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Text Chapter 246: Treat with caution

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    It¡¯s just that the Taihang Military Region troops on both sides of the Zhengtai Line and the Taiyue Military Region troops around the Tongpu Line are currently engaged in counter-mopping operations. Facing this unprecedented large-scale mopping up by the Japanese army, although the two military regions cannot be completely wiped out, they can still  It is unlikely that they will be completely forced away like the Jizhong Military Region, but it is inevitable that long-term mopping up operations will bring serious losses.

    After all, these two places are mountainous operations, unlike the flat plains of the central Hebei plain, which are conducive to taking advantage of the Japanese army's combination of infantry and artillery and mechanized equipment. Mountain operations are the strengths of the Guan Nei army. However, after this battle, despite the two major  The troops left behind in the military region have obvious advantages in mountain operations, and the area they are located in is an old base area and belongs to internal operations, which still has certain advantages.

    Although the Taihang and Taiyue districts have certain advantages of their own and the advantage of occupying terrain, they will not repeat the mistakes of the troops of the Central Hebei Military Region. However, under the siege of the superior Japanese and puppet troops, serious damage to their vitality is inevitable.  , I am afraid that it is not enough to carry out a large-scale railway raid.

    Moreover, the two major base areas are located in mountainous areas. Although the land is barren and the people are poor, they are not much stronger. Their products and food are far less rich than those in the central Hebei plain.  , Under the policy of grabbing everything, I am afraid that the base area itself will be greatly damaged, and I am afraid that for a long time, it will not be able to support the supplies of large-scale operations of the internal troops.

    If we launch an attack on the railway line at the moment, the only advantage is that the Tongpu Railway and the western section of the Zhengtai Line, quite a lot of places are accessible in mountainous areas. Under this kind of terrain, even if the Japanese and puppet troops are on tight alert,  There are too many troops deployed, but there are also quite a few places where they can attack.

    When railways run in mountainous areas, especially in the Taihang Mountains and the southeastern mountains of Shanxi, which are quite steep and rugged, a large number of bridges and tunnels must be built to facilitate traffic. There are a large number of tunnels and bridges on the two major railway lines, especially  The Zhengtai-Taiwan Railway passes through the Taihang Mountains. Bridges and tunnels occupy a large proportion. The longest tunnel is more than 600 meters long.

    It is precisely because of this situation that in last year's Hundred Regiments War, Zhengtai Road, as the most important channel for Shanxi's resource transportation, has always been the target of destruction. However, although it received special care during the battle, the destroyed  It¡¯s not light, and the loss is not small.

    However, after the battle, the Japanese army concentrated four railway regiments. With the cooperation of armored vehicles and the cover of aviation, it took only two months to repair the entire line. Even the most important transportation hub on Zhengtai Road was the most severely damaged.  The Jingxing Station was basically repaired in just three days, and all but a few buildings were repaired within a week.

    There is no way that the customs troops are extremely short of high explosives. When destroying railways, even if they use explosives for blasting in a limited way, most of them use yellow explosives with low explosive power, or even black powder. The destructive power of buildings is still relatively small.  Limited, the damage to the railway was limited, which was also an important reason why the Japanese army was able to repair the destroyed railway within a short period of time.

    However, the lack of high explosives in the customs army at that time does not mean that it is still lacking in high explosives now. When transporting equipment into the customs, Yang Zhen specially transported a batch of high explosives and electric ignition devices based on the operational characteristics of the customs troops.  , according to the power of the explosives produced by the Anti-League, fifty kilograms of explosives are enough to completely destroy an entire tunnel of more than 100 meters.

    These tunnels and bridges are all choke points for railway transportation. If only one or two are blown up, it will be enough to paralyze the entire railway line for a period of time. Especially if one tunnel is blown up, the entire railway line will be paralyzed for a long time.  It cannot be operated, so in Shanxi and the Taihang Mountains, it is not impossible to do anything.

    It's just fine in Shanxi, but the Pinghan Line and the eastern section of Zhengtai Road are quite difficult to deal with. The main force of the Jizhong Military Region is now unable to gain a foothold in the Jizhong Plain and has withdrawn to the mountainous areas of Taihang and Beiyue to rest and recuperate.  It is no longer possible to return to the Jizhong Plain and attack the Pinghan Line and Zhengtai Line east of the Taihang Mountains in Jizhong.

    As for the few local troops left behind, it is too late to evade the Japanese and puppet troops' suppression. They do not have the strength or ability to launch attacks on the two major railway lines. The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that those originally established internal lines may now turn their backs.  Well, these days there are not many people who send goose feathers thousands of miles away, but there are many people who add insult to injury.

    The few troops and local troops currently staying in Jizhong are facing repeated raids by the Japanese and puppet troops. In order to preserve their strength, they can only stay in hiding and cannot carry out any activities. Self-protection is not enough now, and there is still capability there.  After completing the combat mission, the Japanese army severely damaged the main force of the Jizhong Military Region, but did not withdraw its troops back to the camp.

    Although some troops were mobilized from central Hebei to join the mopping up and suppression of Taihang and Taiyue areas, the main forces of the several divisions responsible for the suppression of central Hebei were still deployed on both sides of the Pinghan-Han Line and the Zhengtai Railway, and at various locations in central Hebei.??, a large number of troops were also left for garrison. At the same time, with the railway as the skeleton and the highway as the chain, a cage policy was adopted to divide the entire Jizhong Plain into thousands of large and small pieces.

    The remaining troops in the Central Hebei Military Region are divided into small areas, and their living conditions are becoming increasingly difficult. They can only be constantly transferred to protect themselves. Under this situation, it is difficult for the remaining troops in the Central Hebei Military Region to protect themselves.  , simply cannot be counted on and cannot be counted on.

