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Text Chapter 158 Countdown

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    Although there is basically no great possibility of complete implementation, Americans have American considerations and they will never do anything that harms what they consider to be the interests of the United States. However, as long as they generally implement it, it is enough to resist the alliance.  , or the Chinese people's industrial development has caught a fast train, and as long as the foundation is laid, will true development and growth be just a illusory desire?

    Yang Zhen stood in front of the window for more than two hours. After thoroughly smoothing out his thoughts, he returned to his desk, picked up the phone, and called the Aviation Command. During the call,  , Yang Zhen did not have any ink marks, and only told the aviation commander over there that if the weather permits, their action time will be set at nine o'clock tonight.

    It turned out that Yang Zhending's attack time was in the early morning of the 8th, but after several hesitations, he still ordered the aviation force to temporarily suspend the plan to take off in the early morning of the 8th. However, all participating units of the aviation force must be prepared to set off at any time. As for time, it is better to wait.  own notification.

    Now that the last stone in his heart has fallen to the ground, it is natural to execute it as soon as possible. Therefore, after receiving the monitoring report from the Ministry of Communications, after repeated calculations, he set the final execution time at nine o'clock tonight.  , taking off at night and passing through the Sea of ??Japan, it happened to be able to avoid the Japanese warning ships.

    As for the action plan, it has been formulated long ago. There is basically nothing to say in this regard. The only difference is that the time of the action has not been finally determined, because it has not yet been determined whether the Japanese bombs will be used as they once were.  As is well known in the historical trajectory, Yang Zhen was still hesitant about the final action before it fell on the US military at Pearl Harbor.

    So the plan has been formulated, some technical preparations have been completed, and the troops have also carried out some relative training. However, Yang Zhen still revised the final bombing time several times. Of course, part of this was due to meteorological reasons, but  The main reason is that Yang Zhen has not yet made his final decision.

    However, under Yang Zhen's request, all the preparations for the aviation force so far have been completed. Once the final decision is made, operations can be launched at any time if the weather conditions permit, so Yang Zhen does not need to say anything more.  , just tell the aviation unit the time of final action.

    The aircraft and pilots over there who were preparing to participate in the operation were all ready, and the required bombs and fuel were all in place. Therefore, Yang Zhen's order was given simply and clearly, and the aviation command over there, who had detailed knowledge of the situation, did not respond at all.  of sloppiness.

    Putting down the phone in his hand, Yang Zhen called the Political Department again and asked Gao Yumin to immediately select the two best officers to shoot the documentary. A photography officer brought the best camera and video camera and immediately rushed to the Aviation Command to report that in the afternoon  There was an AT 7 advanced bombing transport trainer aircraft to send them to Dongning.

    After receiving a call from Yang Zhen, Gao Yumin, who had long been aware of the operation, said nothing and immediately sent someone to select the best photography officers and equipment and send them to Dongning. As for why the air raid on Tokyo needed photography officers and related  equipment, the reason is also very simple.

    Military operations are a continuation of politics, and politics also require struggle. This air raid on Tokyo, in particular, is the first time that the Chinese have actually carried out a military attack on the Japanese mainland. It is also the first time that foreigners have entered the Japanese mainland since the Meiji Restoration.  The falling bombs are not only of great military significance, but also of even greater political significance.

    If you can take some good video data, you can not only discuss the gains and losses of this air raid, express to the United States and Britain the determination of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Japanese army to fight to the end, but also boost the morale of the domestic people and help politically.  Propaganda shows that the Chinese, who have always been bombed, also have the power to bomb the Japanese mainland. The effect of this on the morale of the domestic people can be imagined.

    Therefore, in addition to the bomber group and technical support aircraft, this bombing will also be accompanied by a German-made HE-11 medium bomber. Among the Soviet-made bombers dispatched by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the only German  The bomber will not carry bombs, but three photojournalists.

    This is a plane that was captured by the Soviet army after the German air raid on Moscow lost its way and landed at the Soviet airport after the Soviet-German war broke out. Although the German army has maintained victory on the ground for most of the time so far,  The skies in the western Soviet Union are still in the hands of the Germans.

    But it does not mean that German aircraft will not fall into the hands of the Soviets for one reason or another. This aircraft, like the few aircraft that have fallen into the hands of the Soviets, was lost during air raids deep into the rear of the Soviet Union.  , or were captured by the Soviets because they were injured and forced to land.

    This aircraft and its five comrades were used by the Soviets as a partner with the Ye Er bomber in exchange for the aircraft originally sold to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.There are two light bombers, but this aircraft is the most intact of the five aircraft used by the Soviets as a lead. As for the remaining four, they can only be used as parts suppliers.

    Originally, the aviation force was planning to dispatch a C47 as the seat plane for these three special passengers to perform this special mission. However, the C47 transport aircraft is a transport aircraft after all. Although the range is sufficient, the flying speed is comparable to that of the IL-4 bomber.  There is still a big gap.

    Once you join the bomber group and participate in the bombing, it will delay the action speed of the entire group, which will undoubtedly increase unnecessary risks. However, if the bomber group breaks away first, then after poking a hornet's nest, this most basic self-defense  A transport plane with no capabilities has no possibility of survival at all.

