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Text Chapter 399 Extreme Change

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    At present, the pine forests in the hilly areas of the southern foothills of the Greater Khingan Mountains, which have not yet been developed and the vegetation is still extremely intact, play a role in fueling the combustion. Even though the general poplar, elm and other trees have entered the Northeast at this time, especially in Western Manchuria,  Late summer, early fall, but also difficult to light.

    But the pine forest itself produces a large amount of flammable pine oil, which is different. Even in the scorching summer, it is easy to catch fire. In addition, although there is obviously more rain in the Northeast this year, even the Changbai Mountain area in the east, and the Changbai Mountain area in the west.  While the vast area from Qiqihar to Xinjing in the south and Zhaozhou in the north experiences continuous rain, Western Manchuria is somewhat dry.

    Although it cannot be said that there has been no rain since the beginning of spring, just as all the rain in the Northeast has stopped in the Changbai Mountains and the Nenjiang and Songhua River basins, the entire Western Manchuria has had very little rain since the beginning of spring. Although it cannot be said that  It is a severe drought, but there is also very little rain. The entire southern foothills of the Daxingan Mountains are not experiencing a severe drought.

    In this case, a napalm bomb thrown into the ranks of the Japanese army would usually be followed by a fire company in the dry grasslands and woods. Its power actually increased a lot in disguise. This night  Air strikes and napalm bombs thrown by the Anti-Japanese Alliance turned the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield south of the Haihar River and east of Zhangjiaweizi into a sea of ??flames.

    After this battle, the entire mountain forest within the Aruhorqin Banner was basically barren for decades. The Aruhorqin Banner, which used to be green every summer, except for the areas in the west that had not experienced war,  , the rest of the flags were all burnt black.

    Although after the war, the Northeast Bureau and the newly established People's Government of Eastern Mongolia took various measures, they could only barely prevent the desertification of this originally green mountains and green waters, and barely restore the vegetation of part of the grassland. As for the burned bare  The mountainous areas can never recover.

    Decades later, on the satellite map taken by China's own reconnaissance satellite, the entire southern foothills of the Greater Khingan Mountains are green in summer. However, when it reaches the southernmost section of Aruhorqin Banner, there is a fault, and the original green turns into green.  It was pitch black, with almost nothing except the occasional dots of green.

    Even the artificially planted trees are basically unable to survive. In the words of a famous Israeli agricultural expert who later won the Nobel Prize, the land here has been completely roasted. Although it is not a desert, it is actually  It has become desertified, and the trees, shrubs, grass, and even their roots have been burned to death.

    Although the grass dies every year, it can still regenerate as long as it has roots. But if the roots are roasted to death, there is basically no hope of regeneration, plus a large amount of coagulant, gasoline, and bomb explosions.  Due to the pollution caused by the explosive residue and gas, it may be difficult for this mountain forest to return to its original state within more than a hundred years. How can it be reborn if you have even dug out the roots?

    Although this battle had a fatal impact on the environment of the entire Aruhorqin Banner, the number of casualties caused to the Japanese army was also quite astonishing. Fortunately, at this time, there was no Environmental Protection Bureau, let alone those who were keen on environmental protection in later generations.  People, no one will be held accountable for the helpless tactics adopted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, which caused devastating damage to the local environment.

    However, after entering the next century, when the development of the national economy is enough to support a group of experts who have nothing to do all day long and specialize in making nonsense and finding faults in people, they will fight against the so-called fans of this and that, who only read a few words on the Internet.  The methods used in this battle were full of accusations and insults, almost countless.

    They even openly insulted those predecessors who fought bloody battles for the liberation of the entire nation on military programs on TV and the Internet. In their heads, there was no analysis and judgment of the enemy's situation at that time. For them, this army  Everything the army did that shed blood and sacrifice for the liberation of the entire Chinese nation was wrong.

    All their bloodshed and sacrifices were directly ignored, and all their efforts were inferior to that of the current leader of the National Government who finally defeated the Philippines. Some people even publicly threatened to hold the Anti-Japanese Federation accountable for the subsequent bombing of Japan.  The war crimes of several top commanders who killed millions of Japanese.

    They kept accusing and even insulting Yang Zhen, who was already in his nineties and had been recuperating for many years. He was a butcher and the biggest environmental destroyer. If Yang Zhen hadn't gotten older and had a better mentality, he would have laughed at these things.  In short, based on his level of computer skills, which are generally inferior to those of the staff around him, I am afraid he would have been pissed off long ago.

    Although the so-called university professor who threatened to investigate the war crimes of the supreme commander of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was finally condemned by the public and shut up, there is no doubt that the source of these words is not a simple brain defect. His words and deeds are very  It represents the ideas of some ignorant people who are bewitched by certain foreign forces.They also don¡¯t think about how many people in Germany and Japan died at the hands of their masters during the war, and how many people in Germany and Japan were killed during the war. Who will hold them accountable?  It's a war crime. Why did such ignorant and even widely circulated remarks appear during China's most prosperous development period?

    However, whether this battle will cause devastating damage to the local environment is something that the Anti-League cannot consider at the moment. Their current purpose is to use the best means to kill as many people as possible under the current conditions.  The Japanese army and environmental issues are not something they have to worry about for the time being.

