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Text Chapter 354 What does the base camp mean?

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    For senior Japanese generals such as Umezu Yoshijiro and Yoshimoto Teiichi, they know very well what kind of virtues the Osaka soldiers of the Fourth Division have.  Especially these guys, they were still within the Kwantung Army organization and stayed for quite some time.

    "What kind of group of guys are these guys? Is it possible that the Kwantung Army doesn't know?"  In such an important battle, the Fourth Division can be called the scum of the Imperial Army. Even if they can win the battle, they can win the battle with the participation of guys who may not be able to cause anything.  , does the base camp want the Kwantung Army to lose the battle?

    Hearing that Major General Tanaka Shinichi proposed to transfer the Fourth Division to the command of the Kwantung Army, Umezu Yoshijiro and Yoshimoto Sadao glanced at each other, and they coincidentally saw the disgust in each other's eyes.  Undoubtedly, both of them are determined not to want this Fourth Division, a group of guys who fail to achieve anything but fail.

    This has nothing to do with who is the division commander, it is simply that the division is rotten to the core.  Even if the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China, who has the title of General Razor, personally serves as the division commander, he may not be able to change the businessman's atmosphere exuding from the heart of this division.  Let alone let this fourth division become like other divisions, brave and loyal to His Majesty the Emperor.

    It's just that this time Umezu Yoshijiro didn't speak, but Yoshimoto Teiichi refused directly: "Tanaka-kun, I think you should know what the situation of the Fourth Division is. From your feeling, there is an urgent need for elite soldiers and generals right now.  Is the Kwantung Army suitable for these Osaka soldiers? "

    "What the Kwantung Army needs now is troops who can fight for the Holy War and be loyal to the Emperor on the battlefield, not a bunch of rubbish. You, Tanaka-kun, don't know what the virtues of these Osaka soldiers are. A person in the Southern Army can only do  Is it appropriate for the reserve divisions, the divisions deployed in China, and the divisions that are not even allowed to be deployed on the battlefield, to be placed under the Kwantung Army's organizational structure at a time when the Kwantung Army's war is intensifying? "

    "I would like to ask the base camp, a group of guys that no one else wants, but they are now handed over to the Kwantung Army. What is the base camp's intention? Is it really because the Kwantung Army's counterattack failed this time that it truly meets the base camp's tactical intentions?  Is it in the interests of the empire and conducive to the holy war? "

    "Since the Fourth Division is an old subordinate of Commander Temple, he only organized this Fourth Division into the reserve force. Instead, he asked the Kwantung Army to take in these guys who had brought considerable harm to the Kwantung Army. I  I want to ask what the base camp means. Since their old superiors have made them a reserve force that can rarely be used by the imperial army, then let them continue to wait in Shanghai. The Kwantung Army is not a garbage collector.  ¡±

    "In the previous battles, the Kwantung Army has suffered enough from the Fourth Division. The current Kwantung Army can no longer withstand the torture of the Fourth Division again. If this Fourth Division is  If the regiment cooperates with other divisions, I am afraid that any division will express firm opposition. "

    What Yoshimoto Teiichi said was quite straightforward, and he did not care at all about the embarrassed look on Tanaka Shinichi's face who was sitting opposite him.  Obviously, like General Umezu Yoshijiro, he did not welcome the arrival of the fourth division.  They obviously didn't trust these guys who had been defeated repeatedly.

    The reactions of Umezu Meijiro and Yoshimoto Teiichi were not too beyond Tanaka Shinichi¡¯s expectations.  But there was no other way for him to replenish the Fourth Division to the Kwantung Army.  At present, whether it is the Southern Army or the China Expeditionary Force, each field division has its own tasks.

    The China Expeditionary Force has the Eleventh Army with the largest number of field divisions. At this time, it is fully preparing to launch another attack on Changsha, the important town in the central and southern regions.  Moreover, facing the 5th, 6th, and 9th armies in Chongqing, which are the three most well-equipped and most powerful 11th armies, it is impossible to deploy any field divisions.

    As for the North China Front Army, they are busy conducting repeated raids on various anti-Japanese base areas in North China that the Communist Army within their jurisdiction calls.  Moreover, because its jurisdiction was too vast, it was even more difficult for the North China Front, which was already short of troops, to mobilize troops into Manchuria.

    The newly appointed commander of the North China Front even refused to transfer any division from the North China Front to other units.  In his opinion, the deployment of any division of the North China Front Army, which has been used to its maximum strength, will cause the North China Communist Army to resurgence, which has suffered heavy losses under multiple sweeps.

    And the two most powerful units of the China Expeditionary Force were unable to mobilize troops to support the Manchurian battlefield.  Since other armies also have to control the vast occupied areas under their jurisdiction, it is difficult to deploy troops to support other battlefields in a short period of time.  The territory of China is so vast that even if millions of Japanese troops were deployed in the occupied area, which only accounted for one-third of China's territory, it would still seem so insignificant.

    Unless Japan risks economic collapse and carries out nationwide mobilization.  Move again?Millions of troops were invested in the battlefield in China.  Otherwise, with the troops currently being used to the extreme, the only thing that can be done is to stabilize the occupied area as much as possible.  And even this attempt, at least so far, has not been achieved.

    The China Expeditionary Army could not mobilize troops to support Manchuria, and it was even more difficult to mobilize the various divisions that had been integrated into the Southern Army.  Nanyang is a tropical area, and Japanese people have always grown in warm, humid north temperate areas.  Without adaptive training, it is difficult for the Japanese to adapt to the hot climate of Southeast Asia.

