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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 296 One-sided tank battle

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    As for the Soviet-made tanks currently used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, although the thickness of the armor has been increased and the defensive capabilities have been greatly enhanced, their mobility has not fundamentally declined and is no worse than the Japanese tanks. Therefore, after discovering the Japanese army's intentions,  His opponent did not advance but retreated. He moved forward with the muzzle of his gun, while reversing slowly and slowly. On the basis of always facing the enemy head-on, he kept the distance between the two armies at about 500 meters.

    While adopting the tactics of short-stop fire and precise shooting, they continued to fire at the Japanese tanks that rushed up and tried to engage in hand-to-hand combat with them. At the same time, they continued to adopt large-scale maneuvers to maintain a 500-meter-long charging formation with the Japanese army.  The left and right distances were divided at the same time, and a part of the troops were detached to detour towards the Japanese left wing. As for the artillery shells fired by the Japanese army, they did not care at all about the shells five hundred meters away.

    The Japanese tanks could not find the command vehicle of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, but their own command system had problems at this critical moment. As a vehicle-mounted communication system originally used by infantry, the Type 4C vehicle-mounted radio of Type 94 was not  Specifically designed for tank combat.

    This ultra-ultra-shortwave radio station, which was temporarily diverted to increase the combat effectiveness of the Type 97 tank and is not suitable for tank combat, has appeared one after another to varying degrees under the influence of the rapid movement of tanks and the shock waves generated in the turret when artillery fires.  damaged.

    The rather fragile vacuum tubes used in the manufacture of radio stations could not withstand the huge impact, and problems of one kind or another occurred one after another. Almost all radio stations either had unclear signals, intermittent signals, or no signals at all.  Poor ears and unclear eyes seriously affected the use and execution of the Japanese army's overall tactics.

    Naturally, these problems are not serious problems in peacetime. As long as they undergo minor maintenance and replacement of parts, they can continue to be used. However, in wartime, who gives you the time to repair them? Problems in the Japanese army's own communication system will affect its entire combat command.  , which caused considerable inconvenience.

    Under the tactics adopted by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the Japanese army's own attack formations first appeared to be out of touch and the formations were chaotic. There were even a large number of tanks that were inexplicably separated from other tanks because of the disconnected command and failed to receive the tasks assigned by their superiors.  Attacking the formation, the bicycle rushed towards the resistance formation.

    This kind of independent attack without alternating cover seems to be a suicide attack. Although the courage is quite commendable, it is just courage. It cannot cause any confusion to their opponents. On the contrary, because of the loss of cover, they themselves become  The solitary living targets were destroyed one after another without reaching very far, which actually increased the Japanese army's battle losses.

    Faced with another situation that should not occur in theory on the vehicle-mounted radio, causing most of the communication to be interrupted, and subsequently causing confusion in the command, Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi had no choice but to take the risk and let the flagman open the turret cover.  Lean out and use semaphores to direct the battle.

    However, in response to this command tactic of the Japanese army, the anti-alliance troops seemed to have been prepared for a long time. As soon as his flagman appeared, the tank was equipped with a 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine gun that had been prepared for a long time.  Almost every one of the flag bearers of the three tank regiments died.

    The radio station was blocked and one of the flag carriers was knocked out. This caused communication problems, which brought considerable confusion to the Japanese command. In addition, the Anti-Japanese Alliance adopted a policy of never engaging in close combat with you. Instead, they came.  A tactic of you advancing and me retreating, you retreating and me advancing, just grinding against you little by little five hundred meters away.

    Use the armor on your body to minimize the lethality of the Japanese tank guns. At the same time, use the power of your own tank guns and the shooting skills within 500 meters that you have painstakingly trained to give Ikoma Hayashi's Third Tank Regiment  Bleeding continued.

    On the flanks of the entire battlefield, the anti-alliance tank troops adopted mobile tactics to fight against the Japanese troops. On the frontal battlefield, it was a different story. The anti-alliance tanks, which had also been modified, rushed in at high speed without any scruples.  In the Japanese tank group, they went on a killing spree against the blocking group composed of the Japanese light Type 95 tank, two Type 95 medium tanks, and eight Type 94 armored vehicles.

    Two Type 95 tanks were first destroyed by 45mm tank guns within a distance of 500 meters, and then more than 20 Type 95 light tanks were shot down within 300 meters, as if they were being targeted.  One after another was destroyed one after another. As for the eight Type 94 armored vehicles that were only equipped with 7.7 mm machine guns, they didn't even look at them. Instead, they focused their main attention on the tanks equipped with artillery.  .

    The tanks dispatched by the Anti-Japanese Alliance this time are far from comparable in terms of firepower and protection to the Type 95 tank with a maximum armor thickness of only 12 mm. The 37 mm tank gun it uses, although it is 300 meters away,  The internal armor-piercing capability is at the level of 45 mm thick armor.

    But for those who have been modified for a long time, their protective power has long been lost.??For the Anti-Union tanks that are the same as Japan, their 37mm artillery is almost like scratching an itch even if it is fired with armor-piercing bullets. It cannot penetrate the Anti-Union tanks at all, not to mention that in terms of number, the Japanese army is on the front.  The number of tanks is still at a certain disadvantage.

    With the battlefield situation almost one-sided, the frontal battlefield of the Japanese Third Tank Regiment collapsed first. Within half an hour of fierce fighting, nearly thirty tanks and armored vehicles deployed by Ikoma Hayashi on the front were all destroyed.  Survived, and their results were pitiful zero.

