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Text Chapter 563 It is also a kind of experience

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    Wang Jun looked at the civilian version of the map of Tongliao County that was seized in Bayantala on the table. The city of Tongliao County on the top is just a dot, and the structure of the city cannot be seen at all. He shook his head and said, "It's everywhere.  The maze-like alley is an unfamiliar terrain, and it is indeed a challenge for us who are not familiar with this kind of combat. "

    "But under this situation, in addition to a few main roads, the Japanese army's main defense line can only be based on small streets distributed in numerous alleys in other directions. According to this situation, in addition to the two main east and west lines, the Japanese army  Outside the main roads, it is difficult to form multiple complete defense systems.¡±

    "In this way, the Japanese army left us with many more breakthroughs, whether consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, spreading the troops out may not be an unfavorable choice for us. However, when attacking along the two main streets in the north and south,  The troops must retain their intact structure and sufficient strength.¡±

    "The current urban assault operations with mixed residents are a new subject for us no matter which unit we have. It is also the first time we have encountered it. When we liberated various cities and counties in the North Manchu base area, there were basically no  I have fought such urban assaults, mostly using strategies and tactics to mobilize the Japanese army in order to seize cities and counties. This is the first time I have encountered such an assault. "

    "But if we haven't encountered it before, it doesn't mean that we won't encounter similar situations in the future. As the war situation develops, we can only face more and more situations like this in the future. Now we use this Tongliao County to practice our skills.  , it will be of some benefit to us to become familiar with urban battles.¡±

    "There are many hutongs and a lack of tall buildings. This is a characteristic of our northeastern counties. Even big cities like Harbin, Xinjing, and Fengtian are not all tall buildings. Aren't they also dominated by hutongs? They are all ordinary people.  There is so much money to build tall buildings.¡±

    "This Tongliao offensive is also a kind of experience for us. We can explore the urban offensive under the current situation, lay a good foundation and train a group of cadres for similar operations in the future. The most fundamental thing is  Develop an effective strategy.¡±

    "So although your worries are not unfounded, they are somewhat exaggerated. Our military strength is absolutely superior. As long as we have enough reserves to respond, plus we have walkie-talkies deployed at the company level, as well as superior individual soldiers.  The firepower and the large number of small-caliber direct-aimed firearms are not a big problem even if they are scattered. "

    "There will be some price to pay, but it won't be too big. There is a price to pay for exploring any new combat mode. On the battlefield, no one will get something for nothing. As long as you can figure out suitable tactics, you will have to pay a certain amount of money."  I accept the cost, but certain adjustments in tactics are necessary now. This current situation can only make our attack speed slower and slower, and this situation must change. "

    "In this way, you will divide each battalion according to their own progress. Except for the troops that are attacking along the north and south streets, the rest of the troops that are outflanking and intersecting will re-divide the combat areas and designate them within their respective areas.  An ultimate goal, and that goal is their rallying point at the end of the battle."

    "Tell them not to be afraid of the troops being dispersed, and to rush wherever there is gunfire in their respective combat areas. Except for some troops attacking from west to east along the north and south streets, the rest of the troops are arranged in squads.  Spread out for the sake of the establishment, go through alleys and walk through private houses.¡±

    "There are only four main streets in Tongliao that run from north to south and from east to west. The rest are alleys and side streets that cannot be adjusted after entering. This is true, but I think the houses in the alleys,  They all have windows and doors. Even in the courtyard, there is a door. The front is impassable, so why can¡¯t you just jump out of the window and go to a private house?¡±

    "Although the discipline of our army does not depend on the masses, there should be no problem in borrowing a thread from the masses. Is it because the tactics are too rigid or the enforcement of mass discipline is too dogmatic? The Japanese are not stupid. Tongliao County is so big.  He put all his troops on the four main roads, which just gave us a chance. "

    "Tell the troops to jump out of the window when they should jump out of the window during the battle. When they should climb over the wall, they should also climb over the wall. When they should climb over the roof, they should not be afraid of anything. If it doesn't work, just use a shovel,  If we dig a passage in the wall and the wall is damaged, can we wait until the battle is over and then compensate the people for their losses?"

    "Also tell the political workers in each unit, whether they buy them or force them with guns, find a way to provide guides to each platoon level, and ask them to pay attention to looking for more young students when looking for guides.  Those who are older have more worries. Even if they are forced with a gun, they will not agree.Set dry.  "

    "Don't be afraid of violating discipline. If anything happens, I, as the division commander, will take care of it for them. We don't have a detailed map of Tongliao City. We are not afraid of spreading out and attacking, but we can't rush in so blindly. The troops attacking the city will not even find the main direction of attack."  If not, how can we fight this battle?"

    "Also, after you mobilize the follow-up troops into the city, don't use them dispersedly. Put them all into the attack on North-South Street and Middle Street. All the tanks staying outside the city will also be mobilized into the city to participate in the battle. Let's  Using two tactics: frontal assault and flanking detour, I don¡¯t believe that we can¡¯t open up a breakthrough for him.¡±

    "Order the troops outside the city to deploy four mountain cannons and two 14mm twin-mounted anti-aircraft machine guns into the city, and bring all the artillery shells in. Tomorrow morning, we will start to follow the two main east-west main roads of the Yellow River. For the Japanese troops located in  The Japanese military fortifications on both sides of the street were all blown up by me using direct aim and level fire.¡±

    "Urge the troops in the south to speed up the attack. If the train station cannot be captured in a short time, mobilize artillery to blow it up. Anyway, the target there is obvious. There are no residential buildings within dozens of meters around. As long as you master the shooting accuracy, you can directly destroy it with flat fire.  Knock it off."

