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Text Chapter 74 This is the real you

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    After thinking about it, Yang Zhen shook his head: "If we can't delay more Japanese troops from going south, and let the Japanese troops achieve their overall strategy before the Americans complete their full mobilization, and even invade Australia and Hawaii, then for the United States,  It would be a huge disaster for people, and if the Japanese invaded India, it would be a devastating blow for the British. "

    "At this time, they need the Chinese to hold back as many Japanese troops as possible for them. It turns out that the Americans have always been lukewarm in asking for help from Chongqing. At most, they only provide some loans and have not been generous to us, but since then  Since the beginning of this year, it has provided loans, sold fighter jets, and allowed Chongqing to order bullets from the United States to replenish its combat capabilities.¡±

    "For us, since last year, we have been provided with a number of fighter jets, tactical bombers, transport aircraft, as well as a large amount of steel, machinery and fuel. Although we still have to spend money, in addition to machinery and equipment  "The remaining combat aircraft seem to be given away for nothing. This approach of the Americans has clearly demonstrated their attitude."

    "It is precisely for these reasons that I insist that the Americans will not deliberately lower the distribution plan for the supplies and equipment we need because of my conflict with Major General Stilwell last night.  , but why things turned out like this is something I can¡¯t figure out.¡±

    "What makes me even more confused is that if the Americans are going to allocate such a small amount of supplies to us, it is not worth the high-ranking Mr. Hopkins to make a trip in person, let alone the Soviets.  Get more supplies from our hands and create so many troubles."

    "After much thought, I still think that the Americans will not give us such a small amount of supplies. Heavy equipment may not be available to us in a short period of time, or the amount given to us will be very small, but military supplies should never be given to us.  In this way, increasing our strength is only beneficial to them and does not cause any harm."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen took out a thick stack of paper from his shoulder bag and handed it to the political commissar of the advancing army: "Old chief, this is our original plan. If we follow the current situation, I'm afraid it will be difficult to talk about it.  It¡¯s a long process, but fortunately, we are not in a hurry and have time to grind with them.¡±

    Taking the plan handed over by Yang Zhen, the old commander opened it, but the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became: "You must have a huge appetite, at least a hundred fighter jets, a hundred bombers, and sixty bombers every month."  anti-tank guns, and by the end of 2012, we will provide 1,000 tanks and 500 artillery pieces with a caliber of 75 mm or above.¡±

    "There are so many machines and equipment, medical and sanitary supplies, water bottles for individual soldiers, and gas masks. Can the Americans agree to the amount you want? Even if you can expand your troops to one million, the Americans will not be able to do it all of a sudden.  May I give you so much equipment and supplies.¡±

    Regarding the old commander's surprise, Yang Zhen smiled and shook his head and said: "Old chief, this is not just for us, but also for so many troops within the customs. Not only does the Anti-Japanese Alliance need to complete the modernization of equipment, but the troops within the customs also need to be expanded.  , Replacement of equipment, the previous shortage of guns and ammunition must never happen again. We not only need sufficient ammunition, but also modern equipment. "

    "There are also these machines and equipment that we urgently need to build the factory. If the Americans don't agree, our half-built factories and the supernumerary workers who are being trained will be useless. When we planned it, we didn't  If we plan it according to a factory, we can barely maintain ourselves, and there is still enough power to support Guan Nei. "

    ¡°When we built the first batch of factories using American machinery and equipment last year, they were trained according to three sets of people in one factory. When we built factories at the same time, they were all the same factory and built according to two or three infrastructures. Now these  The factory buildings have basically been completed. If the Americans don't provide these machines at this time, then the fun will be huge. "

    Regarding Yang Zhen's answer, the old man didn't say anything, but he always felt that his stall was a bit too big. With so many factories starting infrastructure construction at the same time, it's no wonder that he always complained about insufficient funds. According to his plan,  There is no need to pay for the machinery and equipment for the time being, but the steel bars and cement used to build the factory do not require large investments.

    According to their plan, if the Americans really don't give in, then a large amount of money will be completely wasted. The key is whether the Americans will agree. What they need is the Chinese to hold off as many Japanese troops as possible for them.  , rather than helping China complete its industrialization.

    Whether it is politically, economically, or even militarily, it is impossible for the Americans to agree to this list. Judging from the current domestic and post-war political situations that China may face, the Americans have no reason to do so.The reason for satisfying Yang Zhen's appetite is very simple. Helping the CCP complete industrialization and establish the current military industry may not be in the long-term interests of the Americans.

