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Text Chapter 12 Where is the promised result?

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    Compared with the relatively small Xi'an Field Airport, Hailong Airport, one of the most important second-line permanent airports of the Kwantung Army, has a relatively large number of them, both in terms of storage conditions and living conditions.

    After Xinjing became a battlefield, most of the fighter jets originally deployed around Xinjing, except those around Siping Street, were concentrated at Hailong Airport.  Before being attacked by the enemy, Hailong Airport had become the airport where the Kwantung Army stored the largest number of combat aircraft.

    And because the legs are short and the combat range is limited, we can only use Siping Street as the starting base for the fighter group.  The combat aircraft that use this place as their starting base are almost all bombers that are crucial to this bombing.  Under such circumstances, the loss caused by a sneak attack by the enemy can be imagined.

    After this war, the entire Army aviation force mobilized to Manchuria, except for some bombers based at Fengtian Airport and Xi'an Airport, mainly the latest Type 100 bombers survived.  The rest of the Type 97 heavy bomber group and the Italian bomber group, together with the Type 98 and Type 97 light bomber groups, can be said to have been completely destroyed.

    What is even more serious is that after this battle, among the surviving aviation groups of the Army, considerable conflicts arose within themselves, and considerable distrust arose between them.  Various aviation teams that have now retreated to Fengtian and Fushun have made a rare clear refusal to continue fighting.

    There are also some aircraft and several aviation teams that have proposed that at least the dozen or so troublemaking aircraft, whether they are enemy or friendly aircraft, are destroyed, they will not take off for combat.  Because they don't know whether the planes that are exactly the same as themselves in the sky are enemies or friends.

    "The Army Air Forces only had more than 30 Type 99 light bombers, Type 100 bombers, and Type 97 bombers left after this battle, and they were no longer able to continue to carry out bombing missions.  Just this morning, a call came from the base camp, ordering all remaining bomber groups to withdraw to Peiping to rest and standby.  In a word, the Army Aviation Force can no longer sustain itself.

    And his naval aviation, because its base is in North Korea outside Manchuria, and because the anti-resistance alliance has not captured naval aircraft, it cannot adopt similar attacks.  In this air attack, more than 20 Type 96 bombers, Type 1 heavy bombers, and more than 40 Zero fighters were lost.

    Although the number of losses in the old-fashioned Type 96 ship battle was relatively large.  However, the most critical forces in the fight south, the Zero War and Type 96 heavy bombing groups, were basically preserved.  Although the losses cannot be said to be zero, compared with the cost of almost the entire army being destroyed, they are already so light that they can almost be ignored.

    And despite paying a certain price, the Navy has also adapted the tactics of cooperation between new bombers and new fighter groups.  The most important thing is that through this bombing, the Navy has further mastered the ability to accurately bomb fixed-point targets.  You know, the only few successful breakthroughs were achieved by naval bombers.  Those idiots in their army don't have that ability.

    When the Kwantung Army drafted a plan to involve the Navy, the Navy clearly opposed it.  Only under the coordination of the base camp, some aviation teams were reluctantly sent to participate in the battle.  But although this force was dispatched, the army's tyrannical attitude made the navy very dissatisfied.

    Especially mobilizing the Zero Combat and Type 1 heavy bomber groups is tantamount to having the heart and soul taken away from the Navy.  Everyone in the entire naval aviation force was angry at this order.  These aircraft are the navy's treasure in dealing with the American and British aviation forces in the future.  If the losses this time are too great, what can the navy do to compete with the more powerful American and British aviation forces?

    Although participating in this battle can allow the naval aviation forces to become familiar with as many US-made fighter jets as possible.  But if the losses in the battle are too large, it will undoubtedly be a very unpleasant thing for the navy, which is currently preparing to go south.  This is also the reason why the Navy withdrew half of its troops halfway. The Navy did not want to suffer too much loss in order to seize the land from the Army's fire.

    The failure to evacuate all was due to orders from the base camp.  Leaving half of it is already giving the Army face.  Why do you want the Navy to take advantage of you regarding the Kwantung Army?  Therefore, everyone in the navy was quite dissatisfied with this action.  Now that the Kwantung Army had failed to defeat the tiger, he himself was suffering from hemiplegia. It was strange for him, a naval officer, to rejoice in his misfortune.

    The most important thing is that the Army Aviation Force is now unable to support operations, and the remaining force is preparing to withdraw to the mainland of China for rest and recuperation.  The naval aviation force, who had been forced to serve as a strong man, had reached the point where it was time to withdraw.  The Navy has no obligation, and it should not continue to do this thankless job for the Army, and take the blame for them.

    The gloating eyes of Onishi Takijiro are like?In normal times, it would naturally offend the Kwantung Army's public anger.  If not, there is a risk of being beaten.  But at this time, most people don't have time to struggle with him.  I just have no intention of quarreling with this other kind of guy in the navy anymore.  I can't even cover my butt, so how can I still have time to talk nonsense with him?

    In contrast to Major General Onishi Takijiro's gloating, another person who attended the combat meeting was the only one among all the officers who participated in the meeting. He was the only non-Kwantung Army member and the only Japanese paratrooper brigade commander at the level of brigade commander.  Although he did not express his position, in fact it was not his turn as an outsider to express his position.  But the angry look in his eyes revealed that he was quite unhappy at this time.

