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Text Chapter 366: Incredible Transformation

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    Hearing Yang Zhen's words that were half crow's mouth and half ridiculing, Pearson's tired face, the happy smile just now turned into a look of dumbfounding and said: "I said General Yang, use your Chinese  In other words, should you be more virtuous? I have something to discuss with you, not to listen to your ridicule."

    "You still know about my situation in Manchuria. I think you should not use this matter as a way to ridicule me. If I am really subjected to inhumane abuse, I think as the host, you will also be free.  It¡¯s nothing to do with anything, and Yang, the content of my conversation with you today is very serious. I don¡¯t want to and don¡¯t have the energy to make some jokes with you that may seem harmless to you. "

    "And I also know that you don't have much time to joke with me when the frontline war situation is tense at the moment, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't just give me an hour to talk about how this will actually affect your future development and the entire  The situation in Manchuria is heading towards a very important conversation.¡±

    At this point, Pearson looked at Yang Zhen's expression and seemed to be struggling for a while before he said solemnly: "Yang, although we haven't known each other for a long time, I think we should be considered friends.  I think as friends, we should be honest with each other. In the words of the Chinese, it should be called openness and honesty. I think it is better not to hide or hide some things between you and me. "

    "Yang, the reason why I'm in a hurry to find you is because I want to represent many people in the United States who care about China or the real direction of this war to ask you for an answer to a question. This question is very important and important to me.  Your future is also crucial, I hope you can answer me carefully. "

    "Remember, this is not me asking you questions myself, I am asking you questions on behalf of some important people who care about you very much. Therefore, I hope you will consider it carefully when answering, and do not try to achieve the goal.  You make hasty decisions based on your inner purpose.¡±

    "Yang, as an old friend who has been with you for a long time, I can roughly guess what you are thinking in your heart. However, I can only pray to God now that your true purpose is consistent with that of your people.  What some senior figures in the government have in mind is different.¡±

    Seeing this guy's solemn look, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Pearson, since you said so, I can also tell you in a responsible manner. No matter what questions you ask, I will not make false claims."  , because I am a soldier, not a politician who tells lies, right?"

    "But as a soldier, I can only say that I can do what I promise. You are a soldier, but your status makes you not a simple soldier. One thing you should be clear about is that war is just politics.  Soldiers can determine the success or failure of a battle, but soldiers cannot determine the outcome of a war."

    "I'm just a soldier, and I just want to be a soldier. Although I have a high status now, you know very well that many things cannot be decided at my level, but I can assure you that I will do my best.  Do your best to achieve the answer that has been given to you.¡±

    "It's just that I also want to ask you. You are looking for me so urgently. I want to ask if there are any new changes in the international situation. Did the Japanese air attack Pearl Harbor, or did the Japanese start to attack Hong Kong? Or  The Japanese have issued an ultimatum to the US government, demanding that you lift the embargo against Japan."

    In response to Yang Zhen's rhetorical question, Pearson hesitated for a moment and then said: "Yang, although your joke is not funny, I still think you do have some of the skills of the crow's mouth or prophet in your Chinese legend. Although it is regrettable,  Your guess is wrong this time, but you are right about one thing. Indeed, the international situation has changed again. "

    "Just two weeks ago, the Japanese army fully occupied the entire territory of French Indochina, including Laos and Cambodia. The Japanese army, which continues to mobilize troops into Southeast Asia, entered Siam last week and took control of the entire territory of Siam.  And forced Siam to sign the "Japan-Siam Treaty".

    ¡°Through these means, the Japanese army obtained Kampong Som Port in Cambodia and the main base of the Siamese Navy, as well as the right to pass all traffic in Siam, and controlled the main air force bases in Cambodia and Siam. In addition, the Japanese army  From the captured Saigon naval and air bases, Japanese bombers and naval fleets could bring the entire Dutch East Indies, British Southeast Asia, and even British India into their combat radius."

    What Pearson said about the activities of the Japanese army in Southeast Asia really surprised Yang Zhen, who was already mentally prepared. Regarding the Japanese army's entry into Cambodia and Laos, which were actually under the control of the Japanese army in French Indochina, which would later become Laos,  Yang was so shocked that he didn't feel surprised.

    ????????????????????????The Japanese army, which occupied the entire French Vietnam, has actually taken control of French Indochina. This operation is just a follow-up to their occupation of southern French Annan. Laos and Cambodia are far apart in terms of strategic positions.  Not as important as Siam.

    The Japanese army occupied these two places just to completely control the two remaining French Indochina colonies, especially the rice-producing Cambodia, to meet its increasing war consumption and to alleviate domestic problems caused by large-scale conscription and war consumption.  , The impact on the domestic economy and agriculture.

    Both countries have been major rice-producing areas in the world in later generations. In particular, Cambodia, which owns Ton Sari Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, is one of the largest rice exporters. With smooth sea routes, the country¡¯s annual rice  In addition to its own use, the output, coupled with Vietnam's output, can even fully meet most of Japan's domestic needs.

