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Text Chapter 392 Noboru Kunisaki¡¯s self-confidence

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    After the deployment was completed, looking at the southern foothills of the Xing'an Mountains at night, Lieutenant General Kunizaki Noboru's unspeakable sense of depression not only did not disappear, but instead there was a vague premonition in his heart. Kunizaki Noboru felt that the seventh  The division, no, it should be said that the Kwantung Army's counterattack was basically in their plan.

    The number of heavy artillery shells and bombs that fell on his head today were definitely not hastily mobilized. Without premeditation, no one would have been able to mobilize so many heavy artillery shells and bombers in a hurry. And what he encountered today would probably not be the same.  It was the 7th Division that enjoyed it alone.

    One by one of all the divisions participating in this counter-offensive operation, I am afraid that one by one will be able to take the turn. According to the firepower situation of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, how much price will the Kwantung Army have to pay to achieve its goal? A special incendiary bomb,  It is enough to make a squadron become a god. One 155 howitzer shell can kill nearly hundreds of square meters.

    To say that all this was not premeditated is simply impossible. These heavy artillery shells that fell on my head could not be heard at all. If the terrain of Alhorqin Banner were not hills and low mountains, the enemy would be reduced.  The killing effect of the military's heavy weapons, then the 7th Division will probably pay more than that in one afternoon.

    Recalling the intelligence issued by the Kwantung Army Headquarters before this battle, Lieutenant General Kunisaki Noboru could only shake his head and be speechless. The enemy secretly mobilized so many heavy artillery and bombers to the Linxi battlefield. The Kwantung Army intelligence, which has always been self-proclaimed to have a keen sense of smell,  The Kwantung Army actually knows nothing about the enemy and has such a weak grasp of the enemy's intelligence. Can the Kwantung Army really succeed in counterattacking this time?

    After a battle, intelligence, especially the intelligence on the enemy's strength, equipment, and deployment in person, is the first choice and the basis for ensuring victory in the battle. Lag or even failure in intelligence indicates that the battle will not be successful.  Fighting actually means half the battle is lost.

    If you insist on fighting, even if you barely win, the price you pay will be extremely staggering, because intelligence is the eyesight of the entire army's operations. Without the support of reliable intelligence, you will be blind and deaf on the battlefield.  Without the support of reliable intelligence, the outcome of this battle may be difficult to meet the requirements of the Kwantung Army Headquarters.

    Facing the mountains under the night sky in front of him, he turned his head and looked at the young officers who were busy around him at the moment. Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki shook his head and sighed inaudibly. After this battle, can the Seventh Division avoid the same fate?  Even he himself could not explain clearly the fate of the entire army that the Second Division encountered that year.

    In order to reduce casualties as much as possible, Lieutenant General Kunizaki Noboru gave all the troops of the 7th Division the order to march as a group. However, after receiving his order, although it was not at the division combat meeting, at this moment  The three captains scattered in different locations shook their heads and said nothing. In fact, they did not agree very much.

    Although the encounter during the day made it clear to them that the division commander's intention was to reduce unnecessary losses as much as possible, just looking at the thick night, the three captains all shook their heads and said nothing. Once the enemy took advantage of  A sneak attack at night, how can the dispersed troops respond to the attack?

    It is true that the order from the division headquarters is that the distance between the marching groups of each group should not exceed five kilometers. However, if it is in a plain area, these five kilometers are naturally not a problem. Once there is a problem in any direction, with the Japanese army's forced march capability, reinforcements will be sent from any direction.  We arrived in as little as an hour.

    But this is on the hilly and low-mountainous terrain of Wangshan. Even if it is only five kilometers, it cannot be reached in the shortest time. This does not include the enemy's night attack troops and the blocking troops that may be sent.  Under this terrain, if blocking is added, there will be too much time. Under this kind of terrain, blocking positions can be found without deliberately choosing them.

    And who knows if there are any anti-Union troops ambushing in this dark hilly area, gathering around for reinforcements, but their best tactic is that even though the three regiment captains are in a difficult situation, they also know the orders of the division commander.  In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the 7th Division as much as possible, and at the insistence of Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki, after a brief hesitation, the order of the division commander was carried out.

    Kunizaki's move was indeed beyond the expectations of Wang Deyao, the deputy commander of the second division who was transferred from Du Kaishan just before this battle and was responsible for commanding the battle in the Aruhorqin Banner. However, for this situation, he was not at ease and did not follow the instructions of his superiors.  Wang Deyao, who asked to use the terrain to fight step by step, was still very optimistic about the success.

    In last year's battle between the two cities, Wang Deyao fought extremely brilliantly. He was also mature and prudent, and his ability to adapt was extremely strong. You must know that on the battlefield in the two cities last year, not everyone could  Those who persevere are not able to hold their position simply by fighting hard.

    Although as deputy division commander, he participated in this battleUntil now, there were not many opportunities to take charge of the army on his own, but Wang Guangyu knew his abilities. Wang Guangyu believed that with his abilities, it would be impossible to recruit suitable candidates from the roundabout troops to take charge of the crucial position of Alukorqin Banner.  The command is still appropriate.

    Therefore, before this battle, when choosing to defend the Aru Horqin Banner, which was very critical, but also stood alone and became a battlefield direction alone, Wang Guangyu specifically asked Yang Zhen to serve as the deputy commander of the Second Division.  He was transferred here to take charge of commanding the battle at Alukorqin Banner. This was originally to give full play to his ability in defensive battles.

