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Text Chapter 494: Reluctant to let go of the child but unable to trap the wolf

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    In addition to the fact that Soviet-made trucks are not picky about oil, can be used with low-grade gasoline, and can even use kerosene as fuel when necessary, and have good low-temperature resistance, the rest of their performance is even better than that of Japanese-made trucks.  No, this is also the main reason why Soviet-made trucks gradually withdrew from the front-line combat forces of the Anti-Japanese War.

    Compared with Soviet-made trucks, Japanese-made trucks, which are closer in size to the Chinese, are more suitable for Chinese driving. However, whether they are Japanese-made trucks or Soviet-made trucks, they are far less popular among the troops.  It is not as good as American-made trucks with large load capacity, easy driving and better human-machine efficiency.

    In particular, these American-made trucks are very durable. Even under China's harsh road conditions, they can be driven for a year without major maintenance. For the Anti-Japanese Federation, which has relatively weak technical support capabilities, these American-made trucks are the most popular.  , many troops that used to use Soviet-made trucks reported one after another asking to replace American-made trucks.

    For the troops below, American-made trucks require less time for maintenance, have better driving and driving capabilities, and have the best human-machine efficiency, but they require the least technical support. The most important thing is that the load capacity of these American-made trucks is also  The largest one allows troops to transport more supplies with limited vehicles.

    Now with the expansion of the army and the gradual improvement of equipment levels, there is an increasing dependence on logistics, especially for the main front-line combat troops. After all the replacement of automatic rifles, the huge consumption of ammunition has increased the demand for supply.  The appetite is astonishing. Under such circumstances, American-made trucks with large load capacity, excellent performance, and durable leather are even more popular.

    If an American-made truck with a load capacity of three tons is loaded with five tons of materials, its performance will basically not be affected in any way, and it will not cause any damage to the truck itself. This is almost equivalent to the actual load capacity, which is mostly not  1.5 tons, which is more than three times that of the 1.2-ton Soviet-made GAZ and GIS trucks.

    The load capacity is limited, the fuel consumption is high, and the performance of these Soviet-made trucks is backward. Therefore, among the Soviet-made trucks in the army, each division retains twenty four-ton Yak six trucks and eighty one-point trucks.  In addition to the five-ton GAZ 3A truck and the car company of twenty Japanese-made trucks, most of the remaining GAZ and GIS trucks have been replaced by American-made IWC and GM trucks.

    There are several automobile groups directly under the headquarters. Except for one consisting of Yak six trucks, the rest are all American-made trucks. In the face of the increasing demand for American-made trucks, thousands of them were taken out at one go.  Not only Guo Bingxun, but also Yang Zhen felt a little distressed when the American-made trucks with excellent performance were handed over to the Soviets.

    But again, if you don't want to let go of your children, you can't trap the wolf. With the shrewdness of the Soviets, knowing the number of American-made trucks imported by the Anti-Japanese War and the performance gap between the trucks they manufactured and the American-made trucks, they used the thousands of trucks in stock.  A Soviet-made truck is being handed back in exchange for two of the latest Soviet artillery pieces. I'm afraid they will never do it.

    Because for the Soviets who produce and manufacture these Soviet-made trucks, they know the shortcomings of the performance of these Soviet-made trucks better than anyone else. Especially because of the extremely greedy character of these Soviets, they will never give up any advantage.  Chance.

    Since it is an exchange, the Anti-Japanese Alliance still has to give up some good meat to let the Soviets taste some sweetness before they open their mouths. Otherwise, after May next year, the US and British aid trucks will arrive in large numbers. The Anti-Japanese Alliance just wants to  There is no chance of exchange.

    Seeing Guo Bingxun's expression of pain when he heard that he would eventually take out part of the American-made truck in exchange, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Lao Guo, I understand what you are thinking. To be honest, take it out at once.  I feel very sad that American-made trucks with excellent performance are being traded with the Soviets.¡±

    "As the equipment level of our troops is getting higher and higher, the reliance on logistical supplies is also getting higher and higher. These American-made trucks not only have amazing transport capacity, but their performance is also far from comparable to Soviet-made and Japanese-made trucks.  Although they are not off-road vehicles, they are quite adaptable to the Northeastern roads. It can be said that wherever a horse-drawn carriage can go, these American-made trucks can go.¡±

    "But Lao Guo, what we are in urgent need of is not only aviation gasoline, but also combat aircraft. We currently have relatively sufficient artillery, and a considerable number of them are in urgent need of replacement and replenishment. You are the chief of staff. What are the battle losses of artillery in each unit?  , where you have a more detailed understanding.¡±

    "Except for a few new Japanese artillery pieces, most of our artillery pieces are second-hand or even third-hand goods, and quite a few of them are products from the First World War. Long-term and high-intensity use not only accelerates the life of the artillery pieces  Loss can easily lead to accidents.¡±

    ¡°At the beginning of this battle, the barrel artillery equipped by our troops at all levels exploded many times due to excessive use.??, self-destruction, and even some artillery pieces are simply scrapped because the rifling has been polished. It is urgent to gradually replace the old equipment in our various types of artillery pieces.  "

    "And due to the lack of corresponding equipment, our divisional artillery is still dominated by 75mm artillery. The lack of artillery with a caliber of more than 100mm has resulted in a relatively poor fire support capability of the division, and as our army's  The scale of our army has expanded, and our army now has artillery and a depleted inventory, so it is difficult to meet the needs. "

