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Text Chapter 424 Obstruction

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    But what happened next was not as smooth as he imagined. Although he concentrated his forces on three mountain cannons, two 107 multiple rocket launchers and an 82nd mortar company, plus two heavy machine gun companies.  Under the cover of the enemy, like chopping melons and vegetables, the leading squadron of the 28th Regiment, which was trapped in a small mountainous plain, was defeated.

    Although the vanguard squadron of the 28th Regiment put up a desperate resistance, facing the resistance alliance that was surrounded from all sides, its troops were at an absolute disadvantage. Not only was a good tiger unable to withstand a pack of wolves, but the terrain where it was located was also quite unfavorable.  When they met, they were traveling in a small plain area surrounded by valleys.

    Moreover, in terms of firepower, they did not intend to kill the chicken with a sledgehammer at all. They concentrated their artillery fire to implement fire coverage as soon as they came up. They had no intention of entangled with them for too long. The opponent of Wang Deyao's command force, a squadron, was defeated in less than half an hour.  The food was clean and the victory in the first battle made the troops very high in morale.

    However, the ensuing battle to encircle and annihilate its follow-up squadron encountered stubborn resistance from this squadron. Although the besieging troops had the firepower advantage, they were unable to resolve the battle and even lost half of their front teeth. Wang Deyao  The whole plan was even delayed.

    In fact, Ichiki Kiyonao's plan of marching at ten kilometers intervals still played a certain role. The gunfire like exploding beans in front immediately alerted the squadron like a warning. It should also be said that most of the Japanese squadrons  The abilities of senior officers are indeed quite outstanding.

    After discovering the intensive gunfire in front and accompanied by the explosion of artillery shells, without receiving any orders, and in fact it was impossible to receive orders, he immediately seized a small hill nearby and stood there.  When the company surrounded them, the Japanese squadron had all gone up the mountain and repaired simple fortifications.

    In fact, after Qiu Jintang strengthened some of the artillery, judging from the firepower of Wang Deyao, who is currently the most powerful regiment-level unit in the Anti-Japanese War, even if this Japanese squadron seizes favorable terrain, it may not be able to hold on for much longer.  For a long time, one volley from a 107 rocket launcher battery was enough to cover the entire mountain.

    Although rocket launchers are not suitable for building solid fortifications, in this case, implementing fire coverage is undoubtedly the best choice. The salvo firepower of a 107 rocket launcher is equivalent to an artillery battalion, although there is only one company.  There are four guns, but the firepower intensity of a salvo is definitely no less than that of an artillery regiment.

    Moreover, the firepower coverage area is larger than that of ordinary barrel artillery. Although the accuracy is a little worse, the firepower density is enough to make up for it. What's more, although the gunshots in front aroused the vigilance of the Japanese squadron, after all, the construction of fortifications will not take a short time.  It can be completed within.

    Although they were alert earlier, and even though the squadron leader, who never worked in person, deigned to do the excavation work himself, when Wang Deyao's two companies completed the encirclement, they only had time to blow up a few  They dug big trees and dug some foxholes as bunkers. Even the most basic communication trenches were not built in time.

    However, although the fortifications were built very hastily and the area of ????the mountainous area they were defending was not large, the squadron leader was very clever. When he heard the sound of artillery from the leading squadron during the battle, he knew that he was definitely no match in terms of firepower.  If you want to delay the arrival of reinforcements, you have to find a way on your own.

    Although time was short and not many fortifications could be built, this guy formed a trapezoidal deployment in the shortest time. He knew very well that placing all his troops on a bare mountain top with almost no grass would only allow the opponent's artillery fire.  cover.

    At the same time, judging from the current fortifications, if all the troops are gathered on this small hill, their troops can only be quickly consumed by the enemy's superior firepower. This move is very difficult for the Japanese army.  It's not unfamiliar, they did this on the battlefield in Guan Nei, so under the situation that the situation was reversed, the squadron leader was still very wise to disperse his troops as much as possible for defense.

    In addition to leaving a small team of troops on the top of the mountain carrying two light machine guns and one heavy machine gun as firepower to reinforce the troops on the mountainside and the foot of the mountain, they placed all the troops at the foot of the mountain and the mountainside. In a short time,  Within, a firepower configuration that crosses and covers each other is formed.

    At the same time, he placed the other two heavy machine guns he carried in an extremely tricky position. Not to mention the location of these two heavy machine guns, the most important thing is that there is one that can be said to be several blocks tall and two people tall.  A nearly indestructible natural shelter made of large boulders.

    This natural bunker located on the ridge of the mountain is too strong, and its location is extremely tricky. With direct firepower, in addition to mobilizing large-caliber cannons, even 75mm field guns,However, it was difficult to penetrate the two large natural rocks as high as one person in front as a bunker.

    Using direct firepower, it is difficult for either mountain artillery or mortars to hit directly. Even if they hit, they cannot penetrate the huge stone that forms a cover on both sides of this natural bunker, and the firepower of these two heavy machine guns  However, it covers the entire front of the mountain. With the help of favorable terrain, it is almost possible to block the entire offensive route of the Anti-Japanese Alliance without moving any positions.

