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Text Chapter 113 The Selfish British

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    In fact, Pearson and the United States insisted that the British provide the aircraft they had promised to the Anti-Japanese Alliance in accordance with the agreement. Pearson was also quite angry about the British breach of contract, because doing so would undoubtedly  It puts Americans in an awkward position.

    Moreover, the British transported these planes to Vladivostok, and the goods were delivered to their doorsteps, but then transported these planes to Australia and Malaya. This is quite unacceptable in the eyes of Americans.  To be honest, you can't do this. The goods will be handed over to others, and then you will turn around and take them back.

    The most critical thing is that the Americans believe that these aircraft are no longer in line with the actual conditions on the European battlefield due to their backward performance. All of them have been retired from active service in the British army, not to mention all of them in your British domestic air force, even in the British Commonwealth.  among the air forces of other countries.

    In addition to certain equipment in South Africa, which is thousands of kilometers away from the battlefield, even the Australian and Canadian air forces no longer undertake front-line combat missions. Apart from the battle losses on the European and North African battlefields, you still have  Thousands of planes are idle.

    Even if you think that this kind of aircraft can no longer meet the needs in the European battlefield, and there is no problem in dealing with the Japanese in the Asian battlefield, you want to use these aircraft to enhance the defense of Southeast Asia under the current situation, but you have to mobilize them from where.  At the critical moment when the British first cooperated with the Anti-Japanese Alliance, these promised aircraft were transferred away.

    In fact, the Americans were the most helpless and frustrated in this matter. The Americans promised to hand over a batch of A-20 attack aircraft to the Anti-Japanese Alliance at the end of the year. At the insistence of the pot-bellied Prime Minister, they were handed over to the urgently needed aircraft.  Tactical support aircraft on the North African battlefield to contain the increasingly fierce offensive of the German Afrika Korps.

    When the Soviets asked the Anti-Japanese Alliance to hand back the Soviet II light bombers, they also promised with confidence that the British would provide the same type of aircraft to replace the light bombers that the Anti-Japanese Alliance urgently needed. However, in the end, the British  It was a cunning trick to transport these planes that had been shipped to the doorstep of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to other places. This naturally made the Americans very dissatisfied.

    When you, the British, asked for that batch of attack aircraft, you patted your chest and guaranteed that you would provide a batch of aircraft that were sufficient to meet the needs of the Chinese. They were already outdated on the European battlefield, but had absolutely no problem dealing with the Japanese. But now it is just a promise.  There is no trust, which obviously makes the Chinese doubt the sincerity of the Americans.

    The United States has done what it promised you, the British, to do, but you can't do that. The British have not only given the Chinese people a hard time, but also taken the United States along with them. In this matter,  Make Americans look like humans inside and out.

    It's just that the Americans are angry at what the British have done. But at this time, the Americans not only cannot take action against the British, but instead urge the British to fulfill the agreement, and at the same time try their best to protect selfish people like the British.  Practice to cover up.

    But despite repeated urging from the Americans, the Prime Minister refused to relent, nor said he would give it, nor said he would give it. The three parties just kept dragging on inexplicably. Faced with a serious shortage of tactical support aircraft, the time to launch the campaign was getting longer and longer.  Yang Zhen, who is approaching, is an American who has been urged to act as a guarantee on this matter three times a day.

    The only thing the United States could do after receiving Yang Zhen's urging telegram was to constantly urge the British to fulfill their promises. However, no matter how much the United States urged, the British remained silent on this matter until February 1942.  , the Japanese army had swept across the entire Malayan Peninsula, and the British attitude changed.

    Facing the increasing military pressure on the battlefield in Southeast Asia, and at the same time Yang Zhen proposed that the Anti-League would be unable to cooperate with the British in combat operations in Southeast Asia due to the lack of urgently needed tactical aircraft, and in view of the fact that the United States and Britain had breached the contract first, the Anti-League believed that  There is no need to fully fulfill the agreement under threat.

    The pot-bellied Prime Minister urgently negotiated with the Americans and the Soviets, and in the shortest possible time, 300 of the more than 700 aircraft of the same type equipped by the Royal Canadian Air Force were allocated for use in the Pacific while still allowing freedom of navigation.  Soviet freighters carrying grain to Canada were shipped to Vladivostok.

    There was no way. The batch of aircraft originally planned to be provided to the Anti-Japanese Alliance had been swept away by the Japanese army in the Zero War and World War I. Within half a month, they were all lost on the Malayan Peninsula. They were transferred from the British mainland.  When it was too late, the regretful British man could only open his mouth to his little brother, the Royal Canadian Air Force.

    Fortunately, as the largest member of the British Commonwealth, it has its own military strength. The Japanese have swept through Southeast Asia like a raging storm, and have successively captured the Malay Peninsula and the Philippines in a short period of time. Singapore is about to lose its security. I am afraid that the Japanese  After the people complete their operations in Southeast Asia, the next step will be to attack the Canadian mainland.??Canadian Air Force.

    After receiving the British request for help, they did not use Americans to do the work. Not only did they readily agree to the British request, but they also provided sufficient goods in full compliance with the British requirements in the shortest possible time.  More than ten pilots with rich experience in flying the aircraft were dispatched to the Northeast with the ship to serve as instructors.

    In fact, what made the British prime minister finally relent was that Yang Zhen's threat could only be from one aspect. For him, the threat of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was nothing more than scratching the surface. There were Americans who came forward to help suppress the Chinese. Those Chinese  We will never dare to violate the agreement.

