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Text Chapter 466: So what¡¯s the point of burning the boat?

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    According to Yang Jicai, who had not received the exact report, he was not sure whether his judgment was accurate, but the situation of the Japanese army in front of him told him that this was a good fighter opportunity. If he gave up or failed to seize it,  It will become a lifelong regret for myself.

    After this telegram of more than 3,000 words was sent, Yang Jicai ordered Su Yingqi, the commander of the Second Regiment, and Chen Zhiping, the political commissar of the Second Regiment, who had already withdrawn to Bayannuoer, to command all the existing troops of the Second Regiment that could be gathered, regardless of the fatigue of continuous combat.  , regardless of the casualties in previous battles, seize the front lines of Tongsi and Butun Maudu as quickly as possible, posing a threat to the flanks of the enemy in Bala Chirud.

    Order the political commissar of the first regiment Xiong Ziren and the deputy commander of the second regiment Ma Biao in Aohan Camp to immediately launch continuous tactical counterattacks against the enemy in front of them. They must firmly hold back the Japanese troops in front of them so that they cannot attack Balaqi.  The Rude front line moved closer and ordered the troops to recover Zhangjiayingzi. Except for leaving a platoon to monitor the enemy's left wing in front of Balachi Rude, the rest of the main force went north to seize Hunte Aoter, completely cutting off the connection between Aohan Yingzi and Bajiayingzi.  The connection between the enemies of Rakirud.

    Considering that the troops on the front line of Zhangjiayingzi, which were composed of the original heavy artillery guard troops, were really insufficient and could not take care of both directions, Yang Jicai gritted his teeth and strengthened the last company at hand that had been withdrawn from Kundu direction to Zhangjiaying.  sub-direction.

    He also ordered Gou Zaihe on the front of Bala Chirud to immediately seize the time to adjust, enrich the troop establishment, replenish ammunition, and closely monitor the movements of the enemy forces in front of him. At the same time, he should try to move the defense line closer to the Japanese army as much as possible and not to lose contact with the Japanese army.  At the same time, the entire army must be ready to attack at any time. After Su Yingqi arrives at the designated location and the troops attacked by Zhangjiayingzi capture Hunte Aoter, they can launch a counterattack across the board.

    For Yang Jicai, it will take time for his superiors to reply, but before that, he can't just wait. Even if the troops at hand cannot form a complete encirclement, he can at least form a pincer attack on the enemy in front of him.  , at least we cannot let these devils react and run away before their superiors give a reply.

    At the same time, Yang Jicai discussed with Qiu Jintang to concentrate all the remaining heavy artillery shells, especially rocket shells, on a part of the artillery, and move this part of the artillery forward to the direction of Shizui, while the rest of the artillery rested on the spot and waited for the headquarters.  After replenishing the artillery shells, you can join the battle again depending on the situation.

    After listening to Yang Jicai's suggestion, Qiu Jintang smiled bitterly and said: "You guys are planning to invest all my capital at once. You don't even think about it. Now the Seventh Division is really in chaos as you judged.  What's the status? There are really only so many troops left."

    "If things are not as you imagine, and the Japanese army still has a large number of troops hidden in a place that we have not discovered yet, what should you do? The few artillery shells I have on hand are your last resort. If  Use up all the artillery shells before the headquarters can evacuate them. If things go beyond your judgment, what will you do? With the few troops you have, how can you fight this battle?"

    "The most critical issue is that you are switching to a full-scale counterattack now without approval from your superiors. You are acting without authorization. Once the enemy situation changes and it is not what you judged and imagined, your responsibility will be quite heavy.  I suggest you think about it carefully and at least wait for Lin Xi¡¯s reply.¡±

    "All actions must be followed according to the command. This is the first of our three major disciplines and eight points of attention. This morning's battle was forced by the situation and had no choice but to do it, but the current situation is completely different, and even if it is  The 7th Division has suffered heavy casualties, but the existing forces you can mobilize are too disparate. Once your counterattack fails, it will be easy for the Japanese to counterattack. "

    Regarding Qiu Jintang's words that were half persuasive and half incomprehensible, Yang Jicai said without any hesitation: "Chief, no matter whether the enemy has more follow-up troops or not, the current opportunity is the only one we can seize. Once the Japanese army  If we retreat proactively, we will become passive.¡±

    "It's not that I don't want to wait for Lin Xi's order, it's because we can't afford to delay it in terms of time. I will take action first, at least to delay the Japanese army. Otherwise, once the Japanese army makes up its mind, we will probably not even have a hairpin."  If the Japanese army's next move is contrary to my judgment, then our counterattack will catch him by surprise. "

    "Chief, I hope you can agree to my request again and adjust the deployment according to my wishes. Moreover, I believe that except for the small strength of the Japanese army in front of us, unless they can destroy the two soldiers who were messed up by Commander Wang last night,  The 18th Regiment has gathered up again, otherwise they will not have any reinforcements at all, because they have already invested all their elites in the battle last night and this morning. "

    "If there are other troops, they have not beenWe found that they can continue to attack northwest and bypass our Aohan camp's flank, because in that direction, we have concentrated all our forces on the Bala Qirud line.  The Japanese army has no troops to defend. Since it has hit a wall in Bala Chirud, it is not that there is no reason for the Japanese army to choose the direction of attack again.  "

    "Once they truly break through our army's Kundu front line and attack southward or continue to the west, our army will be passive across the board. By then, the Bala Chirud front line will face our army and will be firmly locked in front of the Japanese offensive.  Attraction, no troops can be mobilized for defense."

