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Text Chapter 555: The most unforeseen trouble

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    Before the full-scale counterattack began, Hai Jingqing, who obviously had a good memory for the tactics that the Japanese often played when the battle was unfavorable, could be said to have made considerable preparations for the indiscriminate bombardment that Kawami Mi was likely to come.  Before it started, certain arrangements had already been made.

    After the battalion from Bangtongwobao broke out and completely disrupted the order of the Japanese retreat, when Hai Jingqing surrounded and annihilated the remnants of Oniwu May 1st Division on the front line of Bangtongwobao, only one company was left to cooperate with the Bangtongwobao troops.  The troops surrounded and annihilated more than half of the remaining Japanese troops in front of them.

    He ordered a tank company assigned to him, and the two main battalions that were fighting on the north side of the road. The two main battalions that were originally holding Kongjiawo Fort not only did not stop and continued to advance, but also broke away from the road under the leadership of the political commissar, using the company as the company.  The organized units dispersed as far as possible to the two wings, detoured through the fierce fighting area on the Bangtongwobao front line, and regrouped between Panjiayao and Gaojiayao.

    Hai Jingqing, who was prepared for the Japanese attack, clearly told the troops that if the Japanese army intercepted artillery fire, they would rush over regardless. In order to reduce the casualties caused by the highly likely Japanese attack, Hai Jingqing  Not all the troops were concentrated to the north of the main battlefield of Kongjiawobao.

    According to his deployment, Lubei's troops rushed forward along the route of the Japanese army's retreat. They must rush to seize Panjiayao, Dongwazi, and Ba before the Japanese army in the city could react, regardless of the possible artillery interception by the Japanese army.  They surrounded the front line, and used one force to seize the small street base for the next step of siege, laying a solid wedge on the battlefield around Tongliao County with the Tongliao city wall as the last line of defense.

    These four places are close to the city wall of Tongliao and are key points in the east and northeast of Tongliao. Especially Dongwazi and Bajiaweizi are close to the city wall of Tongliao. As for the small street base, it is only one mile away from Tongliao County.  At the base of the small street, the northeast gate of Tongliao County is right in front of you.

    Taking these three key points is equivalent to occupying three starting positions for siege under Tongliao City. It also provides the best deployment position for the artillery to fire on deep targets in Tongliao City. When the troops are attacking the city,  No need to be exposed to the bare plains east of the city.

    The battalion that Lu Nan launched the counterattack was attached to two companies of the division's reconnaissance battalion, a tank company was being strengthened, two 120mm heavy mortars from the regiment's heavy mortar battalion, and a double 23rd anti-aircraft gun  , with the cooperation of two captured Type 92 infantry guns, they formed a rapid column to seize the front line of Qinghe and Jishantun, and also used a force to seize Qiantuozi, aiming directly at Tongliao Railway Station.

    If progress goes well, his 54th Regiment can completely break through the outer defense lines of Tongliao City in the east, southeast, and northeast directions at the same time, and penetrate directly into Tongliao City, because as long as these key points are captured, the Japanese army will also be able to defeat the enemy outside Tongliao County.  The last few defensive positions were obtained and the starting position for the attack into the city was obtained. The remaining breaching of the city wall was not a difficult task.

    In Hai Jingqing's view, the current dilapidated city wall of Tongliao cannot be used as a complete line of defense. It is true that Tongliao does have a city wall, but the city wall of Tongliao is not the city wall of rammed earth covered with masonry in the pass.  , it is just a fence made of rammed earth that is less than ten meters high and cannot even compare to half a lazi.

    Although Tongliao is located at the throat of Northeast China and North China, connecting the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and Liaoning-Jiji-Heilongjiang hub, and is located between the Songliao Plain and the Mongolian Plateau at the intersection of the Greater Hinggan Mountains, Yanshan Mountains, Qilaotu Mountains, and Nurul Tiger Mountains, it is rare.  It is a strategic choke point in plain terrain and is known as the thoroughfare of seven provinces.

    However, the entire history of Tongliao County is not long. It was only established as a county seat in 1918. Although the county town developed rapidly due to its transportation location, the lack of financial resources caused by years of warlord chaos made it difficult to  The city wall has never been completely built. The so-called rammed earth city wall that was barely built is far from being comparable to the walls in the pass.

    Moreover, the city wall of Tongliao is not only quite simple to build, but also does not have the gate towers and city gates of the inner city wall. The city gates mentioned here are just a few gaps intentionally left on the rammed earth wall, let alone the city gates.  There is no building, not even the so-called city gate.

    Even this simple city wall, which has never been repaired since its construction, has been washed away by the Liaohe River in the west and north directions for many years. It has been damaged and collapsed frequently, especially in the west and north directions.  Most of the city wall collapsed, and it can no longer be regarded as a city wall at all. Compared with the neighboring Kailu County, Tongliao's city wall is in a dilapidated state.

    Tongliao City, which is located at the bend of the Xiliao River and is close to the Xiliao River in the west and north directions, does use the water potential of the Xiliao River to form a natural barrier in the west and north directions facing the traditional Mongolian nomadic areas, but it is  The Xiliao River and surrounding water systems on the edge of Tongliao City have caused considerable damage to the simple city wall built by Tongliao over the years.In addition, when the Japanese army captured Tongliao, although there was no fierce fighting, in order to show off their force, they fired dozens of artillery shells at several walls of Tongliao City, which further caused damage to the walls of Tongliao City.  When the general construction of fortifications was carried out, no thought was given to repairing the city wall.

