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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 160 The Sea of ??Fire in Tokyo

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    The Japanese's lax defense on the east coast actually did a great favor to the bomber group participating in the Anti-Japanese War. The bomber group led by Li Ming not only encountered no interception over the Sea of ??Japan, but also did not encounter any interception since entering the Japanese mainland.  to any interception.

    The Japanese mainland, which is still sleeping at this moment, is completely silent, both in the air and on the ground. Except for the occasional navigation machine in the radio station, which receives clear inquiry signals from Japan, there is almost no trouble. Even the only  An inquiry was also confused by the clever answer given by the navigation machine that had been prepared for a long time.

    At 2:30 a.m. on the 9th, Tokyo time, the dawn bomber group arrived at Mount Fuji along the Kanto Mountains, the most obvious landmark in Japan. Looking under the wings of the aircraft, even in the night, a silvery white patch on the top of the mountain was clearly visible.  of Mount Fuji.

    Knowing that he was not far from Tokyo and had reached the turning point towards Tokyo at dawn, he once again confirmed the direction of the pointer on the compass, lowered the altitude with his fleet, passed over the northeast ridge of Mount Fuji, and quickly flew at an altitude of two thousand meters.  Fly directly to Tokyo in the northeast direction.

    However, after flying over Mount Fuji, Li Ming looked at the map and instruments carefully. He did not want to regard Yokohama, which is very close to Tokyo and less than 50 kilometers away from Tokyo, as the main target of his trip.  It's Tokyo, the capital of Japan, not the port called Yokohama.

    Before carrying out this mission, in order to better carry out this mission, Liming temporarily supplemented a lot of Japanese geography knowledge. He was born in the old Red Army and his original cultural level was not high. Apart from going to the Soviet Union for training, he had never  Having been abroad, this was the first time he learned that the highest mountain in Japan is called Mount Fuji, that the capital of Japan is Tokyo, and that the original capital was called Kyoto.

    Japan is an archipelago country surrounded by sea. Its main territory is composed of four large islands. In addition to these four large islands, there are many small islands. The big cities include Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Yokohama, etc.  , and most of these big cities are concentrated on Honshu Island.

    It was precisely because of this that he learned that Yokohama and Tokyo are adjacent, and the distance between the two places is less than fifty kilometers. Yokosuka, which is adjacent to Yokohama, is also one of the most important military ports of the Japanese Navy, so he opened his eyes wide.  , constantly looking at the instruments on the plane to ensure that the direction can be corrected at any time, and never deviate from the course and fly to Yokohama.

    Fortunately, Tokyo is north of Yokohama. After arriving at the landmark of Mount Fuji, you can fly directly northeast to reach Tokyo, because Yokohama is almost in an east-west straight line with Mount Fuji. If you do not go directly east after arriving at Mount Fuji, but  It is easy to find Tokyo if it is slightly north. As long as there is no problem with the instrument, you should not choose the wrong direction.

    At 3:20 in the morning on the 9th, when the bomber group led by Li Ming appeared over Tokyo without encountering any interception, the still sleeping city was greeted by silence.  , there was no anti-aircraft fire or interception by air fighter jets, everything was so silent.

    This city, which is enjoying the so-called illustrious military exploits of the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy, and has not suffered the trauma of any war so far, everything seems so natural at this time, and there are no lights like other cities in countries that are suffering from war difficulties.  There is no traffic control, and everything is still going on as planned.

    The street lights on the ground and the neon lights flashing on the surrounding high-rise buildings, as well as the large and small ships lined up in Tokyo Bay, and the Edogawa River running across the entire city clearly told Dawn that this huge ship appeared under his wing at this moment.  , the sleeping city is the goal of his trip. It is the center of Japan's politics, economy, culture, and military, and it is also the capital of Japan.

    The Japanese are too careless. Even at this critical moment of war against the United States and Britain, their local air defense forces are mainly concentrated in Kitakyushu, the main steel industry base, and the defense line on the Pacific side of Honshu, as well as major cities in the country.  , there was almost no blackout.

    At this moment, Tokyo, the capital of the Japanese Empire, the political, military, and economic center, is still enjoying the same tranquility and prosperity as usual. At this moment, Tokyo on the ground still has several brightly lit train stations, and countless large and small bright lights.  The street lights have become the best ground navigation signs.

    Just when we arrived in Tokyo at dawn, except for a few housewives who had gotten up early to prepare for their families, most people in Tokyo and its surrounding areas were still sleeping, as if they were afraid of waking up the city.  The Japanese are like supreme gods, and the whole city is silent.

    And inside Tokyo Station, a night train from Aomori is slowly entering the platform, and passengers waiting to board the train to go to Osaka are in an orderly manner.?Standing on the platform waiting to get on the train, everything in this largest city in Northeast Asia is so orderly.

    No one on the ground at this moment, whether it was the driver driving the bus or the busy housewives who had gotten up early, including the one in the palace in this city, the most supreme god in the hearts of the Japanese would be with them for three whole years.  The first of the semi-major bombings is about to begin.

    The Chinese revenge bomb will land on their heads in just a few minutes. The life they start tonight will accompany them throughout the war, opening Pandora's box and releasing the demon of war.  The Sword of Damocles offered by the Japanese and Chinese was now hanging high above their heads.