    It's just that Wang Guangyu didn't expect that this guy is indeed good at defensive warfare, but it doesn't mean that he can only fight defensive warfare, or that he is only willing to fight this kind of tactics. In fact, as the youngest division-level military cadre in the army, Wang Deyao  However, he was more interested in attacking, which was the opposite of his expertise. His desire to attack was not much less than that of other division-level cadres of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

    The 7th Division was adjusting its marching deployment at this moment. In Wang Deyao's eyes, instead of seeing it as a threat, it actually exposed him to a rare opportunity. After receiving the report of the 7th Division's change of deployment, it took less than ten minutes.  , Wang Deyao decided to use the loopholes caused by the adjustment and deployment of the Seventh Division to find fighters, and give the Seventh Division an unforgettable night life tonight.

    Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki, who was overwhelmed by the losses during the day, adjusted his deployment and changed the marching sequence. This was indeed a huge failure in the Kwantung Army's all-out counterattack. Although Noboru Kunisaki adjusted his deployment,  , with the Japanese's always meticulous thinking, they made appropriate arrangements as much as possible. However, because of the different execution abilities of his three wing captains, it was actually full of loopholes.

    To be precise, as a top student at the Japanese Army University, after the Sino-Japanese War broke out, he once served as the commander of the 9th Brigade of the 5th Division and commanded the Kunisaki Detachment based on the 9th Brigade to participate in the Songhu Campaign.  During the battle, he invaded Nanjing and participated in the Nanjing Massacre.

    After the Battle of Nanjing, he commanded this army to participate in the Battle of Xuzhou intact. In the Battle of Taierzhuang, he was severely defeated by the National Army's Fifth Theater. This deployment by Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki, who had experienced hundreds of battles, cannot be said to be true.  It is an absolute mistake, and it is more in line with the situation that the Seventh Division is currently facing.

    In a situation where the enemy has an absolute advantage in ground and air firepower, but the ground combat troops are quite weak, his deployment cannot be said to be a mistake, because in his view, even if the opponent's combat effectiveness is strong,  , but the Seventh Division, as a veteran division of the Japanese army, will never be weaker than its opponents in combat effectiveness.

    The enemy's troops in Alukorqin Banner are insufficient, so we march in brigades. Once the enemy makes any move, the various units can quickly support each other. However, the marching distance between the infantry brigades is less than five kilometers, and the enemy's own troops are insufficient.  Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to find a suitable opportunity to sneak attack on themselves.

    Even if it is possible to use the cover of night for a sneak attack, the five-kilometer distance is enough for our troops to carry out rapid rescue in a very short time, because although the enemy has an advantage in ground and air firepower, the 7th Division has the overall advantage.  However, they have a firm advantage in terms of military strength.

    The battle on the ground will ultimately be resolved by infantry. No matter how many heavy artillery there are or how many aircraft are dispatched, matters on the ground still need to rely on infantry. If the aircraft can also come down to carry out attack and defensive operations, then it is still possible.  What to do with infantry.

    Therefore, in the view of Lieutenant General Noboru Kunizaki, no matter what the enemy commander's plan is, their biggest weakness is that their troops are far smaller than the 7th Division. In this case, they must not only stop the 7th Division  It is simply impossible to advance the regiment and find opportunities to sneak attack on ourselves.

    For the 7th Division, the biggest opponent at the moment is not the enemy's pitiful ground troops, but the threat from their heavy artillery and aviation forces that have seized air supremacy over the entire battlefield. During the advancement of the troops, it is true that they are too concentrated.  It is difficult for the enemy to find an opportunity for a sneak attack, but if a bomb falls, the number of casualties will be quite high.

    According to my own arrangement of troops, it is completely the most appropriate under the current situation. It is completely in a favorable position of being able to advance and attack, and being able to retreat and defend. Although the enemy has the advantage of air and long-range artillery,  However, it was unable to cause too many casualties to the relatively dispersed 7th Division.

    Even if they encounter enemy resistance when advancing, although the strength of a brigade may not break through the enemy's position, at least they will not be inactive. It can even be said that according to the Japanese army's usual combat effectiveness, the strength of a brigade is,  It is not impossible to break through the positions defended by an enemy battalion or even a regiment in one fell swoop.

    Kunizaki Noboru believes that even the war of resistanceNo matter how powerful the Japanese army is, considering the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army, it is not a big problem for one infantry brigade to deal with one of its infantry battalions, whether it is attacking or defending. Although the Kwantung Army is facing the Anti-Alliance, it is basically a continuous battle at the moment.  The battle was defeated, but Lieutenant General Noboru Kunisaki was still quite confident about the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army.

    In his opinion, even if an enemy force with a certain advantage in strength encounters a surprise attack, the strength of a brigade can completely sustain until reinforcements arrive, because Kunisaki Noboru believes that during defense, based on the consistent combat effectiveness of the Japanese army, a brigade can hold its own strength  positions, even a regiment of the Anti-Japanese Alliance may not be able to break through their defenses in the short term.

    The enemy army only has two regiments in the entire Aruhorqin Banner. If they want to concentrate their forces and encircle and annihilate one of their own infantry brigade at night, then unless they don't want the entire Aruhorqin Banner, the most they can do is  Just harassing me in the dark.

    At the same time, spreading the march sequence as far as possible can completely avoid the enemy's superior ground and air firepower. Therefore, Lieutenant General Kunisaki Noboru thinks that this deployment is a matter of killing two birds with one stone. In reality, Kunisaki Noboru  General's deployment cannot be said to be an absolute mistake.
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