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Text Chapter 515 The Central Committee¡¯s request for help

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    These Belarusians in Harbin, who were originally the elite of Tsarist Russia, have a high cultural quality. Many of them are good at several foreign languages. Most of them can speak Chinese fluently because of their life experience. Therefore, in the selection of teachers, priority is given to Belarusians in Harbin.  , Jews and Poles. Of course, considering certain factors, the teachers recruited are mainly middle-aged and above women.

    After research and considering the urgent needs of the current base area, the Northeast Bureau first opened the French Department, the German Department, the English Department, and the Russian Department, focusing on the English Department and the Russian Department. As the Anti-Japanese Alliance prepared to exchange a group of German prisoners of war for their own use, this  The majors of the school need to be adjusted, and the number of students majoring in German needs to be expanded.

    Since there are a large number of Belarusians in Harbin, and many Belarusians are in difficult living conditions after losing their domestic property, the recruitment of teachers went very smoothly. Most of the teachers were in place within a week, and with the transfer within the customs  Some college students who graduated from missionary schools came here, and now this foreign language school is basically ready for everything.

    Now the teachers and students are all in place. According to the requirements of the Northeast Bureau, classes will be officially started soon. In addition to the foreign language college that has begun to be established, there is also a financial college that trains financial personnel. If it will be established now,  All these Belarusians were sent back to the Soviet Union. Now these two schools can only stop. This situation is difficult for Yang Zhen to accept.

    As for the results after Belarus returned to China, in Yang Zhen's opinion, the chance of the second possibility mentioned by Li Yanping happening is almost 100%. In the past few years, the Soviets tried their best to mobilize a group of troops to solve the harassment of Belarus on the border.  The Belarusians who had already obtained Soviet passports in Harbin returned to China. After these people returned to China, the Soviet policy changed overnight.

    At that time, more than 10,000 Belarusians who returned to the Soviet Union were either executed or sent to work in various labor camps in Siberia or along the Arctic Ocean. With this recent lesson learned, I am afraid that these Belarusians will not easily agree to return to the country without forcible transfer.  , but if it is forcibly transferred, will there be some unexpected troubles on the Americans side?

    In fact, what Yang Zhen didn't know was that after the Soviets seized the Northeast, especially Harbin, in later generations, in addition to dismantling industrial equipment in Northeast China and disarming the Kwantung Army, there was another important thing, which was to capture and execute  A staunch anti-Soviet element in Belarus.

    After the Soviet army entered the Northeast, a large number of White Russians in Northeast China were executed in Dalian and Harbin. Those who had served the Japanese, served as puppet Manchukuo military police, military police, and served as officers of a certain level in the former Tsarist Russian army, mainly  Almost all Belarusian officers above major were killed by the Soviets.

    After the Soviet army occupied Harbin and Dalian, the second thing they did was to use trucks to drag these people in batches at night to several mass graves on the outskirts of Harbin, execute them, and then incinerate them all on the spot. This was just a request from the Soviets.  On the contrary, most of the young people born after being exiled to China returned home without any punishment.

    Compared with what happened to these White Russians in later generations, the Soviets now propose to transfer them to the White Russians in Harbin. Regardless of whether these people will do what Li Yanping said, it seems more benevolent. At least the Soviets who are in urgent need of soldiers now will not send them away.  Go to Siberia to move rocks, or simply make them disappear without a trace and go to the battlefield. For these White Russians, there is still a chance to survive. If they don't go to the battlefield, I'm afraid these people will really die.

    But for Yang Zhen at the moment, he actually doesn't care much about the fate of the Belarusian base in the region when he returns to the Soviet Union. It's not that he is too cruel, but for these Belarusians who have harmed China for nearly a hundred years, Yang Zhen himself  Not a good impression.

    And just as Li Yanping said, a considerable number of these White Russians staying in the base area are a hidden danger. No matter what their background is, they are a hidden threat to the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Send them back to the Soviet Union  For the base area, it can be regarded as alleviating some troubles.

    In the view of Yang Zhen, who was not at ease with the Soviets, although the Japanese could use these White Russians to infiltrate the Soviet Union, the Soviets could not be used as well. Li Yanping just said that in the background of these White Russians, he found that  The shadow of the Soviet KGB and GRU.

    Of course, among these White Russians, there are some who act as thugs for the Japanese, but there are probably not a few Soviet spies from the KGB and GRU who need to know the whereabouts of those anti-Soviet staunch elements and the Japanese military intelligence in the Northeast. And if the Soviets  If you want to infiltrate the base area, these White Russians will be the best

    Rather than waiting until big problems arise before solving them, it would be better to take advantage of the Soviets¡¯ initiative to bring them up and transfer them all to the Soviet side. However, handing over all these Belarusians will not affect the development of the base area in the next few years.It is not beneficial, it can even be said that in some aspects, it does more harm than good.

    These people are to be repatriated, but it cannot be generalized. Those who have mastered the base area are in urgent need of foreign language talents, and they must keep as many as they can. As for the other people, except for the Jews who cannot be handed over to the Soviet Union, those who are proficient in foreign languages ??and finance  People, at least for the time being, cannot be transferred to them.