    After determining the rough target, Liming did not hesitate at all. After firing a few flares, he took another lead aircraft and flew over the target area in a cross at an altitude of one thousand meters. At the same time, he placed the two aircraft in the magazine.  A total of six high-explosive bombs of 250 kilograms were accurately dropped into the sky above the target.

    As the cross-falling high-explosive bombs exploded violently on the ground, the roofs of the few reinforced concrete buildings on the ground were lifted off. The two squadron leaders who followed followed also at a height of one thousand meters.  In the same cross-flying manner, five 150-kilogram napalm bombs were dropped respectively, setting fire to the buildings on the ground whose roofs had been lifted off by the previous six high-explosive bombs, providing accurate instructions for other bombers to drop bombs.  target.

    This tactic was proposed by Yang Zhen. The huge impact of high-explosive bombs was used to lift off all the roofs, doors and windows of the few reinforced concrete buildings of Tokyo Imperial University in Japan, and then the university was destroyed by napalm bombs.  And all surrounding buildings were set alight to achieve complete destruction.

    Napalm is an incendiary bomb that produces high temperatures and flames without producing shock waves. It is very powerful against field fortifications and flammable wooden buildings, but it has basically no effect against reinforced concrete buildings.  , because the flame cannot penetrate the wall, and at most it can only burn the surface of the wall, without causing fundamental damage to the inner structure.

    Although there are many traditional Japanese wooden buildings at Tokyo Imperial University, many Western-style reinforced concrete buildings were built here after the Great Kanto Earthquake. If napalm bombs were simply used, the effect of bombing would be greatly reduced and there would be no impact at all.  The results did not meet Yang Zhen's expectations. After repeated consideration and reference to the German bombing tactics of London and Coventry, Yang Zhen proposed this new tactic.

    After testing this tactic, it was found that it is quite effective against a building structure like Tokyo Imperial University that is mixed with some reinforced concrete buildings and the rest is mostly wooden buildings. It is more effective than simply using napalm.  It is much easier to use, and its destruction area and effect are much larger.

    Considering that some of the reinforced concrete buildings were among the bombing targets today, the Anti-Japanese Alliance adopted this bombing tactic. In the next few years, this bombing tactic became the standard tactic used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance in bombing Japanese factories.  Of course, when bombing those ordinary small family-owned factories, there is no need to waste precious high-explosive bombs. Napalm bombs are enough.

    After Li Ming and the three leading crews completed bombing, the following bomber groups did not hesitate. Under the guidance of the leading crew throwing napalm bombs and causing a cross-shaped fire, they opened the bomb bay door at the same time and at the fastest speed.  All high-explosive napalm bombs carrying a total weight of 72 tons were dropped in the center of Tokyo, within the Bunkyo and Taito wards centered on Tokyo Imperial University.

    The napalm bombs used in this anti-union war are upgraded products after obtaining the coagulant made in the United States. In order to save precious rubber resources, the coagulant inside has been changed from rubber to animal oil plus chemical agents, as well as a small amount of  It is a rubber mixed product, and also contains a large amount of flame-retardant magnesium.

    This new type of napalm bomb is more powerful than the previous napalm bombs. The most fundamental thing is that the burning area of ??the charge is also much larger. Although the total number of 72 tons of napalm bombs is not too much, it is still  It was enough to ignite the entire Tokyo Imperial University and surrounding buildings.

    As more and more napalm bombs fell to the ground, the intensity of the fire on the ground became larger and larger. When the napalm bombs finally fell to the ground, the fire on the opposite side changed from a point-like shape at the beginning, and finally in the city of Tokyo.  The center is connected into a large sea of ????fire that is still spreading rapidly to the surrounding areas.

    The bomber group was busy dropping bombs, and the bomber carrying three photography officers following the bomber group was constantly circling around the bomber group. Since entering the Japanese mainland, the photography officers have been busy,  Photographic equipment stretches out from the limited window, constantly destroying film and even photography.?Lean your entire body out of the turret on the back of the aircraft and hold up the camera to shoot.

    At the request of several photography officers, the pilot piloting this German-made HE-11 bomber turned on all navigation lights and kept the aircraft at an altitude of one thousand meters. At one point, three overly excited guys even violently  Under the request, the aircraft even lowered to 500 meters, but it almost crashed without being impacted by the rapidly rising cyclone caused by the burning on the ground.

    If the pilot hadn't had excellent skills and timely response, and controlled the aircraft to recover as quickly as possible and escape from the cyclone's control area, this aircraft might have become the only aircraft damaged in the bombing. I was frightened afterwards.  The pilot broke out in a cold sweat. No matter whether the three guys were threatening or pleading, he did not dare to lower the flying altitude.

    When the last Il-4 bomber completed its bombing and escaped from the target, Liming immediately used the code to send back the report of the successful raid to the base. He did not bother to appreciate the sky-high fire he set in the Japanese capital. Even the battle damage was lost.  No inventory was taken.

    He immediately took all the bomber groups and climbed to an altitude of three thousand meters. At this moment, the electronic jammers lingering off the coast of Joetsu, Japan, received his notification and began to carry out large-scale radio jamming on Honshu Island. Under the cover of maximum possible  The aircraft left the sky above Tokyo at a high speed and returned at full speed according to the scheduled route.
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