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Text Chapter 110 Recruit training close to actual combat

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    At the same time, the central government abolished the original organizational structure of the Northeastern Field Army, and the Northeastern Military Region and the Field Army were re-implemented under integrated leadership instead of separate leadership levels. However, in response to Yang Zhen¡¯s request to strengthen the leadership of the Northeastern Military Region, the central government is now short of cadres everywhere.  I made a lot of determination, but in the end I still couldn't meet all his requirements.  ¡ó¡ý

    Yang Zhen has long been mentally prepared for this series of changes.  But for him, he has neither the mind nor the time to care about these things now.  A life-or-death battle was imminent. The heavy preparations before the war made Yang Zhen so busy that he had little time to sleep.

    After returning to Northeast China, Yang Zhen did not return to Harbin immediately.  Instead, after entrusting all the work to Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun, he secretly disguised himself as Mongolian herders or traveling traders with a group of combat staff who came from the headquarters.  He personally rushed to the East and West Ujimqin Banner, Abaga Banner, Keshiketeng Banner, Weichang and Fengning areas to secretly inspect ammunition, material storage points, and field airport setup points.

    In fact, after the battle, the headquarters had deployed a group of people to carry out these things secretly, but Yang Zhen was still a little uneasy.  The supply line for this battle was too long, and the battlefields were mostly located in areas with extremely underdeveloped transportation.

    Without adequate preparation in advance, unexpected losses can be huge.  Moreover, the Japanese army's battlefield reconnaissance capabilities are quite strong. Once these material and ammunition storage points and field airport selections are not carefully deployed, it is easy for the Japanese army to leave loopholes that can be exploited.

    The most important thing is whether these locations are hidden or not is not only related to the safety of this batch of materials, but also related to whether the secret can be kept until the last moment before the battle begins, in order to maximize the suddenness of the battle, which is also a key consideration for Yang Zhen.  aspect.  The forwarding of large quantities of supplies and ammunition will definitely attract the attention of the Japanese army.  If the concealment is not good, it will easily alert the Japanese army.  That's why Yang Zhen wanted to take a look in person and conduct a detailed inspection of all material delivery routes.

    It was not until December 2 that Yang Zhen completed the inspection and secretly returned to Harbin.  But he didn't take any rest, and he didn't even have time to wash away the dust from the journey.  He immediately began to adjust and expand the troops based on the plans that Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun had come up with.

    After various efforts by the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast People's Government, by late November, 150,000 additional troops had been mobilized for the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the newly liberated areas.  Including the 30,000 additional troops mobilized from the old base area, although there is still nearly a quarter of the required number, it is at least enough to meet the expansion needs of the main force.

    As for the restoration and replenishment of local armed forces under each secondary military region, the time is not so urgent yet and can be slowed down a little.  At the moment, we still need to focus on the main force in the expansion of troops to make final preparations for the upcoming second phase of the battle.

    Using these new soldiers, the Anti-Japanese Alliance not only replenished the casualties in the first phase, but also formed six new divisions and three independent brigades.  Among them, except for the 1st to 10th divisions, only some recruits were added.  The rest of the troops were formed in a mixed manner with the old leading the new, with veterans and old troops as the backbone, and new recruits as the backbone.

    This expansion model not only ensures the expansion of the troops, but also prevents the combat effectiveness from declining too quickly due to too many recruits.  In order to improve the combat effectiveness of these recruits as soon as possible before the launch of the 1942 campaign.  In accordance with the requirements of the Anti-Japanese War Department, in addition to two months of basic training, these recruits were all taken to the synthetic training base for comprehensive training.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  Even the training method of having new recruits line up in a row and lie down between two tank marching columns with a distance of less than five meters is probably something that only the Anti-Japanese Alliance can do.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????' wouldn' ?? wouldn't be until the two veterans were dumbfounded when they saw the training methods for recruits of the Anti-Japanese Alliance that they realized what they meant by training close to actual combat.  Not to mention the amount of materials consumed during training, it is so cruel that no other army would be able to do it.

    This is recruit training, not a veteran exercise.  This kind of training is conducted among recruits who have only completed two basic trainings. Except for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, I am afraid that no army in the world would dare to do this.  This is to allow recruits to experience the cruelty of war on the training ground.

    In fact, what the two coaches don¡¯t know is that when they arrive at the comprehensive training ground, they have already entered the comprehensive training stage.  The real basic training begins when these recruits enter the army and undergo a month of queue and housekeeping training, as well as basic tactical and physical training. Psychological training begins with the basic tactical training.

    He had not had time to familiarize himself with the firearms issued to the new regiment, and he had just become familiar with the military camp.?, they were ordered to dig trenches and then squat in the trenches, allowing machine gun bullets to fire flatly at the top of the trenches where they were less than a hundred meters away, and at the same time detonating explosives buried within five meters in front and behind their positions.  Explosive points to create artillery fire effects.

    This kind of training without any expense has certainly paid a considerable price.  For recruits who have never been on the battlefield, even if they are accompanied by veterans as the backbone, it is impossible for them to face this training method without any problems.  By the time this batch of recruits completed basic military training and entered the army, more than 500 casualties were incurred during each stage of training alone.