    After hesitating for a moment, the old commander continued: "Comrade Yang Zhen, could you analyze the domestic political situation? Are they worried that after we have obtained a large amount of American-made weapons and equipment, we will not fight against Japan, but will conserve our strength and wait for the war with Japan?"  To seize power in some quarters, we must know that Chongqing¡¯s propaganda that we are unable to catch up is very detrimental to our efforts to win U.S. aid.¡±

    "We are not the ruling party. Our army is listed on the national government's establishment list with only tens of thousands of people. If Chongqing puts forward its attitudes and opinions in this regard, the Americans still have to consider it. After all, at least on the surface, Chongqing's strength is  It is far more powerful than us, and the Americans will not ignore Chongqing¡¯s attitude.¡±

    "The Americans want to arm us and hold back more Japanese troops for them, but they don't want Chongqing to turn to the Japanese side. If the supreme leader of Chongqing openly surrenders to the enemy, I don't believe it is possible, but he  If talks with Japan are used as a threat, Americans will not fail to consider it.¡±

    "Their ambassador to the United States, who graduated with a doctorate from Columbia University, has great influence among the upper echelons of the United States. If he comes forward to lobby, he will still have some influence on the decision-making level of the White House. This person can take office in 38 years.  As ambassador to the United States, it even affected Japan¡¯s replacement of its ambassador to the United States, so he will not fail to affect the United States¡¯ China policy.¡±

    "They took the train from Moscow to Harbin, and it took several days along the way. Could it be that within these few days, some domestic disputes about our policies arose in their country, which caused them to make drastic cuts?  provided us with supplies and equipment.¡±

    "There is another thing you should pay attention to. You should not only see whether arming us is in line with their military interests on the battlefield, but also see whether getting too close to us is good for their political interests. The United States  People will not abandon their support for Chongqing in order to support us,'

    After all, old is still smarter. The words of the old commander suddenly gave Yang Zhen a hint of understanding. He had considered ten thousand reasons before, but he never thought that Americans might do it because of the current political situation in China.  And reduce aid to the Anti-Union.

    According to the figure proposed by Hopkins, the Anti-Japanese Alliance can guarantee the offensive and a certain threat to the Japanese army, but it also controls the strength of the Anti-Japanese Alliance to a certain extent, making it unable to attack Chongqing at least for a period of time.  It poses a military threat, and the change in attitude of the United States may not be related to this reason.

    After thinking about it, Yang Zhen turned to the old commander and said: "Old chief, no matter what the reasons are, the Americans have changed their attitude towards us, but we must not have any thoughts of giving up. I will not give up on this matter."  We must persevere and we must not lose this opportunity.¡±

    Seeing the raging fighting spirit ignited in Yang Zhen's eyes, the old commander smiled and said: "That's right. Dare to swim against the current and do it knowing you can't do it. This is the real you, and it's the one we are passionate about.  When we first met He, that commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese War, who was young but full of fighting spirit and extremely determined, should do it with confidence and boldness. As long as we work hard and think more comprehensively, we will not be without gains.  "

    The old commander's encouragement made Yang Zhen smile and say nothing. He just looked at the Songhua River outside the window and began to meditate quietly. The old commander said nothing. As long as he thinks more comprehensively and works hard for it, it is not just a chance.  None, how many times can we fight in life? If we don¡¯t fight now, then we will fight.

    While Yang Zhen was discussing with the coach in the reception room, in the reception room where Hopkins was staying, the conversation between Hopkins and Pearson was also going on. The coach judged that the United States  Although I have not guessed all the reasons why people change their minds, I have guessed at least part of them.

    Just after Hopkins arrived in Moscow, attended the Moscow talks with Harriman, and decided on the distribution quantity of materials for the Anti-Alliance, on the way to the Northeast, he received a telegram from the United States. On the telegram, the White House official  The master asked him to carefully consider the attitudes and opinions of Chongqing as well as the political interests of the United States in China regarding the amount of equipment and materials allocated to the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    We must take into account the background and particularity of this Chinese army, and control their military strength to a certain extent. We must not only ensure that they can attract and disperse the pressure from the Japanese army on the United States and Britain when necessary, but also must be able to fight on the battlefield.  They should play a role of containment and support, but they must not be allowed to affect China's political stability, especially at this time.

    The White House told Hopkins in a telegram that the material and equipment distribution plan for the counterattack was as low as possible at the moment.In order to exceed the equipment assistance standards for Chongqing, the White House has agreed to transfer all of the 100 P-43 fighter jets and 30 B-25 bombers originally planned to be provided to the Anti-Japanese Alliance at the end of April 1 to Chongqing.

    Regarding the support for its military industry, the future military production capacity of the Anti-Japanese Alliance must have a certain degree of self-protection, but it cannot exceed Chongqing¡¯s existing military industry scale. In terms of heavy weapons production, it can only be maintained at  A lower limit.

    At the same time, if the White House requests a distribution plan for materials and equipment, it should still focus on Britain and the Soviet Union, with the emphasis tilted to the United Kingdom. A batch of tanks originally scheduled to be handed over to the Anti-Japanese Alliance will be transferred to the British army in North Africa. In terms of military raw materials  In terms of military equipment, we must try our best to ensure that the Anti-Japanese Alliance can maintain the need for light weapons, but in terms of heavy equipment, we must control their scale.

    It was this telegram that made Hopkins change the original distribution plan. With a stroke of a pen, he cut the planned material aid to the Anti-Japanese Alliance in half, and increased the proportion of cotton, medical supplies and cloth for making military uniforms.  As the magnitude increases, the materials needed to produce and manufacture weapons and equipment will correspondingly decrease significantly.

    As for the heavy equipment, in addition to this batch of fighter jets, the batch of heavy equipment that was to be provided starting from the beginning of 2002 was simply cancelled. The original equipment distribution plan was cut by more than half. The first batch of heavy weapons  The aid was postponed to mid-2042.
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