    In the face of large-scale conscription and the large-scale recruitment of workers by various domestic factories to meet the needs of the war, Japan's agricultural output has been stagnant for a long time. In order to meet domestic needs, especially to supply the needs of the increasingly large army  , it was normal for the Japanese army, which had replaced France as the actual ruler in French Indochina, to enter Cambodia and Laos.

    In addition, Cambodia is the largest rubber planting area in French Indochina. Although its rubber production is not as good as that of the British Southeast Asian colonies, its output accounts for a considerable share of the entire French Indochina. When the Japanese army enters Cambodia, most of them can even  Ease the demand for rubber imposed by U.S. and British sanctions, and implement counter-blockades against the U.S. and Britain, which also have a huge demand for rubber.

    But Yang Zhen was quite surprised that the Japanese army entered Siam more than three months earlier than he knew. Siam is connected to British Burma to the west, British Malaya to the south, and French India to the east.  Cambodia in China has a very important strategic location, and although Siam does not produce oil, it is rich in rice and rubber.

    The Japanese took control of Siam and completely controlled most of the rice producing areas in Southeast Asia, as well as a considerable part of the rubber producing areas. More importantly, not only agricultural products, but Siam's strategic position also allowed the Japanese army to enter Siam.  It posed a direct threat to the British Southeast Asian colonies.

    The Japanese army's entry into Siam can be said to directly threaten British rule in Burma and Malaya, and even directly threaten the security of India, the largest British colony in the world, as well as Singapore, Britain's largest fortress in Southeast Asia and its largest naval and air force base.  .

    Its bombers took off from the airport in Siam, and the combat radius even covered a small half of India, as well as the entire Dutch East Indies, and the entire British Malay Peninsula. Siam's strategic position allowed the Japanese army to control Siam.  He firmly controlled the initiative in the Southeast Asian battlefield in his own hands.

    If the deployment of the Japanese army in Taiwan and Saigon has become an ax that can fall on the head of the Philippines, a US colony in Southeast Asia, at any time, then the Japanese army's move can be said to have thrust the bayonet on several major British colonies in Southeast Asia.  On the belly.

    When the Japanese army enters Siam, which has an extremely important strategic location, it can launch attacks on British Burma and India at any time to the west. To the south, it can not only capture British Malaya, but also Singapore, the largest British navy and air force in the Far East.  A sharp knife was struck on the back of the base.

    Siam's strategic position and the importance of its agricultural products to the Japanese army's Southeast Asian operations determined that if the Japanese army wanted to capture the British Southeast Asian colonies, they must first control Siam. In the history known to later generations, Yang Zhen also  In this way, within a very short time after launching the Pearl Harbor incident, the Japanese army forcibly entered Siam and quickly controlled the entire territory of Siam.

    Although due to the original pro-Japanese actions of the Siamese government, the Japanese army did not experience any real fighting when they entered Siam, and the Siamese government quickly joined the Japanese camp and followed the Japanese in the shortest possible time.  Declaring war on the whole world, trying to gain some advantages.

    But at the moment, the Japanese have not publicly broken up with the United States and Britain, and although they have begun preparations for southward operations, they are still conducting hypocritical negotiations with the Americans at the negotiation table. The Japanese army suddenly marched into Siam.  , this is tantamount to openly breaking the relationship with the United States and Britain, and is almost tantamount to formally declaring war on the British, and of course the Americans behind it.

    And this choice is not a good thing for the Japanese army that has not completed final preparations. Although the Japanese army has always been focused on undeclared war, it has not yet completed the real mobilization southward, and all its preparations for the southward war have not been completed.  Before the work is finally completed, Japan's move is almost equivalent to completely blocking the way to negotiate with the Americans, even if it is a pretentious negotiation that delays time, it is completely blocked.

    Precisely because the Japanese army marched into Siam, there was no doubt that the Japanese army would fight southward in the future.Yang Zhen was a little shocked when he thought that the decision-making of the Japanese base camp deviated from his control. In his opinion, the Japanese army's move was undoubtedly harmful to the Japanese army.  The current complex situation has added fuel to the fire.

    Although this move of the Japanese army is quite beneficial to itself, even if it is possible to find a way for the Japanese army to take action in Southeast Asia in advance, it is a chess piece that Yang Zhen secretly arranged as early as the beginning of the year.  , I have been somewhat mentally prepared.

    But Yang Zhen still felt a little incredible about the Japanese army's action, because in Yang Zhen's view, the Japanese army's move undoubtedly publicly told the United States and Britain, you start preparing for war, I am about to take action in Southeast Asia, what?  British Burma, British Malaya, and the Dutch East Indies are all what I want.

    Although the top brass of the Japanese army say that their strategic vision is somewhat short-sighted, in Yang Zhen's opinion it is not that short-sighted. You must know that although the Japanese army has been preparing to go south, it has always kept its strategic intentions strictly confidential, and even did not hesitate to fight with them.  The Americans are trying to hide their true intentions at the negotiating table, but by now entering Thailand, isn't it obvious to everyone that Sima Zhao's intentions are true?
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