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Text Chapter 332 Conversation is never allowed

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    Regarding Mr. Wu Youxun's shocking comment, Yang Zhenshen nodded in agreement and said: "Mr. Wu is really sharp-sighted. He can see our weaknesses at a glance. We are seriously lacking in scientific and technological support and development capabilities. It is a huge problem."  You are right that it has restricted our own development. This is the main reason why we have worked hard and even paid a lot of money to invite you gentlemen to the Northeast. "

    "As for the treatment given to you gentlemen, please don't worry. You can conquer the world immediately, but you cannot rule the world immediately. No matter what the nature of the regime is, no matter what the environment is, science and technology are needed. Modern Chinese soldiers  Although there are not many who can fight, there are a lot of them, but experts and professors like you are like Mao Linfengjiao."

    "Your knowledge and your knowledge will always be the most precious wealth of the Chinese nation. This is not only related to China's present, but also related to China's future destiny. Compared with the rest of us, you are the most precious  Yes, for you, no matter how high the salary is, it is what you deserve.¡±

    "So gentlemen, don't have any uneasy emotions. Once you have come, take it easy, because I believe that knowledge is always a wealth that no matter how much money can buy it back. A nation that does not value knowledge is a poor nation.  A sad nation, a country that does not value intellectuals will only be a backward and ignorant country.¡±

    "All of you gentlemen gave up generous treatment abroad and returned to China. Foreign universities and research institutes can give you such high treatment. As the most precious members of the Chinese nation, you returned to your own country to serve, and came to the Northeast to help  When we build, we should take more care of it.¡±

    "Is it possible that we don't care about the treatment that talents deserve compared to those Western countries whose scientific and technological strength and scientific and technological talents are far ahead of ours? We not only have to give what Western developed countries can give, but we also have to do it better and give more  More, giving the greatest care possible.¡±

    "Provide generous living conditions and scientific research conditions so that you gentlemen can do research with peace of mind. This is what we should do and what we must do. We can't let the horses run without giving them grass.  Even if we are hungry, we must not leave you gentlemen without enough to eat. You not only need to be full, but you are also qualified to eat well. "

    "Besides, all of you gentlemen are engaged in mental work, and you need to ensure adequate nutrition so that you can have more energy to devote to research. Let's just say a joke, so that you can have more energy and stop worrying about some things in life.  Only by worrying about trivial matters can we squeeze out more labor force from you gentlemen. If we let you gentlemen go hungry to do research, then we would be a bit dishonest. "

    "As for our food standards, there are strict regulations. Even we ourselves must strictly abide by them. If we are not strict in self-discipline, how can we convince the public? Besides, we are all soldiers, and we are very strong and poorly fed.  It doesn¡¯t matter at all.¡±

    "And some benefits are not just for you gentlemen, such as a cup of milk and an egg every day. This is the treatment we give to all children of a certain age in the entire base area. Although we are currently implementing a rationing system,  Some special groups still need to be taken care of.¡±

    "For example, workers in arsenals, teachers in schools, sick and wounded in hospitals, as well as cadres and soldiers in front-line combat units, all have certain care in terms of meat rationing. Our current conditions are indeed very difficult.  But certain care must be given to those who should be taken care of, so according to our rationing standards, the treatment you gentlemen enjoy is normal. "

    Hearing Yang Zhen's answer, Mr. Wu Youxun was slightly startled, but he shook his head disapprovingly: "This is not something that should or should not be done, but it is a national crisis. When the people across the country do not have enough to eat,  But we enjoy such superior treatment, which is not suitable for us.¡±

    "Besides, you people who are senior commanders all have such simple meals, but we people enjoy such high treatment. It always feels bad. You say that we are mental workers, and you people are on the battlefield all day long.  People who march and set up battle formations are also mental workers.¡±

    "We can be our lecturers and do our research in the rear with peace of mind, but it is much safer than you on the front line. Your personnel are accompanying us to visit and catch up with the meal. They look at your accompanying personnel, including you.  The senior director of the Political Department only had a big pancake made of cornmeal and a pot of stewed radishes. He was so simple that he didn¡¯t even have a piece of tofu, and he was wearing a military uniform with a few patches on the cuffs.¡±

    "And we were eating chicken, duck and fish there with peace of mind, especially when we saw that he was so busy. Every time he came to accompany us, he brought a lot of documents with him."We really couldn't bear the fact that they had to find time to review, and people came to them from time to time to ask for instructions on work, but the food was so simple.  "

    "Look at yourself again, how thin you are now. When you were in Peking, it was difficult for you as an exiled student who entered the country alone without any financial resources, but you were not as thin as you are now.  How can it be said that we people enjoy such high treatment?¡±

    "Through these days of visits and inspections, I also know that you have not only implemented compulsory education in your own jurisdiction, but also improved and guaranteed the living conditions and treatment of students as much as possible, but provided us with  The treatment is somewhat special.¡±

