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Text Chapter 146 The Iron Curtain

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    Regarding Okamura Neji's lion's mouth, Lieutenant General Jun in the harem just smiled and nodded: "Okamura-kun's appetite is not small, but these demands are not excessive and are reasonable. After all, the enemy has many  It is not unsatisfactory to increase the number of tanks and strengthen the rapid-fire artillery and heavy artillery units.¡±

    "In this way, I can guarantee that the dispatched army headquarters will try its best to meet your requirements. However, the specific quantity will not be discussed with the commander until I return to Nanjing. The 11th Army is planning a new Changsha operation. All  We need to wait until the outcome is over before we can give you an answer.¡±

    Lieutenant General Haremiya Jun's ambiguous and even obviously slippery answer did not pay much attention to General Neji Okamura. Since Lieutenant General Haremiya Jun agreed, the dispatched army headquarters would more or less provide some assistance.  But the difference is only in the amount. If it's more, he won't think it's too much. If it's less, can he open his mouth again?

    Anyway, from the current point of view, there is still plenty of time. In the war that just ended between the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the Kwantung Army, the Kwantung Army was indeed defeated miserably, but judging from the Kwantung Army's combat effectiveness, their casualties would not be too great.  Light, if they want to accumulate strength to launch another attack, they still need a certain amount of time to recuperate. Without this time, they will not be able to restore their offensive strength.

    However, how much support will be provided by the dispatched troops, and there is still time to bargain, but for Neji Okamura, these are not too critical issues. For him now, the most critical issue is intelligence, especially this  The North China Front has never had contact with the army. All detailed information is the basis for the North China Front's operations.

    In this aspect, for the North China Front, it is basically blank and needs the support of the Kwantung Army. At present, the total number of soldiers of this new opponent, the maximum number of reserve soldiers that can be mobilized, the organization of technical arms, and combat technologies and characteristics, the main  performance of combat equipment.

    There are also the approximate numbers of tank units, aviation units, and heavy artillery units. This is all the information he, the commander of the front army, needs to assess the battlefield situation. The North China Front Army has never had any contact with this army before, and he wants to obtain similar information.  We can only rely on the Kwantung Army's intelligence system.

    Although it felt somewhat disgraceful that he was exposing someone's background, Okamura Neiji hesitated and turned the topic to Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi: "Yoshimoto-kun, your Kwantung Army has fought against them many times.  We are quite familiar with their tactics, and Manchuria has always been the sphere of influence of the Kwantung Army, which has a strict intelligence agency there. "

    "I request the Kwantung Army to first mobilize a group of officers who have fought with them and provide them to the North China Front Army so as to enhance the North China Front Army's understanding of the combat style of this army. This is what we urgently need at the moment. We must know the North China Front Army's understanding of this army's combat style.  The new opponents are completely unfamiliar, and we know nothing about them except for the battle status report sent by the base camp. "

    "The second is to use your intelligence system to find out how many tanks and aircraft they currently have, the maximum number of tanks and aircraft they can dispatch at one time during combat, as well as the status and quantity of other equipment, especially the quantity of technical equipment.  , this North China Front Army is the most urgently needed.¡±

    "In addition, their total military strength, the approximate proportion of their dispatchable forces, their aviation strength and combat effectiveness are also what the North China Front Army currently needs. This battle is crucial, and the North China Front Army must not allow the battle to begin.  , Only then did we finally discover that our opponent¡¯s equipment had changed dramatically.¡±

    Faced with the two requests from Okamura Neiji, Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "General Okamura, the first point is absolutely no problem. I will start the deployment immediately after I return, so that I will not be on the battlefield.  A group of elite soldiers and generals from various field divisions and corps headquarters that have fought against each other will be transferred to the North China Front Army."

    "As for the second request, I can only say that the Kwantung Army can only guarantee that it will try its best to meet your request, but how accurate it is can only be judged by the North China Front Army itself, because judging from the current situation, I  I have to remind you that the intelligence in this area is likely to be quite limited, and the Kwantung Army¡¯s intelligence collection work on its so-called base area has failed, at least for now.¡±

    "Their so-called base area is now almost airtight like an iron curtain. I'm sorry for using this word that sounds very frustrating to us, but apart from the word iron curtain, I think  There is no other adjective to describe the current situation in which they have extremely tight control over the area under their control.¡±

    "You all also know that the Kwantung Army's control in Manchuria far exceeds that of previous Chinese governments. Even without these so-called anti-alliance alliances, the Kwantung Army still has control over the former northern Manchuria.A large number of spy networks were used to secretly monitor the Manchurians' anti-Manchurian anti-Japanese activities. However, such a huge intelligence system was destroyed in a short period of time. Its counter-espionage capabilities are so strong that I have rarely seen them.  "

    "The Kwantung Army's original intelligence system suffered a devastating blow due to the rapid loss of Harbin. The newly established intelligence system either suffered repeated failures, or the information it transmitted was of no value at all. Although there was some economic information, it was  There is almost nothing available about military intelligence.¡±