    But not cutting off the Ping-Han Line, the north-south artery of the Japanese-controlled area in North China, would have a fatal impact on the next battle. The Japanese army could pass through the Ping-Han Line and quickly pass through the Japanese troops in Baoding, Shimen, and even Henan.  The Ping-Han, Ping-Zhang, and Zhang-Sui railways can quickly transport goods to any war zone.

    Of course, it is not that without the troops of the Central Hebei Military Region, Yang Zhen has nothing to do with the transportation lines in Hebei. However, this method will put great pressure on the logistics of the Anti-Japanese War, and it will also affect the Anti-Japanese War.  Union itself in some other aspects of the plan.

    This method is very simple. It is to use air strikes to carry out large-scale bombing of railway lines in Japanese-controlled areas, especially railway transport hubs such as Beiping and Shimen, to carry out thorough bombing to completely destroy them and cut them off.  The main transportation artery of the Japanese army.

    If napalm is used, not only can the rails be burned down, but even the sleepers can be wiped out. Using napalm in conjunction with high-explosive bombs can even destroy the roadbed, making repairs more laborious and time-consuming for the Japanese army.  , the entire Pinghan Line and Zhengtai Line are so long, and the Japanese air defense means are limited, so the effect should be good.

    A year later, when the United States and Britain bombed Germany to destroy the Germans' war potential, they also used a large-scale bombing of its railway lines, which is now considered an unconventional method. Although it failed to completely reverse the situation of the war,  But the losses caused to the Germans were still quite heavy.

    Industrial raw materials could not be transported to the required factories, and a large number of the products produced were blown up on the transportation lines. However, the troops in front of the front who were in urgent need of equipment replenishment were eager to see them. The use of road transportation was a very weak source of oil for the Germans.  Another heavy burden, greatly dispersed, was the oil resources originally used to feed its large mechanized troops on the front line.

    The Jizhong Military Region has withdrawn from the Jizhong Plain and is unable to cooperate with the Anti-Japanese Alliance in launching an attack on the railway. Troops from other directions are also unable to leave the mountain in a short period of time. At present, this problem can only be solved by the Anti-Japanese Alliance themselves, and dispatching a large number of  The aviation force's bombing of the eastern sections of the Ping-Han Line and the Zhengtai Line seemed to have become the only means to solve the problem.

    It's just that the current Anti-Japanese War is far less confident than the United States and Britain's bombing of Germany a few years later, and there is no one with the ability to continuously replenish bombers, as well as sufficient fuel and ammunition. If one is knocked out, ten can be replenished.  If one of the Anti-League troops is knocked out, one will be permanently lost.

    There are also oils and bombs. The Anti-Japanese Alliance cannot compare with the United States and the United Kingdom. If aviation is used to carry out air strikes on the two major railway lines, then the amount of fuel required will be a huge amount. According to the current fuel supply of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, especially aviation  Judging from the oil reserves, it is very difficult to undertake this task.

    Not to mention the independent research of advanced weapons such as the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the army is still completely blank. Even the United States, Britain and Germany, whose scientific and technological strength far exceeds the Anti-Japanese Alliance by an unknown number of times, cannot develop precision-guided weapons for future generations. If you want to achieve  The expected results could only be made up for by the number of aircraft and bombs dropped.

    At present, even if they take off from Renan, which is closest to the line of the Great Wall, or take off from Yan'an, the only bombers that can reach the Shimen line of the Anti-Japanese War are the Il-4 bombers. If the losses in the bombing are too large,  , will undoubtedly affect Yang Zhen's next plan. The most important thing is that the use of these bombers has been planned. If they are deployed and used in North China, it will have a considerable adverse impact on the next operation.

    The most critical thing is that the logistical pressure brought about by these series of impacts is even more unpredictable. The consumption of oil and bombs is bound to have a huge impact on the currently quite weak reserves of the Anti-Alliance, and may even make it impossible to wait until US aid arrives.  , all the aviation fuel originally reserved by the Anti-Japanese Alliance was consumed.

    The limited aviation fuel on hand was concentrated on bombing the Zhengtai and Pinghan railway lines. Operations in other directions were bound to stop. Moreover, until the transportation lines were fully opened, the Anti-Japanese Alliance's air supply to the customs could only be stopped. This  Undoubtedly, it will have a very negative impact on the internal troops.

    The raw materials for the arsenals in several major base areas within the Pass, especially the propellants and ammunition of various types of ammunition, all come from the air transport of the Anti-League, and until the situation within the Pass has not fundamentally changed, this dependence will not change in a short time.  , if the Anti-Japanese Alliance stops air transportation, it will undoubtedly have a fatal impact on the production of various arsenals in the customs.Impact.

    Originally, after the battle started, the consumption of various fuels, especially aviation fuel, was due to the fact that the frequency of aviation operations was far higher than expected and exceeded the planned use. The quantity of reserve fuel that was originally expected to be used until the beginning of next year dropped sharply.  , has had a considerable impact on the aviation force¡¯s next operations.

    If the use of aviation is greatly increased now, how long can the current aviation fuel reserves last? The aviation is not like the artillery. Without gasoline, it cannot use tractors. It can also be towed by horses. Without gasoline, the aviation will be like  Just like a soldier without any weapons, he has no room to fight back after being beaten. Without the fuel supply, the aviation force can only stay on the ground without doing anything.

    As the military commander of a large region, Yang Zhen had to carefully consider a series of subsequent impacts, especially the possible heavy pressure brought by the relatively weak logistics of the Anti-League, as well as the impact on the original plans in the future.  It needs to be treated with caution.
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