    At this time, I only had a rudimentary understanding of aviation knowledge, and I didn¡¯t know that there was radio navigation. I didn¡¯t even know that the Anti-Japanese Alliance used radio navigation originally used by the United States, Britain and Germany for strategic bombing on the battlefield, and most of the navigation was required.  Kunizaki Noboru and his men, who still used their own radio signals for their radio signals, did not escape the punishment of the thunderous fire at night. In the words of the surviving Japanese soldiers who participated in the battle, they were punished by the thunder and fire.

    If Lieutenant General Kunisaki Noboru knew that the radio station he worked almost 24 hours a day to keep in touch with his superiors and subordinates had become the main means of guiding the Anti-Alliance Air Force to attack them, then I am afraid that he would have been complaining about being bombed.  Turn off all radio stations immediately, preferring to use communications troops and field telephones to communicate with each other to avoid further bombings.

    Compared with Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki, who was relatively calm, the neighboring 26th Regiment suffered more violent bombings just after dark, as well as the soaring flames ignited in the marching sequence, and there were still 20  From the direction of the Seventh Regiment's march, there was a faint thunderous explosion of artillery shells, which undoubtedly made Ichiki Kiyozao, who was already worried about gain and loss, extremely frightened.

    If he hadn't retained a trace of reason in his mind, he was so frightened by the scene at the 26th Regiment that he almost broke up his own unit and broke it up into individual soldiers. According to his thinking, the Anti-Union Alliance  The night bombings are so precise and powerful. If the brigade was used as an organized operation, I am afraid that the number of casualties will not be that small.

    Although his colleagues also suffered certain losses during the day, judging from the number of casualties reported by the division, they were far less than his own. They could not afford it at the moment, but the 28th Regiment, which was really struggling, was now struggling.  I can't afford it. If what happened during the day happens again, the 28th Regiment will really have to go home.

    Once the 28th Regiment fails to make achievements in this battle, it will suffer heavy losses. The so-called ideas of making achievements will only become a group of bubbles that will burst after fermentation. Also, Major General, I will not suffer too heavy losses because of the 28th Regiment.  It would be nice to be sent home early.

    For a person like me who comes from the Wutian Group, the army's top brass would rather kill the wrong person than let them go. I don't have the instructors and classmates from mainland China who are all over the army's top brass to rely on. If I lose the trust of the top brass, I will have nothing to lose.  It was certain to go home, so on the basis of Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki's order, this guy who was too worried about gains and losses made some discounts.

    In fact, it is not this guy. He overreacted during the night air raids of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The amount of money the Anti-Japanese Alliance invested in this battle, especially the intensity of air and ground fire strikes, was indeed higher than when the Japanese troops were rampaging across the land of China.  , never encountered before.

    Long-term battles with the Chinese army, which is extremely poorly equipped and severely lacking in heavy weapons, have made most of these Japanese officers have no idea what real modern warfare is, let alone what firepower strikes in modern warfare are. They have been on the battlefield for a long time  With an absolute firepower advantage, most Japanese officers generally lacked experience in dealing with superior firepower.

    Colonel Kiyonao Ichiki, who has never been abroad, seen the firepower of a truly powerful army, and has never been hit by real firepower, is now faced with a truly modern firepower attack. In a short period of time, he has to mentally  There has been a huge change, and it is not an unexpected thing.

    To be precise, he was frightened by the superiority in firepower of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. He was afraid that he, who had forgotten that his teacher taught him how to deal with the enemy's superior firepower when he was in the military academy, would be attacked by the enemy because of his subordinates.  With superior firepower, he killed too many people and was kicked back to his hometown, completely ruining his dream of being a general.

    Although it is vast but weak, China is still an agricultural country. Its weak industrial base cannot provide its army with any modern equipment. Facing a nearly modern army, it can only use its flesh and blood body to  and the bravery of soldiers to fight.

    And most of the Chinese army has hardly received any modern training. Even the so-called German weapon divisions trained by German consultants can barely keep up except for their infantry and artillery coordination capabilities.? The rest of the army is still trained in rifle duel combat in the domestic civil war.

    I'm afraid most people have never even heard of infantry artillery, infantry tanks, ground-to-air coordinated operations, air defense training, etc. Let alone having received similar training. Most of the army has never even seen what a tank looks like.  , also still at the level of equipment during the civil war, and unable to provide any firepower support.

    The huge disparity in firepower when fighting the Chinese army. The poor and weak Chinese army basically did not have the firepower to make the Japanese feel threatened. Most of the people who are used to fighting against the Chinese army with poor firepower have not experienced what it means to be evenly matched.  What is modern warfare? The narrow-minded Japanese Army always thinks that it is the best in the world.

    Having maintained an absolute superiority in ground and air firepower over their opponents for a long time, these Japanese officers have long been accustomed to moving freely on the battlefield without worrying about their opponents' firepower. Now that this advantage has been reversed, some Japanese  Army officers, on the other hand, no longer know how to fight.

    Because when faced with the superior firepower of their opponents, they did not know how to deal with it, and would often go from one extreme to another. Huge psychological changes, even unacceptable changes, made most Japanese officers suddenly  Zi went from being arrogant to being timid.
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