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Text Chapter 578: Suppression and Counterattack

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    What Li He is even more worried about is that once the follow-up forces of the Japanese army arrive, these first-echelon paratroopers of the Japanese army who may be able to contain a considerable part of their own forces will play a considerable role. They are not afraid of new enemy situations, but if there are  The enemy has already penetrated into his own belly and can cooperate with the new enemy army inside and outside, which is no small matter.

    Especially for an army like the Japanese army that goes crazy at every turn, even without the support of heavy weapons, it must not be underestimated. For itself and the surrounding friendly troops, once these scattered paratroopers gather together, they will be a thorn in their side.  Li He knew very well the principle of attacking first to gain strength and attacking later to suffer disaster. He didn't need to be taught by anyone else.

    It was precisely because he was worried that these Japanese paratroopers would gather together and launch an attack from behind when he was facing the enemy head-on that Li He mobilized the troops used to clear out the Japanese paratroopers, even more than the number of troops invested in attacking the enemy from the front.  , which is to eliminate those Japanese paratroopers as much as possible, first disrupt the Japanese army's intentions, and first solve the problem of the enemy inside.

    As for whether the Japanese paratroopers, who only had pistols and bayonets, would take advantage of the fierce battle with the enemy in front of them to attack him from behind, as he judged, Li He believed that this was almost certain. Since joining the army, he had fought with the Japanese army for many years.  The experience of fighting told him that there is nothing in the world that these crazy Japanese soldiers dare not do.

    Regardless of the fact that most of them probably only have pistols and bayonets at the moment, when the two-handed gunfire gets stronger, they will go crazy to the end. Because of the equipment, they will just stay there without any action, let alone them.  Everyone in the middle also has a weapon like a pistol in his hand.

    According to Li He's understanding of the crazy energy of the Japanese army, even if they didn't have pistols and only carried three-zero bayonets, they would still dare to do it. Li He didn't want to be stabbed in the back by these madmen when he was in a fierce battle with the enemy in front of him.  Even if there was only the slightest possibility, he didn't want it to happen.

    In order to avoid this situation, Li He still acted first. Even if he could not completely clear out the surrounding Japanese paratroopers in a short time, he could not let them interfere with his combat operations. The surrounding terrain and the Japanese army  The paratroopers' landing locations were too scattered, which only allowed him to mobilize as many troops as possible.

    The Japanese paratroopers were in the sky, and there were no high-rise buildings in the city at this time. Although he couldn't stand up and watch, and the sight distance in front of him was somewhat limited, at least he still knew where the Japanese paratroopers landed in the surrounding area, and he couldn't care about what was outside his sight.  Yes, but he has to solve the problem within his sight.

    The Japanese paratroopers landed almost all around him. It can be said that they are everywhere. With fewer troops, it is impossible to clear them all in a short time and solve the problem. Therefore, he deployed most of his troops to clear out the surrounding areas.  The Japanese paratroopers were not involved in front-line combat.

    However, he also knew that with the troops and terrain he had at hand, it was impossible to clear out a large area. Not to mention the numerous surrounding alleys, they were no different from the alleys he had passed before. Everywhere was like a maze. Although he  We don't have that many troops to block all the alley entrances in the surrounding residential areas. We can only use dispersion to dispersion, break up the troops, and carry out the clearing step by step from the inside to the outside in a squad structure.

    But we should try our best to invest more troops as soon as possible, at least to ensure that no new enemy situations appear around the battlefield where we are fighting. As for encountering a few Japanese paratroopers who gathered first, these are based on squads.  Li He really didn't care whether the organized troops would encounter any danger.

    His troops were all equipped with automatic rifles and submachine guns. Before the Japanese paratroopers found their weapon boxes, they only had pistols and sabers, bayonets, and a few grenades. It didn't matter if they assembled a small team. They were all fully manned and equipped.  If the infantry squad can't even deal with an infantry squad of the unarmed Japanese army, then everyone can just go home and hug their children, and why are they calling for the complete expulsion of the Japanese army from China?

    After deploying all this and urging the instructor to speed up, Li He took the only two platoons on hand, under the cover of a 12mm machine gun and two 60-gun cannons brought by the 53rd Regiment.  Next, they launched an attack on the last remaining Japanese army of more than 150 people in front of them, attacking with a small number but with a large number.

    But now that the Japanese troops have retreated to residential areas, the two 60-0 cannons are not very effective. Li He knows very well that the two 60-0 mortars can only shell the fortifications facing the street at most, and there are still many deep-seated areas.  He has to bite it by himself, but he has no choice at the moment. Even if he can't get any fire support, he has to go. If he doesn't take action, he won't get anything when the reinforcements arrive.

    Although he only had 70% of the Japanese troops facing him, Li He did not hesitate at all.For a militant like him, it is already difficult to accept a share of the 53rd Regiment's share of the Japanese army in front of him. If there are other brother troops who come to share a share, he will be humiliated.  , so he believed that he must completely deal with the Japanese army in front of him before other brother troops arrived.

    Although he did not make any distinction in the distribution of troops because the brothers' troops belonged to two regiments with different organizational structures, he did not express his feelings about letting the brothers' troops take away a large piece of meat from his bowl.  He came out, but it made him quite uncomfortable in his heart.

