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Text Chapter 457 Noboru Kunisaki¡¯s hesitation

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    Lieutenant General Kunisaki Noboru clearly knew that what the 7th Division now needs to face is no longer whether it can continue to complete the combat missions previously assigned by the army commander, but whether he and the remaining strength can continue.  Safely retreat to the other side of the Siramulun River, and how to solve the problem of the next fate.

    Now there are only two options before Lieutenant General Kunizaki Noboru and Colonel Tomita Naoliang. One is to concentrate all the remaining forces that can be concentrated, and take advantage of the fact that there are no anti-Union troops on the road from Baichengzi to Shaogen behind them.  To break away from contact with the Anti-Japanese Alliance and withdraw to the east bank of the Siramulun River, that is to say, find a way to preserve the last remaining strength of the 7th Division.

    Although he did not know that a large number of mechanized cavalry groups had been secretly hidden around him at this moment, Kunizaki still knew clearly that once the main force of the anti-alliance forces from Linxi to Bahrain Right Banner learned about the current situation of the Seventh Division,  It is bound to deploy a large number of troops to give itself a fatal blow.

    If this opportunity is not seized, then the resistance commander on the opposite side is either a fool or an idiot. If you want to escape, now is the best time. If it is later, I am afraid that when the reinforcements mobilized arrive, you will not be able to leave even if you want to.  , the Anti-Japanese Alliance has a large number of cars, tanks, and cavalry, and its mobility is far superior to that of the Seventh Division.

    Either ignore the current situation of the division, concentrate the remaining troops and firepower, and continue to attack the front line of Balachirud at all costs. In other words, even if you jump into the well, you must jump with the anti-alliance troops in front of you, or you will die.  Also put on a back pad.

    Although the Seventh Division is in danger of being destroyed by this, if deployed properly, there is still a chance to restore the honor of the Seventh Division in a desperate fight, but Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki also clearly knows that even if it is torn apart at all costs.  In order to break the resistance line of the Anti-Japanese Alliance on the front line of Bala Chirud, the current strength of the Seventh Division is in no way capable of continuing to develop in depth.

    This is under the premise that it can be torn apart, and judging from the situation since crossing the river, depending on the cunningness of the opponent, and the current strength of the 7th Division, it is probably only possible to make breakthrough progress on the Bala Chirud front line.  It is a wish, so for Kunisaki Noboru, both decisions are undoubtedly the worst.

    In his mind, the first plan was actually the hardest to accept. A fully-staffed and well-organized division was crippled in less than thirty-six hours after crossing the Siramulun River.  They withdrew from the battlefield and were fully equipped when they set off. When they withdrew, including the non-combatants at the company, division and regiment headquarters, as well as the search, engineering, and baggage regiments, there were less than 5,000 people left.

    His country Sakito probably set a record for the rapid attrition of the Imperial Japanese Army since Emperor Meiji created the new army. Even before this battle, the 7th Division suffered the most losses in the Russo-Japanese War, the battle for Lushunkou 203 Highlands.  , the Seventh Division's attrition rate was not so fast.

    Of course, if the remnants of the 28th Regiment can be found, the result will definitely be better than now, but is this possible? He could clearly hear the sound of heavy artillery on the shore of Lake Zagastanol last night in Baichengzi. Although he participated  The attacking resistance force was only one regiment, but the ambitious and talented captain of the regiment dispersed the troops into squadrons and marched.

    By doing this, isn't he rushing to find opportunities for others to sneak attack on him? Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki is very doubtful. Even if the remnants of the 28th Regiment can be found, how many people will they have left? It is not very likely to be wiped out.  Perhaps, Lieutenant General Kunizaki Noboru is still very confident about this.

    Even though the 28th Regiment suffered the most losses among the three regiments of the 7th Division during the Anti-Alliance air raid yesterday, Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki still believed that the Anti-Alliance regiment, no, still one  The strength of the newly formed regiment, even with the support of heavy artillery, would not be able to defeat a single regiment of the Imperial Army.

    Even when the 28th Regiment encountered an opponent's night attack, its actual strength was only two infantry brigades. However, these two infantry brigades were not all a mess. The enemy wanted to attack them all overnight.  They don't have the ability and stomach to swallow them. Let alone three thousand well-trained and well-equipped imperial warriors, even three thousand pigs cannot be wiped out by the enemy in one night.

    It's just that although it is impossible to be completely wiped out, the 28th Regiment's marching method is organized into squadrons, coupled with the extremely low visibility at night and the chaos of the battle, the 28th Regiment may itself  They were scattered, and as soon as the gunshots were fired, and it was at night, the troops were probably scattered everywhere on their own.

    Thinking of this, Lieutenant General Kunizaki Noboru hated the captain of the 7th Division, who was the oldest in both qualifications and age, but whose abilities were only average, but who always thought of himself, with his heart as high as the sky, but his life as thin as paper.  , if it weren¡¯t for this idiot and wouldn¡¯t carry out the division¡¯s orders.

    If the 28th Regiment is organized into a squadron without authorization and spread out, then at least?The 18th Regiment will not suffer such heavy losses just because it fights independently. Even if it suffers certain losses, it can still completely defeat the enemy. If the 28th Regiment is still there, no matter what decision it makes now,  It's not like we have no troops available now.

