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Text Chapter 315 Major General Onishi who beat him up

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    Having said this, Onishi Takijiro looked at the angry Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshitoshi in front of him, with a slight upward smile at the corner of his mouth: "Lieutenant General Tokugawa, it is true that the cooperation is half an hour late this time. I did it intentionally, because I want to  Only by taking advantage of the time when they are least prepared can we achieve greater results.¡±

    "Although the enemy's American-made fighter jets are not as good as our Zero Fighter in terms of performance, they have a solid body, great endurance, and much more powerful firepower. Moreover, they have fought against Zero Fighter before, so they are not ignorant of Zero Fighter's performance.  If you know it, you will at least have some understanding and precautions.¡±

    "Lieutenant General Tokugawa, don't think of your opponents as a bunch of idiots who are nothing. Their tactical literacy is much higher than we imagined, and their ability to adapt to new situations is also quite fast, especially  After the emergence of our new fighter jets, our tactics are improving much faster than we realize.¡±

    "If we don't take advantage of their victory and relax our defenses, even if we dispatch a large number of zero-fighters and use high-altitude raid tactics, it will be difficult to kill them all or cause them the losses we expected. What I want is not that they have  A certain loss, but a complete loss of resistance.¡±

    "It is true that I have not dispatched all zero battles, because I want to make the final decision in tomorrow's air battle. I want to be 100% sure that I can completely defeat their resistance in the air in one fell swoop. Lieutenant General Tokugawa, you can't hope  The Kwantung Army's bomber force will suffer the same price as your fighter jets today in the planned full-scale air raid the day after tomorrow."

    "Also, Lieutenant General Tokugawa, I can tell you clearly today that all the navy's zero battles cannot be restricted to Manchuria. Today I only dispatched thirty-six. This is not because I personally have the idea of ??conserving strength, but because I am now  There are only 126 Zero Fighters in hand.

    "In today's battle, I can dispatch thirty-six aircraft, which is a great honor to the Army Air Force. For the sake of tomorrow's battle, I cannot expose all our strength at once today, and there are only one hundred and twenty-six  I still insisted on staying with the United Fleet."

    "As for the remaining aircraft, they returned to the aircraft carrier from Pyongyang yesterday. The order I received is that all operations in Manchuria must be completed by next Wednesday, and then the entire army will immediately return to the homeland to begin some aspects of adaptability.  train."

    "Vice Admiral Tokugawa, the Navy currently only has a total of 300 Zero fighter jets. In addition to the 160 that have been ordered and are being produced as soon as possible, even by the middle of next month, that is, mid-September, there will only be more than 400.  "As the lieutenant general of the army, Lieutenant General Tokugawa should know the empire's current production capacity and supplementary capabilities."

    "Even though several major aircraft companies have started production at full capacity, the Navy currently has insufficient numbers of Zero Fighters to equip the Imperial Navy's aviation fleet. Many troops are still using old-fashioned 96 fighter jets for training and operations, and even  There are also several aircraft carriers that are about to start operations southward, and they are also equipped with old Type 96 fighter jets.¡±

    "While still being responsible for the further expansion of the empire's territory and the fulfillment of His Majesty the Emperor's grand vision, the navy must consider combat plans based on its own strength, rather than using the blood and blood of naval officers here.  With limited strength, he works part-time for the army.¡±

    "As the founder of the Imperial Army Air Force, Lieutenant General Tokugawa should be aware of the number of combat aircraft needed when the Empire moves south, facing the American, British, and Dutch aviation forces in the Southeast Asia, as well as the naval carrier aviation forces that may be reinforced at any time.  It is definitely not the number needed to deal with the weak China Air Force."

    "The Americans, the Dutch, and the British have now begun to impose a comprehensive oil embargo on the empire. If Lieutenant General Tokugawa and the Kanto Army do not want their tanks, tanks, and aircraft to be unable to deploy due to lack of fuel, I will  It would be better to blame the navy less."

    "Because it is necessary to find new oil resources for the empire, it is difficult to move without the navy. Lieutenant General Tokugawa will never think that your army can occupy the Dutch East Indies, which is rich in oil, just by swimming. Since Lieutenant General Tokugawa is also an aviation expert  , then we should be even more aware of the importance of aviation to naval operations.¡±

    Having said this, Major General Onishi Takijiro glanced at Lieutenant General Totoshi Tokugawa with some contempt and said: "Lieutenant General Tokugawa, I don't know whether to say something else, the training of your Army Air Force is really too bad."  Worse, when we fought against the China Air Force, we suffered heavy losses. The battle damage rate was much higher than that of the navy that participated in the war at the same time, and they were even beaten on the ground. "

    "And now we are facing an enemy army that has just fledged and has not even grown up. Not only have they been defeated repeatedly, but they are also unable to hold on for even half an hour due to their numerical superiority. In terms of strength,  Even though they had an absolute advantage, they were severely damaged in the battle.?.  "

    "If we calculate it earlier, the Kwantung Army has lost many aircraft since the anti-Manchu armed forces came out of the mountains and forests the year before last year until today. The Kwantung Army lost hundreds of aircraft in one battle last year, and  How many aircraft has the Kwantung Army lost since the spring this year?¡±

    "If my calculations are correct, I am afraid that more than half of the various aircraft produced by the Army Air Force in recent years have been abandoned by you in the desolate mountains of Manchuria. Faced with this continued unfavorable situation, you will not learn from your own  Looking for the reason, it¡¯s not our navy that blames it.¡±

    "General Tokugawa, there is a saying in China. I think you and your subordinates should learn it carefully. You must seek life and death from the fundamentals. Do not argue your innocence to the side. Lieutenant General, I think the fundamental reason for the failure of this battle was  The reason still needs to be found from your army.¡±

    Onishi Takijiro pushed his own responsibilities one step at a time, and even blamed him for it at the end. He almost fainted the Japanese Army Aviation Lieutenant General who was famous for his recuperation. As the heir to the most important branch of the Tokugawa Shogunate,  It can be considered that I have seen countless strong winds and waves.

