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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 115 The Stone Falls to the Ground

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    The British did not pay much attention to Yang Zhen's protest before. The British always believed that they still had an absolute advantage in some aspects. However, in May 1942, the Japanese army occupied all of Papua New Guinea and moved to Morocco.  Relying on Zibby Port, it landed in Australia.

    At the same time, after capturing the entire Burma and launching an offensive against eastern India and Bangladesh, the British were really panicked. At this moment, a fierce battle was going on in the North African battlefield, and the United States was not able to join the war for a while, and its strength was almost reaching its limit.  The British can no longer continue their so-called pride.

    Because they know very well that the reason why they can still withstand the Japanese offensive in India is that in addition to the large amount of equipment provided by the Americans, another point is that when the Anti-Alliance launched an offensive in mainland China, they forced the Japanese army to  The two divisions transferred to Southeast Asia were transferred back to Manchuria halfway.

    If these two divisions had been deployed to India at that time, then with the current strength of the British army in Southeast Asia, I am afraid that the Japanese army would have been able to hit Karachi in one go. It was the help of the Japanese that allowed the British to understand that on the battlefield in the Far East, the Anti-Alliance  The real role is far beyond their imagination.

    After experiencing Yang Zhen's strong backlash, although the British did not apologize for what they did in the end, they restrained their behavior a lot. Although the equipment provided to the Anti-Alliance, it was not good for the British army's own system and its relationship with the United States.  It's always second-rate in comparison.

    Just like they only offer Stirling bombers, but have been unwilling to offer Lancaster bombers and Halifax bombers, they only offer Crusader cruise tanks, but have been refusing to offer the newer Cromwell cruise tanks.  During the war, the British still provided equipment that they had transferred to the second line, but they did not do this kind of thing of shoddy and using third- and fourth-rate equipment to deal with the resistance.

    If on the one hand, they are seizing the time to adjust their equipment and organization, and to receive the tanks transferred from the British, and because of the British's flashiness, only half of the promised equipment has been given, and the tactical aircraft that the Anti-Japanese Alliance needs most at the moment are far away.  And Yang Zhen was furious.

    Knowing that the planes originally promised by the British would be such rubbish, I am afraid that he would not just be furious about the British breach of contract. After the arrival of these British planes, they would be worse than the trouble they caused to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  No, at least he won't let the British get an advantage and behave well, and at the same time he has to lead their so-called friendship.

    It's just that he is currently suffering from the lack of tactical support aircraft, because he was let go by the cooperation of the United States and Britain, and Yang Zhen, who is furious, has never thought of this. As that day approaches, Yang Zhen has more energy.  Focus on formulating combat plans and supporting the Americans.

    Yang Zhen, who doesn¡¯t know whether the historical rut has changed since his appearance and whether the final direction will be the same as before. In order to monitor the Japanese army and obtain first-hand information, especially the movements of the Japanese navy, Yang Zhen has been monitoring the situation since early November.  , the Anti-League activated all radio monitoring systems in the entire base area.

    At the same time, two newly renovated C-47 radio signal monitoring aircraft were used to avoid the Soviet air surveillance posts in the Far East. They used the cover of night to fly from the Soviet Far East at the highest altitude and without navigation lights.  area, taking turns flying over the Soviet airspace and entering the Sea of ??Japan to strengthen the reception of radio signals from the Japanese mainland.

    Although the Japanese Navy's code composition is much more advanced and complex than that of the Army, and the frequency of replacement is also quite intensive. It is difficult to decipher it with the technical capabilities of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and the original weak foundation, but Yang Zhen did not give up his efforts.  , still doing its best to track and intercept Japanese naval radio signals.

    Just to confuse the United States and Britain and conceal their true intentions, Yang Zhen ordered the Japanese naval base in the Southern Kuril Islands of Japan to be a key surveillance area. All radios were silenced. Not to mention the navy's radio communication, it was the army's radio communication signal.  Most of the time it is often on and off.

    The surveillance system of the Anti-Japanese Alliance has never been able to intercept Japanese naval radio signals in this direction. However, although several Japanese naval bases in the Southern Kuril Islands have maintained radio silence, during the same period, the radio signals of major Japanese naval bases in mainland China, as well as Taiwan and the Southern Army  The number of signals suddenly increased.

    Although no radio signals from the Japanese Navy in the Southern Kuril Islands were found, and the intercepted Japanese Navy radio signals could not be deciphered, the intercepted radio signals from the Tokyo base camp and major Japanese military strategic groups in various places, as well as the similarly surged radio signals from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs,  , Yang Zhen still got a clue.

    Yang Zhen still couldn¡¯t completely rest assured based on the deciphered radio communications between the Japanese Army and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was not until December 4th that the Anti-Japanese Communications Department deciphered the radio communications between Japan and South Korea.After receiving a secret telegram from the Japanese army to the Tokyo base camp, Yang Zhen's heart was finally relieved.

    The content of this telegram, which finally made Yang Zhen feel relieved, was actually very simple. It only said, "At 7 o'clock in the morning, all troops are scheduled to be used to board the ship at Sanya Port." It was such a simple sentence,  The big rock that had been hanging in Yang Zhen's heart finally landed safely.

    This telegram comes from the Japanese Southern Army, which is responsible for fighting in Southeast Asia. Where is Hainan Island? It is now the main tactical training base and climate adaptation base for the Japanese Southern Army to fight in Southeast Asia. The Southern Army embarked from the Sanya Port in Southeast Asia.  , obviously not going to the Chinese battlefield.