    "But let's put aside the issue of salary. I just don't understand one thing. To build a modern industrial base and design the weapons and equipment urgently needed for the Anti-Japanese War, you should need more experts and professors in engineering and applied chemistry.  , which is what you need too.¡±

    "For example, Professor Wang Zunming of Zhejiang University who is engaged in metallurgical research, Professor Wu Ziliang and Professor Wei Shoukun of Northwest Associated University, Professor Liu Xianzhou and Professor Zhu Wuhua of Southwest Associated University who are engaged in mechanical research, Professors Pan Chengcheng and He Naimin of Northwest Associated University, as well as those engaged in aviation  Professional talents such as Professor Lin Tonghua who studied.¡±

    "There are also professors and experts who are engaged in basic materials, and even electronics and electromechanical majors. This is what you need most right now. Of course, some of the professors you need are still on the road, and some are still behind the scenes.  Some of them are working in the National Government, and some are even in jail under the National Government because they want to come to Northeast China.¡±

    "But compared to us, they need you more now. But if you find a way to get those of us who are engaged in basic physics from the rear to the Northeast, you shouldn't just hire a few lecturers for your Polytechnic University.  It¡¯s as simple as the professor. After arriving in the Northeast, I discovered that you have great hands and eyes, and you have brought nearly half of the most famous physicists in the country. "

    "You have to know that we people can neither design aircraft nor know how to make steel, let alone make tanks and cannons. We can't even design a rifle. Even though we visit your military factories these days and  We are very excited about the various factories that are being built.¡±

    "But these are vastly different from the majors we studied. Science is a rigorous thing. As the saying goes, there are mountains between fields. It is difficult for those of us who are engaged in basic physics to engage in other fields. This  This is exactly what we don¡¯t understand the most. You don¡¯t want to give each of us a rifle, so that we guys who can¡¯t carry a load or carry a basket in our hands can charge into the battle for you.¡±

    Regarding Mr. Wu Youxun's half-joking, half-puzzling words, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Wu, and a few other gentlemen. We have worked hard to invite these gentlemen. Of course, we want to do something for us."  The newly established Polytechnic University has hired some famous teachers, but in the final analysis, it still has some long-term plans and needs your help. "

    "But before I talk about these plans, I have a request that I would like to mention to you gentlemen. These plans are related to whether China's future national defense can be at the forefront of the world and whether it can be at the forefront of science and technology. So although some work  It has been launched, but it has been kept strictly confidential."

    "Even in the Central Committee of our party, only a few people including the Chairman, Vice Chairman Zhou and the Commander-in-Chief know about it. In the entire Anti-Japanese Alliance, only Political Commissar Li and I, as well as Chief of Staff Guo, and Xiong Dazhen, the current  The executor knows that it¡¯s not that I, Yang Zhenxin, can¡¯t trust you gentlemen, it¡¯s because these things must not be leaked at all.¡±

    "If you gentlemen want to hear our plans and ideas, then you must consider it carefully. After listening to these things, you can only stay and work in the Northeast in the future. Even after all these plans are completed, you cannot leave the Northeast.  Unless necessary, we will never let you gentlemen leave Northeast China.¡±

    "Because these things are related to the entire Chinese nation. Can it stop suffering the current suffering in the next few decades? Can all countries that have ambitions for our Chinese nation completely extinguish their ambitions? Can they  We guarantee that the iron hooves of the invaders will never set foot on the land of China again, and the implementation of these plans cannot be separated from your talents and learning, so gentlemen, we cannot take any risks. "

    "I hope you gentlemen will think carefully before listening. Although I hope all gentlemen can stay in the Northeast and work with us to drive out the invaders who have ravaged our land, but just like Ye  As Mr. Wang said before, you still have students and your own business in Guan Nei. "

    ¡°You gentlemen are all majoring in physics, so you should thinkSeeing that these plans are closely related to the physics major, we hope that you gentlemen can consider it carefully. If you stay, I will tell you about our top-secret plans, because you will be the specific executors and technology leaders of these plans.  "

    "Of course some gentlemen are not here at the moment, and some gentlemen still need careful consideration, but we hope that all gentlemen can stay and help us shoulder this burden, and help us do our best for other gentlemen who are not here today.  Some retention efforts.¡±

    "But if you have any doubts, I will never force you. We will immediately send a car to take you gentlemen back to your residence. If you gentlemen don't want to stay in the Northeast, we can also send you gentlemen to leave safely. I guarantee my personality here that I will never  There will be no slight embarrassment for you gentlemen.¡±

    "No matter whether we gain political power in the future or not, we will not find fault with you gentlemen. I, Yang Zhen, hereby promise you that as long as I am alive, I will never allow anyone to harm you gentlemen, not only us.  Not even our own comrades."
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