    Although he was born in a Chinese family, due to his father's investment failure, not only was he deprived of his title as an earl, but he was even sent to prison. He lived a very poor life in his youth. He had also seen the harsh conditions of the world, but he had seen shameless people.  I have never seen such a shameless person.

    Major General Onishi Takijiro destroyed one-third of the fighter units of the Kwantung Army Aviation Regiment in one afternoon, but he is still blaming the Army. He still wants to be shameless, and he still doesn¡¯t know what shame is. Is it possible to pass the responsibility to others?  Is it the usual style of their navy?

    At this time, Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshitoshi, who was extremely angry, pointed at Major General Onishi Takijiro and his hands were shaking, but he couldn't even say a word. He looked at the angry Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshitoshi, who was showing signs of cerebral hemorrhage.  General, even the usual boldness of Major General Onishi Takijiro was also shocked.

    Although Major General Onishi Takijiro has always looked down upon this lieutenant general who is known as the father of the Japanese Army Aviation. In Onishi Takijiro's view, this guy can reach the point where he is today, and he is still called the father of the Army Aviation. Purely.  It's because of his origins that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

    Otherwise, among the few officers who were sent to Europe to learn flying, why should he be called the father of Army Aviation, while the others are unknown. Captain Hino Kuma Warehouse, who flew into the sky with him at the same time in Japan, only  Why could he retire sadly with the rank of Major? It was not because of the distinguished family background of the Tokugawa family and the emperor's special care for the Chinese.

    I just don't like him, I don't like him, I don't believe him, but he is a lieutenant general, and he still has the title of baron. If he is really angry or sick, the army's attitude is that it doesn't matter, but  The so-called flower clan's power behind this guy is something he can't offend.

    Those Chinese people who carry counts, marquises, and barons control the entire upper class of Japan, and the members of the House of Nobles are all Chinese. If these people put themselves in trouble and find fault with themselves, they are  The Navy Chief of Staff, the de facto supreme commander of the Navy, could not protect himself either.

    These people's so-called unity of honor and disgrace, and unity of voice, have a great influence on the emperor and the entire army and navy senior officials. Once they attack them in groups, they will not be far away from being transferred to the reserve force. If they still want to be in the navy  If you keep hanging around, these people must not be offended.

    Thinking of this, Major General Onishi Takijiro quickly changed his tone and said: "Lieutenant General Tokugawa, I don't think we can have any disputes now. The current situation should be that you and I, the army and the navy, must abandon all the unpleasantness before and as soon as possible  Working together, the naval aviation cannot stay in Manchuria for a long time, so what we have to consider now is tomorrow's combat plan."

    As a person like Onishi Takijiro, it is extremely rare to be able to say such soft words. However, although the words are beautiful, it is absolutely impossible for him to apologize for his words. In his opinion, he  Taking the initiative to change the topic is already enough of a concession.

    The adjutant behind him beat his back again and stroked his chest to comfort him for a long time before he regained his breath. Knowing that if he continued to argue with this guy, he could only let Tokugawa Yoshitoshi, who was getting more angry, hear what he said.  Then he rolled his eyes and said angrily: "If the navy still adopts this tactics in tomorrow's battle, then I'm sorry, the Kwantung Army Aviation Corps will not participate."

    "Your navy must prepare for the next battle, and the army aviation must also prepare for the next battle. No matter what the empire's next strategy is, it cannot be undertaken by any one service alone. Major General Onishi, I hope you can think it over clearly.  , whether it is the navy or the army, they are the two arms of the empire, and no one is missing.It works.  "

    "It is not your navy alone that can complete the entire empire's next strategy. If the losses of the Imperial Army Air Force are too heavy this time, I think as the commander-in-chief of this battle, you, Major General Onishi Takijiro, may not be able to explain it to the base camp.  Well, don¡¯t forget, you are now the commander-in-chief of the entire plan.¡±

    "One more thing, the Navy will mobilize half of the combat aircraft that have been scheduled to participate in this operation in advance. Why don't you inform the Kwantung Army beforehand? This operation is a unified operation of the army and navy. Why didn't your navy mobilize its forces separately?  army."

    "This joint operation of the army and navy aviation is directly coordinated by the base camp. It requires close cooperation between the army and the navy to achieve our goals. Now the navy has transferred half of its troops without saying a word. What do you think of the base camp?  What is a command?¡±

    "Could it be that as the base camp of the Supreme Command during wartime, it is not as authoritative as the Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet and the Chief of Operations of the Military Command Department of your navy? More than a hundred zero-fighters all withdrew without even saying hello. Your navy will make the base camp  As for what it is, where is the order from the base camp?"
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