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Text Chapter 394 Ichiki Kiyoshi¡¯s Ambition

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    It can be said that Lieutenant General Kunisaki Noboru's deployment made Ichiki Kiyonao very dissatisfied. He believed that this was the division commander preparing for the promotion of his two colleagues to major generals. He even thought that the division commander planned such a battle.  The sequence was obviously an invisible rejection of him, a commander who was not an army college graduate.

    Because all fools know that at this time, the main force of the Anti-Japanese Alliance in the entire Linxi battlefield is on the Linxi front line to deal with the attacks of the other two divisions. According to the intelligence analysis, there are only two enemy troops in the entire Aruhorqin Banner battlefield.  A newly formed infantry regiment with weak combat effectiveness.

    With such a small force, it is almost impossible to force the Seventh Division, which has three full regiments, to block Linxi battlefield. However, under the attack of two divisions of the Imperial Army,  It is impossible for their main force in Linxi to have the ability to reinforce here.

    By the time the 28th Regiment, which followed the marching route and missed most of the Alukorqin Banner, rushed to the battlefield, I'm afraid even Mao wouldn't be able to get his turn. He thought that the division commander was a bit biased in doing this.  Colonel Nao was not willing to give up the duck he had obtained, so he privately changed the overall advancement plan formulated by the division.

    He knew that he could not refute the division commander's obviously partial arrangement at the moment. All important positions in the division were in the hands of Army University graduates. This was the case with the Seventh Division.  The same is true for the Sixth Army of the First Floor, and even more so for the Kwantung Army.

    Even taking the lawsuit to the base camp is of no use, because now the people who occupy the top positions of the Army are Army University graduates. These Army University graduates use the trust of the Emperor to firmly control all the rights of the Army. They have no control over non-Army University graduates.  Graduated officers have always been discriminated against and excluded.

    If you want to make progress in the army, there is no one else you can rely on except yourself. Since the division commander does not give you this opportunity, then don't blame yourself for being rude and look for opportunities yourself. Make up your mind.  Determined to show his face in this battle, Ichiki Kiyonao ignored the unified arrangements of the division and not only accelerated the march, but also changed the combat deployment of the regiment without authorization.

    As the captain of the three infantry regiments currently under the 7th Division, Ichiki Kiyonao is the only non-Army University graduate. Since he has not entered the Army University, this actually means that his rank of Colonel is over.  , because in the Japanese Army, according to the current system, the only possibility for non-Army University graduates to be promoted to general is to be awarded posthumously after death in battle.

    In fact, the fact that Ichiki Kiyonao is able to achieve the position of Captain of the Osaka Regiment as a non-Army University graduate is already a rank among the current Japanese Army, because the senior officers of the Japanese Army are basically Army University graduates.  If students dominate the world, most non-Army University graduates will be finished by becoming lieutenants.

    His status as a colonel was due to the fact that during the July 7 Marco Polo Bridge Incident, as the captain of the Third Battalion of the First Regiment of the Chinese Garrison of the Japanese Army, he single-handedly provoked the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, although he was only a major at the time.  The captain, with the commander of the garrison and the chief of staff at the top, and the commander of the regiment in the middle, is a bit reluctant to force him to be the person responsible for provoking the trouble.

    But the first shot at Lugou Bridge was fired by his third brigade. The first one to fire at Wanping City was also the brigade artillery squad of his brigade, so making him the first person responsible does not count.  He was wronged, and it was precisely because of the cannon fire outside Wanping City and the so-called illustrious military exploits that he was able to achieve the position of captain of the Colonel Alliance as a non-Army University student.

    However, although he is already a young man, for Ichiki Kiyonao, the ambition in his heart is no less than that of the two regular graduates of Army University in the Seventh Division. Although there is almost no hope of becoming a general, it hardly means that  Absolutely, with only one step away from the general, this guy is going crazy to achieve his goal.

    Although this guy finally reached the position of captain of the Colonel-General's Wing because of his performance in Marco Polo Bridge, his promotion speed was far slower than that of his colleagues who were graduates of mainland universities in the army because he was not a graduate of the Army University.  At the age of nineteen, he has actually reached the lowest age limit for promotion to general.

    The current Japanese Army is not a few years away. Due to the general trend of expanding its troops, there are not enough active-duty officers. Those reserve officers who have retired from active service for many years will be recruited all at once, regardless of their ability and level, or even their age.  Come back and form a new division.

    In the final stage, there were even senior colonel captains in their fifties and lieutenant colonel captains in their forties. Regular field divisions were better, and they were still mainly officers of normal age.  , those so-called D-type divisions with two brigades and eight battalions of troops do not have suchHow lucky you are that in a division, there are a lot of situations where the captain is older than his immediate boss, the Major General Brigade Commander.

    The current Japanese Army, because of the current number of non-commissioned officer graduates, is still relatively sufficient, coupled with the large number of specially appointed officers selected from veterans, as well as officers promoted because of their military exploits, the quantity and quality of officers, especially mid-level and senior officers  The quantity and quality are still sufficient, and can even be said to be quite satisfactory.

    So despite the fact that we have been fighting with China for four years, we are still implementing the system that after reaching a certain age and being unable to be promoted, officers are transferred to the reserve force, and officers and soldiers are normally discharged after their service period expires, instead of a few years later.  As long as you join the army, you're here and don't even think about leaving.