    "Since they re-strengthened and moved out of the mountains, the Kwantung Army has rarely been able to accurately judge its intelligence. This includes their total strength, the equipment system of the entire army, and even what they can do before each battle.  It is impossible to make an accurate judgment on the amount of troops invested.¡±

    ¡°Although there are successful examples of instigating military officers at all levels to rebel against them, they are basically insignificant personnel. Those who really have core secrets, more intelligence, and higher-level positions, but we don¡¯t even know their whereabouts.  It¡¯s hard to touch, and as for instigating rebellion or assassination, it¡¯s simply impossible.¡±

    "The biggest achievement of the Kwantung Army intelligence department since 1939, when this resistance alliance grew, was to get rid of the fianc¨¦e of their military commander. As for other aspects, there are almost no successful examples. On the contrary, they are the ones we have painstakingly cultivated for many years.  Almost all the spies disappeared one after another, and the few survivors were also in a state of inactivity. "

    "This also includes Miss Nanzao Yunzi, who was called the flower of the empire because of her repeated achievements in the war against China. She pretended to be a so-called progressive college student and detoured from Shanghai to Soviet Russia in the first half of the year to enter Northern Manchuria.  After that, it disappeared without a trace, and no information was ever sent back.¡±

    "If you are not afraid of laughing at everyone here, before the last battle, the Kwantung Army could not even figure out that they actually had a large number of Soviet-made tanks, that they had aviation, or that after we suffered serious losses on the battlefield,  Only then did we realize that our opponents actually also have combat aircraft. In other words, the only way for the Kwantung Army to grasp the new weapons they possess is basically through encounters on the battlefield. "

    "However, the number and scale of their aviation forces has not been completely investigated until now. The Kwantung Army failed in several battles. A large part of the reason was errors in intelligence collection, which led to its equipment status being inconsistent with the actual situation.  There are huge differences in judgments, and we didn¡¯t know much about their equipment until they were on the battlefield.¡±

    "Now the Kwantung Army has been reduced to the point where it is unable to make accurate judgments on the total number of troops it can invest on the battlefield. If each battle is calculated according to their establishment and the number of troops within the establishment, it can basically be said that  It's wrong. Every time they go to the battlefield, their troops are always increasing and new unit numbers will appear. "

    "At the most, the number of troops that appeared was more than double what we judged. Now, in every battle, the intelligence staff of the Kwantung Army dare not make any estimates in terms of the strength that the opponent may invest in each battle, except  Apart from relying on the Kwantung Army's previous predictions of the total population in its so-called base area, our intelligence department will not be of much use at all. "

    "Although the serious errors in its intelligence collection and judgment were a disgraceful incident for the Kwantung Army, here today, I have to remind everyone here that what you are about to face is an army that is closely related to the Chinese government forces and North China.  The communist army is a completely different army.¡±

    ¡°They not only have more powerful equipment than the Chinese government forces, but also have a stricter organizational structure than the North China Communist Army. Their confidentiality system is so strict that we have never fought against anyone before. Not only do they keep strict confidentiality to the outside world,  The internal confidentiality system is also extremely complete.¡±

    "It can even be said that their junior officers in various branches of the military do not know the exact quantity of a certain type of equipment they have. We captured a certain number of their pilots on the battlefield, but these prisoners of war did not know the fighter jets they were flying.  How many aircraft are there in total? Apart from their own squadron, they don¡¯t even know how big their troops are.¡±

    "What is particularly noteworthy is that not only do they have very strong counter-espionage capabilities, but they are also extremely good at using the imperial spy network they uncovered to confuse us, constantly leading us to make mistakes, and making us judge their intelligence.  Something went wrong."

    "The Kwantung Army's current spy network in the areas under its control has been almost destroyed, and the repair of the spy network is also progressing extremely slowly. The re-selected spies are either missing, or they are under its tight control and it is difficult to carry out activities.  At present, the intelligence department of the Kwantung Army can hardly meet the expectations of the North China Front. "

    "Now Kanto?It has been reduced to the point where it is impossible to make an accurate judgment on the total number of troops that can be invested on the battlefield. If each battle is calculated according to the organization they appear in and the number of troops within the organization, it can basically be said to be wrong.  Every time they go to the battlefield, their strength is always increasing, and new troop numbers will continue to appear.  "

    "At the most, the number of troops that appeared was more than double our predicted strength. Now, the intelligence staff of the Kwantung Army dare not make any estimates at all, except relying on the Kwantung Army's previous estimate of the total population of the so-called base area.  Apart from providing certain information and making certain predictions, our intelligence department cannot play a big role at all.¡±

    Speaking of this, Yoshimoto Teiichi said something embarrassing that everyone present was amazed: "In response to Okamura-kun's request, the Kwantung Army can only promise to do its best. As for the accuracy of this information,  Sorry, I can¡¯t guarantee this at all.¡±

    "If the next move of the Anti-Japanese Alliance is really in mainland China, then the Kwantung Army promises to launch a synchronized offensive to coordinate the North China Front Army's operations. In other aspects, as the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, I can only wish the North China Front Army good luck and hope that  If General Murun¡¯s judgment is accurate, then I can only hope that the North China Front Army will be lucky.¡±
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