    But for the Anti-League, this kind of price is really helpless.  Just four months is too short a time for these recruits to complete the transformation from farmers to qualified soldiers.  The training is not interspersed with actual combat training as much as possible, so that recruits can experience the actual battlefield conditions on the training ground.  By the time they get to the battlefield, the price these recruits have to pay can only be higher.

    After these recruits left the army, they were immediately faced with a fierce battle, leaving them little time to adapt.  If these recruits are not trained as close to actual combat as possible, I am afraid that after one battle, only half of this batch of recruits will be left.

    And this high price is something the Anti-Union cannot afford.  That's why Yang Zhencai personally formulated this training plan. In addition to accelerating the maturity of these recruits and shortening the growth process of the recruits, it was also to improve the recruits' psychological endurance on the battlefield.

    Although this seems a bit cruel, it is also a helpless choice.  The new recruits who replenished the troops this time accounted for almost one-third of the total number of troops.  However, there is only a maximum of four months of training time, which prevents them from truly understanding what war is.

    Once these recruits have a psychological breakdown on the battlefield, it is likely to have a decisive impact on the battle situation.  One can sweep away ten, and ten can sweep away a hundred.  In the face of cruel war, neither strong military discipline nor ideological work can compare with the desire for life.  Although this kind of training seems a bit cruel, it undoubtedly accelerated the growth of these recruits in advance.

    There is no way, the time left for the Anti-Japanese Alliance preparations for this battle is too tight.  Calculated based on time, it is simply impossible to let these recruits accept what a real battlefield is like last year, after completing the training, dragging them to the confrontation zone with the Japanese army, and using small-scale rounds to fight.

    In fact, after a recruit completes basic training, many of the problems he faces on the battlefield are not tactical problems, but psychological problems.  Tactical problems are easy to solve, but psychological fear is the most difficult to solve.  The shells that keep exploding around them, the countless bullets that hit them, and the bloody bodies of their fallen comrades around them will all cause the psychological collapse of recruits who go to the battlefield for the first time.

    Veterans know how to protect themselves on the battlefield. They are familiar with war and are used to life and death, so there will naturally be no problems with their mental state.  But these recruits who have never experienced actual combat, no matter how good they are at the training ground, will find it difficult to control their fear when they face a hail of bullets on the battlefield.

    Under psychological fear, no matter how good the tactics are, they will be completely lost.  Letting them experience the actual situation on the battlefield on the training ground in advance will be beneficial to them in overcoming their psychological barriers.  Only when the psychological barriers and fears are resolved can these new recruits truly mature and be put to use on the battlefield.

    While the main force was expanding and adjusting and busy training new recruits, Yang Zhen also made certain adjustments to the weapons and equipment of each unit based on the experience of the first phase of combat.  The original battalion's 57-mm recoilless rifle platoon was disbanded among the troops, and all were replaced by the new 82-mm recoilless rifle.

    Although the 57mm recoilless gun is maneuverable and flexible, it can also partially replace the original small-caliber anti-tank gun.  However, after this battle, the general reaction of the troops was that when dealing with the Japanese army's permanent fortifications, the power of long-range shots was still a little too small and the range was a little too close.

    In addition to the agreement reached with the Soviets, the Anti-Japanese Alliance needs to provide the Soviet Union with a large amount.  Under the circumstances that this kind of artillery has been discontinued, Yang Zhen does not want to restart the production line.  The 57mm recoilless rifles were all withdrawn from the front-line troops, and the entire army was uniformly converted into the stock 82 recoilless rifles.

    Infantry weapons and equipment have been adjusted. In addition to the replacement of the 57mm recoilless rifles, the number of 12mm high-level dual-purpose machine guns in each infantry battalion has been increased by two.  All the original company-affiliated general-purpose machine guns were distributed to each infantry platoon.  The number was increased to three for each infantry platoon.

    The original division-affiliated artillery regiments, except for the newly established divisions, are still using Japanese-style 95 field artillery due to insufficient numbers.  The field artillery battalion of the divisional artillery regiment of the old army.Then all Japanese Type 38 field guns and Polish Type 7 field guns were dismantled and converted into 76mm cannons delivered by the Soviet Union.

    As for the M-30 122mm howitzers exchanged by the Soviet Union, Yang Zhen did not give them to the division artillery regiment.  Instead, these howitzers were used to replace the Polish-made 100mm Austro-Hungarian howitzers in the column's artillery and directly-affiliated artillery.

    This batch of replaced 100mm howitzers were selected to be still usable, adding part of the establishment of each division's artillery regiment.  The Type 38 field artillery and the Polish-made French field artillery that were replaced by Soviet-made artillery not only supplemented the advancing army, but also left some as reserves, and were all airlifted to the battlefield inside the pass.

    As for the batch of two-pound guns transferred by the British along with these tanks, Yang Zhen formed a six-gun company for all troops, including the advancing army, and each infantry regiment.  As regimental direct firepower, it was used to deal with Japanese light armored targets and civil engineering works.

    Although these two-pounders have lagged behind in North Africa and the Soviet-German battlefields.  But on the Asian battlefield, there is still no problem in dealing with Japanese tanks and civil fortifications.  The most critical thing is that this two-pound gun is very light and can still play a considerable role in mountain warfare.
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