    Because the Japanese believe that the city wall has lost its defensive role in the era of hot weapons. Instead, it restricts the movement of troops throughout the battlefield. At the same time, the narrow city gates also block the passage of modern equipment. So many places in mainland China look solid on the outside.  No matter it is Nanjing, Peiping, Taiyuan, Zhengding, or an unknown small city, no city wall can stop the Japanese tanks.

    Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese have been completely Westernized in some aspects, that is, they have learned Western modern military theories, but they have also abandoned some of the essence of Eastern military strategies. Although they have combined Western advanced military theories with Japanese local military  The combination of theory and the country's national conditions has formed a unique set of military concepts of its own.

    Of course, there are a lot of highlights for the Chinese to learn from, but there is also a lot of dross, especially in the understanding and development of Western military theories. Due to different opponents, there have been considerable deviations, and there have been considerable deviations in modern warfare.  It can be said that I only know a little about the theory, and I still hold on to some traditional and outdated concepts.

    When the Japanese army was conducting comprehensive defense, they paid more attention to fortress-type defense. This is why they built so many fortress groups on the Sino-Soviet border according to the direction of the terrain. As for the city walls, in the eyes of the Japanese army, which paid more attention to offense, it can be said that  It is a backward military defense method and a manifestation of incompetence and cowardice.

    Therefore, when the Tongliao area defense system was first constructed, the Kwantung Army built so many fortification areas around Tongliao. While permanently preparing and semi-permanently preparing fortification groups, instead of repairing the Tongliao city wall, it was because  A large amount of earth was taken to repair the fortifications, but a lot of them were demolished.

    In addition, when the two branch lines of the Datong Railway and the Tongzheng Railway were built, the Manchurian Railway controlled by the Japanese and the Northeast King built two railway lines that were only one kilometer apart but were not connected.  The railway lines and multiple railway entrances and exits further caused Tongliao's already dilapidated city walls to become even more damaged.

    It can be said that the Anti-Japanese Alliance is in the east and south directions. As long as they hit the city wall, they can easily break through into Tongliao City. The dilapidated city wall has long been unable to form a complete defense system. Although it is  After the entire Tongliao Campaign began, the 14th Division urgently repaired some fortifications in various collapsed areas and deployed a large number of troops and firepower on the city walls.

    But this is not enough to block the assault of the Anti-Alliance forces for a long time. Because of this dilapidated rammed earth city wall, the Anti-Alliance can use artillery shells to increase the gap they want at any time. There is no urn city, no solid city entrance, and even no  At the city gate, the Anti-Japanese Alliance can use artillery shells to quickly open the entrance to the city at any time.

    Especially the eastern city wall, which is the main direction of the railway and has been basically demolished. Once the outer positions are lost, it will be much easier to achieve a breakthrough across the entire line. It can be said that the entire Tongliao defense system is based on the peripheral positions.  The fortification group is relied upon. As for the city walls, they are not regarded as part of the Tongliao defense group at all.

    Because for the Kwantung Army, the dilapidated Tongliao city wall has no maintenance value under the conditions of modern war. Instead of wasting money and resources to repair the city wall that has no effect, it is better to build more on the periphery.  Some permanent fortification groups.

    This is why Lieutenant General Chuan Bingmi wanted to recapture Kongjiawo Fort at all costs after the last fortification group of the eastern barrier was lost. After losing Kongjiawo Fort, the entire east side of Tongliao County lost its entire defense.  The system's barriers and dilapidated city walls cannot serve as a complete line of defense.

    And if the train station can be captured, it will basically mean that the troops have broken into Tongliao City and won a quick victory. While the Japanese army has not yet recovered from the tragic defeat at Kongjiawo Fort, the main force will not do anything on the outside.  They stayed for a while, concentrated their two fists and struck directly in the shortest time, trying to break through the city wall defense line in one go and break into Tongliao City.

    At the same time, in order to avoid being attracted to a single battlefield by a remnant of the Japanese army, Hai Jingqing repeatedly requested to launch a counterattack because the concentration of troops was too concentrated and the Japanese army was likely to jump over the wall to cause excessive losses.  In addition to the prescribed strength, the troops should not pause at all even if they are intercepted by Japanese artillery fire, and pass through the Japanese artillery blockade area as quickly as possible.

    In order to reduce the danger of the Japanese army's possible desperate move of jumping over the wall, and to cover the troops quickly passing through the Japanese artillery blockade.? Hai Jingqing also took out all the last thirty or so smoke bombs and handed them to the artillery, telling them that once the Japanese army carried out indiscriminate bombardment on Bangtongwo Fort, the smoke bombs would be fired immediately.

    But the more than thirty smoke bombs were more to cover the troops fighting fiercely with the remnants of the Japanese army in Tongtongwobao, rather than to protect the troops that were rapidly developing in depth, because in Hai Jingqing's view, as long as the troops moved fast enough,  Come on, there is no need to waste smoke bombs.

    Although Hai Jingqing had made certain arrangements in advance and tried his best to spread out and then quickly concentrate, requiring the troops to quickly pass through the possible artillery blockade area of ????the Japanese army, the indiscriminate shelling by Chuan Binmi this time,  It still caused considerable difficulties for him.

    Although the infantry had already made a careful plan and the main force did not make any stop at Tongwo Fort and did not cause too many casualties, the indiscriminate bombardment of the Japanese army these days has actually affected what he thought should be the most important.  The rapid advancement of tanks without any problems has certainly caused considerable trouble. This trouble that should not arise is not caused by the equipment, but by the people.
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