    What really made him relax was that these aircraft were not only targets of massacre in front of the German army, but also had no chance of survival in front of the Japanese naval aviation, which had always been despised by the British. During the Battle of the Malay Peninsula in January  , in an air battle of just ten minutes, all more than twenty Battelle light bombers invested by the British army were shot down.

    In the subsequent battles, the remaining light bombers of the same type were either shot down on the battlefield or blown up on the airport by Japanese aircraft. By mid-January, less than a month after the Japanese launched their attack, these original light bombers  The planes shipped to Singapore and subsequently transferred from Australia all lost embers in a short period of time.

    After actual combat has proven that this kind of aircraft is no match for Japanese combat aircraft, even during the Japanese offensive in Malaya, the British and Australian pilots who were assigned to fly these aircraft publicly refused to fly this kind of aircraft.  In the air battle, the remaining aircraft in the air battle were allowed to be blown up one by one by Japanese aircraft at the airport.

    In less than a month, the Japanese army has swept across the entire Malay Peninsula, and its frontline has been directed towards Singapore and the Dutch East Indies. The British army in Southeast Asia has faced a complete collapse, and there is an urgent need to launch a resistance alliance in the north.  The British, who carried out the offensive to reduce the pressure on the British army on the battlefield, finally handed over a batch of modified aircraft to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    It's just that although the British and Canadians moved very quickly, after so much back and forth, all these planes arrived at the Anti-Japanese War before the end of February. This was because the Soviets, under pressure from the Americans, agreed to use their own  The precious cargo ships came to help. If the British fleet alone had to rely on the British fleet, the entire Pacific Ocean had become a battlefield and the only way to go was Iran. It is estimated that they would not be able to be transported until the war is over.

    Although the Anti-Japanese Alliance finally obtained these much-needed tactical bombers in excess of the quota, for a large number of Anti-Japanese Alliance, extremely precious time has been wasted in this endless wrangling that almost accompanied the entire war.  The planes arriving at the Anti-Japanese Alliance simply could not catch up with the launch of the battle.

    Although the Anti-Japanese Alliance who took over these aircraft originally flew Su-2 light bombers, they had lost their original pilots at this time. After receiving these aircraft, they worked overtime to conduct conversion training. Those who randomly came with British and Canadian technology  The personnel also assembled these aircraft as soon as possible, but for this battle, these aircraft still arrived too late.

    Moreover, for the Anti-Japanese Alliance pilots who are accustomed to using Soviet-made and American-made aircraft, this is the first British-made combat aircraft obtained by the Anti-Japanese Alliance. It requires a certain amount of time to become familiar with both its performance and British-style instruments. Even without any modifications,  Just entering the battlefield still takes a lot of time.

    What's more, the British airborne machine guns on these aircraft are of 7.7 mm British caliber, but the bullets randomly transported by the British are only 300,000 rounds, which means that each of these combat aircraft has two guns, a total of  Each of the 600 machine guns can only receive an average of 500 rounds of ammunition, which is almost a drop in the bucket.

    The Anti-Japanese Alliance, which had never used British caliber weapons before, searched the entire base area and could not find a single 7.7mm machine gun bullet. Although there were a large number of captured Japanese 7.7mm bullets, it does not mean that the calibers are the same.  These two types of bullets are really versatile.

    Tactical aircraft are urgently needed on the front line, but the limited self-defense firepower is not only insufficient, but also severely malnourished. In desperation, the anti-alliance aviation force can only concentrate its limited ammunition on seventy bombers, giving priority to ensuring these  After the aircraft's self-defense capability, it is first put into battlefield use.

    As for the remaining two hundred or so aircraft, in addition to leaving thirty to the rear training base to allow new pilots to familiarize themselves with the performance of the British aircraft, the others were seize the time to improve and use the original MiG-3 fighter equipment, but by this time they have  These British-made machine guns without ammunition were replaced by the Soviet-made 7.62-mm aircraft machine guns that were replaced by the 12-mm machine guns made by the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    After all this hard work, it was not until late April that these British-made light bombers were put on the battlefield. Moreover, the first batch of planes put into operation was only seventy, and the rest were still flying in the Anti-Alliance air force.Empty the factory and work overtime to modify and replace the machine guns. Otherwise, what else can we do to let this kind of aircraft go to the battlefield empty-handed?

    The British, who have always been selfish, made this move at a critical moment, which caused a lot of trouble for the Anti-Japanese Alliance. At the beginning of the battle, the main tactical support aircraft used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance lacked supplementary equipment.  , they can only continue to use the original American-made A-20 attack aircraft, as well as the batch of French-made fighter jets that have been modified by the Anti-Japanese Alliance and switched to ground attack.

    In actual combat, the A-20 attack aircraft still performed extremely well, but the number was still unable to meet the needs. However, the batch of legal fighter jets, because the combat range was too short, could only take off from the frontline airport and remained stranded in the air.  The time is too short, and due to innate design reasons, it can only carry a maximum of 200 kilograms of bombs or six air-to-ground rockets. When used as an attack aircraft, it can only be said to be barely adequate.

    This batch of legal fighter jets could not fully fulfill the expectations of the Anti-Japanese Federation. The newly arrived aircraft from the rear were delayed for a lot of time due to their late arrival and conversion to flight training, and they were unable to be put into combat at the first time. The aviation force also had to face the challenges at the same time.  In such a large combat area, the limited ground support aircraft simply cannot meet the needs. Fighters can only be transferred from time to time, but this affects the fight for air supremacy. It is quite a bit of a waste of time.
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