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Text Chapter 263 Don¡¯t fight too openly

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    Yang Zhen clicked on the location of Wang Guangyu on the map and said: "Old chief, Wang Guangyu's place is not a hard nut to crack for the Japanese army. The situation there, if they lose the battle, they will face more than  Chen Hanzhang is in a more dangerous situation."

    "If the Japanese army ignores threats from other directions and places the final counterattack target on Wang Guangyu, and chooses Wang Guangyu's location to carry out the key attack, it seems that it will be difficult for them to escape from the current situation, especially after losing Chen Hanzhang.  After the support of the troops, the situation faced by Wang Guangyu's troops, which is unable to stand alone, will be the most dangerous for all front-line troops of our army. "

    "Especially once the Linxi Airport is successfully counterattacked by the Japanese army or destroyed by its long-range artillery fire, the only supply line that Wang Guangyu can rely on will also be completely cut off. For Wang Guangyu's troops, although their combat area is still close to that of Chen Hanzhang,  There is a certain distance, but including Du Kaishan behind him, the relationship between the three is actually complementary. "

    "The relationship between these three battlefields is closely intertwined. Failure on any side of the three will cause turmoil in the entire battle. Especially Wang Guangyu's position on the entire battlefield is the most critical and most dangerous.  , once any of the other two paths encounter setbacks, they will be in real danger.¡±

    "The supplies consumed by a synthetic armored force in a day, not counting food, just ammunition and fuel, are an astronomical figure, especially since all of Wang Guangyu's troops are equipped with automatic firearms, and only one  The daily ammunition consumption of the regiment's infantry is equivalent to the ammunition consumption of all light weapons of the entire advancing army. Once the only supply line is cut off, the consequences will be disastrous."

    "But fortunately, Wang Guangyu and the others got a lot of gasoline and 7.62mm bullets from a Soviet warehouse in Outer Mongolia, as well as a batch of artillery equipment and ammunition, and some food. In this way, we can  Within that time, we only need to airlift some rockets, some artillery shells and mortar shells, as well as food and other supplies to them.¡±

    "As for the total number of other supplies, judging from the amount they currently have on hand, it is relatively sufficient. In addition, before setting off, they carried a larger quantity of 7.62mm short bullets used in automatic rifles, so they are currently carrying  The supplies they have on hand can last for about a week before supplies are obtained. Otherwise, our airlift volume will be at least three times greater than now."

    "Once the Japanese army strikes back with all its strength, Linxi Airport, which has maintained the lifeline of Wang Guangyu's troops so far, will inevitably be its key target. And losing the supply channel of Linxi Airport will not only cut off the supply of Wang Guangyu's troops, but also  Even if you advance here, you will be affected.¡±

    "I said Wang Guangyu's place is the most dangerous. Just as the two old leaders said, although Chen Hanzhang's retreat is weak, it is not completely different. Wang Guangyu's unit is really fighting alone, and all supplies can only be carried by himself and  In addition to a small amount of airlift supplies, Outer Mongolia is not completely impossible for the Japanese army to enter. "

    "In addition to the series of disastrous defeats of the Soviets, the backers of Outer Mongolia, on the Soviet-German battlefield, the Soviet Union was no longer able to take care of Outer Mongolia. Most of the Soviet troops originally stationed in the Transbaikal Military District and the Far East Military District, together with their equipment, have been transferred westward.  In addition to the fact that the troops remaining in the Transbaikal Military District and the Far Eastern Military District, the two main military districts fighting against Japan, currently pose no threat to the Japanese army, there is another thing that will make the Japanese army have no taboos about entering Outer Mongolia.  ¡±

    "When our army detoured to Linxi, the detour route we chose was Outer Mongolia. Although we did achieve the suddenness of the largest battle, and at the same time obtained some unexpected supplies for ourselves in Outer Mongolia through a series of means, but  It also gave the Japanese army the same excuse. If our army wants to retreat into Outer Mongolia under unfavorable circumstances, I am afraid that the Japanese army will never give up the pursuit. "

    "The Japanese are inherently rogue, and since we have already done the first grade, we have to consider the possibility that others will do the fifteenth grade. And for the Japanese army, they will not do it when needed.  Our hands are tied due to certain aspects or reasons, and we may even retreat into Outer Mongolia, which will give them a fair and just reason to extend our hands into Outer Mongolia at this time. "

    "It really depends on the owner to beat a dog, but when the owner of this dog is in a precarious situation and cannot protect himself, then whether to give the owner face is another matter. This is the case in Outer Mongolia. What kind of bullshit are we in now?  Manchukuo is also like this. If we can forcefully pass through Outer Mongolia without the permission of the Soviet Union, we must consider that the Japanese can also play this trick. "

    Hearing that Yang Zhen was detouring to Linxi this time, and that he did not communicate with anyone through Outer Mongolia, but entered by force, the two coaches were shocked. Originally, they thoughtThe borrowing of roads for the Anti-Japanese Alliance this time was already communicated with the Soviet Union, but I did not expect that they would just borrow the roads forcibly without asking.

    There are also the supplies they got from the Soviet army warehouse in Outer Mongolia. Although this guy spoke hesitantly and vaguely, with the experience of the two veterans, it would be hard to tell that what he did was actually meant to rob.  , that is to say, the things this guy got from the Soviet warehouse were stolen.