    Now that the 28th Regiment has been lost, the whereabouts of its remnants are unknown, and the life and death of Colonel Ichiki Kiyonao, the commander of the regiment, is not known. From midnight last night until now, the division headquarters has only received more than two squadrons of skirmishers from the 28th Regiment intermittently.  Most of them were stragglers who were scattered or scattered during night battles. The highest officer was just a squadron leader. As for the rest, their whereabouts are still unknown.

    The officers and soldiers of the 28th Regiment who ran to the division headquarters were from all the subordinate brigades. The return of these people undoubtedly proved that the 28th Regiment was not defeated in the enemy's night attack, but  It was because his own forces were too scattered and he was overwhelmed by the enemy.

    As a result, the originally superior force, the force that could be concentrated when attacked, was at a disadvantage compared with the enemy's force in the night attack. As a result, the enemy who was attacked at night may have taken advantage of the chaos and succeeded in a sneak attack.  It has brought unavoidable losses to itself.

    The situation of the 28th Regiment was very depressing for Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki. A well-organized main force was lost in such an unclear and confusing way. It was very detrimental to the current situation.  For the seventh division's embarrassing situation, it is undoubtedly worse.

    But if he really concentrates the last remaining forces to continue the attack, even though he knows that his opponent is also strong and will definitely not be able to support them. They are only a regiment. In the night battle in the middle of the night last night, he did suffer heavy losses, but Kunisaki Noboru firmly believes that  , with the combat effectiveness of the 7th Division, under the condition of equal firepower, the casualties caused to the enemy will not be too small.

    Although they have held the line of defense, I am afraid only they themselves know whether they still have the strength to continue fighting. But now only the ghosts and themselves know how many large-caliber artillery shells they still have in their hands. If it happens again, then  The Seventh Division is now a crippled army and will face complete destruction. This is a responsibility that I cannot bear no matter what.

    Looking at the hesitant Lieutenant General Kunizaki Noboru, who had been silent beside him, Colonel Tomita Naoaki, who seemed to understand what he was thinking now, suddenly said: "Division Commander, we must not withdraw across the Siramulun River now.  There are only two ways in front of us. One is to gather all the troops together and wait for reinforcements, or to gather the remaining troops and fight to the death with the enemies on the front line of Bala Chirud. "

    "In the battle at the 203 Highlands in Lushunkou, the 7th Division was almost completely destroyed and did not take a step back. If we retreated at this time, the division would be able to maintain the last few people, but the 7th Division's predecessors in the past generations would not be able to survive.  All the honors created will be destroyed in the hands of both of us.¡±

    "For us now, even the 28th Regiment still has a certain fighting capacity, but the remaining two regiments are almost completely wiped out. For the Seventh Division, it has undoubtedly collapsed. Now go back  , can only become the laughing stock of the Kwantung Army. Your Excellency, the division commander, will not forget the ending of the commander of the 23rd Division, Mr. Komatsubara, after the Battle of Nomenhan."

    "And judging from the current situation, even if we want to withdraw to the Siramulun River, we may be happy in vain. Although we suffered heavy casualties in the previous battle, most of the remaining troops are still facing  The two key points of Balaqirud and Aohanyingzi maintain considerable pressure, and the division has not yet collapsed. "

    "After the enemy's shelling stopped, although our army was forced to retreat, the closest distance to its defenders was still no more than three kilometers. If we reorganized our attack, we would at least stick to the defenders and maintain the closest contact. The enemy's aviation  The power of its support will be reduced by at least two-thirds, but once our army is completely separated from the enemy, what happened during the day will happen again. "

    "Yesterday during the day, although our division suffered certain losses from the enemy's air attack, at that time our division was fully organized and fully equipped with troops. In other words, it could bear the loss, but  Now, if yesterday's experience is repeated, I am afraid that our division will be completely destroyed on the way to retreat. "

    "Especially now that the sky has completely brightened and the visibility is extremely good, our retreat will inevitably be subject to all-out bombing by the enemy aviation. The anti-alliance aviation's bombing accuracy at night is so high that the impact of its bombs will  The points are almost above our heads, and it is already daytime, so the bombing intensity can only be greater, and there will definitely not be any reduction. "

    "Also, division commander, you have forgotten one thing, that is, they sneak attack on the 28th Regiment last night, but in the end it was the regiment that disappeared on the battlefield. Now it is getting dark, and we still haven't been able toTo show their traces, if they seize Bayan Noor at this time, it will be equivalent to blocking our retreat route. As long as we are delayed by them, once the enemy troops lurking around them swarm in, waiting for the outcome of our division  It will be even more miserable.  "

    "Even if Bayan Noor is not captured, if they suddenly come out to hold back our army while our army is retreating, and at the same time launch an attack behind our army at Bala Chirud, then we will be faced with being overthrown.  The fate of division and siege, Your Excellency, Division Commander, if we retreat now, we will only put ourselves in a more dangerous situation. To put it more clearly, we will send ourselves to death. "

    "I think we can either shrink the remaining forces to the area east of Zhangjiayingzi and fight the enemy's garrison. Although we will inevitably suffer damage from the enemy's heavy artillery units, we can use the most powerful aviation force to  When bombing the ground, we don¡¯t dare to be as unscrupulous as yesterday, and the pressure on our division to withstand firepower is much smaller.¡±

    "But if we do this, although our division can buy a certain amount of time, unless the Kwantung Army and the commander of the army can give us reinforcements from at least two regiments, it will still be difficult for us to escape the risk of the entire army being destroyed, because we  The absence of reinforcements does not mean that there are no enemy troops. Huddled together can only delay time. "
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