    "It would be too wasteful to keep a reinforced battalion and a cavalry battalion there, leaving an infantry company and a reconnaissance company to continue attacking the train station. The rest of the troops crossed the railway line and continued to attack southward. In a word, tomorrow morning  Before that, I wanted to hear reports that they captured the Japanese gendarmerie in Tongliao, broke through the south gate and reached the front line of Yuantong Temple, and captured the Japanese artillery positions in Yuantong Temple. "

    At this point, Wang Jun stopped Lin Feng who wanted to persuade him and said: "Old Lin, please stop trying to persuade me. I understand what you are saying. However, although the area of ??Tongliao City is not large, there are many residents. The slower we make progress in the street fighting."  , the casualties of the common people will be greater. Only by fighting quickly can we avoid the casualties of the common people as much as possible. "

    "Besides, I only asked them to clear the Japanese barricades and fortifications on the two main streets in the north and south, as well as the Japanese and puppet troops in Japanese and puppet public facilities. Artillery is absolutely not allowed to be used in Hutong where civilians gather, Commander Chen requested  We use artillery fire as little as possible, but we are not completely prohibited from using artillery fire."

    "You will transfer all the troops outside the city, including the directly-affiliated troops, including the division's engineer battalion and reconnaissance battalion, except for leaving a reinforced company with an engineer platoon as a reserve team, into the city. The division's political department and health department will  All personnel must also enter the city.¡±

    "We must do our best to appease the people, mobilize and treat the wounded. We must follow the troops wherever they attack. We must ensure that once civilians are accidentally injured, treatment can be carried out immediately. We cannot avoid accidents.  If you accidentally injure a civilian, the death rate must be kept to a minimum."

    "Tell Tang Yong that it's not the time yet and let him calm down. The smuggling operation will be postponed to midnight, but his action must be fast as long as it starts. He must at least smuggle over before 2 o'clock tomorrow morning.  With a battalion of troops, I want to hear his 53rd Regiment start in the north of the city before 2:40. Their first target after crossing the river is the airfield and Japanese artillery positions in the north of the city. "

    "Before six o'clock tomorrow morning, his troops will completely break through the Beicheng Trench and reach the front line of Beishuncheng Street. Tell them that after entering the front line of Beishuncheng Street, they will make full efforts to develop in depth to the west of Dongxiao Street and seize the Huang Family Courtyard.  Forcefully cross the front line of Zhongda Street."

    "In the entire Tongliao City, the city wall that serves both as a city defense and a flood control fortification is the most complete and strongest. Tell him not to worry about the cannonballs when he breaks through the front line of the city wall, and let the artillery on the north bank of the river concentrate their firepower to blast a gap for me.  As long as we can break through the city wall as quickly as possible, it doesn¡¯t matter if all the cannonballs are used up.¡±

    After hearing Wang Jun's determination, Lin Feng shook his head and said nothing more. Although they had only been partners for half a year, he still understood Wang Jun's character. As a division commander, he always made up his mind once he was commanding operations.  It is difficult to change. If the division political commissar is full of jokes, some of his words can still be heard.

    However, the political commissar Duan Ziquan, who is also the deputy political commissar of the intervening unit, is still busy arranging the rescued workers and prisoners of the puppet Manchukuo army, and has not come to the front line at all. Now that the political commissar is not here, he alone may make the division commander change his current mind.  It will be difficult.

    After hesitating for a while, Lin Feng still made some reservations when issuing the order. Although some artillery troops were mobilized into the city to participate in the battle in accordance with Wang Jun's request, Lin Feng still placed quite strict restrictions on the scope of use of the artillery, and strictly prohibited the artillery from any  Covered shooting, only a single gun is allowed to conduct horizontal and precise shooting, and the scope of artillery use is strictly limited to the north and south Shuncheng Street, North and South Street, Yongfu Street, etc. in Tongliao County.Within a main street, artillery fire was strictly used against Japanese firepower points hidden in residential areas.

    As the chief of staff, he must take some things into consideration. The division commander has made up his mind to mobilize artillery into the city to participate in the battle. This is undoubtedly a risky decision. If the troops below get jealous and exceed the regulations of their superiors in the use of artillery fire,  Then the problem is big.

    The residential buildings in Tongliao City are so dense. How many people will be killed or injured if one shell hits. The troops are currently in a scattered combat situation. Several main attack battalions each occupy one direction. Who can guarantee that the troops below will not be killed during the battle?  Because of this or that reason, I don¡¯t get red-eyed.

    Since the division commander has made up his mind and it is impossible to change it, he must try his best to avoid this situation. He must make strict regulations on the use of artillery fire. When giving the order, Lin Feng's tone was quite tough.  Directly tell each unit that if anyone does not use artillery fire in strict accordance with the regulations of superiors, the severest punishment will be imposed.

    No matter how heavy the casualties are during the battle, we would rather reduce the attack speed than direct artillery fire at the alley area. We cannot let a single artillery shell fall into a residential area. It is absolutely forbidden to use artillery in residential areas. This is absolutely impossible in the division.  The last bottom line to touch,
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