    Looking at the young man in front of them, the two veterans shook their heads in unison. They knew that the discipline of the Anti-Japanese Alliance was quite strict. Without his nod, his subordinates would not have been so bold as to risk causing a conflict with the Soviet Union.  There is a risk of conflict between the two parties to loot other people's warehouses.

    In fact, from the Russian words printed on the flour bags among the supplies that Wang Guangyu supplemented for the advancing army, as well as the troops brought by Yang Jicai, although they were well hidden, they were also seen by the two.  The two veterans had a bad feeling about the Soviet-made light and heavy machine guns.

    It's just that the two veterans hoped that the flour with Russian letters printed on the bags was just imported by Yang Zhen from the Soviet Union, or purchased from the Soviet Union while detouring through Outer Mongolia, not from the Soviet army.  It was stolen, but now it was confirmed that this batch of supplies was looted by Yang Zhen's men from the Soviet army warehouse in Outer Mongolia, which left the two veterans speechless.

    Although they had thought of this possibility before, they were still surprised when they heard it from Yang Zhen. They did not expect that Yang Zhen was so courageous. Are they really not worried at all?  Retaliation from the Soviet Union?

    As two veterans who studied in the Soviet Union, they know very well that the Soviet people are not very open-minded. It can even be said that flaws must be reported. If you bite him, he will even dig up your ancestral graves. Now  The Soviets, who are too busy to take care of themselves, cannot take care of Outer Mongolia for the time being and have no energy to retaliate. However, this does not mean that they will not retaliate in the future. A gentleman takes revenge before it is too late in ten years. Not only the Chinese but also the Soviets understand this.  , is the same.

    Poland was like this back then, and now it will never be soft on the Anti-Japanese Alliance. If you eat something from it, one day it will make you spit it out with profit. This has been learned from Su Bo for more than 20 years.  This can be seen from the relationship. Back then, the Poles took advantage of the Soviet-Polish victory in the war to secede Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, but now the Soviets backhanded them and made them spit out not only their capital, but also all the interest.

    The people of Qin had no time to mourn for themselves, and later generations mourned them. Later generations mourned without taking note of it, and also made future generations mourn again. In the eyes of the two commanders, the Soviets had already set an example in Europe.  When dealing with people, Yang Zhen should have a lesson and should be more cautious. At least some small actions in private should not be done too openly. Especially when the entire external channel is in the hands of the Soviets, Yang Zhen's actions are really practical.  Somewhat unwise.

    Especially the supplies that Yang Zhen said can last for a week's combat. It is estimated that the scale of this warehouse is not small. Such a large material storage warehouse was looted. Even if you think about it with your toes, you know that the Soviets will not give up. You robbed it.  He would never even ask for a receipt for his things.

    It¡¯s not that the two veterans are afraid of trouble, but they both believe that they should not completely fall out with the Soviets at the moment. It is not only a matter of a common belief, but also an issue of external channels. No matter what the United States gives in the future,  Without aid to itself, the Soviet Union would be the only external channel for the entire military.

    Because the current political situation in the country is extremely delicate, the Nationalist Government will never agree to the Americans providing any military assistance to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, let alone transporting these equipment through the areas controlled by the Nationalist Government, even if it is hungry for American supplies.  , the Nationalist Government would not allow U.S. aid to the Anti-Japanese Alliance to pass through the Kuomintang-controlled areas.

    For some people, it is more dangerous for Americans to give American supplies to the Anti-Japanese Alliance or the Eighteenth Army than to the Japanese. Even if US aid can be obtained in the future, the Soviet Union may be the only transit channel. If this  If they really fell out with the Soviets, it would be very detrimental to the future development of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. No matter how much materials the Americans gave, it would be of no use if they could not be shipped in.

    The food in the Soviet people's mouths is not so easy to grab, and it is not so delicious. They have to pay a price. But when Yang Zhen said this, he looked disapproving. He didn't know that Yang Zhen had already  It's hard to say anything even if the two veterans have the means to counter the Soviets.

    And it¡¯s not just this matter. In the opinion of the two veterans, Yang Zhen will use Wang Guangyu and Chen Hanzhang, who currently include 70% of his armored troops and the infantry units that are the most powerful in the Anti-Japanese War, as bait.  Luring the Japanese army into being fooled was undoubtedly a risky move.

    The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing, who can guaranteeThe earthquake plan will definitely succeed. Once this plan fails, or is succeeded by a sneak attack by the Japanese army, the losses will be really too great for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and this price is not something that cannot be resisted even if the body and bones are not fully strong yet.  Lian, I can afford it now.

    We must know that in the Guanci Civil War battlefield, whether it was the National Army or the 18th Army fighting against the Japanese army, although there was basically no equipment advantage, they at least had an advantage in terms of military strength, and it was an absolute advantage. But on the Northeast battlefield, whether it was  In terms of total military strength, or in other aspects, the Japanese have an absolute advantage.

    At present, in the several battlefields opened by the Anti-Japanese Alliance, they have a slight advantage in strength at most. Even in most battlefields, the strength of the two armies is only roughly equal. What the Anti-Japanese Alliance has is only an advantage in firepower and tactics, and maybe even more.  A certain amount of maneuverability is required.

    After all, the guy in front of him has a large number of Soviet-made and American-made trucks in his hands, which greatly enhances the army's large-scale maneuverability. Through large-scale maneuvers, it can partially make up for the shortage of troops, but this situation does not  Not absolutely.
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