if your army in British Southeast Asia cannot withstand this for even three months, just pretend I didn¡¯t say these words.¡±

    "But there is one thing I want to remind you. Let alone you, the King of Heaven is here. If we can't send troops now, we can't send troops. The preparations for the battle are far from complete. If you ask us to send troops hastily, you are not asking us to cooperate, but to make us cooperate.  I'm going to die."

    Yang Zhen¡¯s remarks related to the British army in Southeast Asia, which was obviously unacceptable to Brigadier General Ross in front of him.  But after this man stood up angrily, he remembered the current situation of the British army in Southeast Asia, and then sat down again, shut his mouth, and said no more.  Because he knew that with the current strength of the British army in Southeast Asia, it was really unlikely that they would be able to hold on for a few months.

    He knew very well that the elites of the British army and even the Commonwealth army were currently on the battlefield in North Africa and defending the British mainland to prevent the German troops from landing across the Atlantic.  There seems to be a lot of British Commonwealth troops throughout Southeast Asia, but they are all a patchwork of miscellaneous troops with very low combat effectiveness and training.

    There are not many elites among them. Except for the British 18th Division, which is being transferred from the battlefield in the Middle East, there is only one Australian 8th Division and two brigades that can barely be considered elite.  The rest were British Indian troops and volunteer armies composed of temporarily mobilized expatriates.

    Although there are many large and small artillery pieces, there is not a single tank equipped with artillery. There are only 250 light armored vehicles and Bren machine gun vehicles.  Although there are nearly three hundred combat aircraft, they are all bulky Buffalo type.  With such a large number of troops, they are also responsible for hundreds of kilometers of defense lines from Kota Bharu, where Malaya and Thailand "hand over", to Singapore, as well as the long coastlines on both sides of the Malay Peninsula.

    Not only was the equipment obsolete, but coupled with the propaganda and instigation of the Japanese who advocated India, the morale of the defenders, mainly the British Indian Army, was even lower.  Brigadier General Ross was really not sure if he could hold on for a few months.  Although the British army is fully mobilizing troops to reinforce Southeast Asia, it is still unknown how many troops can be mobilized and whether they can arrive before Malaya is defeated.

    Seeing that Brigadier General Ross was silent, Pearson had to come to the rescue for this rash British colleague: "Yang, what I mean is, at what point can you be considered fully prepared? Well, that means you still need your allies.  , that is, how much supplies the United States of America and the British Empire provide before we can be considered ready.¡±

    In response to Pearson's obviously absent-minded question that changed the topic, Yang Zhen said directly and without politeness: "We need a lot of fuel. Before the battle is launched, we need at least 30,000 tons of high-quality aviation fuel, 100,000 tons  The above gasoline and diesel. Also, all the tactical ground support aircraft you have promised must be in place, and the number must be at least one hundred. "

    "The other thing is that we currently use American-made aircraft parts, and we also have enough military raw materials. Especially the raw materials for making artillery shells, and automobile parts. In fact, we lack not only these, but also fighter jets, radars, and chemical raw materials.  ¡±

    "Pearson, I can say without mercy that what we lack most now is fuel, combat aircraft, and large-caliber artillery. We did introduce a batch of Soviet-made MiG-3 fighter jets at the end of last year to serve as rear air defense.  The main battle aircraft is responsible for protecting the rear as American fighter jets compete with the Japanese for air supremacy.¡±

    "But the quality of the Soviet-made aircraft itself is very poor, and after nearly a year of intensive use, coupled with high battle damage caused by performance. Now most of them have reached the end of their service life, or are  A considerable number of parts have reached the point of being scrapped, but we are short of spare parts, and there are no new aircraft to replace the scrapped parts.¡±

    ¡°As for our existing American-made fighter jets, we still have to invest the main force in fighting the Japanese army.Seize frontline air control.  When necessary, it will also undertake the task of ground attack.  As our combat area becomes larger and larger, the existing US-made fighter jets are increasingly unable to meet needs.  "

    "Tactical aircraft and fighter jets are what we urgently need at present. There are also intermediate and advanced trainer aircraft, and our current number is also seriously insufficient. It is difficult to meet the needs by relying solely on a dozen Soviet-made R-5 aircraft. But Pierre  Brother Xun, except for gasoline and military raw materials, everything else can be temporarily suspended. Now I ask you when the promised tactical ground support aircraft will be available. "

    "This time we are about to face not only the Kwantung Army, but also two armies of the Japanese North China Front, several field divisions and a large number of 'mixed' brigades. In terms of the overall strength comparison, we are even at a disadvantage.  Yes. We can only make up for the lack of troops with firepower.¡±

    "You made us outnumbered and didn't even give us enough training time to cooperate with you. Out of our obligations to our allies, we can bite the bullet and bear it, but what you promised must be fulfilled. You know  Those agreements are not binding only on us.¡±

    "Not a single tactical aircraft promised by the British has been delivered so far. If it continues to be delayed, don't you even want to give us time to change equipment? Pearson, Ross, since this agreement has been signed by both parties, it needs to be implemented seriously.  Just for us, I think it¡¯s binding on everyone.¡±¡ª¡ª2aahhh29300764¡ª¡ª>
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