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Text Chapter 538: The battle for the periphery of Tongliao (2)

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    In view of the importance of Kongjiawo Fort, the 14th Division originally deployed a large number of troops to defend Kongjiawo Fort, the eastern gateway of Tongliao County. Three infantry squadrons and one engineer squadron were deployed along the entire Kongjiawo Fort line.  One squadron each of heavy machine guns and infantry artillery, as well as four German-made Grusen 57 mountain guns dug out from the Kwantung Army warehouse, a temporarily formed mountain artillery squadron stood firm.

    Not counting grenades, the entire front-line Japanese army in Kongjiawo Fort had eight infantry guns and 57-mm mountain guns. As for the heavy machine guns, they far exceeded the establishment of a squadron. The actual number was as high as sixteen, which was almost the same.  Based on the number of establishments of two heavy machine gun squadrons.

    As for the light machine guns, in addition to the crooked light machine guns that the 14th Division suffered heavy losses last year and was insufficiently replenished with new light weapons, and has now been reverted to the crooked light machine guns, there are also 20 additional Czech-style light machine guns. Although its total force configuration is only  It is equivalent to a reinforced brigade, but the firepower configuration of light and heavy machine guns and artillery is almost equivalent to that of a regiment of other Japanese divisions.

    The old-fashioned 57mm Gruson Mountain Cannon, although its effective range is not as far as the 92nd Infantry Cannon, and its power is also quite different from that of the 92nd Infantry Cannon, but it is placed in fortifications as close-range artillery support for the infantry.  It can still play a certain role. Although the total number is only more than 200 rounds of artillery shells, it can still provide some fire support after all.

    Moreover, Lieutenant General Chuan Binmi also strengthened the defenders on the front line of Kongjiawo Fort with twelve Type 97 20mm automatic cannons and Liao 14 Type 37s when the terrain was conducive to the rapid advance of tanks.  Six infantry flat-fire guns, two each of the 94-type 37 rapid-fire cannon and the 77-mm Liao 14-type field gun form an anti-tank firepower cluster.

    At the same time, there is a permanent fortification group in the north and south directions of Kongjiawo Fort, as well as in the Dongbaoliyingzi area south of the railway. There are more than 60 semi-permanent fortifications and light and dark fortifications in total, along both sides of the railway line.  A complete defense system and cross-fire network were formed on the side.

    And when the Japanese army was fighting fiercely on the Bayantala battlefield, they used the few days that the northern defenders had bought for the entire Tongliao battlefield, and used the natural rivers and trenches around Kongjiawo Fort, as well as the number of people trapped in this generation at that time.  Thousands of workers dug three anti-tank trenches facing north, east and south in a short period of time.

    Judging from the quantity of firepower and troop allocation, Lieutenant General Kawami Mi has put in a lot of effort. The infantry of the size of the brigade is equipped with only two field guns, and their performance is better than the Japanese Type 41 mountain gun.  The wing artillery is much better than the field artillery. This standard is still unique in the firepower configuration of the Japanese field divisions.

    According to the judgment of Lieutenant General Kawami Mi, relying on the favorable fortifications and the small street base, it consisted of eight 14-year-old 77-mm field guns, three 41-type mountain guns, and two 120-mm howitzers.  Under the fire support of a very powerful artillery group, even if the Anti-Japanese Alliance has the cooperation of tanks, it can hold on to the front line of Kongjiawo Fort for at least three to five days.

    Because the front line of Kongjiawo Fort not only has a solid group of fortifications that can be used, but also the fire support received far exceeds that of the other two defensive areas in the north and south. The most critical thing is the Japanese defenders on the front line of Kongjiawo Fort. Because the distance is extremely  Quick support from reinforcements in Tongliao City can be obtained at any time.

    But he did not expect that the result was quite beyond his expectation. The Kongjiawo Fort defense line he had worked so hard to manage was completely broken through in less than six hours, and the two squadrons of reinforcements he sent had just left Tongliao.  The county seat was hit by a dense rain of rockets.