    Don¡¯t even think about retiring from the army and transferring to the reserve force. Just kidding, the empire has ignited the flames of war on half of the world. Now it is in urgent need of a large number of outstanding officers. At this time, you still think about returning home to your wife, children, and hot bed. The army is already hungry.  , not to mention reserve officers who were transferred to active duty, veterans who had been retired for many years, and even veterans who had experienced mobilization, were all brought back and sent to the battlefield.

    Even the skilled workers in arsenals that were ordered to expand production capacity to meet the growing needs of the Japanese army, who were indispensable for military production, could not avoid the fate of being drafted. What's more, those former imperial soldiers, especially those who were deeply loved by the Emperor, could not avoid being drafted.  An imperial officer of grace.

    At this time, the Japanese army is far from reaching that point. Although the Japanese army has begun to expand at this time, the Japanese army, which has been fighting on the Chinese battlefield for four full years and has trained a large number of officers, has not yet reached the point of lacking grassroots officers.  Therefore, it is quite common for army commanders at this time to be in their early forties, or even in their thirties.

    This example of Ichiki Kiyonao still serving as captain of the Osaka Regiment at the age of 49 is almost the only one in the Japanese Army so far. However, two years later, let alone the captain of the Osaka Regiment in his forties, he will be  There are many examples of major captains in their forties and lieutenant captains in their fifties, which is not surprising at all.

    However, even though he knew that due to his age and academic qualifications, his career in the military had come to an end, and he should be more worried about planning his life after retirement, this guy obviously had no plans for his military career and was far from the general.  The position was already one step away and it stopped very unwillingly.

    In fact, for the Japanese officers who participated in the war of aggression against China, the higher their position and the more actual officers they held in combat units, the less they had to worry about life problems after retirement. These people, especially during the war of aggression against China,  When the Japanese army attacked the city in the early days, they basically grabbed a lot of money. In addition, although the retirement pension was not too high, it was enough to sustain life, so there was no need to consider the problems of life after retirement from active service.

    Although when the July 7th Incident broke out, this Colonel was just a Major Captain, but the area where his troops fought was almost the richest place in northern China. The Japanese Army had always used burning, killing, looting and boosting morale along the way.  With the style of grabbing all the way, this guy made a lot of money on the Chinese battlefield.

    Especially in Baoding, which has always been known as the richest place in North China, this guy personally led a team to loot a large amount of wealth. As long as he took a fancy to anything, he would rob it. He knew all valuable items and everything.  Yes, there is no currency he doesn¡¯t know about that he doesn¡¯t like.

    He wants gold bars, oceans, pounds, U.S. dollars, francs, Japanese yen and French currency. He even wants Hebei banknotes, Jin banknotes, banknotes from places he knows and doesn't know. Although he doesn't want antiques, he doesn't want them.  It doesn't mean that he can't resell the stolen Chinese antiques to merchants accompanying the army.

    Even in order to satisfy the businessmen's demand for antiques, and even more to satisfy his love for money, this guy did not hesitate to force the Chinese people to dig ancient tombs for him in order to obtain the cultural relics buried underground in exchange for the money he needed.  During the war in North China, whenever a businessman who was with the army and was following him liked something in a Chinese house, he would usually kill all the owners of that house and rob them directly in exchange for money.

    As for using the military coupons issued by the Japanese army, which are equivalent to waste paper, he has always believed that it is like taking off his pants and farting. It is just a waste of time. If he kills all the owners of the property, the things will naturally belong to him, so why waste paper  , to print those military stamps that are too hard to wipe your butt.

    Anyway, in his eyes, the Chinese are just a group of sheep who dare not resist even with knives on their necks. If they don¡¯t snatch the wealth themselves, other officers will do the same. Long before the July 7th Incident, he had already been transferred to the Chinese Army at that time.  Ichiki Kiyoshi of the Chinese Expeditionary Force has long been aware of the way those senior members of the Chinese Expeditionary Force took advantage of the opportunity to be far away from home and used various means to make a fortune with the help of Japanese military forces.

    ????????????????????????I'm not that old yet, and I still don't know that I can be promoted to the position of Major Captain. I know that I have not been admitted to the Army University. It is already very rare to sit in the position of Major Captain. Maybe when, an order comes out.  He had to transfer to the reserve force, and he wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to make more money to settle the rest of his life. Fighting in the war was considered brave, but when it came to making money, he took advantage of the chaos on the battlefield.  And nothing is taboo.

    Although he only stayed on the battlefield for a year, he was transferred back to China as a military instructor. After hard work, the wealth he plundered was not as good as those of division commanders and regimental commanders, but compared to those at the lower level.  As far as officers are concerned, they are still better than the superiors and more than the inferiors.

    Like most other officers who have fought on the Chinese battlefield, relying on the wealth he grabbed by any means, he can live a good life in Japan where prices have not yet inflated. There are almost no problems. It can even be said that he can live a good life in this life.  It must be worry-free.

    However, the ambition of this colonel does not mean that it has diminished with the increase of age and wealth. On the contrary, it has become more and more inflated with the promotion of his position. The dream of being a general, which was once given up, has gradually increased with the increase of age and wealth.  The promotion to captain of the 28th Regiment, Captain, has reignited the flames.
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