    Fighting south is the national policy of the empire, and it is also the best way to solve the various difficulties that Japan currently encounters. It can even be said to be related to Japan's national destiny.  If the troops go south and the battle fails due to climate reasons, it will be very dangerous for the entire Japanese Empire.

    What's more, the Imperial Field Marshal who has been scheduled to be responsible for commanding the entire Southern Army's operations is not easy to fool.  The various divisions currently organized into the Southern Army's combat order were basically formulated by him personally.  It is easy to transfer it, but it is difficult to snatch the food out of his mouth.

    Although a large number of new divisions are currently being formed in the country, these new divisions are either undergoing training or have already been scheduled for use.  And this person is so annoying that no one dares to let them take on the main combat mission wherever they go. The Fourth Division, which can only be in the reserve sequence, is almost the only division that the Japanese army can deploy and can fight on the move.  .

    ¡°The Fourth Division, which is now incorporated into the Southern Army but is on standby in Shanghai as a reserve, is also the only division in the base camp that can be assigned to the Kwantung Army.  Of course, this Fourth Division was finally kicked out of the Kwantung Army.  It is not incomprehensible that the Kwantung Army does not want them.

    "If the Kwantung Army doesn't want it, then he really can't allocate other divisions to the Kwantung Army's organization right now.  He also knew that the base camp had indeed repeatedly broken its promises to the Kwantung Army since the start of this battle.  Not only were the divisions that were originally assigned to the Kwantung Army as planned were not allocated to the Kwantung Army in time, but were instead transferred to other parties.

    As for the Kwantung Army, it can only wait for the scheduled southward combat mission to be completed before it can receive the divisions it was supposed to receive.  Although the base camp attaches great importance to Manchuria, compared to Nanyang, which can solve Japan's lifeline, Manchuria's current importance can only be temporarily ranked second.  Even the base camp rarely put down its dignity and only asked the Kwantung Army to maintain the front line at the beginning of the year.

    This was almost unimaginable before.  But compared to Southern Manchuria, which concentrated the essence of Manchuria, the strategic position of Northern Manchuria was relatively secondary.  Compared with Nanyang, which has the oil resources that Japan urgently needs, Nanman's status can only be temporarily placed in second place.

    Therefore, when the Kwantung Army faced a major war, its strength was repeatedly artificially weakened.  This is why General Umezu Yoshijiro, who has repeatedly emphasized that soldiers must not interfere in politics and must strictly obey orders, if anyone else, or even any of his predecessors, faced this situation and did not take the case to the emperor, then it would be  Really weird.

    Major General Tanaka Shinichi also knows that facing a powerful enemy, what the Kwantung Army needs now is to replenish blood, rather than constantly bleeding.  It's just that except for this fourth division, Tanaka Shinichi has no other mobile divisions to deploy.  We cannot allocate combat divisions from the China Expeditionary Force to the Kwantung Army.

    Just when Tanaka Shinichi was hesitating, Lieutenant General Okabe Naosaburo, who had been silent over there, suddenly said: "Tanaka-kun, don't hesitate any longer. You first temporarily allocate the Fifth Division to the Kwantung Army. I'll see you at the base camp."  Go ahead and say it. Anyway, they are still waiting in the Kwantung Prefecture, and transferring them to the Kwantung Army can also help the Kwantung Army get some assistance in the shortest possible time."

    "In addition to the fifth and twelfth divisions, Mr. Tanaka, please allocate a batch of special smoke shells and bombs to the Kwantung Army. As for how much this quantity is needed, in addition to ensuring the supplement required by the China Expedition Army. How much can be allocated  , just transfer as much as you can. Also, don¡¯t transfer any more soldiers from the Kwantung Army until the end of this battle.¡±

    After saying that, Naosaburo Okabe turned to General Umezu Yoshijiro and Lieutenant General Yoshimoto Sadichi and said: "You two, I will make the decision to allocate the Kwantung Army to the use of the Fifth Division without authorization. When will the Western Manchu war start? I also hope  The Kwantung Army can give me a satisfactory answer and let me go back and give an explanation to the base camp."

    "You know, the marshal who is currently scheduled to serve as the commander of the Southern Army is not that easy to talk to. It is unjustifiable to dig out a fully organized field division from under him without a reasonable explanation. The Fifth Division  The regiment is a field division that he has always valued and is ready to take on major responsibilities in the next battle. "

    "When the Southern Army was formed, he personally requested it by name. If you want to calm down the marshal's anger, let everyoneTo convince the business, I had to get a positive answer.  General Umezu, you should know the consequences of what I do.  But I did it in the end, just because I didn¡¯t want the senior I respected the most to make the same mistakes as his predecessor.  "

    Lieutenant General Okabe Naosaburo agreed to temporarily allocate the Fifth Division to the Kwantung Army, which undoubtedly surprised Umezu Yoshijiro and Yoshimoto Sadichi.  Being able to get the 10th Division back was beyond their expectations.  And Naosaburo Okabe now promised to transfer the Fifth Division back to the Kwantung Army, which undoubtedly surprised them even more.

    The allocation of this fifth division to the Kwantung Army has been repeated many times. Almost every time, the base camp agreed to transfer this field division, which had been waiting in Manchuria, but leisurely and leisurely, not to be included in the Kwantung Army's establishment, to the Kwantung Army.  But in the end, they always break their promises as understanding.

    This time, Okabe Naosaburo was able to kill first and then report later, and transferred the fifth division to the Kwantung Army. For this guy, it was undoubtedly a great courage.  The Kwantung Army has no control over the outcome of killing this guy first and then showing off.  However, the arrival of these two divisions will undoubtedly increase the chances of victory for the Kwantung Army's counterattack.
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