    After thinking for a while, Yang Zhen said: "I think this condition of the Soviets can be partially accepted. We can hand over all the young and middle-aged Belarusians under the age of 40 and over 16 in the base area to the Soviet side to compare with them.  First, we can exchange engineering and technical support personnel and equipment maintenance personnel among German prisoners of war. This can also strengthen our exchange conditions. "

    "But those who have mastered many foreign languages, as well as those who are in urgent need of finance and so on, together with their families, cannot be handed over for the time being. Jews and Belarusians who have intermarryed with Chinese cannot be handed over to the Soviets. As for Poles and other messy people, they cannot be handed over to the Soviets.  It doesn¡¯t matter whether they have nationality or statelessness, if they need it, we can hand it all over to them.¡±

    "There are also those Orthodox clergy, except for a few individuals, they have also been transferred to the Soviet Union. However, this matter should not be discussed urgently. It can be used as an additional negotiation condition when resolving the second matter.  The top priority right now is to solve the problem of the batch of American supplies in Vladivostok, especially cotton and fuel, which has almost become our most urgent problem to solve.¡±

    Hearing Yang Zhen talk about the cotton problem in the supplies, Li Yanping suddenly remembered something: "Old Yang, the Northeast Bureau received a telegram from the central government asking for help a week ago. Although winter is still some time away in North China,  However, the ministries in North China that have lost their base in central Hebei are seriously short of supplies. The supplies needed to make winter clothes this year have not yet been solved. "

    "Most of the original reserves were destroyed by the Japanese army's repeated raids. At the same time as they repeatedly raided, the Japanese army also implemented an extremely tight blockade on various base areas behind enemy lines in North China. Not only food and medicine, but also cotton, cotton cloth,  All kerosene and other supplies are prohibited from entering the mountains.¡±

    "With the original underground relations either destroyed by the Japanese and puppet troops or losing contact due to changes in the situation, now the various base areas in North China, except for Shandong, which is close to the main cotton producing areas, and the situation is slightly better, the rest of Shanxi  The cotton and cotton cloth currently raised in the major base areas of Chaji, Taihang, Taiyue, and Jinsui are far from meeting the needs. "

    "At the same time, although the large-scale production movement in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region has been launched, due to time constraints, although some of the difficulties have been solved, it has not been able to completely alleviate the difficulties in northern Shaanxi. Although some of the food problems have been temporarily solved, other materials such as  Oil and cloth are still in short supply.¡±

    ¡°The Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, which did not originally produce cotton, started planting cotton, but it was limited to the quantity planted and the yield per mu was too low. Although the total amount of cotton produced this year reached one million kilograms, this was only the harvest of lint cotton.  The quantity cannot meet the needs for the time being, and the Nationalist Government¡¯s strict blockade of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region makes it impossible to obtain some supplies from the outside world to make up the difference.¡±

    "The central government called us yesterday and asked if we could help solve the problem of 500,000 kilograms of clean cotton, some kerosene, and cotton cloth to solve the urgent needs of northern Shaanxi and North China. If possible, could we help solve the problem of a batch of hard goods such as gold and silver coins?  Currency, if that doesn¡¯t work, Japanese yen will do.¡±

    Li Yanping's words made Yang Zhen frown slightly. In terms of money, it is not a big problem. Although it is quite difficult in the northern Manchu base area where there is a lot of industrial construction, but as the main gold producing area in the country, it is quite difficult.  It is still possible to solve some urgently needed gold.

    However, cotton, a cash crop that is not produced in Northern Manchuria, is now in short supply in the base areas. The problem of cotton is not only related to the output of cloth, but also to the question of whether hundreds of thousands of troops can survive the winter safely.  The survival of the Manchu people and the stability of the people's hearts and minds. Now there are not only hundreds of thousands of troops in Northern Manchuria, but also tens of thousands of people.

    Five hundred thousand kilograms of clean cotton is not actually a large amount. It is not impossible for the Anti-Japanese League to provide it if they want to, but if they take out these five hundred thousand kilograms of clean cotton, the Anti-Japanese League itself will not be able to meet the needs of the troops and the people.  , and the original plans will be completely disrupted.

    If it is re-imported, it is difficult to say whether it can be shipped before winter according to the current efficiency. And the subsequent 10,000 tons of cotton ordered by the Anti-League in the United States, according to the acquisition plan and transportation plan, the earliest time it can be shipped is also the National Day.  In March, we are now adjusting our plans, not to mention whether we can acquire it in a short period of time. Even if we acquire it, negotiating with Su in terms of transportation will be a problem.

    And the current batch of cotton imported by the Anti-Japanese League is only just?Thousand tons, and these thousand tons of cotton are not only the raw materials for making winter clothes, but also a considerable part is used to weave into cotton cloth. Cotton alone cannot make cotton-padded jackets, especially the Northeast climate, which requires a lot of time to make cotton-padded clothes.  There is twice as much cotton as in northern Shaanxi and northern China.

    But when the central government made this request at this time, I am afraid that it is really unsustainable in Guanhai. Opening this mouth to the Anti-Japanese League is probably at the extreme point of difficulty. Although the winter in North China and Northern Shaanxi is not as cold as that in Northeast China, there is no winter clothing.  What it means is clear to everyone.

    Although it will not directly cause the troops to lose their combat effectiveness like in the Northeast, it can also greatly weaken the combat capabilities of the troops. Thin clothes cannot withstand the cold wind in the Taihang Mountains. There is a lack of food in the stomach. If you can no longer wear them  I am afraid that a considerable number of troops will collapse due to their winter clothing.

    A half-frozen army has a world of difference in combat effectiveness compared to a well-fed and clothed army. The outcome of the battle is already clear without having to fight. Indeed, the Eighteenth Group Army has an extremely tenacious will to fight.  , but no matter how strong your will is, you can't resist the power of nature. This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, and you can read the original content immediately!
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