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Text Chapter 286 Ikoma LinĄŻs Ambition

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    As one of the few surviving officers of the original 3rd Tank Regiment in the Battle of Nomenhan, Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi has a profound memory of that battle. The tanks dispatched by the Japanese army in that battle were amidst the overwhelming Soviet artillery fire.  The losses were heavy, less than half of the hundreds of tanks dispatched finally returned to the camp, and the two tank regiment captains who participated in the battle were both killed in the battle.

    But although he was deeply impressed, for Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi, he did not think that it was his failure. In that battle, the Kwantung Army's tank troops lost in quantity and even more in artillery support.  As for the Soviet light tanks, he has not yet paid attention to them.

    If Lieutenant General Komatsubara and Captain Angan used the tactics correctly at that time, and if the Kwantung Army had more tanks, all the tanks would be used together, and the weak points of the Soviet army would be selected to give full play to the strengths of the Japanese army's night battles instead of temporary  If it is assigned to various regiments and divided for use, the battle will definitely not end in the same way.

    In his opinion, although the Type 97 tanks have fallen behind, the Kwantung Army's latest Type 97 tanks and even the Type 95 light tanks are not backward compared to the Soviet tanks. The Kwantung Army is losing in numbers and tactics.  , not because of defeat in other aspects, but also through post-war interrogation of Soviet prisoners of war, he believed that the quality of the Kwantung Army's tank troops was far superior to that of the Soviet army.

    In his opinion, the most important thing about the Kwantung Army in that battle was not the loss in combat effectiveness, but ultimately the loss in the gap in national strength. Therefore, he was not convinced about that battle, and after the war, the infantry's attitude towards the tank soldiers was useless.  The insult was even more difficult for him to accept. In his opinion, if he had roughly the same number of tanks as the Soviet army, the outcome of that battle would never be the same.

    For Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi, who wanted to fight an upright decisive battle with his opponent to restore the reputation of the tank unit in the Kwantung Army, after learning that his opponent was equipped with a large number of tanks, he immediately  I want to have a samurai battle with them.

    However, Kanji Nishihara, who did not understand at all how to use tank tactics under modern warfare conditions. In his mind, the use of tanks was still stuck in the Japanese army's usual thinking. Regarding the concentrated third battle he had proposed many times,  The suggestion that the vehicle regiment engage in a tank battle with the enemy, completely defeating the enemy's armor, and weaken the enemy's attack power as much as possible, was simply rejected.

    Instead, they insisted on following the traditional tactics of the Japanese army, dividing the third tank regiment and assigning it to various infantry regiments to participate in the battle. For Nishihara Kanji, in his opinion, even distribution and waste of troops would risk repeating the Norman tragedy.  Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi firmly disagreed with the dangerous tactics of the battle.

    He was arrogant and wanted to be humiliated in the Snowman War. Especially after observing the performance of the German armored troops on the Soviet-German battlefield, his eyes turned red from stimulation and he wanted to fight a tank battle with the enemy.  Ikoma Hayashi would agree with Nishihara Kanji's approach.

    In his opinion, if Nishihara Kanji's conservative tactics were followed, his Third Tank Regiment would probably be exhausted on the battlefield in a short time, and would not be able to play the role that a tank unit should have.  , as for the losses in the battle of Linxi Airport, it was just an excuse for him to oppose Nishihara Kanji's approach.

    Even when facing all the anti-tank firepower combined, except for a small number of anti-tank artillery, the only weapons were Chinese soldiers covered with grenades, the number of tanks lost by the Japanese army in every battle on the Guanhai battlefield was  The losses were much higher than during the peripheral battle at Linxi Airport.

    The loss of several tanks was not in the eyes of Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi, but in his opinion, if Lieutenant General Kanji Nishihara followed the method of dividing a tank regiment and assigning it to each regiment,  That is to ruin the third tank regiment, especially when the opponent has been equipped with large-caliber anti-tank guns and a wide variety and quantity of small and medium-caliber anti-tank guns.

    The 23rd Division's own two tank squadrons were all lost in the battle for Linxi Airport. This was due to Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji's incorrect use of tanks. These tanks were formed into a formation of four tanks.  , all losses were in the constant counterattacks against the enemy.

    In his view, Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi, even with a large amount of artillery support, this kind of attack is still no different from suicide. If he still follows Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji's previous tactics, his third tank regiment is very likely to  They will be defeated by their opponents one by one in the constant battle.

    The experience of the Battle of Nomonhan made Ikoma Hayashi always believe that attacking positions equipped with a large number of anti-tank guns, especially large-caliber anti-tank guns, would be courting death. Therefore, after his opinion was rejected, he expressed his concern for Kanji Nishihara.  The orders were basically passive resistance.

    He tried different ways to preserve his strength, not because he was afraid of death, but because of the idea that he had never given up in his heart, that is, with Lin Xi's sudden deathWang Guangyu's armored force maintained its strength and stockpiled supplies in a tank battle like the one the Germans fought on the European battlefield.

    Although there is currently insufficient fuel and ammunition, especially the Sanqi artillery on the tank, there is a serious shortage of armor-piercing ammunition necessary for anti-tank. Most of the fuel that was replenished was blown up along the way. Except for the radio station of the 23rd Division and  Apart from the use of baggage vehicles, less than one ton was in the hands of the 3rd Tank Regiment.

    However, in Ikoma Hayashi's view, coupled with the fact that he has painstakingly saved the fuel on hand, the third tank regiment may not be without the possibility of a battle. It lacks armor-piercing bombs and grenades. As long as it is close to the tanks of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, it can fight in close combat.  Melee fighting, the use of high-explosive grenades, and the high quality of the tank crews gained through hard training, made it possible for the anti-alliance tank troops to fight despite the division of troops.

