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Text Chapter 407: Other associated impacts

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    After rejecting Yang Jicai's advice, he looked at the time on his wrist and knew that he didn't have much time left for him. He left Yang Jicai at the headquarters to coordinate while he ignored Yang Jicai's dissuasion.  , led the main force of the second regiment and pressed forward with all their strength towards the predetermined battlefield.

    Looking at Wang Deyao's back, Yang Jicai's face looked a little gloomy. It was not because of Wang Deyao's words before leaving that Yang Jicai couldn't accept it. Under the influence of Yang Zhen, Yang Jicai, who had always pursued his eldest brother, became more ambitious.  It's not that narrow.

    Although they didn't have much time to meet, Yang Jicai, who was very spiritual and talented and was willing to work hard, learned a lot from his eldest brother, who was the number one leader of the army. When they didn't meet often, Yang Zhen often talked about educating him.  These two sentences have always been firmly in Yang Jicai's heart.

    Yang Zhen often warned him that as a qualified commander who meets the needs of the troops, the most important thing is to not relax on two points. One is to constantly improve his military literacy and broaden his horizons in order to  Your actual abilities must keep up with the changes and development of the times, otherwise you are destined to be eliminated.

    The times are changing rapidly, and the unchanging old guard can only be eliminated. Especially for a commander, his vision must keep up with the development and changes of equipment. As a commander, only by learning synthetic warfare can  Only in this era of drastic military changes can we keep up with the times without being eliminated.

    This point is extremely important for the growth of a commander. If you do not accept new things and cannot master new equipment and new tactics in a timely manner, you will only be eliminated on the battlefield, and the price of being eliminated is not only  His personal future also depends on the blood and lives of thousands of cadres and soldiers.

    The reason why France was defeated so quickly on the battlefields of Western Europe was that their views were too conservative. Although they developed a lot of modern equipment, the thinking of the top leaders was rigid and their vision could not change according to the changes of the times. Even with modern equipment,  But still could not win on the battlefield.

    Therefore, as a military commander who is in a period of changing times and rapid development of science and technology, the development of his mind must keep up with the changes of the times. For new military doctrines, he must have the courage to explore and discover, and stand on his own laurels.  Using backward experience to direct the current war can only lead to failure.

    The second point is to have an open mind, not only to accept different opinions, but also to be tolerant. Don¡¯t be afraid to get along with people with personality and arrogance, because everyone has their own personality, and those without personality  People can only be mediocre, and only those with real abilities can be arrogant, because at least he thinks he has the capital to be arrogant. As a commander, only by being broad-minded can his vision be broader.

    Regarding Yang Zhen's two requirements, Yang Jicai has always kept them in mind and even regarded them as his motto. Therefore, the change in his face was not because of Wang Deyao's words before leaving, but because he was worried that Wang Deyao would act like this.  , easily or even hastily leaving the command position will affect the development of the battle situation.

    Wang Deyao took away half of the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield troops. This was not a big problem. Not catching the fighter planes was also a mistake. However, Wang Deyao did not consider what the subsequent reaction would be. This was quite a mistake.  Big problem.

    As the chief of staff, Yang Jicai looked at the thin defense forces on the entire southwest battlefield of Aruhorqin Banner on the map, and then looked at the combat staff officer next to him, who was marking the latest positions of the remaining two regiments of the 7th Division on the map, and his heart was filled with excitement.  Deeply worried, as for Wang Deyao's last words, he didn't take it to heart at all.

    Looking at Yang Jicai's gloomy expression, Qiu Jintang, who thought he was unhappy because of Wang Deyao's words, smiled and said: "Xiao Yang, don't take Lao Wang's words too seriously, this guy  He has such a stubborn temper, he doesn't care about what he says when he gets angry, and he doesn't care about whether others can accept it. He is a person who is killed on the battlefield, and he lacks a guard when speaking. "

    Although he had only met the young staff officer in front of him a few times and did not know each other very well, Qiu Jintang had admired Yang Jicai for a long time. He knew that although Yang Jicai was young, he was very popular with Wang Guangyu and even the second officer at the headquarters.  He was highly valued by No. 3 and No. 3, and was used by Wang Guangyu as a firefighter and reserve commander on the Linxi battlefield.

    Before this battle, he had seen the map of the Nenjiang Military Region drawn by Yang Jicai in Wang Guangyu's place. Few people in the entire Artillery Command could have this level of map. He couldn't help but cheered and moved at the same time.  In order to pry people's minds, it was only because Wang Guangyu refused to let him go that he finally let it go.

      Qiu Jintang knows that the young cadre in front of him, although he is very young, is very talented. He can be said to be the absolute leader among the current combat staff at all levels in the headquarters. Is he a young man? In addition, he is a bit arrogant due to his outstanding talent.  , it is normal to be unable to accept Wang Deyao's words.

    Although Qiu Jintang is not very old, only in his thirties, as a veteran, he always likes to treat these young cadres as his big brother, and he likes to be with young cadres. He does not want this young cadre to be with him.  People, because of Wang Deyao's words, some bad thoughts were left in their hearts.