    "Don't blame the colonel for being angry, he actually thought that the Kwantung Army had gone too far.  Tongliao City was surrounded by enemies on all sides, and not a single army division was able to withstand the enemy's attack.  But he persisted in this situation and airdropped the First Paratrooper Regiment, which he had painstakingly managed as a seed unit for future Army paratroopers, into Tongliao City, which was not suitable for paratrooper operations.

    Although his First Paratrooper Regiment is the seed unit of the entire Japanese Army paratroopers, its total strength is currently only more than 700 people.  One can imagine what role seven hundred men can play when facing tens of thousands of well-equipped enemy troops.  However, under the insistence of the Kwantung Army to use chicken feathers from the base camp as command arrows, he had no choice but to accept this combat order that he believed was not in line with conventional orders at all.

    "As a result, the First Paratrooper Regiment, which he had always regarded as a treasure, was thrown into the Tongliao battlefield without even a fight, and was destroyed by the Kwantung Army in Tongliao City.  The Kwantung Army didn't even apologize. How could this not make him extremely angry?

    The base camp transferred the First Paratrooper Regiment to Manchuria in order to gain practical experience and prepare for future operations southward.  It was not for the 1st Parachute Regiment, these paratroopers who had worked so hard to train themselves, to die.  But this paratrooper unit was regarded as a surprise force by the Kwantung Army and was directly buried in Tongliao City.

    This loss, especially the loss of those who were the seed personnel for the expansion of paratrooper preparations, is undoubtedly quite huge for the fledgling Japanese Army Paratrooper Force.  For him, the brigade leader, it can only be described as excruciating.  If the person here was not the general commander of the Kwantung Army, he would even have the urge to duel the guy who sent his paratroopers to a dead end.

    But apart from the senior staff officers who were used to seeing generals, lieutenant generals, and major generals, and who didn't take this colonel who was not higher than them at all, the rest here were at least a major general.  Almost no one paid any attention to the commander with an extremely angry look in his eyes.

    Even if someone accidentally saw his surprisingly angry eyes, they would pretend not to have seen it.  Everyone is waiting for the final decision made by General Umezu Yoshijiro.  Although the general had not said a word since entering the conference room, he just listened quietly to the quarrel between the two parties.

    Just because General Umezu Meijiro didn¡¯t speak, it didn¡¯t mean that Lieutenant General Okabe Naosaburo on one side would let him go because of his silence.  This subordinate of the General Staff Headquarters, who came here on a mission to supervise the operations of the Kwantung Army, was quite dissatisfied with the current war situation that was almost ruined.

    Lieutenant General Naosaburo Okabe believed that he and Major General Tanaka Shinichi risked offending the narrow-minded Minister of War and being kicked out of active service, and allocated two divisions to the Kwantung Army against orders.  There are also a large number of aviation troops that the base camp has transferred at all costs, and now has suffered heavy losses.  It can be said that the base camp and oneself have done what should and should not be done, but what about the promised results?

    The plan to bomb the Songhua River embankment and replace troops with water did not achieve the expected results at all under the crazy blockage of the enemy's ground and air firepower.  The aviation force paid a heavy price, and the few gaps that were barely blown out were blocked before they were enough to cause a flood.

    On the ground, the 23rd Division was not rescued, and the 14th Division was completely trapped.  The 7th Division also became inexplicably useless. None of the three regiment captains, together with the division commander and chief of staff, came back alive.  The strength of a division was less than one-tenth of what it had before setting off, as the scattered remnants of troops that had been withdrawn from Alukorqin Banner were scattered.

    Among the officers and soldiers of the 7th Division who escaped, only a major with one arm escaped.  All lieutenant-level officers put together are less than thirty.  The most critical thing is why the 7th Division was defeated so quickly in Alukorqin Banner, no one can explain.

    The only second lieutenant officer who escaped from the front line of Balachirud was already insane.  His words were full of overwhelming fire and nonsense, but he couldn't ask anything else.  When this man, as the only witness of the Battle of Bala Chirud, mysteriously lost contact with the Sixth Army Headquarters, he was sent to the Kwantung Army Headquarters.Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Teiichi, who was originally going to interrogate him in person, only met him once, so he had him secretly shot, and then avenged him to die in battle.  In Yoshimoto Seiichi's view, this second lieutenant had lost the thinking of a normal person and the dignity of an imperial official.  Death was a relief for him.

    Although what Yoshimoto Teiichi did was a little off-putting, Lieutenant General Okabe Naosaburo thought what he did was very appropriate.  Keeping this guy alive will distract the troops and affect their morale.  Moreover, this person is useless even if he is alive. Rather than living like this, it is better to die, and the family can still get some compensation.

    The 7th Division was almost completely destroyed, and its death was unknown.  Now there is also a Sixth Army headquarters and a lieutenant general commander whose life or death is unknown.  No matter how greedy, rude, and annoying Lieutenant General Hisao Tani was, he was still the first-level military commander of the empire.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:??????? Not to mention the commanders at the corps level, that is, the commanders at the division commander level, had never been killed or captured before last year.  Even in the Russo-Japanese War, which suffered huge sacrifices, such a situation never occurred.  Regardless of whether the army commander was captured or killed in action, it set a record for the Imperial Army since the Meiji Restoration
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