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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 536 Rescue and Problems

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    Lieutenant General Sichuan Bingmi knew very well that as the entire Bayantala garrison was destroyed, the enemy's follow-up troops arrived. Under the cover of tanks, one force had already broken through the Horqin Left Center Banner and the fortification area on the north bank of the Xiliao River in Tongliao.  , and broke through the defenses on the south bank of the Xiliao River in the area east of Tongliao.

    A force has taken advantage of the direction of the West Liao River to intersperse between Kailu and Tongliao, has launched a pincer-like encirclement of Kailu, and is in the process of dividing the connection between Tongliao and Kailu. If you still want to follow the previous  Divide your troops to defend and adopt layer-by-layer blocking. When the follow-up troops are insufficient, the opponent can only quickly break through and divide the remaining troops.

    It is true that on the entire battlefield of Tongliao, a large number of permanent and semi-permanent fortifications, as well as countless field fortifications, are almost spread across the entire battlefield. However, these fortifications require the deployment of troops for defense. If we continue to adopt the Bayantala front-line defense  Tactics can only allow the enemy to eat up all of your troops one bite at a time.

    Moreover, in the entire Tongliao area, except for the concentration of permanent fortifications in the north and west directions of Bayantala and Kailu, the entire vast and deep area from the south bank of the Xiliao River to the east of Kailu County, except for some key areas  Most of the permanent fortification groups are still dominated by field fortifications.

    In other words, after the Anti-Japanese Alliance broke through the Bayantala fortification area and the permanent fortification groups on both sides of the West Liao River, except for the west of Kailu County to the intersection of Xinkai River and Xilamulun River, the main permanent fortification groups  Concentrated on both sides of the railway line from Tongliao to Zhengjiatun, as well as along the line from Tongliao to Kailu and outside the two counties.

    As for whether the anti-tank trenches dug in depth can withstand the offensive of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Lieutenant General Kawaami is very clear that these anti-tank trenches can delay for a while, but they cannot delay too much time, and if the remaining trenches are used,  If the troops are dispersed and deployed to continue to defend all the fortified areas, they can only disperse their remaining troops and create conditions for the Anti-Japanese Alliance to intersperse and divide.

    According to the orders of the Kwantung Army, the Fourteenth Division must stick to the two county towns of Tongliao and Kailu, not one of them. The Fourteenth Division has been lost in the battle between Horqin Left Wing Center Banner on the north bank of the Xiliao River and Bayantala.  If more than one-third of the troops are dispersed and defended, they may lose sight of one thing and lose another.

    Under the circumstances that the defense in depth could no longer stop the assault of the Anti-Japanese Alliance tanks and cavalry groups, and Zhengjiatun, where Shuangliao County was located, had been captured by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the troops were reduced back to the two counties, abandoned the various fortification groups along the railway line from Tongliao to Zhengjiatun, and concentrated on holding on.  The semi-permanent fortification group around the county and ensuring connections with the two counties of Tongliao and Kailu have become Chuanbingmi's best choice at present, and Lieutenant General Chuanbingmi did exactly this.

    In fact, Lieutenant General Kawami, as the commander of the Japanese Lieutenant General Division, is more qualified than his predecessor, Seiichi Kita, who was a spy. In terms of adaptability and decisive action, he far surpasses him because of last year's huge victory.  He was dismissed at the beginning of the year and transferred to the Taiwan Army to become the deputy chief of staff in charge of intelligence.

    As early as when he received the farewell message from the front-line defenders of Bayantala, he had already consciously reduced his troops and abandoned some unimportant strongholds. As soon as he received the news that the frontal defense line of the Western Liao River was broken through by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, Sichuan and  Lieutenant General Secret immediately began to shrink the troops east of Kongjiawo Fort, with the line of Kongjiawo Fort as the easternmost end of the entire deep defense zone.