    "We currently lack medium-caliber artillery between 75 mm and 150 mm. We also lack long-range cannons with anti-tank capabilities. Our army currently has the Type 90 field gun that can double as an anti-tank artillery.  , the quantity is still too small, and so far only surveying and mapping have been completed, and other problems have not yet been solved. "

    "The remaining 75mm field guns do not have anti-tank functions. At the same time, with the continuous improvement and upgrading of Japanese tanks, our existing French-made 25mm anti-tank guns used as the main anti-tank artillery,  The power is increasingly unable to meet the needs, and the number of Polish-made 37 anti-tank artillery is already seriously insufficient, and the power is also unable to meet the needs. "

    "Among our army's existing anti-tank firepower, the anti-armor ranges of rocket launchers and recoilless rifles are too close, and the number of French-made 47mm anti-tank guns and Soviet-made 45mm anti-tank guns is far from enough.  needs, and the caliber is also a bit too complicated, which is not conducive to battlefield support.¡±

    "If we can take this opportunity to introduce the ZLS III 76mm cannon, we will not only get an excellent direct-aiming artillery, but also a long-range anti-tank artillery. According to the power of this artillery I have mastered  It seems that no Japanese tank within a thousand meters can withstand its attack."

    "At the same time, this kind of artillery is simple to produce, has low production cost, and has a fast rate of fire. The muzzle velocity of the artillery shell is extremely fast. The maximum effective range of nearly 14,000 meters is enough to suppress most of the Japanese artillery. It is also light in weight and can  A variety of traction methods are available, which is very suitable for production and use by our army.¡±

    "As for the M30-type 122 howitzer, the demand for our army is even more urgent. The 100mm howitzers and legal 105 field guns currently equipped by our army are not only far from meeting the needs, but also the largest number of them.  The performance of the 100mm howitzer is already somewhat behind compared with the Soviet-made 122mm howitzer and the Japanese-made Type 91 105 howitzer.¡±

    "Moreover, most of these 100mm howitzers were copied by Poland from the Austro-Hungarian Empire's World War I design after World War I. Not only have their performance lagged behind, but most of the artillery has also been damaged due to long production times or quality issues.  It is quite old and needs to be replaced.¡±

    "And the number of French-made 105mm field guns and Japanese-style 91105mm howitzers in our hands is too small to completely replace the 100mm howitzers. The 75mm artillery currently used as the main division artillery,  The power is somewhat single and insufficient.¡±

    "At the same time, although the caliber of our divisional artillery is mainly 75 mm, there are too many producing countries, resulting in too many types of ammunition, which is not conducive to logistical support on the battlefield. Just a 75-caliber field gun is enough.  There are many different types of artillery shells, French-made and Polish-imitation French field guns, and the shells of Japanese-made field guns are simply incompatible.¡±

    "The Type 38 field artillery shells used by the Japanese army themselves cannot be used interchangeably with the shells used by the Type 90 and Type 95 field artillery. Our foundation is weak. The logistics personnel generally have low levels of education, so their level is low. The quality of ammunition  The more complex the model, the more likely it is that confusion will arise.¡±

    "Since the start of this battle, our army has repeatedly had artillery replenishment and delivery of the wrong artillery shells on the battlefield. Although it is better than last year, there have also been many times of confusion. French field artillery shells were sent to troops equipped with Japanese field artillery.  What happened in the hands of the troops did not happen once.¡±

    "The performance of the Soviet-made ZLS III 76mm cannon is extremely good. It can be used as a field cannon or as a long-range anti-tank direct-aiming firepower. It can also replace a considerable number of our army's current artillery pieces that are too outdated.  , especially to replace some Polish field guns and 38-type field guns with outdated calibers.¡±

    "The Soviet-made M 30-type 122 howitzer is a medium-caliber howitzer with extremely advanced power and performance. It not only has a long range, great power, and extremely excellent performance, but also has extremely flexible towing methods. It is very suitable for use as a division subordinate of our army.  The backbone equipment of the artillery can also fill the gap in the support firepower of our division's artillery and serve as the backbone artillery of our division's artillery. "

    "What I mean is that if the Soviets can agree to our conditions, the ZLS III cannons in this batch of Soviet-made artillery will bring all the existing artillery in our division's artillery and directly-affiliated artillery."All the 75-caliber mountain field guns that had to be replaced at the end of their service life were replaced.  "

    "At the same time, among the 75-caliber mountain field artillery, except for the Japanese Type 90 field artillery, the remaining number is relatively small, and there is no need to specifically produce shells for the artillery. All the artillery, such as the Japanese Type 95 field artillery,  There are not many of them in the entire army. Although the shells are common with Type 90 field guns, there is no source of accessories. Instead of eliminating them by then, it is better to eliminate them all now. "

    "In addition to replacing the Qiwushan field guns that have reached their end of life, I am also planning to use this long-range and powerful light cannon to form a group of large-caliber anti-tank artillery regiments for each column and the directly subordinate artillery, specifically to deal with  Large-scale Japanese armored group."

    "As for the M30-type 122 howitzers, they will be incorporated into each main division together with the 100mm howitzers. A 100mm howitzer battalion will be added to the artillery units of each main division. Our future division artillery will be composed of a  It consists of a 100-mm howitzer battalion, a 75-mm field artillery battalion or a 76-mm cannon battalion, a 75-mm mountain artillery battalion, and a 107-mm rocket launcher battalion.¡±
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