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Text Chapter 257 The Political Commissar¡¯s Worries

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    Not counting the subsequent daily training of a soldier, tens of thousands of bullets are consumed just for the initial formation. If a hundred of the same people are trained, millions of bullets are needed.  If there were more people, the amount of ammunition consumed would probably be an astronomical figure.  This does not include various other grenades, artillery shells, and other various supplies required for training.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  Even the Shandong base area, which used to be the richest in North China, could not afford to support them.  The best-performing original ammunition on hand in several major base areas behind enemy lines is probably only double this number at most.

    This price is something that the 18th Army, which is almost begging for food and can barely afford military uniforms, can afford it.  If several major base areas are put together, I'm afraid they won't even be able to make ends meet.  You know, before air traffic was opened up with the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the newly formed troops of the 18th Army had always only given you a number, and at most a few cadres.  As for the strength and equipment of the troops, I'm sorry to say that you, as regimental commanders and political commissars, should figure it out on your own.

    If you are able to serve as commanders and political commissars of military divisions, as well as regiment leaders and political commissars, and are popular and popular, that is your own business.  If you don't have the ability, then just suffer from poverty.  A wolf travels a thousand miles to eat meat, and a dog travels a thousand miles to eat shit.  Whether it is a wolf or a dog depends on the ability of your own leader.

    Whether the guy you have is Chinese formal, 38-type, crooked handle, Czech style, or Hanyang-made, with an old sleeve, or even a few machine guns, it all depends on your own leadership level.  At the beginning, the main groups could still manage a little, or give them more equipment.  But as the size of the army expanded later, even the main regiment could no longer be taken care of.

    Except for a small number of self-made grenades that explode in half, most of the ammunition still has to be raised by each unit.  A small amount of ammunition is distributed, but most of it is reloaded by one's own arsenal.  The pitiful supply of ammunition required the troops to replace the shells with shells.

    ¡°It would be like celebrating the New Year if we were issued some original bullets with much better performance and much greater lethality.  Therefore, the 18th Army has always fought, and when cleaning the battlefield, prisoners are not required, but bullet casings are necessary.  Because various troops have to exchange these cartridge cases for bullets.  Even so, the amount of ammunition was not sufficient.

    It is common for five bullets to be distributed in a battle.  If twenty rounds of ammunition can be distributed, then the whole army will know that a big battle is coming.  If the twenty rounds of ammunition distributed were all original ammunition, then everyone would know that this battle would probably be a narrow escape.

    The supplementary equipment brought by the Anti-Japanese Alliance Movement is probably the first time the customs forces have issued equipment in the past two years.  Although it was second-hand equipment, it still made all the troops ecstatic.  At least there is no need to exchange lives for a rifle or a few rounds of ammunition. For the first time, each unit has reached full strength of light and heavy machine guns, and there is no need to count ammunition.

    It¡¯s just that for the advance army, it¡¯s just that they have enough to eat. It¡¯s really unrealistic to want to eat well before they have achieved results.  Moreover, the advancing army does not have such a strong family background to support such a waste.  If a soldier is trained, in Yang Zhen's words, it is still rough and requires tens of thousands of bullets, then the two veterans will not do it even if they kill him.  This is not training the troops, this is simply wasting money.

    In fact, based on the long-time battlefield experience of the two veterans, how could they not understand that the combat effectiveness of an army comes not only from the fighting will and spirit, but also from training.  How to develop a combat-effective army is actually the simplest sentence: train, train, and train again.

    But there is no way. The family background is too weak, and there are really not many things that can be used for training.  Yang Zhen trained some special forces, and the bullets consumed were enough for the Guan internal troops to fight a medium-sized battle.  Before the change of equipment, even the best-equipped regiment in the entire customs army probably did not have 10,000 rounds of ammunition in reserve.

    ??????????????? As for how we can have enough to eat now, the two old coaches would not agree to such lavish spending.  When fighting a battle, one has to count the days until the ammunition will arrive, making the two veterans unforgettable for the rest of their lives.  But now it's not that they are stingy, they are not willing to spend it even if they have money, they are really afraid of being poor.  Ten thousand rounds of ammunition for one person was something they had never dared to imagine before.

    ¡°Furthermore, with such a long training period and such strict selection criteria, it is really not suitable for the Jinjin Army at the moment.  Not to mention anything else right now, based on physical fitness alone, I'm afraid the entire army won't be able to select a hundred people.  Carrying a weight of twenty-five kilograms, fully armed and cross-country for fifteen kilometers, there are so many companies in the army that I am afraid that none of them can be selected.

    Long-term malnutrition, the physical fitness of the troops is too poor.  Especially since entering Rehe, the troops have been short of food for a long time, which has aggravated the situation.  If Yang Jicai hadn't brought a large amount of flour to relieve the urgent need, the troops would probably have been left behind more than half of them in a forced march, let alone fighting.

    ? ???Is the guy in front of me right? It would be more appropriate to wait until the main force of the advancing army is resting after the Battle of Jehol to conduct the selection.  At that time, the troops can be fully rested and their physical strength can be partially restored.  As for now, let's focus on the hot spots where the fighting is going on.

    After Yang Zhen explained the detailed process of training his special forces, the two veterans were greatly less interested in training so-called special forces.  However, Yang Zhen said that bombs could be made using sugar, gasoline, and soap. Although they had been in the army for many years, this was the first time for the two veterans to hear about this kind of thing. They were very interested.