    Although this lonely hill is small in area and only more than 100 meters high, the terrain is quite steep. There are almost 70-degree cliffs on three sides. There is only a mountain road to the east to go up the mountain. This makes the Japanese army  Limited troops and firepower can be concentrated on the front.

    What is even more unfavorable for the attack is that in front of this mountain is a small river beach, but at least fifty meters wide. This means that if the attacking troops attack from the front, they must be exposed at least fifty meters away.  On a bare river beach without any cover.

    The company responsible for the attack, under the cover of a field gun, two 60 guns and a reinforced 107 rocket launcher, launched attacks many times but never succeeded. Instead, it paid one-third of its own effort.  The price was high, and among all the casualties, at least half were caused by the muzzles of those two heavy machine guns.

    Although a single salvo from the attached 107 rocket launcher covered the entire hilltop, causing considerable damage to the Japanese troops who had only simple fortifications on the mountain, they were unable to do anything with the two extremely tricky heavy machine guns, and the attack  The shells from a 57mm recoilless rifle carried by the troops hit the stone as a bunker, as if they were missing something, and they did not pose any threat at all.

    Thinking of approaching and shooting, the two heavy machine guns were shot out directly from the firing port. Instead, they were directly hit by a Japanese grenade that had been covering the two machine guns, and they were lost together with the artillery. The seventy-year-old who came in to shoot  The five-millimeter field gun was unable to do anything with two large rocks nearly two meters wide when it fired continuously. It even reached the 200-meter distance of the bayonet on the cannon. Even with the maximum amount of charge, it could not destroy this naturally formed rock.  Machine gun bunker.

    The blasters sent up were also hit by the crossfire formed by the two crooked handles covering their flanks. They suffered heavy casualties and suffered great losses. Even in the end, there were no blasters to send. Faced with this weird, and  The thick bunker attacked the troops. Although the attacking troops had the advantage in strength and firepower, they were helpless.

    This bone has been unable to be chewed off, and it has slowed down the attack speed of the entire army. According to the originally planned interspersed sequence, it was disrupted by such a hill and the only half of the Japanese squadron left on the hill.  , the strength of two entire companies was held back here, it would be strange if it did not affect Wang Deyao's use of troops.

    The most critical thing is not only the strength of the two companies, but also the impact of the obstruction here on the entire follow-up plan. Although this mountain bag isolated on the surrounding small plain is not large, the Japanese troops on the mountain are taking turns to attack and fire.  Under the blow, there was not much left.

    But the location of this hillock is quite critical. It happens to be at the intersection of the entire battlefield. Most of the Japanese squadron is stuck here. The desperate resistance has to affect Wang Deyao's follow-up plan, just like an intestinal obstruction.  Although the disease may not be in a critical position, it can kill you if it attacks.

    The other troops of the surrounding 28th Regiment, after discovering this shark that was jumping around inside their bodies and trying to fish in troubled waters and biting off a piece of their flesh, immediately branched out to outflank it.  There were only reinforcements from one or two squadrons, but the entire 28th Regiment rushed over.

    For the 28th Regiment, it seems that the sound of guns and cannons these days is an order to come here desperately. Perhaps it is the inability to fight back during the day, which makes it difficult for these veteran divisions who have always been arrogant to accept.  There was an evil spirit in my heart that I had no place to vent. I felt like I had finally found my creditor, and I wanted to take revenge and complain.

    There was almost no need for orders. The Japanese troops who smelled the smell of blood immediately rushed over for reinforcements. It seemed that they wanted to use this shark that wanted to get into their stomachs to eat meat. Of course, they would save their lives if they saw death. This was also the consistent style of the Japanese army.  When there were many Japanese troops, they also adopted the tactic of cutting off the tail of a gecko, abandoning the covering troops to preserve their effective strength.

    But after all, it was a time of desperation. Most of the time, the Japanese army still did not have the kind of immovable style when friendly forces were in trouble. Its advantage of using geography as the recruitment area was reflected at this time. One brigade, one coalition  The coordination between the various units of a team, or even a division, is still much higher than that of the general Chinese army, and this is very difficult for most of the Chinese army to achieve.

    And for ?To put it bluntly, Mu Qing said that although he was a little narrow-minded, a little extreme, and had a low strategic vision, his tactical vision was still quite good.  Marching sequence, and encircling two of his squadrons, having already surrounded and annihilated one squadron, but was held back by the second squadron, he felt the fighter plane coming.

    In his eyes, the strength of a regiment of the Anti-Japanese Alliance is not large, but it is a big piece of meat. He is having a headache how to get rid of the enemy's heavy firepower siege, looking for fighters to add some weight to his promotion, and now the Anti-Japanese Army has a lot of strength.  Lian, however, delivered this fighter to the door himself.

    For Ichiki Kiyonao, the current situation of a melee is what he hopes for most, because for him, as long as there is no heavy firepower support, he has nothing to worry about, let alone the resistance alliance.  He doesn't look down upon just a regiment or a division.

    And this kind of chaotic fighting situation can curb the Anti-Union's superiority in firepower to the greatest extent. The encounter during the day was still vivid in his mind. He didn't want to gather the troops together and take the initiative to send them to the enemy.  Under the bayonet, now that the Anti-Japanese Alliance has adopted such a strategy, for him, it is exactly what he wants.
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