    As for the various fortification groups east of Kongjiawo Fort, he consciously abandoned them all. However, when he was about to retreat, in order to prevent these permanent fortification groups from being used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance and resist the possible counterattack of the Kwantung Army, all Sichuan and Sichuan were merged.  The secret lieutenant general ordered a complete bombing.

    All the workers who were originally planned to be transported to southern Manchuria but were stranded in the east of Tongliao County because the railway line was cut off were shot to death if there was enough time. If there was not enough time, those workers were directly taken into the fortification group and disappeared completely together with the fortifications.  .

    Although all the fortification areas have been exposed, and the degree of confidentiality is no longer that important, these workers are a source of supplementary soldiers for the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The Kwantung Army headquarters has long ordered that all these workers would rather be killed.  , and they cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the Anti-Alliance. When each unit needs to abandon its position, if there are any workers, no matter how many, all will be executed.

    In order to weaken the supplementary capacity of the Anti-Japanese Alliance and its long-term combat capability, the Japanese have gone to extreme lengths to unscrupulous means. They will not care about hundreds of thousands of workers, not to mention tens of thousands of workers. Regardless of whether these workers are a threat to them or not, they will kill them all.  is the best solution.

    There are also those Puppet Manchukuo troops who have been completely disarmed by the Kwantung Army and thrown into the labor force as labor supplements. They are also treated in the same way. The Japanese will not show mercy when killing them. They fought on multiple battlefields in this battle.  Above, workers were massacred in large numbers.

    The troops of the Fourteenth Division on the south bank of the West Liao River moved quickly, waiting for the Eighteenth Division to break through.When crossing the Liaohe River, most of the Japanese fortifications east of Qianjiadian were completely destroyed. However, due to the rapid breakthrough of the western Liaohe River defense line, the troops of the 18th Division crossing the river advanced too fast and did not have time to shoot the laborers.  .

    When the Japanese army retreated, they only had time to shoot the workers around their fortifications, but most of the workers were still not in time. The leading troops of the 18th Division rescued more than 20,000 workers in Pillow Wopu and Henan Tun south of Jiaogan.  As well as two brigades of the puppet Manchukuo army that were used as hard labor.

    The situation was already critical at that time. All the workers had been driven into several anti-tank trenches and several sand nests prepared as slaughterhouses. If it were not for the rapid advance of a tank battalion attached to the 18th Division, even if it was only at night,  Within ten minutes, the Japanese army had already begun to take action.

    After the July 7th Incident, the 14th Division, which had been fighting on the Chinese battlefield for nearly three years, was no stranger to massacring Chinese people. At that time, dozens of machine guns around the area where the attack was scheduled to take place were already loaded with bullets, waiting for them.  All workers entered the massacre scene. If the anti-Union tanks arrived a step later, the place would become a hell on earth.

    Although they rescued these workers at the last moment, the rescue team faced a new dilemma. After a long period of overtime work and inhuman torture, these workers were not only physically weak, but almost all of them were malnourished.

    After rescuing these workers, Chen Hanzhang breathed a sigh of relief, but found that he was facing three problems at the same time. One was the placement of the workers. Now that the entire Tongliao has become a battlefield, he  There is simply no place or personnel to accommodate these nearly 30,000 workers.

    The second and most serious problem is how he can feed these workers. The food that nearly 30,000 people need to consume a day is almost an astronomical figure for him now, and these weak people also  In urgent need of a large amount of influence, where can he find so much food to feed these workers, let alone eat as well as possible in order to allow them to recover as soon as possible.

    The third issue is not too critical, but it is still a problem if it is not solved well. Among the rescued people, there are still two puppet Manchukuo troops who have formed an organized brigade. Although these people have been disarmed, they have all received complete training.  And strict military training, even if it is taken to the battlefield, can be used as a supplementary force.