    Although during the fierce battle on the front line of Kongjiawo Fort, Lieutenant General Chuan Bingmi organized reinforcements many times and mobilized as much artillery fire as possible to provide fire support to Kongjiawo Fort, but he was still unable to break through the opponent's long-range  Fire interception, and the disadvantage of his artillery in terms of range, he could only watch the opponent's artillery shells explode on the reinforcement route, but could not get to the anti-alliance rocket artillery positions.

    Under the tight blockade, even though several small troops rushed over after paying heavy casualties, but in terms of the intensity of the battle on the front line of the entire Kongjiawo Fort, the few people who rushed over were nothing more than a drop in the bucket, and the Kong family  The battle on the front line of Wobao only lasted six hours, and Lieutenant General Chuan Binmi did not have many ways to change the situation. He could only watch the front line of Kongjiawobao being captured by two battalions of the 54th Regiment.  .

    As the second batch of troops to enter the battlefield, the 18th Division obviously accepted the lessons learned by the 3rd Division in attacking the Japanese fortification area in Bayantala. Not only did the 53rd Regiment change its tactics, it achieved more than imagined in two hours.  The effect of the 54th Regiment's attack on the front line of Kongjiawo Fort was not as spectacular as that of the 53rd Regiment in the north of Tongliao, but it still achieved the planned combat goal within six hours.

    During the battle, the two battalions of the 54th Regiment, which were the main attackers, took advantage of the entire Japanese defense system and were divided by the Tongliao-Shuangliao railway line.In the situation of being divided into two parts, the defense focus is on the north of the road. In addition to the frontal attack, two companies of troops are also divided into the south of the road with the cooperation of a tank platoon. From the south of the road where the entire defense is weakest,  Take action.

    During the battle in Lunan, flamethrowers were used with engineers, using fire and continuous large-scale blasting to first break through the flanks of the entire Japanese defense zone in Kongjiawo Fort, and then jointly capture the Japanese defense base in Dongbaoli Camp in Lunan.  After the enemy and the pocket force camped, they forcibly interspersed attacks towards Lubei, cooperating with the main frontal offensive.

    While the troops in the south of the road were fighting, in the front of the core area of ??the Japanese defensive position in the entire Kongjiawo Fort in the north of the road, forward infantry was used to guide the tanks to use direct firepower outside the anti-tank trenches, first clearing away the permanent areas bit by bit.  Field fortifications on the periphery of the fortifications opened channels for infantry attacks and provided fire support.

    The infantry then used the cover of tank direct artillery fire to quickly break through the Japanese anti-tank trenches and penetrate deep into the Japanese army. For the Japanese army's permanent fortification groups, earthwork operations were carried out under the cover of smoke grenades launched by mortars. The smoke  If there were not enough ammunition, mortars were used to fire incendiary bombs around the Japanese army's permanent fortifications.

    After using the 57 recoilless rifles and rocket launchers, highly penetrating 14mm anti-aircraft machine guns, and tank direct-aiming artillery to clear the surrounding cover fortifications, we started from the Japanese anti-tank trenches and dug passages directly to the Japanese permanent fortifications.  After reaching the bottom of the group, adopt the tactics of blasting with large-yield explosives.

    The two battalions of the 54th Regiment participating in the battle adopted a combination of frontal and flank assaults. The tanks used direct aiming and precise shooting outside the anti-tank trench to clear out the periphery. The infantry fired at close range, combined with the tactics of long and near fire, with the cover of the rocket launcher group behind them.  Although the fight was very hard, this hard bone was finally broken down within six hours.

    However, after this battle, the rocket artillery unit of the 18th Division, which was responsible for intercepting the Japanese reinforcements from Tongliao City, consumed a considerable amount of artillery shells. If it were not for Lieutenant General Kawami's reinforcements, it would have been slightly late and the battle in Lunan  Reinforcements will be started only after the situation has been resolved. I am afraid that after this battle, the ammunition in the hands of the rocket artillerymen of the 18th Division will be exhausted, and support for subsequent battles will not be needed, at least in the short term.