    The number of Il-4 bombers was limited, and the aviation force was unwilling to waste a single aircraft to specialize in this task. Finally, after many rounds of pulling and pulling, they selected this one with sufficient range and a small amount of self-defense firepower. The most important thing is that  A German bomber that is fast enough not to slow down the entire formation.

    The aviation force, which had been prepared for a long time, was waiting for this order. After receiving the notice from Yang Zhen, Fang Ziyi immediately rushed to Dongning to take charge personally. Before he arrived in Dongning, the two major airports of Dongning and Ning'an had already received the order.  The ground crew on board immediately began final preparations.

    Although I don¡¯t know where such a large fleet of aircraft is concentrated this time and where the combat target is, it is the first time I have seen the ground staff of the Anti-Japanese Alliance gathering such a large fleet of aircraft at once. I also know that this must be a big operation, and even many people are thinking  There is a vague expectation, imagining that the ultimate destination of these aircraft is Japan.

    Especially the request from superiors to fill up all the fuel tanks of these aircraft has made some smart people firmly believe that if they are to attack targets in the Northeast, there is no need to add such a large amount of fuel, and they should add as much fuel as possible.  Hang some bombs instead of wasting fuel that is simply not necessary.

    With this idea in mind, the ground staff at the Dongning base were very motivated. The technicians were busy doing the last inspection of the aircraft participating in the war, the communications personnel were busy debugging the aircraft instruments and communication equipment for the last time, and the ordnance personnel were also busy  Add a fuse to the bomb.

    In order to ensure the safety of the two airports, which were now filled with napalm bombs and oil, as well as all the bombers of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and not to be attacked by the Japanese army at the last moment, several anti-aircraft artillery batteries around the Dongning and Ning'an airports, all  The ground artillery personnel were staring at the sky with alert eyes.

    In the sky around the airport, P40 fighter jets from two combat squadrons were also cruising in the air. The orders they received were that any flying objects that broke into the sky around the airport without being notified by the ground command post would be dealt with without mercy.  shot down, including the Anti-Japanese Alliance's own aircraft. At this time, over the airport, it could be said that not even a sparrow could fly in.

    As for what those ground crews who suddenly became more motivated were thinking about, this was not what Fang Ziyi should consider now. As soon as he arrived in Dongning, he studied the combat plan and route for the last time with Li Ming, who was leading the team. As the commander of the aviation force,  These Il-4 bombers dispatched were almost all the capital of the Anti-League medium bombers. Fang Ziyi could be said to be quite cautious.

    The photography officers who came with him randomly and still didn't know what they were going to do were locked in a separate room. They were not allowed to shoot any shots prepared before the war, or even  Even the door to this room is not allowed to go out.

    These officers from the Political Department couldn't bear this disguised confinement and wanted to protest. Before they could say anything, they were stopped by the two officers from the Military Region Security Department who came with them, who had not said a word along the way.  Staring back with cold eyes, these three people had no choice but to stay in their rooms and check the equipment in their hands over and over again.

    The plan drawn up by Fang Ziyi was quite rigorous. Except for a few pilot crews, all the participants still didn't know yet. The target of their operation this time would be Tokyo, the capital of Japan. They originally thought it was just a night flight training, but when  After seeing the mountains of live ammunition piled up at the airport, I realized that tonight's operation was not a training exercise.

    It was only after dinner at 6 o'clock that all the combat plans and route maps were distributed to the navigators of each participating crew. From this moment until the operation was fully launched, it had already been less than three hours. In other words, until now, all participating crews had  Only then did the crew know where the target of the bombing was.

    At seven o'clock in the evening, Yang Zhen took a C47 transport plane and arrived at Dongning Airport quietly. At this time, Yang Zhen's purpose of arriving at the airport was self-evident, which was to boost morale and see off all the bombers participating in the war.  At Yang Zhen and Ning'an Airport, Li Yanping was doing the same thing.

      After arriving at the airport, Yang Zhen and Fang Ziyi met all the participating crews in the airport canteen. Of course, there were also the photography officers who had been locked up for confidentiality after arriving in Dongning. Yang Zhen, the whole army  The arrival of No. 1 to see them off in person made the combatants, whose morale was extremely high because the target of this attack was actually Tokyo, Japan, even more excited.

    All preparations are now complete, and the countdown to the start of the operation has entered. Whether it is Yang Zhen at Dongning Airport or Li Yanping at Ning'an Airport, the conversation is very short, lasting only half an hour and ending.  It depends on what these pilots can do.

    But Yang Zhen unswervingly believed that these best pilots selected from the Anti-Alliance Air Force bomber pilots would successfully complete the mission and win the first victory, because he selected these pilots who were as young as himself  There was a burst of confidence in his eyes.

    By 8:20, all participating aircraft have been equipped with bombs, all pilots have boarded and are in position, and ground crews have begun to conduct the last weather inspection and removed the barriers in front and behind the aircraft's wheels. All participating aircraft  , the engine has been started, and taxiing has begun to enter the runway.
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