    "But the Japanese army did not do that precisely because they did not have any other troops to use, and because they could no longer afford to pay the price of continuing to attack to the west, so they attacked Balaqi on the spot.  De reached the front line of Aohan camp and attacked desperately. "

    "In order to obtain a shortcut, wedge deep into our army as quickly as possible, and weaken our army's air-to-ground firepower attack, I am sure that the number of troops they invested in the front from Bala Qirud to Aohan Camp was already more than 20 other troops.  All the effective forces outside the Eighth Regiment, apart from that, they don¡¯t have any hidden forces that we haven¡¯t discovered yet.¡±

    "As for the battle this morning, the Japanese losses that have been roughly and incompletely counted are at least more than 4,000. Plus the 28th Regiment, which was completely defeated by Commander Wang at this time, and yesterday's day and night  The results of our heavy artillery and aviation units at night."

    "Except for the non-combat engineers and baggage troops of the current Seventh Division, most of the remaining combat troops are probably concentrated here. Of course, there must be some troops behind them to ensure their supply lines, but the strength of the troops  There will be no more than two or three squadrons, although sometimes one company can change the balance on the battlefield."

    "But as long as we act quickly, the two or three Japanese squadrons scattered like sheep shit from Baichengzi to Xilamulun River will not have much impact on the battle situation even if they are gathered together and rushed over, so I dare to take  My head guarantees that the less than 3,000 Japanese troops in front of us are all their remaining effective forces, and they may even include some engineers, baggage troops, and other non-combat troops. "

    "Chief, since we won the bet after finishing the battle and this morning, why can't we have the courage to win and chase the poor bandits, and use this opportunity to completely clean up the remnants of the 7th Division and reduce the risk of massacre?  The troops are under pressure in the next full-line counterattack."

    "The most important thing is that, in my opinion, no matter what the Japanese army's next move is, we have now reached the moment of implementing a comprehensive counterattack, because we must beware of the crazy momentum of the Japanese army, and rather than passively respond when the time comes,  It¡¯s better to take the initiative and disrupt their actions and deployment.¡±

    "My idea is very simple, which is to concentrate the existing forces to hold back the Japanese army first, and then adjust tactics appropriately based on the situation. If the Japanese army falls into chaos, then I will launch a counterattack with all my strength. If the Japanese army can stabilize its position, I will hold them back.  While fighting and waiting for a reply from the headquarters, they strive to completely and completely eat up the 7th Division."

    "No matter what the superior's answer is, I have made up my mind to counterattack this time. Even if I kill all the two regiments in Aruhorqin Banner, as long as it is beneficial to the overall situation, then it doesn't matter if I burn the boat once and lose the flank.  No matter how powerful the two divisions on the front of Linxi battlefield are in supporting and coordinating, they will not be able to cause much trouble. "

    "On the contrary, the combat scope of the main force of our army can be further expanded. If Commander Wang Guangyu is more courageous, he can even concentrate the troops currently hidden north of Kundu and use this opportunity to penetrate the front line of Wengniute Banner with all his strength.  Block the retreat of the two Japanese divisions in front of Linxi in advance."

    "So from an overall perspective, this battle is beneficial to us without any harm. Besides, it is not my style to strictly and rigidly implement the deployment of superiors and not adjust my tactics and strategic deployment according to changes in the situation.  On the battlefield, I am definitely not the kind of person who makes no mistakes."

    Seeing Yang Jicai looking at him resolutely, Qiu Jintang hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Okay, since you ask, I can agree to readjust the deployment, but the rest of the artillery will not be replenished until there are new shells.  , I want to withdraw to the territory of Bahrain Right Banner.¡±

    "If you make a mistake in your judgment and fail to counterattack in an all-out manner, you will be rushed into the depths by the Japanese army. These artillery pieces of mine are heavy and take a long time to move, which will be dangerous. The artillery pieces in my hands are almost one-third of the heavy artillery troops directly under the headquarters.  , I can't take any risks. If you include Commander Chen's, these heavy artillery account for almost two-thirds of the heavy artillery directly under the headquarters."

    "Besides, I will hand over all the artillery to you."?I'm a little worried. Your boy's one-hour firepower attack destroyed two-thirds of the reserve artillery shells, and also caused some losses due to excessive use of artillery. Our artillery, except for the rocket launchers, is itself second-hand goods.  Some are even products from more than 20 years ago, and they can withstand such intense use.  "

    "In an hour's rapid fire attack, I lost one 100mm howitzer, one 155mm howitzer, and two 75mm field guns. None of these artillery pieces were destroyed by the Japanese counterattack. It was under your strict orders.  High-intensity shooting, blasting the gun."

    "If you go crazy again, I will leave all these treasures in your hands. I will leave you two 122 rocket launchers and the entire 107 rocket launcher battery. The remaining rockets will be left to you."  There isn¡¯t much left, so you should use it sparingly, our supply line is too long, and we don¡¯t know when the next batch of supplies will arrive.¡±

    "As for the barrel artillery, I will leave you two field artillery battalions, four 100mm howitzer batteries, plus a 155 heavy howitzer battalion, as well as the artillery that followed the guy named Su Yingqi and retreated to Bayannuoer.  , I will leave them all for you. According to the number of artillery shells we have left, it is enough to use these artillery for two to three hours. "
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