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Text Chapter 23 The aviation force through the back door

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    Yang Zhen is not a Soviet fan, nor a German fan, nor is he a American fan. He just analyzes and judges the real military situation of each participating country from a military perspective with a fair perspective of a normal and rational soldier.  quality and combat effectiveness.  =

    Although most Chinese people in this era hate the Japanese very much.  Facing the various evil deeds of the Japanese army, I wished I could expel the Japanese army completely from China at once.  But as a soldier, Yang Zhen still believed realistically that the Japanese infantry tactics had shortcomings of one kind or another.  But it is definitely the best infantry tactic of all participating countries in World War II, and it is also the tactic that is most in line with Japan's actual situation.  Its weapons and equipment also meet its own tactical requirements.

    Similarly, Yang Zhen always believed that the British army could not even reach the third-rate level.  Throughout Britain during World War II, there were almost no so-called famous army generals worth mentioning.  Especially that Montgomery, Yang Zhen looked down upon him very much.  He believed that this famous British World War II commander was not a famous general at all.

    Rather than relying on strategy and tactics to defeat the opponent, it is better to rely on absolute sea and air superiority and use sufficient supplies to defeat the opponent.  This guy's performance after landing in Western Europe was actually not even barely qualified.  Yang Zhen always believed that among all the generals of the British Army, Alexander was barely qualified.

    But the performance of its navy and air force is absolutely top-notch.  Especially the performance of the Air Force, except for its relatively conservative tactics and equipment use at the beginning of the war, its performance throughout the war was almost impeccable.  If the tactical level can only be said to be good, then the level of the Strategic Air Force is superb.

    Its overall strength cannot be underestimated.  You can despise the British for being short-sighted in some aspects, and you can look down on their army.  But you must not despise or look down upon the British navy and air force.  If anyone underestimates the British navy and air force, you will be the only one who suffers on the battlefield.

    Drawing on advanced experience is not just empty talk for Yang Zhen.  This is what Yang Zhen hopes to learn from the strengths of others, make up for his own weaknesses, and form his own set of well-established strategies and tactics.  Neither can we ignore our own reality and apply mechanically.  But we can¡¯t do it behind closed doors and do our own thing.

    What Yang Zhen knows even more is that without experience in long-distance transoceanic flights, as well as advanced navigation equipment and talents, strategic bombing of Japan can only be a dream.  Now that the British have taken the initiative to propose this suggestion, Yang Zhen thinks it is a rare opportunity.  So Yang Zhen agreed to the British suggestion without even thinking about it.

    This is a good thing, why don¡¯t you agree?  I'm just dozing off, wouldn't it be nice if someone brought me a pillow?  This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, things will be delayed.  The Anti-Japanese Alliance does not have as much capital as the Americans, so they can use airplanes to come up with strategies and tactics.

    After receiving the British proposal, the impatient Yang Zhen did not care whether the British proposal could be implemented.  Immediately give an order to the aviation force, asking them to immediately select 60 veteran pilots who are above the squad leader or have more than two years of military service, 300 new pilots, 300 cadres with an education level of at least a national high school graduate, plus 1,500  The air crew formed a training team and learned English first.

    At the same time, the Political Department of the Military Region is required to do its best to mobilize a group of professional English translators for the aviation force.  When Gao Yumin asked about the quantity, Yang Zhen only said as much as he wanted.  The Aviation Command and the Political Department were also required to allocate the best combat training staff to familiarize these translators with the components and tactics of combat aircraft as soon as possible.

    Yang Zhen has always attached great importance to the work of translation.  You should know that if the translator is not familiar with it, it is very likely that the translated meaning will be completely off topic.  The difference in equipment is easy to correct, as long as the approximate meaning can be translated.  However, if the translation is not in place in terms of tactics and technology, it will easily delay major events.

    A slip of the tongue in one of these translations will have to be made up for with blood and life on the battlefield.  Therefore, Yang Zhen asked the Political Department of the Air Force to conduct strict training for these selected translators.  And become familiar with aviation equipment and tactics, as well as corresponding equipment as soon as possible.

    As a result, his order almost caused the political department and aviation force of the General District to be thrown off their feet.  Three hundred new pilots are available to the aviation force.  According to Yang Zhen's order, the aviation force currently trains 1,500 pilots.  Seven hundred people will complete flight training by the end of the year.  With three hundred pilots, it's not difficult.

    Sixty veteran pilots, all of whom have at least two years of military service or are cadres above the rank of squad leader, can get it out even if they grit their teeth.  However, the highly educated cadres of these three hundred countries are causing a headache for the aviation forces.  The starting point of the army is low, and the overall cultural level is low. It is really difficult for these 300 cadres with high national education.As the aviation force that has the highest priority in the entire Anti-Japanese Alliance, there are quite a few cadres with high national education, and 300 of them are not completely unavailable.  But these cadres are now the main force on the ground.  If too many are deployed at once, it will affect the combat readiness of the aviation force.  But no one dared to carry out the order from No. 1.

    For all the senior cadres of the Anti-Japanese League, if it is because the political commissar is a generous person, his orders can still be negotiated to a certain extent if he is a bit dishonest.  No. 3¡¯s order is not without room for negotiation.  So no one dares to compromise on the execution of No. 1's order.