    If the Japanese troops training in Hainan are transferred north to the Chinese battlefield, they should board the ship from Haikou, cross the Qiongzhou Strait and land somewhere along the coast of Guangdong. However, since the Japanese troops training in Hainan Island have boarded the ship from Sanya, their goal is only  It may be Southeast Asia across the sea from Hainan Island.

    The development of events is a chain. If the Japanese army does not capture Southeast Asia, they will not be able to solve the most urgently needed sources of oil and non-ferrous metals. If they want to capture Southeast Asia, then they will not destroy the US Navy's Pacific Fleet and seize the Philippine Islands.  , their goal cannot be achieved at all.

    The Americans will not sit back and watch the Japanese conquer the British and Dutch colonies in Southeast Asia. The US Pacific Fleet deployed at Pearl Harbor and the ever-increasing US long-range bomber group deployed in the Philippine Islands are what the Japanese must clear out no matter what as long as they go south.  obstacles.

    Since the Japanese Southern Army's troops fighting in Southeast Asia have boarded ships on Hainan Island, they may have arrived in the waters near Pearl Harbor to attack Pearl Harbor, which changed Japan's destiny.  The incident should not change anything.

    After intercepting this telegram, Yang Zhen withdrew the two electronic signal reconnaissance aircraft, which are currently the only ones in the world, and crossed the Soviet Union into the Sea of ??Japan. The risk was too great, since the current rut of history still follows the original order.  If he left, there would be no need for Yang Zhen to continue taking this risk.

    What's more, these two planes now have a more important job to do, which is to use the simple navigation device developed by Professor Shu Xingbei equipped on the plane to guide the upcoming first flight that the aviation force is preparing in secret.  Air strikes against Japan.

    As early as the battle was still in full swing, Yang Zhen asked the aviation force to deploy the two best combat staff to study the issue of bombing Japan. At the same time, he ordered the aviation force to gradually withdraw most of the Il-4 bombers from the battlefield and transfer them to  In order to conduct long-distance cross-sea flight training, the Ministry of Communications and the aviation force were required to set up a research and development team to solve the problem of bombing navigation against Japan.

    By the time Yang Zhen returned to Harbin from Yan'an, various preparations for the bombing of Japan had actually been basically completed. The radio signal receiving and lateral equipment on the two radio signal receiving aircraft were the results of this period of research. Of course,  Navigation for the bombing of Japan did not entirely rely on these two aircraft.

    The Headquarters Communications Department and the Aviation Communications Department jointly set up several high-power radio station navigation stations using directional antennas in Dongning, Jiamusi, and Wangqing. Through careful calculations, the signals emitted by these three high-power radio stations were at least  The signals from the two stations will intersect over the Sea of ??Japan, close to the Japanese mainland.

    The role of these two aircraft is to accompany the bomber group, use the airborne radio direction finder on the aircraft to capture this intersection, and guide the bomber formations in the air attack on Japan to find the Japanese mainland. As for entering the Japanese mainland, they rely on  Aviation maps and flight instruments for navigation.

    Although the radio stations used for navigation are just ordinary ultra-high-power radio stations using specific frequencies and directional antennas, the aircraft installed are just ordinary radio direction finders and a special high-power dedicated radio signal used to capture this  Receiver, and this dedicated radio signal receiver, in addition to capturing navigation radio signals, can also capture Japanese local radio broadcast signals, which can be used as navigation after going deep into Japan.

    After the research and development of these equipment was completed, the aviation force mobilized the best pilots and dispatched two Il-4 bombers and a C-47 radio signal receiving aircraft to form a small formation, secretly crossed the Primorsky Territory of the Soviet Union and flew over the Sea of ??Japan.  Experimented several times.

    Although this navigation system is quite crude and susceptible to interference, and due to accuracy, the intersection point of the transmitted signals can only reach 200 kilometers away from the west coast of Japan, but after all, it has initially solved the problem of long-range bombing navigation.  .

    The instrumentation of the Soviet-made Il-4 bombers used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance was too simple, and the accuracy was quite poor. Although the aviation force began to receive any?? has been gradually replaced by imported American-made aviation instruments. However, firstly, it is limited by the insufficient number of American-made imported instruments. Secondly, different aircraft models use different instruments. The most critical thing is the lack of technical means.

    Although the aviation force has adopted a variety of methods to solve the problem, it is still unable to completely improve the problem of the backward instrument level of the Il-4 bomber. Moreover, there is no ground reference at sea, and they all rely on instrument flying alone. The technical level requirements of all bomber pilots participating in the war are  It is too high, which is something that the current Anti-Alliance aviation cannot fully achieve.

    Therefore, Yang Zhen came up with the idea and Shu Xingbei took the lead in the actual implementation, creating such a simple version of the navigation device. Although compared with the radio navigation systems of Britain and Germany, there is a considerable gap in accuracy and distance.  , and the coverage does not reach the Japanese mainland.

    In order to solve some signal capture problems and test the equipment, the enthusiastic Professor Shu Xingbei even ventured on test aircraft many times to personally find solutions to the problems. After many repeated tests, although there are still some small  There are flaws, but most of the problems have been solved, and the problem of navigating the bomber group on the sea has been basically solved.
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