    As for the anti-alliance tank troops that rushed out from the front of Twelve Tu, the single most serious loss was that during the melee, a 45mm artillery shell was hit by our own troops and one of them was seriously injured. Even this tank was hit by our own troops.  The tank that was accidentally damaged was also a T-26B tank that had not yet been modified and was obtained from the Soviet tank warehouse in Outer Mongolia.

    As for the infantry squadron that was withdrawn by Ikoma Hayashi, it was not equipped with any anti-tank weapons in the previous war, not even a Molotov cocktail. The tanks of the Anti-League were rampaging and crushing back and forth, coupled with the sweep of vehicle-mounted machine guns.  It didn't have any effect.

    Several Japanese soldiers were bundled with grenades and explosives and wanted to die with the tanks that were rolling over. However, they were choked by the infantry machine gun fire that followed. Only two tanks were beaten by crazy Japanese soldiers.  The grenade broke the track, causing some minor damage, but far from irreparable.

    After half an hour of fierce fighting, the tanks deployed by Ikoma Lin in the center line were completely destroyed. Most of the crew members and their commanders were almost all killed. On the flank battlefield under his personal command, the situation was not optimistic.  Under the Allied's millstone tactics, the Japanese tanks are fighting less and less, and the results so far are still embarrassingly zero.

    There is no way. If you want to engage in close combat with a car, he will not fight you at all. However, at a distance of 500 meters, his two tank guns cannot bring even any damage to the opponent, but he  One shot comes over and a hit is enough to kill you.

    Even if the armor of the Type 97 tank has a maximum thickness of 25 mm and the turret armor is specially designed with a certain slope, it cannot withstand the firing of the 45 mm tank gun at a distance of 500 meters. In this case  It's strange that Lieutenant Commander Ikoma Hayashi and his men were able to take advantage.

    Seeing the increasingly unfavorable battle situation, Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi, who had been so complacent before, almost bit off his tongue with hatred. He hated what he had done earlier. If he had obeyed Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara,  According to the order, even a dozen tanks were dispatched in the previous counterattack against Linxi Airport to feel out the opponent's base.

    At least find out the true performance of the enemy tanks, especially the protective performance, instead of just listening to the reports of the observers you sent in the infantry regiment, being indifferent to the changes in the appearance of the anti-alliance tanks, and using the equipment from the Battle of Nomonhan  Looking at the problem from an old perspective, this battle will not be fought so passively.

    It's just that for Ikoma Lin Zhongzuo, it's already too late to regret it. For a strange opponent, it's not surprising that he still looks at it in an old way. If he loses, it's a bit strange to win. At this moment, there is no way out for him.  Commander Komabayashi, even if he no longer wanted the entire army to be wiped out on the front line of Twelve Tu, he had no way out at this time.

    Not only did the anti-alliance tank troops in front of him, after annihilating his intercepting forces, rush behind him to form a real pincer offensive with the opponents in front of him, but the strength at hand has been drastically reduced to insufficient.  Ten vehicles have no advantage in firepower, protection, or speed, and the current number is even more disadvantageous. Even if they want to break through, there is no way out.

    For him now, fighting to the end, that is, dying on the battlefield is the only option, and he knows better that he has lost all the Kwantung Army's only tank regiment in Western Manchuria in this battle, let alone the previous  The Kwantung Army would not forgive him for his repeated disobedience. Rather than being forced to commit seppuku and apologize, it would be better to die on the battlefield.

    Ikoma Lin launched the final attack. Over there, on a jeep on the Twelve Resistance Alliance defenders' position, a man was standing on the car, holding a telescope to carefully observe the battle situation, and talking to the two people around him from time to time.  They were talking about something, but on the side, Qi Zhibiao, the top commander of the garrison with Twelve Thousand Fronts, was sweating profusely. He was constantly observing the surrounding situation nervously. He opened his mouth several times, but in the end he still didn't have the courage to speak out.  .

    As for what could make Qi Zhibiao so nervous, except for Yang Zhen who personally led the reinforcements to the front line of Twelve Tu, no one could do it. When he was leading his men and the remnants of two Japanese squadrons, they fought in a melee at Twelve Tu, and even  He also held a pistol and personally killed two Qi Zhibiao who rushed into the defense line. He was not surprised when he saw the appearance of the tank, but when he saw the appearance of the tank troops,Yang Zhen was shocked.

    At this time, the remnants of the Japanese troops on the Twelve Tu front lines have not been completely eliminated, and the Japanese artillery fire deployed deep in the rear does not know when it will fall again. Yang Zhen, the number one, appears in his defense area at this time, and does not allow  It was strange that he felt nervous.

    Not only the Japanese artillery fire that we don't know when will cover it again, but also the Japanese stragglers in front of the current position may bring fatal danger to No. 1's safety, but he doesn't dare to go over and persuade No. 1 to leave, in order to get there as soon as possible.  To eliminate the remnants of the Japanese army that are still persisting, we can only change the original principle of not leaving the position of life and death.

    Commanding the remaining defenders on the front line of Twelve Tu to launch a full-scale counterattack, hoping to wipe out all the defeated soldiers in front of them in the shortest possible time to ensure the absolute safety of No. 1 who is on the front line, he is only commanding the remaining troops.  Launching a counterattack, he kept stealing glances at Yang Zhen's Qi Zhibiao. There was a big question mark in his mind: "When did Lin Xi come on the 1st? How come no one in the entire army knew about it."
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