    As an old comrade, he did not want Wang Deyao to be here, because the disagreement between the chief officer and the chief of staff caused some problems in the command, which in turn affected the entire war situation. If there was a gap between the chief military officer and the chief of staff, it would undoubtedly have a negative impact on the war situation.  It's quite a negative impact.

    Today I saw that Yang Jicai looked a little wrong after listening to Wang Deyao's words before leaving. I thought that because of his youthfulness and arrogance, this young man couldn't accept Wang Deyao's words that even sounded unpleasant to him, so he went out of his way to  I would like to persuade you, hoping that this young man in front of you will not create any estrangement between you and Wang Deyao.

    After hearing Qiu Jintang's words of persuasion, Yang Jicai smiled bitterly and said: "Chief, I'm not angry because of Commander Wang's words. He is my superior. I must accept whether his criticism is right or wrong, and  My mind is not that narrow and I cannot tolerate any criticism or different opinions. He is a military commander, so whatever he says is normal."

    "I'm just worried about the other consequences that his battle will bring. Will the situation on the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield change unexpectedly because of his night attack tonight? To be precise,  Asked whether our current seventh division's entire action plan would change because of his action."

    "Chief, although the Japanese army is a little arrogant, they are not all fools. As our army's ground and air firepower attacks become more and more fierce, they will not change the original plan and risk such heavy casualties.  , continue the original plan, for them, as long as they can achieve their goals, the Japanese army has always used any means. "

    "Furthermore, the Japanese army's reaction speed is not slow. It is even faster than that of most of our troops. If the Japanese army has figured out our actual troop deployment on the entire Western Manchuria battlefield, I do not believe that our troops' confidentiality work  , there is not that much slack, and there are not that many loopholes for the Japanese army to exploit.¡±

    "But if the Japanese army has figured out the general deployment of our troops in Aruhorqin Banner, I still believe it. Although we have been fighting along the terrain during the day and did not defend any place, we still had casualties, and even some  Captured personnel appear.¡±

    "Although the battle is not fierce, the enemy can easily grasp the number of our troops in the Alukorqin Banner through these changes, and even the changes in the situation on the entire battlefield. Although most of the staff officers in the Japanese army are a little arrogant,  , But their level of military theory, especially the analysis and judgment of battlefield situations, is higher than that of our army. If they can't judge the situation at this point, then their military academies will be in vain. "

    "Once Commander Wang's night attack begins, will Kunisaki, who suffered heavy losses under your heavy artillery and aviation air strikes, take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the reduced strength of our army's defense line to give up continuing to advance westward to Dongwu?  Zhumuqin Banner¡¯s plan was to forcefully penetrate the Bahrain Left Banner on the spot.¡±

    "If Kunisaki Noboru really changes his original plan, gives up cutting off the supply channels that our army may have on the Linxi battlefield, and abandons the current Kwantung Army's frontal assault and rear outflank tactics, change direction and use our army's defense line  If the loopholes appear and force a breakthrough to the flank of our army on the Linxi battlefield, then will the only remaining regiment in our hands be able to withstand the assault of the two Japanese regiments? "

    "Chief, even if we caused a lot of casualties to the 7th Division during the day, yes, coupled with the bombing and artillery fire at night, the Japanese casualties will not be too light, but even if the Japanese infantry regiment suffered heavy losses, their  The engineering regiment and the baggage regiment can be integrated into the infantry regiment at any time and used as supplementary troops."

    "According to our past experience in fighting veteran divisions like the Japanese Army, the actual combat capabilities of non-combatants such as engineers and baggage carriers of the Japanese Army are no worse than those of the regular infantry of the Japanese Army. It can even be said that they do not require special training.  , they can be used as infantry. Their non-combatant soldiers are different from regular field troops in that their focus is different, but one thing is the same, that is, they can fight with the release of weapons. "

    "According to the combat effectiveness of our army, when one of our regiments is engaged in defensive operations, there will be no problem facing a Japanese regiment, even in face-to-face combat."There is basically no big problem in the center, but if two Japanese regiments launch attacks at the same time, the situation is likely to be out of our control.  "

    "Even if there is terrain to rely on, the strength of our regiment is still too thin. What's more, the regiment we currently have is far from being comparable to the old army in terms of equipment and combat experience. Although the cadres and backbones are all veterans,  There are too many new recruits with no combat experience.¡±

    "With the strength of such a regiment, it is impossible to defend such a large area under relatively complex terrain. Our defense line can almost be said to be a fishing net with too large mesh. If the Japanese army concentrates its forces  , I¡¯m not worried at all, but it¡¯s precisely their current situation of using the brigade as their organization that I¡¯m most worried about.¡±

    "Because we don't know where the 7th Division will choose and when it will complete its turn. If the Japanese army, under the attack of our army's ground and air firepower, does not concentrate its forces but adopts the current brigade as the organization, it will attack the ground like mercury.  Our defense line penetrates, what do we use to defend it?¡±

    "Once the Aruhorqin Banner line is broken through, the entire left wing of the Linxi battlefield will be completely passive. Even the entire left wing of the Linxi battlefield may collapse due to lack of troops, and the Thousand Miles Embankment will be destroyed.  Ant nest, not to mention that we are facing a division of the Japanese army."
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