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Text Chapter 480 It is also a kind of pressure

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    Yang Zhen looked at Guo Bingxun, who was still a little confused and said: "Old Guo, I also know that it is indeed a very dangerous thing to enter North Korea alone with the strength of two regiments. The memory of last year is still fresh. This year we launched  In such a large-scale battle, the North Korean army will not be wary of our army replicating last year's tactics."

    "Judging from the Japanese military movements in North Korea on the China-North Korea border reported by Tao Jingfei, the North Korean army has made certain preparations for our army's actions in East Manchuria and has deployed a large number of troops in the northern section of the China-North Korea border.  , its entire 19th Division has been deployed to the other side of the Tumen River."

    "Furthermore, judging from the experience that our army had no mass base and was generally passive when fighting in North Korea last year. The Koreans not only did not cooperate with our army in fighting, but even cooperated with the Japanese army in fighting our army. In a situation with no rear and no support,  Under this situation, it will be difficult for these two groups to operate like last year.¡±

    "But I am not asking these two regiments to really go deep into the hinterland of North Korea, but to have them bring a false shot at the border between China and North Korea, and use the strength of the two regiments to divert the attention of the 19th Division and let them  As long as they don't have time to look west, I'm not that crazy about actually using two regiments to fight the entire Korean army."

    "Now the Korean Independent Division is under Tao Jingfei's command. Most of the soldiers in its unit were brought out from North Korea by us during last year's battle. They are very familiar with the situation there. After all, they are native to the country. From among them  There should be no big problem in selecting two regiments and deploying a squadron from the reconnaissance brigade directly under the military region to cooperate with them in entering North Korea to fight guerrillas for a few days. "

    "The border between China and North Korea is connected by mountains and rivers, with crisscrossing mountains and extremely complex terrain. Judging from the current situation, the North Korean army does not have that large a force to block the entire border between China and North Korea. They are bluffing, not really trying to  Establish a foothold in North Korea and create a guerrilla base.¡±

    "If the situation is favorable, just fight him for one or two battles. If it's unfavorable, then quickly retreat. Now they are not a pure guerrilla operation without a rear. They can advance and retreat. Of course, if possible, rely on our army's front line in the rear along the Tumen River Estuary."  It would be best to establish a solid base and control the front line of Tumen River Estuary.¡±

    "If we can control the Tumen River Estuary line during this battle, if our army launches air strikes against Japan in the future, our bomber groups will have an extremely safe passage in and out of the base area. Otherwise, our army will not be able to pass through Soviet airspace.  Under the circumstances, the only route choice is through the Tumen River Estuary.¡±

    "But that would be almost equivalent to sending an early warning to the Japanese army. Moreover, if the Japanese army uses Chongjin and Wonsan as bases to take off and intercept, it will cause considerable trouble and heavy losses to our army's air raids, especially since Chongjin is close to China and North Korea.  The border is the biggest threat to us."

    "However, it is best if we can capture the Tumen River Estuary and the Japanese naval and air force base that threatens Chongjin. If we cannot capture it, at least for now, it doesn't matter. What we need now is to contain the possible reinforcements of Japanese troops, not  We need to gain a foothold in North Korea.¡±

    Regarding Yang Zhen's persuasion, Guo Bingxun thought for a while and said: "No. 1, if we have a chance, should we take down Xinjing? If we don't take it down, judging from the current situation, Xinjing will not be able to win after this battle."  Beijing is likely to become a wedge into our army¡¯s hinterland and a bridgehead into our army¡¯s hinterland.¡±

    "If Xinjing is taken, the Japanese army will definitely fight back with all its strength. Not only will a considerable part of the Japanese army be attracted in this direction, but our army will also invest a large amount of troops in this direction. Moreover, Xinjing has been painstakingly managed by the Kwantung Army for many years.  The surrounding fortifications are complete and fortified.¡±

    "There is not only a complete internal defense system around Xinjing, but also layers of peripheral defenses that can fight alone and cooperate with each other. At the same time, the Japanese army has exploded the reservoirs around Xinjing, forming a five-meter wide perimeter around Xinjing."  Kilometers of swampland will cause great difficulties for our army¡¯s upcoming operations.¡±

    "Once the enemy defenders are unable to move out as before, our army will have to suffer huge casualties if we launch a strong offensive. If the attack is not strong enough, then how can we convince the Japanese army that Xinjing is also an important target for our army, and how can we move the Kanto region  Part of the army's attention was drawn to the direction of Xinjing."

    "And once Xinjing is captured by our army, we will not only have to carry food, coal and other material supplies for hundreds of thousands of people, but we will also be under great political pressure. If we abandon Xinjing when necessary, or be  If it is recaptured during a key counterattack by the Japanese army, we will also have to consider the impact on the morale of the entire army and even the whole country. "

    "It can be said that according to your plan, whether we take Xinjing or not, it will be a great pressure for us, so I think if we replace Ma Chunsheng's command with Wang Xiaoming, then we will still maintain?With its high-pressure posture, it is better to adopt cannibalizing tactics towards the periphery.  "

    Guo Bingxun's worry is not unreasonable. Xinjing is different from Harbin, and their political influence is also very different. According to Yang Zhen's plan, the offensive in Xinjing must be strengthened, and it can no longer be as empty as it is now.  , half true and half false.

    But in this case, not to mention the strategic situation, but also in terms of tactics, according to the current composition of the Kwantung Army's fortifications outside Xinjing and the attached troops, this strong offensive will definitely cause heavy casualties, and strategically, not only  It was to attract Japanese troops, and it also involved a considerable part of the Anti-Alliance forces.

