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Text Chapter 338: The Weapon of the Country

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    In order to make these professors willing to engage in this kind of research, Yang Zhen said everything that should be said, and he also said some things that should not be said. Looking at the professors in front of him, a glimmer of light flashed in Yang Zhen's eyes:  "Except on the battlefield, we have to hit them so hard that they will never forget it for the rest of their lives, and they will tremble all over when they think about it many years later."

    "We must not only have a strong national defense, but we must also hold in our hands retaliatory means that make others tremble when they think about it, and use the latest weapons to build our own strongest shield. Our nation, which has suffered many disasters, cannot  Today they are treated like cattle and horses, enslaved and slaughtered.¡±

    "The country has weapons that will protect our nation from being bullied, and will protect our people from being trampled by iron hoofs. The reason why we develop this epoch-making weapon at all costs is to hope that our motherland will truly  Master a weapon that belongs to our own country.¡±

    "Perhaps with our strength, we don't need to have too many of these things, only dozens or even a dozen, but it is better than nothing. Even if there are only a few, we will make our enemies afraid to peek.  We look at each other, because when necessary, they will have to bear a price several times, even dozens of times more severe than ours. This is the role of the country's sharp weapon and the true value of this weapon. "

    "Gentlemen, we have wasted too much time in our lives. The civil wars in successive years have delayed too many things for us and delayed too much of our development time. Although we are currently suffering from the biggest crisis in the modern history of the Chinese nation,  Crisis, but crisis often coexists with opportunity. The current situation is a rare opportunity for our Chinese nation to rise. "

    ¡°Germany, Italy, and Japan, which are currently stoking war in Asia and Europe respectively, have formed the Axis Alliance. Although the United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China have not yet formed a true alliance, they are actually on the same front.  The Americans who stand behind us, both in terms of technological strength and economic strength, are like God giving us a rare opportunity.¡±

    "For European and American countries, they have always put interests first. As long as it is in their interests, they can throw out any benevolence, morality, etiquette, justice and shame. Gentlemen, how do you think we got those equipment?  How did you get so many American planes?¡±

    "There is only one reason, and that is that the Americans need us to contain the Kwantung Army, the most powerful and well-equipped Japanese army, so as to prevent the Japanese from being trapped in resource constraints and acting like a mad dog from going south and endangering their core interests in Southeast Asia.  "The stronger we are, the more beneficial it is to them. To put it bluntly, the more Japanese troops we can contain, the safer their colonies in Southeast Asia will be."

    "This may be our last opportunity for great development. Maybe God has given us the last opportunity to do twice the result with half the effort. Time waits for no one. Gentlemen, we missed this opportunity. We are thinking that we need to develop, and we may have to pay several times.  , dozens of times, or even hundreds of times the price.¡±

    "We can conquer the world immediately, but we cannot rule the world immediately. Since we, as soldiers, resist foreign humiliation and safeguard the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Chinese nation, it is our unshirkable responsibility. Regardless of our origins, as long as we put on this  We have no choice but to wear military uniforms, even if we die in battle, because we are Chinese soldiers and are the only and last barrier to protect the stability and prosperity of this nation and country. "

    "But to develop the economy, establish our own national defense scientific research system, and make our scientific and technological level catch up with Western developed countries, we must rely on you gentlemen. The strength and modernization of the country cannot be separated from your knowledge and efforts. A person who does not value science  The country is a pathetic country, and a nation that does not value culture is even more pathetic.¡±

    "Building a strong China is inseparable from us, but it is even more inseparable from you gentlemen. I hope that you gentlemen can put aside the past grievances with us and join hands to build a strong and prosperous new China and build our own  We must work together to modernize our national defense and prevent today¡¯s tragedy from happening again to our next generation.¡±

    "I'm still saying the same thing. Some things don't have to be really used on the battlefield to exert their power. Their power is more about their existence. This is also the greatest value of this kind of weapon, so gentlemen, don't have any  It¡¯s a psychological burden to put all your thoughts on research and try to get this kind of thing out as soon as possible.¡±

    After Yang Zhen finished speaking this time, although several professors did not answer him, they nodded in unison, which could be regarded as a tacit attitude. For these people who have studied abroad and have saved the country through science and technology and strengthened the country through science and technology.  dream, and gave up a generous and stable life abroad to returnReturned to China and joined the education field.

    They just hope to cultivate more scientific and technological personnel and use themselves and the knowledge in their minds to change the country's situation of poverty and weakness in the past century and make their motherland truly strong and wealthy. However, as a gun-baring regime, it only cares about  The National Government, which was striving for power and profit, failed them.

    Years of civil war have made the country not only stronger, but even weaker, and now half of the country has fallen. In such a huge China, there is not even a place to put a quiet desk. Why do the Japanese dare to be so rampant now?  , what they rely on is not the unity and strength of the country.