    In the end, the aviation force had no choice but to seek help from Li Yanping, acting political commissar of the military region and political commissar of the field army.  Fortunately, as the political commissar, Li Yanping knew the current situation of the army well.  Considering the impact on the combat readiness of the aviation force if 300 highly educated cadres were to be transferred at once, Li Yanping still made certain adjustments.

    Of course, he still supports Yang Zhen¡¯s request.  He knew that three hundred cadres with high national education were already the minimum number for Yang Zhen's goal.  For this matter, Li Yanping went to the commander-in-chief specifically.  From this year's high school graduates in the base area, an additional 300 were allocated to the aviation force.

    Considering professional and basic issues, Li Yanping clearly ordered the aviation force that all of these new recruits would not be allowed to be transferred to the UK to study.  Among those selected, there must be at least one hundred veterans.  And all selected people must go through strict selection and screening.  A considerable number of these three hundred people were trained as substitutes for them.

    Li Yanping repeatedly proposed that the selected people must not only be technically qualified, but also be politically strong.  It would be better to think of a solution if the quantity is insufficient, and absolutely not allow a trace of instability to appear.  In Li Yanping's view, one must be absolutely politically determined to study in imperialist Britain.

    "Otherwise, once someone is seduced by the glamorous world of imperialism and forgets his hard-working and simple style and his identity as a Communist Party member, it will be a lot of fun.  If someone is seduced by the imperialists to defect and become a traitor, it will be even more embarrassing for the Anti-League.

    For Li Yanping now, after so many things, although his favorable impression of the Soviet Union has dropped sharply, he no longer regards him as the big brother as before.  But after all, I had received many years of Marxist-Leninist education before.  Germany, Italy and Japan were both imperialist and fascist countries.  But the United States and Britain are still truly capitalist countries.

    Although we cannot say that we will never die as selfless as before, we must also take precautions to prevent any accidents.  Now we are only allies because of interests, but we still need to take necessary precautions.  Compared with Yang Zhen, who only silently wanted to make a fortune in his stomach and was ostracized and defensive, Li Yanping, the political commissar, had to put it into action.

    He repeatedly emphasized that the cadres selected to study must have strong political ideology.  In his words, be both popular and professional.  While we must ensure that we learn the technology, we must not also learn the decadent ideas of capitalism.  Oh, those words about being popular and expert were said by Yang Zhen.  This bottom line is what Li Yanping has repeatedly requested.

    ¡°In fact, at this juncture when various factories have been put into operation one after another, and various vocational colleges have begun to recruit students, it is not easy to allocate the 300 recruits who graduated from national high schools to the aviation force.  It was the commander-in-chief who spent a lot of effort to allocate additional troops to the aviation force from the plan.

    In order to add these 300 highly educated recruits to the aviation force, the commander-in-chief did not rely on others and personally calculated the number of high school graduates this year all night long.  The commander-in-chief's calculation was very detailed, even the graduates of the Puppet Manchukuo High School and the Normal School in the new district were included in the calculation.

    Especially under the current special approval situation, it really gave him a headache to allocate these 300 high school graduates to the aviation force.  He didn't mind breaking the rules and opening the back door for the aviation force, but now his door was blocked by a bunch of guys asking for help every day.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:??????????? Going against the rules at this juncture, allocating 300 people at once, and they could only be male students, really gave him a headache.  Yes, the three hundred high school graduates currently allocated to the aviation force do violate the strict regulations of the Northeast Bureau and the Northeast Military Region on recruiting high school graduates into the army.

    Now the entire Northeast Bureau and the Military Region have extremely strict requirements for national high school students to enlist in the army, in the words of several members of the Standing Committee.  This requirement is not to be picky about students, but to strictly regulate the number of students recruited to join the army.  It¡¯s not about using too many moves, but about using as few moves as possible.

    This was decided after Yang Zhen argued with other standing committee members for a whole day at the Military Region Standing Committee meeting, and for half the night at the Northeast Bureau Standing Committee meeting.  In fact, as a military region commander, he??Everyone is eager to recruit as many intellectuals as possible into the army and build the army into a cerebral army.

    With the continuous emergence of new military technologies and the emergence of new tactics and methods of warfare, the army's demand for intellectuals is increasing in number and intensity.  And Yang Zhen, the number one military commander of the entire army, has always believed that an army with knowledge is a truly modern army.  The combat effectiveness of a cerebral army is much higher than that of an illiterate army.

    But Yang Zhen knows that this idea is something he can only think about now.  The overall level of education in the base area is not high, and the majority of the population is still illiterate.  If you want to build a modern industry, you can only retain these high school students as much as possible and let them continue their studies to prepare for the industrial construction that is about to begin and for future industrial development.

    If we now recruit a large number of students who should have gone to higher education to join the army, we can indeed improve the overall cultural quality of the army in a short period of time.  But in Yang Zhen's opinion, that is extremely short-sighted and a huge waste of resources.  Building a modern industry without a large number of intellectuals can only be a fantasy, and that is where China's real hope for the future lies.
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