    But in the current situation where there is neither time nor enough manpower to screen them, who dares to let them go to the battlefield? Who can guarantee that the die-hard elements among them will not rebel when they arrive on the battlefield? Will any of them sneak into the battlefield and do anything?  The sabotage of enemy agents, if there is a fierce battle in the front, these people are causing trouble and causing great damage behind the scenes.

    Although the Anti-Japanese Alliance rescued them from the guns of the Japanese, who can guarantee that they will not rebel again? The soldiers may be trustworthy, but those puppet Manchukuo officers can leave these people behind.  , is also an unstable factor, not to mention that Chen Hanzhang currently does not have enough manpower to watch them.

    Facing the large number of workers who had been rescued on the south bank of the Xiliao River and on the battlefield of Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner, the materials in hand were insufficient and they were simply unable to cope with the increase of so many mouths at once, and all the food in the entire Tongliao battlefield had been consumed.  The Japanese army had wiped out everything, and Chen Hanzhang, who had no place to collect and replenish food, had no choice but to send out the first telegram asking for help after he was ordered to penetrate Tongliao.

    After receiving a telegram from Chen Hanzhang asking for help, Guo Bingxun immediately coordinated with Wang Guangyu to allocate a large amount of supplies from the supplies allocated to the Linxi battlefield. He also transferred a battalion from the cars under Wang Guangyu's command and from the western part of the Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner.  A large amount of supplies, mainly grain supplies, were transported to Chen Hanzhang to alleviate his urgent needs.

    He quickly ordered a car group that was replenishing supplies to the Linxi battlefield to immediately turn around and transfer the materials to the east to Chen Hanzhang. However, this car group, which was all transporting ammunition and food, did not start from the scene until it received the order.  Setting off from Qiqihar, under extremely bad road conditions, even if we drove at maximum speed every day, it would take at least five days to arrive at Chen Hanzhang's headquarters.

    Fortunately, Wang Guangyu, who can be said to be quite considerate, knew that even if the headquarters immediately shipped the goods after receiving Chen Hanzhang's telegram asking for help, it would take at least three to five days for the supplies and ammunition to be supplemented to Chen Hanzhang, and it would take at least three or five days for the airdrop of supplies to arrive.  Because the amount of aviation fuel has dropped to a dangerous level, it can only be used by fighter jets and bombers first, and will not be used easily unless it is absolutely necessary.

    "And Chen Hanzhang himself was fighting through interspersed operations and could not carry too much ammunition. The supply line behind him was temporarily cut off by the intersecting operations of the 18th Division. At the same time, he was still fighting fiercely in the Horqin Left Wing Middle Banner for such a long time.Not only the supplies, but also the ammunition are definitely not enough.

    Therefore, Wang Guangyu also allocated an additional 20,000 rounds of artillery shells to Chen Hanzhang from his current limited artillery shell reserve, mainly 75mm mountain artillery shells, 57 recoilless artillery shells and 82 and 60 mortar shells.  As for rockets, the demand there is also quite large.

    However, although Chen Hanzhang's troops captured the Horqin Left-wing Center Banner, although they failed to establish direct contact with the Linxi battlefield, they had actually established a direct connection with Wang Guangyu's troops through the area bordering the Aru Horqin Banner and Horqin Left-wing Center Banner.  Flank land contact.

    However, it was also restricted by the road conditions from Zalut Banner through Horqin Left Wing Center Banner to Chen Hanzhang's headquarters, as well as the harassment of stragglers by the Japanese army along the way. Although the headquarters and Wang Guangyu moved quickly, the replenishment of these supplies did not arrive until Tongliao and Kailu  It was not until the battle against the county town began that they all arrived.

    In the early stages of the offensive in Tongliao and Kailu County, and in response to the Japanese counterattack, Chen Hanzhang's two divisions did not receive much artillery support, and the main artillery support was concentrated on seizing the perimeter.  The key point is that as for the Japanese counterattack, it can only be ranked second, because the remaining artillery shells must be reserved for offensive use before being replenished.

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