    However, he also knew that with the two strengthened platoons in his hands, it was impossible to completely defeat the Japanese troops in front of him, but it was not impossible to defeat them. He had made up his mind that even if he could not completely annihilate them, he would still be able to defeat them in the new area.  Before the troops catch up, they must defeat the Japanese army in front of them.

    He has a feeling that since the Japanese paratroopers have entered the city, their superiors will never sit idly by and ignore it. Although the total strength is not there and they will not mobilize too many troops into the city for reinforcements, at least one additional battalion will be mobilized into the city.  Assisting in combat, after all, Tongliao County has not been able to be solved for a long time, which will affect the entire strategic deployment of superiors.

    Li He's order to clear up the Japanese paratroopers can be said to be the earliest order to clear up the Japanese paratroopers in the entire Tongliao City. His action was even earlier than the clearing order issued by their division commander. Waiting for his action  After nearly half an hour of unfolding, Wang Jun's order to divide his troops and carry out the attack was conveyed.

    Although Li He looks like a fierce Zhang Fei, he is very delicate in mind and has a very sensitive sense of smell in some aspects. His superiors not only mobilized reinforcements into the city for reinforcements, but also mobilized some heavy equipment into the city. He is the only one.  What he misjudged was that his superiors were far more determined than he had expected, and the number of reinforcements mobilized into the city exceeded his expectations for a battalion.

    How many reinforcements the superiors will mobilize into the city is certainly not what Li He, the battalion commander, should consider at this time. Li He, who is focusing all his attention on the enemy troops in front of him, is thinking more about how to defeat the Japanese troops in front of him.  He was defeated in the shortest time, but despite a sense of urgency in his heart, Li He did not act hastily. He did not want to miss the meat and be bitten instead.

    In order to replenish the insufficient ammunition, he collected a large number of grenades from the corpses of Japanese soldiers killed in previous battles, and dropped Japanese paratroopers into two weapon boxes on his position, including a Type 92 heavy machine gun and a  All Type 99 light machine guns were also set up to make up for their current lack of ammunition.

    Moreover, he had been fighting with the Japanese army for half the night and the whole morning. Although the battle in the morning was basically a confrontation between the two sides because they both lost a lot of blood, he had a rough idea of ??the entire Japanese defense line.  , the Japanese troops on the opposite side were not idle during the fierce battle last night.

    All the doors and windows of the houses in the entire control area were removed, and they were said to be piled with sandbags or built with bricks and rubble to be used as fortifications. Without sufficient manpower, they arrested all the residents in the area and prepared for them.  They worked as coolies and without enough bricks and rubble, they just demolished the courtyard walls in the deep areas.

    For the Japanese army, they want to form a complete fortification. These courtyard walls and house walls are an obstacle. They are obstacles anyway, and it is not their own house. They are in urgent need of materials for building fortifications. If they don't demolish it at this time, they can still  When the time comes, as for the opinions of the Chinese people on their forced demolitions, that will be easy to resolve. With one bayonet, all conflicts will be resolved.

    In just one morning of confrontation, he smashed open all the disconnected houses and courtyards within the control area and connected them into one. All the light and heavy machine guns were deployed on the houses, and the grenade launchers were deployed a hundred meters away.  Its ballistics are designed to suppress the machine guns here.

    However, after repeated fierce battles last night, they were finally squeezed out of the main defensive zone, and the Japanese troops facing heavy casualties gave up most of their original positions due to lack of strength. They could only occupy a line less than 500 meters long from north to south, east to west.  On a limited position with a width of only more than 200 meters.

    But the Japanese commander in front of him was very stubborn in distributing the troops evenly. However, he was not stupid enough to actually distribute the troops evenly. He evenly distributed the well-equipped No. 100 men in his hands to the two wings.  A complete combat team was placed behind him. In addition to alerting the possibility of new enemy situations behind him, the eighty people who had become the main combat strength were reinforced by the two remaining 92 heavy machine guns to the center line.

    As for the two wings, they were handed over to the dozens of paratroopers, plus the armed expatriates in his hands for defense. Facing these paratroopers, he only collected one weapons box and five Type 38 carbines in his control area, and the rest  In addition to self-defense pistols, people only have bayonets.

    He tried to find a way to recover from the fierce battle last night.Twenty rifles and dozens of grenades were gathered from the severely wounded who had lost their combat effectiveness. A crooked machine gun and a Czech light machine gun were also deployed from the front to the two wings, while the remaining three  There are more than ten people. I'm sorry that we don't have so many weapons. You should continue to use pistols and bayonets to fight the enemy.

    You have to ask your superiors about this matter. Who asked the plane to drop all your weapons on the opposite side? Although you are elites, the Army of the Empire of Japan is not elite. Everyone is elite. Why should others have to  In battle, if I give you my own weapons to use, I will have to stab my hands and punch them empty-handed.

    However, considering the shortage of troops and equipment on both wings, this man still added ten combat soldiers to each of his wings, plus a dozen lightly wounded soldiers who did not affect the movement too much.  The tradition is deployed on both wings.

    After this action, he thought that at least in front of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, even if the entire army pressed on him, there would be no problem for him to hold on for a while. As for what to do in the future, he thought there was nothing to worry about. Since the Kwantung Army Headquarters pressed the boxes continuously  The First Regiment of Paratroopers at the bottom has been dispatched. Will such a large reinforcement be far away? Although the division commander did not say it clearly, I am afraid that the Kwantung Army has now begun to send massive reinforcements.
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