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Text Chapter 127 Hesitation

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    However, this situation is something that Yang Zhen has not thought of yet. He once imagined that the Soviets would drag their feet in implementing this agreement, and would not transfer one at all before the next stage of the battle, or would not transfer it during the implementation.  , a big discount, hundreds of tanks were seized, and only dozens, or even a dozen, were handed over to themselves.

    Or simply give it a try, with the excuse that not a single one was captured, and not even a hair was allowed to be seen. It just didn¡¯t occur to them that the Americans would provide the Soviets with tank equipment for the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the coming year.  , Yang Zhen who will exceed his needs.

    Now he doesn't have the leisure time and energy to have a good idea about the extent to which the Soviets, whom he least trusts, will fulfill the agreement. After being disappointed with the Soviet way and style of doing things has become a habit, Yang Zhen and all the Anti-Japanese Alliance  None of the senior cadres thought about how much hope the Soviets would have in fulfilling the agreement.

    After holding this unifying meeting, Yang Zhen found several senior cadres of the aviation force in his office, and carefully studied the shortcomings of the tactics planned by the aviation force for the air attack on Japan, and what possible countermeasures should be taken  Unexpected measures have emerged, especially measures to deal with possible interceptions by Japanese army and naval aviation in northern Korea.

    There is no way. All the combatants who participated in the air attack against Japan are almost the foundation and foundation of the long-range aviation of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Except for those who have set off to study in the UK, almost all the current elite of the Anti-Union bomber pilots are here. If there is a loss  If it is too large, the impact on the development of the Allied bomber force will probably be devastating.

    As long as the Americans officially join the war, they can find a solution if there are no more planes. But if there are no more pilots, then what is the use of having more planes? Are those pilots who have just left the aviation school responsible for the entire future of the Anti-Alliance bomber force?  important task of development.

    Yang Zhen, who was still somewhat uneasy, spent the whole night studying with the two military and political officers of the aviation force, as well as the deputy chief of staff of the aviation force, Ming Ming, who had been appointed as the commander-in-chief of the operation, until the sky became bright in the early morning.  The entire combat plan for the Anti-Japanese Alliance's first bombing of the Japanese mainland was finally finalized.

    After a few people left, Yang Zhen glanced at the big Arabic numeral six on the desk calendar that was opened on his desk. He stood up and walked to the window. He looked out the window quietly and didn't know when it would start.  Snowflakes were flying in the sky, but my heart still couldn't calm down.

    In two days, the entire world will undergo a drastic change, and this world war, which has almost spread across the globe, will change the fate of hundreds of millions of people because of this change, but in the last two days  , this change that was supposed to be about to happen, whether there would be any sudden changes, Yang Zhen still couldn't really rest assured.

    Faced with this change that is related to the development of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the next few years, and even the fate of the entire China in the next few decades, Yang Zhen asked himself over and over again in his heart, will it be possible because of his own only  The butterfly broke into this era unintentionally and underwent fundamental changes.

    Although judging from the intercepted Japanese radio signals, the next move of the Japanese army will still develop in accordance with the history that they are familiar with. However, even if that moment has not finally arrived by one second, it cannot be said that with that day, it will become more and more difficult.  As Yang Zhen got closer and became more and more nervous, he could really let go.

    Because even though he had signed an agreement with the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union, he still clearly knew that this was an agreement that could be torn up at any time. Its execution was even so fragile that it could become a piece of waste paper at any time and at any time.  At this time, if the wheel of history goes astray even a little bit, all your efforts will become a moon in the mirror and a flower in the water.

    Although in many matters, Yang Zhen has too accurate judgment and foresight in the eyes of others, Yang Zhen's mind has always been very clear. He clearly made many decisions and cannot take it for granted. On the contrary, it is precisely because  At this point, every decision he makes can only be made more cautiously. It is better to have no books than to believe in books. Yang Zhen still understands this truth.

    After standing for a long time, Yang Zhen finally made up his mind. If that thing happened at that moment like the history he was familiar with, and the bombing of Japan continued, if the wheel of history really went astray at this moment, then  This incident really did not happen, and the original combat plan of the Anti-Japanese Alliance air attack on the Japanese mainland was completely cancelled.

    He clearly knew that as long as the war between Japan and the United States did not really break out, the United States and Britain would not provide any strategic offensive weapons to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Of course, there may be some defensive weapons, but they can attack the Japanese mainland.  strategic bombers, they will not give them a single part.For the Anti-Japanese Alliance that does not have its own aviation manufacturing capabilities, if that day does not finally come, these dozens of Il-4 bombers may be the only long-range bombers that the Anti-Japanese Alliance can obtain before the end of the war. That's it.  Strength must not be lost so casually. If history really changes on that day, Yang Zhen thinks it is better to cancel the original plan.

    It's just that although Yang Zhen has made up his mind, he is still somewhat hesitant in his heart. After all, for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the opportunity is too rare. Regardless of whether the Japanese army launches a war against the United States and Britain, the current Japanese army's defense of the mainland is  The most relaxed time.

    I am afraid that the Japanese have never thought that one day the real bombs of the Chinese will fall on their heads, let alone that the Anti-Japanese Alliance still has the strength to give them a severe blow from the sky and take advantage of this opportunity.  , you can train a group of your own talents for long-range bombing and navigation.