    And judging from the current psychological state of the Chinese people, if we take back Xinjing and then give it up, the pressure that the Anti-Japanese Alliance, including the central government, will bear can be imagined. Where is Xinjing? It is a symbol of Japan¡¯s colonial rule in Northeast China and its political status.  , even Fengtian, the most industrially developed city in the entire Northeast, cannot compare. Whether it is captured or lost, its political influence cannot be underestimated.

    For Guo Bingxun, who is a pure military cadre and does not want or want to see political factors interfere with military command, he does not agree with launching a formal offensive against Xinjing now. Whether it is a feint attack or a forced attack, he does not want to launch a formal offensive in Xinjing.  Beijing has paid too high a price.

    It is true that Xinjing is an important transportation hub in the entire central part of Northeast China. It is located at the confluence of several major railway lines. However, now that the Xinjing Railway has been cut off, Xinjing's status as a transportation hub has declined. Now that Xinjing is taken,  Not only will a heavy price be paid, but also a heavy political and economic burden will be carried northward.

    Xinjing, with a population of 600,000, is indeed incomparable with cities such as Peking, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Wuhan within the Pass, and even with Fengtian, the core of southern Manchuria, in terms of population base. However, Xinjing's population complexity is probably  At present, China as a whole is only behind Shanghai and Peiping.

    The so-called population complexity refers to the number of foreigners settled in the city, as well as the complexity of the overall society. Of course, as the capital of Manchuria under the strict control of the Kwantung Army, the foreigners in Xinjing can only be an extremely small number of Jews, or  It's White Russia, and the rest are Japanese who are called Manchukuo Kazu by the Japanese, and at most some Koreans who are called Japanese Peninsulars.

    Although the number of people from other countries is very small, far from being comparable to Harbin, where many Jews and a large number of White Russians live, the number of Japanese, except for the so-called Kanto Prefecture that has been occupied by the Japanese army for decades, is the largest in the entire Northeast.  I'm afraid it has the most, and even Fengtian in southern Manchuria is far behind.

    In addition to the Japanese, there are also a large number of traitors in the entire Northeast, especially high-level traitors. In particular, the puppet emperor of Manchukuo, according to current intelligence, is still in the new capital and has not evacuated.  In addition to high-level traitors, there are also large and small spy organizations established by the Guandong Army to monitor Xinjing, which make the situation in the city extremely complicated.

    Moreover, although the population base of 600,000 is not large, it is also a heavy burden economically as it is close to the core area of ??the Japanese-occupied area. The food and coal needed for this 600,000 urban population for a year,  and other materials will become a very heavy burden for the base area which is far from developed now.

    The most important thing is that for a pure soldier like Guo Bingxun, he sees that judging from the current situation and determination of the Japanese army, if the Anti-Japanese Alliance really wants to capture Xinjing, it will face an unprecedented battle for the city. This price  , will be extraordinary, huge, and unprecedented.

    Among the current population of Xinjing, there are indeed a considerable number of Japanese, but the majority are still Northeasterners. When fighting in such a relatively densely populated big city, the use of heavy weapons is bound to be restricted. At present,  Under the heavy concentration of Japanese troops, if they lack the cover of heavy weapons, the price paid will be unprecedented.

    In Guo Bingxun's view, this kind of price is at least something that the Anti-Japanese Alliance cannot bear yet. Moreover, Guo Bingxun believes that no matter what Yang Zhen's true intention is, even if he does not capture Xinjing, if he wants to play this show, he can do it in Xinjing.  The direction and direction are sufficient and good, which is a considerable requirement for the frontline commander's ability to grasp this kind of battle.

    It is said to be a feint attack, but if a considerable part of the Japanese reserve force is to be contained in the Xinjing area, then the offensive must be strengthened, and it must even be quite violent. At least the Kwantung Army must be convinced that Xinjing is also a target of this battle. Otherwise,  It is very likely that you will be the one who is self-defeating.

    The political influence of Xinjing is really too great. It is difficult to grasp the authenticity of the battle in such a city. Therefore, he believes that in the direction of Xinjing, it is better to maintain the current encroachment on the periphery, break gaps in many places, and follow the progress.  It is better to organize some troops to carry out small penetration tactics into the urban areas of the Japanese army.

    Once the frontline commander is not sure during the offensiveThe intensity will cause excessive casualties and will be in a very unfavorable situation for future operations. Even if it attracts part of the Kwantung Army reserve force, Xinjing, the so-called capital of Manchukuo and the headquarters of the Kwantung Army, will  It is also very likely that it will become a meat grinder that the Anti-League cannot withstand.

    Guo Bingxun's worries, and why Yang Zhen doesn't understand that Xinjing needs to do a full-scale offensive this time, will undoubtedly be a huge burden for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, both in terms of the use of troops and the subsequent impact. If the pressure is not enough,  It would be impossible to attract enough Japanese troops.

    But if you want to achieve enough pressure, it will undoubtedly be a big problem for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which has used its troops and equipment to the extreme. Especially the rhythm of this attack is quite difficult to control, and it can neither cause huge  casualties, let alone carry the burden of Xinjing.

    Although the pressure on Xinjing is increasing at this moment and distracting the Kwantung Army's attention from Western Manchuria, it is undoubtedly a pressure for Yang Zhen in terms of the use of troops and the overall strategic deployment, because to achieve such a goal,  It requires considerable investment in troops and heavy equipment, but what Yang Zhen lacks most now is sufficient troops.
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