    The two regiments of the 18th Division that participated in the battle learned the lessons of the Third Division on the Bayantala battlefield and fought very beautifully. In a short period of time, they broke through the two defensive lines of the Japanese army to the north and east.  As a result, the anti-alliance forces on the northern battlefield have reached Tongliao County, while on the eastern front, they have torn apart the last barrier of Tongliao County.

    For Lieutenant General Chuan Bingmi, the Xiliao River, which is currently in the flood season, serves as a natural barrier to the north and west. Even if the Anti-Japanese Army's frontline troops have penetrated right under his nose, there is no big problem.  , there is no tool to cross the river, at most there is only some pressure, but the danger brought by the capture of Kongjiawo Fort to the defense of the entire Tongliao County is completely different.

    The Kongjiawobao defense line, which serves as the eastern barrier of Tongliao County, was completely breached within six hours. It had a very negative impact on the entire Tongliao defense system, except for the area from Zhangcaiyuanzi to Dongwazi, which is adjacent to Tongliao County.  Apart from the front line and several supporting points in Panjiayao, there are no obstacles that can stop the progress of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the entire east of Tongliao County.

    If the loss of the Qianjiadian line farther east is insignificant to Lieutenant General Sichuan Binmi, then the loss of the Kongjiawobao line is no different to Tongliao defenders to him and the entire Tongliao garrison.  The city is actually wide open. With the cooperation of tanks, the Anti-Japanese Alliance can rush under the city wall of Tongliao within an hour.

    Knowing that the situation was serious, Lieutenant General Sichuan Binmi ignored the interception artillery fire of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and concentrated nearly half of the troops that could be concentrated in Tongliao City. He was currently the oldest in the entire 14th Division and the only one among the three regiment commanders in the First World War last year.  The surviving captain of the second regiment, Colonel Onimu Goto, immediately left the city to counterattack.

    In order to retake the front line of Kongjiawo Fort as soon as possible, he not only used the artillery group that originally supported the battle in the east of the city, but also deployed his artillery group from Tongliao and Guandong from the artillery position of Jigu Temple in the north of the city that was firing at the anti-alliance artillery on the north bank of the Liao River in the west.  The four 150mm howitzers pulled out of the army's combat readiness warehouse and the four 120mm howitzers in the division's artillery wing were all strengthened to the east of the city.

    Lieutenant General Chuan Binmi's intention was very clear, which was to try to use the sufficient artillery shells and the opportunity of the Anti-Japanese Alliance's unsteady foothold and exhaustion after a long battle to cover the counterattack forces to retake the front line of Kongjiawo Fort and retake Kongjiawo Fort.  Tactical barrier in the eastern part of Tongliao County.

    Faced with the Japanese army's rapid counterattack under the cover of fierce artillery fire, knowing the gains and losses of Kongjiawo Fort, and the importance of seizing Tongliao County in the next step, the main force of the 54th Regiment, regardless of fatigue and casualties, launched a fierce battle with the Japanese army on the spot.  A fierce battle, a fierce battle, in the small Kongjiawo FortExpand in villages and towns.

    Lieutenant General Kawanami could not recapture the front line of Kongjiawo Fort, and he himself did not need to be under the threat of returning. Last year, Captain Onimu Mayo, who had a lucky escape after losing more than half of his troops and division headquarters, knew that this man would be able to do so just after he took office.  Catching up with this war, he once served as the captain of the Sixth Regiment that fought from Shanghai to Wuhan. The division commander of the Zhengerba regular field force was not like the former head of the secret service. He was better at spy work than commanding operations.  Lieutenant General Kita Seiichi is so easy to fool.

    After the battle last year, Lieutenant General Kita Seiichi took all the responsibility for the defeat of the 14th Division on himself. Even though he abandoned the division headquarters, he was not held accountable. However, the man in front of him has always been hard-line.  The famous lieutenant general would definitely not be as generous as the commander of the Kita Division.

    If he told himself to commit seppuku, I'm afraid no one would be able to save him except the commander of the Kwantung Army who could save his life. And he, Onimbu Goichi, left the division headquarters last year and fled first, throughout Japan.  It was an old story that the Army had already signed up. No matter how I looked at it, the Kwantung Army headquarters had no reason to pardon myself, who was not yet a general, this time.
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