    After all, building a strategic air force with both offensive and defensive capabilities is Yang Zhen¡¯s ultimate goal. An air force that only hangs around his door is not what he really needs. In peacetime, it is about going out, but in wartime, it is about fighting out.  , fight out and lead the war to the enemy's territory, this is what a strategic air force should do.

    If the tactical air force is a shield that can only be beaten passively, then the strategic air force is truly a country. An army can pierce the enemy's heart with a sharp sword at any time. A strategic air force, for a country like China,  That is what is really needed.

    For a war, counterattack in the homeland can only be a tactical counterattack. Only by igniting the flames of war on the enemy's land can it be a real strategic counterattack. The Anti-Japanese Alliance currently does not have a navy and cannot carry out attacks on the Japanese mainland.  In the case of a strategic offensive, the air force is the only means that can launch a strategic counterattack.

    And this is a rare opportunity. It is not only a symbol of launching a strategic counterattack. Although the military gains and losses of the air strike on the Japanese mainland are not large, the benefits it brings in other aspects require other means, even ground  Victory is hard to come by.

    If the anti-Japanese bomber group can carry out an air raid on the Japanese mainland at this time, it will be a considerable stimulus to the already declining anti-Japanese morale of the people across the country, at least it will make people who have been bombed by the Japanese army and soared  The people in the rear area, who are suffering extremely hard due to price hikes, can feel better mentally.

    Compared with three years ago, Chongqing did not cause any losses to the Japanese. Of course, they lost a little face due to the natural paper bombing. I am afraid that the real bomb offensive of the Anti-Japanese Alliance will have a greater motivating effect and will also have a political impact.  It is quite advantageous to counter the accusations from some quarters that the Alliance of Confrontation falsely reported its record, idled without attacking, or even relied on foreign countries to take advantage of itself.

    There was also the letter that was placed on Yang Zhen's desk at this time. The content of the chairman's reply to the telegram reporting the Anti-Japanese Alliance's preparations for an air raid on Japan also made Yang Zhen hesitate. Can the chairman really respond to the air raid?  If it is implemented, there are great expectations for how much damage it will cause to the Japanese mainland.

    Although the military effect is not taken too seriously by the Chairman, the Chairman is still very clear on how much impact an air strike by dozens of bombers with a small bomb load can have on the military industry of an industrial country.  But as a politician, the Chairman is keenly aware of the huge political effect it brings, which far exceeds the military effect.

    Although from the chairman's telegram, Yang Zhen could tell that the chairman was also hesitating. After all, these bombers were the foundation of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and even the entire army. Once the losses were too large, it would be quite detrimental to the long-term development of the future. This is  The chairman, who never cares about the gains and losses of a city or a place, is very worried.

    However, in the call back, the chairman still expressed his high hopes for the success of this matter. The chairman must not only consider the military gains and losses, but also the political gains and losses under the current delicate domestic political situation.  Gains and losses cannot but be considered. The attitude of the central government, or to be precise, the Chairman, is something Yang Zhen cannot but consider.

    But even though he knew that military operations were just a continuation of politics, and war was just a means of solving problems in political struggles, Yang Zhen still resented political factors interfering with military operations. Especially at this time, it was really difficult for him.  He made up his mind to risk the failure of his planned long-range aviation.

    The pilots and navigators of these dozens of bombers are the foundation of his future development. Although the actual risk of long-distance cross-sea bombing is far less than the deep bombing of inland enemy-occupied areas, because of the long-distance sea flight  , although it brings certain difficulties to pilots and navigation, the depth that can provide enemy ground interception is also very narrow.

    The Japanese do not have radar at the moment, and the vast sea cannot allow the Japanese ground observation posts and anti-aircraft artillery arrays to reach them.??, if the deployment is too far forward, even if a certain number of warning ships will be deployed, this is basically certain. However, in the vast sea, a few warning ships have no radar and can only rely on naked eyes and optical instruments to observe.  To what extent.

    Unless the Japanese army deploys all its navy around the Japanese mainland and places all its aircraft carriers in the waters surrounding its homeland, and uses these aircraft carrier-based aircraft to form a maritime defense line to cooperate with North Korea and its mainland land-based fighter jets, otherwise  The vulnerabilities available for exploitation will be quite large.

    This kind of long-range cross-sea air strike is relatively advantageous to a certain extent compared to deep bombing operations in enemy-occupied areas, but the disadvantages are even greater for the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Once the aircraft is shot down or crashes due to malfunction, waiting for the air crew to  Apart from being captured or sacrificed, there is almost no possibility of survival. Compared with being shot down in an enemy-occupied area and being rescued by local people or even having your own guerrilla troops to respond, once there is battle damage during the bombing of the Japanese mainland,  This means a permanent loss.

    The Anti-Japanese Alliance has no submarines that can cruise around Japan and rescue pilots who have made forced landings or parachuted on the sea. They don't even have seaplanes that can accompany bomber groups and land on the sea at any time, even if the pilots are on the sea.  Parachuting, what awaits them is either being captured by the Japanese navy, or they can only be buried in the vast sea.
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