    It is possible to use gasoline to make incendiary bombs, because the thing itself can burn violently.  But adding things like sugar and washing powder is a bomb, but the two veterans don't quite understand and don't believe it.  White sugar is a nutritional supplement, and washing powder is used to wash clothes. Can that thing be used as a bomb?  Are you kidding me?

    Looking at the distrustful looks of the two veterans, Yang Zhen just smiled and said nothing.  After finishing the meal, he asked Li Mingbak to get him a small jar, plus some gasoline, washing powder and sugar.  The things are blended in a certain proportion, poured into the jar, and then ignited with a fuse made of gasoline and cotton thread.  Accompanied by a loud bang after the fuse burned to the end, a large crater was blown where the clay pot was originally placed.

    Looking at everything in front of them, the two veterans were stunned and could only shake their heads and smile bitterly. At the same time, they both felt a chill on their backs.  If even these common gadgets in daily life can make bombs, and are no less powerful than ordinary yellow explosives, what other gadgets are safe?

    The Japanese troops were generally in towns and cities. These items were very common, and except for gasoline, they were basically not strictly controlled materials.  It is very easy to buy these things.  And Yang Zhen also said that if there is no gasoline, alcohol can be used as a substitute.  This gasoline is a controlled substance, but alcohol is not.

    "If the Japanese army also knew how to use these things to make bombs, wouldn't it be more difficult for the troops to attack fortresses in the future?  If the Japanese and puppet garrison troops run out of ammunition, they can use these things to make bombs at any time that are no less powerful than yellow explosives, and even more powerful than grenades and black powder made in the base area. This battle will be even more difficult to fight.

    ¡°As long as they understand this manufacturing method, underground organizations or guerrillas do not need to take risks to produce explosives when sabotaging important targets of the Japanese army.  As long as you use these things that can be seen everywhere in cities or towns, you can make bombs that are absolutely powerful.

    "Similarly, the Japanese army has learned these methods, and the base area may not be safe anymore.  These things are hard to find in the base area, but that doesn't mean they can't be found.  Although washing powder is a scarce item in rural areas, it is not absolutely impossible to find it.  Especially in the strongholds of the Japanese and puppet troops, this kind of thing is still easy to find.

    Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the two veterans who had experienced battles and had strong psychological qualities, Yang Zhen did not demonstrate too much.  This is the simplest thing I have ever experienced in making explosives, and it is also something that can be easily obtained under normal domestic conditions in this era.

    If it were like later generations, as long as it is a cleaning product, even if it is a man or a woman using cosmetics, explosives can be created.  Things like starch, toilet cleaning liquid, detergent, hair gel, nail polish, nail polish remover, and makeup remover for women.

    What other kitchen for disinfectant, high liquor, starch, various pesticides, the oil used by repairing shops, nitrogen fertilizer used when farmers are planted, etc., all can be made into explosives in the shortest time.  And the power is much greater than this simplified version.

    It¡¯s just that many of these things are hard to find now.  For example, nitrogen fertilizer, the most commonly used chemical fertilizer in rural areas in later generations, is basically unavailable in China except for a few agricultural science institutes and universities.  The fertilizers currently used in China are basically farmyard manure.

    The country¡¯s backward industrial base simply cannot afford large amounts of chemical fertilizers.  The chemical fertilizer industry, which had just started before the Anti-Japanese War, was interrupted by the flames of the Anti-Japanese War after just producing the first batch of fertilizers.  Imported chemical fertilizers are too expensive for domestic farmers to use.  Sugar, gasoline and laundry detergent, which are more common in China, have become the best choices.

    ¡°It¡¯s true that these things can be used to create quite powerful explosives.  But not to mention ordinary people who have not received strict training, even ordinary people who engage in chemistry cannot do it.  This requires not only chemical knowledge, but also blasting knowledge.  These are summed up by later generations over decades, and it is difficult for modern people who do not understand them to do this.  As long as your own people don't leak it out, there isn't much need to worry.

    Thinking of this, Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Old chief, these things must be blended in a very strict proportion to produce corresponding results.power.  Except for experts who specialize in military chemistry, others cannot understand these things without rigorous training.  Even ordinary chemists, unless they are proficient in explosives, will not be able to figure it out.  "

    Regarding Yang Zhen's guarantee, the political commissar thought for a while and then said: "Comrade Yang Zhen, what you said is indeed correct. But you are a senior military commander and you should know that the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If any of your soldiers are killed  If they are captured or take the initiative to leak it to outsiders, the harm will be great. "

    Hearing the political commissar's worries, Yang Zhen smiled lightly and said: "Old chief, no one in this unit will be captured. They have all received special interrogation and counter-interrogation training, and they can endure the general torture of the Japanese army. And if  Anyone who dares to leak these secrets will have to bear the consequences of being hunted down by us unless he commits suicide or hides somewhere where we can't find him."

    "We know very well that if these cadres and soldiers betray anything or fall into society, the harm will be even higher than that of a Japanese army squad. In order to avoid this situation, we have formulated a strict policy of cleaning up the family. Regardless of the situation, we are very clear.  Anyone who betrays will be endlessly hunted. As for the means to avoid being captured, we still have it.¡±
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