    The young man in front of me is right. As long as they have a solid shield in their hands, no country will dare to take a peek at China. The Japanese, who have inherited the spirit and culture of China, can create something from scratch and use it for decades.  It takes time to establish modern industry and build a strong national defense industry system. Why can't China, which has a history of five thousand years of civilization, truly rise in the east of the world?

    Especially the last few paragraphs of Yang Zhen made the blood in the hearts of these professors that had long subsided boil again, rekindling their hope after experiencing disappointment again and again. The weapon of the country, these words  It was undoubtedly like a shot in the arm for several gentlemen.

    For Yang Zhen, after completing the work of these professors on the most critical issues, the remaining items are much easier to handle. After all, compared with the somewhat shocking first item, although the remaining items are not  It's something epoch-making, but it's far less shocking.

    Although several gentlemen were also surprised by his advanced ideas, they were far less inexplicable and unclear than the previous ones. While listening carefully, several professors kept talking.  They were discussing in hushed tones the distance and manpower needed to complete these projects.

    Compared with the other gentlemen who were somewhat conservative, Professor Shu Xingbei, who had a somewhat impatient personality, even took over the improvement of transistors and the reverse imitation of radars. However, he requested that the research he brought from Zhejiang University be given to him.  Several students have joined their own research organizations.

    Yang Zhen did not express any objection to his request, not only Professor Shu Xingbei, but also the other professors. Yang Zhen named Mr. Wang Ganchang who must participate in the development of nuclear weapons, and the other assistant professors  You can choose first.

    However, Yang Zhen asked the gentlemen to abandon their sectarian views and bring as many students as possible. After all, those students who have just graduated can only be regarded as rookies in many aspects. According to the tradition of the army, they are a group of recruits. In many aspects,  I still need some advice and help from these professors.

    However, these gentlemen agreed, and the necessary equipment has been obtained, and the resources that can be used to extract uranium enrichment have also been found, but it does not mean that Yang Zhen's plan will proceed in an orderly manner.  After the project was fully launched, Yang Zhen never expected that the first difficult problem to solve would be the mining of sandstone uranium deposits in Suiling.

    For Yang Zhen, who knows nothing about geology, he has never thought about the difference between the uranium ore that is basically mined now and the uranium ore that is mainly mined in the base area. What he cares about is only the structure and composition of nuclear weapons, as well as the development method.  I never thought that the methods of mining and refining basic uranium are different between uranium ores because of different types.

    He also thought that the mining method of uranium ore was similar to that of other minerals. The key was that there was a huge difference in refining. Just the mining of uranium sand ore delayed for more than a year before it was completely solved.  Solve it, and the mining and extraction of uranium sand ore is only the first obstacle encountered in the development process.

    There is also the problem of imitation of centrifuges, which has also been troubled for a long time. Having the drawings and core technology does not mean that similar equipment that meets the standards can be manufactured. The fragile industrial base in the Northeast base area has delayed the imitation of these two types of equipment.  It could not be completed. Although basic imitation had been completed in the laboratory, it could not be manufactured on a large scale. It was not until the beginning of 2005 that the research team led by Professor Wu Zhengkai worked hard for four years and solved the production problem.  Process issues.

    In addition, the huge amount of electricity consumed when enriching uranium has also become a serious burden for the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Although in 1942, a large-scale power generation and transmission equipment was specially built in Linkou using a batch of power generation and transmission equipment imported from the United States.  Thermal power stations are still in short supply.

    Even in order to meet the huge power consumption of uranium enrichment, the Anti-Japanese War transferred several German-made thermal generators from the thermal power station built by Sun Wu and the Japanese army to the purification plant, and at the same time allocated half of the newly expanded power generation capacity of the Mudanjiang Power Plant  It was just enough to transfer it.

    And the entire development process, starting from 19It was fully launched in early 2002, but due to a series of technically insurmountable reasons and the insufficiency of capital investment to meet the needs, it was not until 2007, five years later, that the final basic design was completed and refined enough to manufacture the first batch.  The experimental study used nuclear fuel for five nuclear warheads, including two uranium bombs and three more advanced plutonium bombs.

    However, due to the lack of a suitable test site, live explosion experiments could not be carried out. It was not until the complete liberation of Xinjiang at the end of 1948 that China built its first nuclear test base in the wasteland of Lop Nur. By 1949  On September 23, China actually exploded its first atomic bomb, and four years later it exploded its first hydrogen bomb, completing its first thermonuclear experiment.

    Compared with the slow progress of the atomic bomb, the development of missiles was much faster. In 1944, before the end of the war, the first rocket engine of the Anti-Japanese Alliance completed its test run, and the first one was used the following year.  Short-range ballistic missiles with liquid fuel and a range of 900 kilometers were successfully tested and deployed in actual combat in 47 years.
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