    He has always believed that as long as some of the tank clusters currently concentrated in Linxi by the Anti-Japanese Alliance are destroyed, the Anti-Japanese Alliance's offensive capabilities in Linxi will be reduced by at least half or more. Without the support of tanks, the battle situation of the 23rd Division will not be able to  Reversal, but cannot continue to worsen.

    Moreover, in Ikoma Lin's view, if the Anti-Japanese Alliance's tank troops are currently divided and the main force is still fighting in the Bahrain Right Banner, the opportunity to destroy the Anti-Japanese Alliance's tank cluster will be eliminated. The 23rd Division will seize the front line of Sunjiayingzi and defeat the opponent.  It is also difficult to defend there under the attack of a group of tanks.

    Because through observation of previous battles, Lieutenant Colonel Ikoma Hayashi believed that the Anti-Japanese Alliance's infantry-tank coordination tactics were far superior to the Soviet army. Compared with the Soviet army, which relied more on the impact of tank clusters and had extremely poor infantry coordination, the Anti-Japanese Army  The alliance's infantry-tank coordination tactics are not only closely coordinated, but also specially trained at first glance. The cooperation between infantry, artillery and tank troops has reached a tacit understanding.

    This kind of infantry tanks and infantry artillery cooperate with each other tacitly to attack difficult problems. The combat effectiveness of the army is far from comparable to that of an army that relies solely on tanks or infantry. Without destroying the anti-alliance tank cluster in Linxi, all the 23rd Division's  It is difficult to succeed in counterattack, and even if you break through the opponent's defense, it is difficult to stand.

    Therefore, it was of no use to Matsuda Iwa whether he gave orders, requested, or even begged him. When he thought it was not yet time for the entire army to press on him, he would not move. As for when the entire army would be dispatched, it was very simple.  Just wait until the anti-Union tanks appear.

    Although the defenders on the opposite side are currently only passively resisting, and their assigned tank units have not appeared on the battlefield, Lieutenant Commander Ikoma Hayashi always has a feeling that the tank showdown he has been looking forward to will definitely appear today, because with  The smell of gunpowder smoke filling other people's noses was different. He smelled a strong smell of gasoline in the air here.

    This smell is his favorite smell, and it is also the smell to which he is most sensitive. It is precisely because he smells this familiar smell in the air that he believes that the opponent's tank will definitely appear. As long as the opponent's tank is defeated,  Although the tank cluster cannot turn the tide of the battle, it can create good conditions for the next main force of the 23rd Division to fight on the front line of Sunjiayingzi, but there is no problem.

    Therefore, he must accumulate strength and wait for the kind of battle he is looking forward to, instead of exhausting his strength little by little while fighting back and forth with the defenders equipped with a large number of anti-tank weapons. As for the 23rd Division and up to  Lieutenant General Nishihara Kanji, Colonel Matsuda Iwa, down to the group captains and squadron leaders, it is up to them what they think.

    No matter how he threatened or intimidated me, or even begged me as the chief of staff of the division, he remained unmoved. In the end, he even leaned on a big rock and closed his eyes, pretending to be "I".  When Commander Ikoma Hayashi didn't hear the gesture, Colonel Matsuda Iwa was so angry that he almost chopped him alive without a single blow.

    In the end, there was nothing we could do about this guy. Matsuda Iwa, who was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, decided not to use the Third Tank Regiment to participate in any offensive. It's your business if you are willing to adopt the same tactics as before. In short, I can't manipulate you.  , I can do without you.

    Since you are unwilling to cooperate with the infantry to break through and find various excuses to shirk the tasks assigned by the division, and would rather sit back and watch the infantry fight bloody battles, then continue to cool down over there. Colonel Matsuda Iwa does not believe that he has left the 3rd Tank Regiment.  This pile of live fish cannot be made into sashimi without your piece of stinky meat, Ikoma Hayashi Nakazao.

    Matsudayan was going crazy with anger. Faced with his tactical adjustment, Qi Zhibiao, deputy commander of the third regiment of the first division, who was responsible for the first-line defense of Twelve Tu, was also under considerable pressure at this time, which only brought pressure to him.  It is not the infantry squadrons facing the Japanese army that are facing them, but the fierce artillery fire that has been almost continuous from the beginning of the counterattack to the present.

    Although there were defense fortifications built by the Japanese army at the Twelve Tu Line, those fortifications faced the west and south directions, but there were almost no fortifications to the east, because this is a rare grassland terrain in Linxi, so?The Japanese army did not build anti-slope positions. The fortifications used by the defenders now are field fortifications built by the troops working overtime after capturing the Twelfth Front.

    Let this kind of civil structure plus field fortifications composed of sandbags and trenches be able to withstand the continuous bombardment of the Japanese army from 150 heavy artillery and 75mm mountain field artillery to 92nd infantry artillery and 90mm mortars.  It is simply impossible, and the terrain of the Twelve Tussal Line is flat. Except for a small river no deeper than the upper of a shoe, there are no natural dangers to rely on.

    Less than half an hour after the Japanese army launched its attack, under the fierce Japanese artillery fire, the field fortifications on the Twelve Tutu front line were basically destroyed to embers. Facing the fierce Japanese attack, there were almost no fortifications left for the front-line defense forces to utilize.  , can only rely on the crater to support itself.

    There are no more fortifications, and the intensity of the Japanese heavy artillery behind has also dropped. The threat is not that great, but the threat from the Japanese infantry artillery, Qiwu Mountain artillery, and 90mm mortars is still there.  It was quite big. As for the Japanese tanks that were suppressing firepower from 700 meters away, Qi Zhibiao didn't care.
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