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Text Chapter 235 The most urgently needed supplies

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    Originally, the political commissar or the political work department should have come forward for this kind of thing, but both of them are his old subordinates. They have been following Yang Zhen since the northeast, and it is difficult for others to intervene, so no matter how busy Yang Zhen is, he still has to find time.  After doing the work of both sides, the commander personally decided to have a few children for his old subordinates, which became a joke that has been circulating throughout the Xinjiang Military Region for decades.

    Decades later, the writer who wrote Yang Zhen's biography went to the Xinjiang Military Region for an interview. When he heard about this incident, he laughed on the spot and was hospitalized with appendicitis. It was only because of the insistence of the person involved that this was mentioned in Yang Zhen's biography.  The paragraph was erased, but even though it became a joke, everyone also felt the deep friendship that Yang Zhen, an old superior, had for his old subordinates.

    Of course, these things that happened more than ten years later are still not felt by several parties involved. As for the small-scale battle currently being discussed with the two old chiefs, the performance of the two troops with different formations has no intention of watching.  Yang Zhen here would never even think of this.

    Even if he discovers that there are some entangled factors between the two people, Yang Zhen, who is dealing with a mess in his love life at this time, does not have much thought to care about the couple who have been following him and with him.  Enemies who have been entangled for decades.

    But now Yang Zhen glared at these two people, especially the embarrassing Li Mingbo over there. If it weren't for the two veterans who advanced into the army, and a bunch of battlefield tour groups here, he would have to give it to himself.  In order to save some face for his subordinates, Yang Zhen had probably asked Li Mingbo to go aside and stay here, so as not to embarrass himself here.

    While Li Mingbo and the female soldier were still entangled here, the battle in the entire west of the village had ended. Zhu Shijian's vision was quite accurate. The courtyard captured by Li Mingbo was indeed the entire  The headquarters of the Japanese and puppet troops in the west of the village is located. The Japanese and puppet troops in that courtyard were completely wiped out, which means that the entire command system of the Japanese and puppet troops in the west of the village has been disrupted.

    As the remaining two courtyards were captured one after another, the battle in the west of the village has basically been concluded. The front is still attacking desperately, trying to complete the combat goal. In fact, it is already at a point where it is impossible to advance or retreat. If it cannot be attacked for a long time, more than half of the casualties have been lost. The light and heavy machine guns  All the grenade launchers carried by Zhu Shijian who came up from behind were destroyed. The two Japanese teams, which had lost their main fire support, had lost the confidence to continue fighting.

    Even though Lee Myung-bak did not intervene in the follow-up battle, the two Japanese squads, which were already alone, did not last long when faced with Zhu Shijian who rushed from behind and the advancing army who launched a counterattack from the front.  After Lee Myung-bak returned to the headquarters with the rescued captured personnel of the advancing army, these two Japanese squads, which could be said to have run out of gas and exhausted almost all their strength, were all annihilated under attack from both sides, and no one escaped.  .

    At the same time, the gunfire in the west of the village was completely silent. At the same time, the Japanese and puppet troops in the east of the village, who were attacking with all their strength, seemed to have exhausted their last bit of courage and vitality in the face of the strengthened firepower of the defenders. They were unable to attack for a long time.  When there is money to be made, especially when cooperation from other directions has been lost, they have no choice but to retreat.

    Worried that reinforcements from the advancing army would arrive and be trapped in a multi-faceted attack, the Japanese and puppet troops in the east of the village retreated in a panic and haste. Not only did they leave behind a large amount of ammunition, but also some bulky weapons such as heavy machine guns.  , and even a dozen seriously injured people who could not be carried were left behind.

    This kind of panic, if there is a strict prohibition on discarding ammunition, even if a bullet cannot be carried away, it must be destroyed. Yasuhiro Takahara will be angry to death if he sees it. As the person who made the order, he is also the one who attacked the troops.  Commander, when he first formulated this order, he certainly did not expect that in the end it would be the subordinates under his most direct command who would be the first to violate his order.

    Not to mention one round, most of the spare ammunition carried by the Japanese roundabout troops was lost here. Although it was not too much, there were tens of thousands of rounds, and they were all authentic 65-caliber crooked ammunition produced by Fengtian Arsenal.  A handful of light machine gun ammunition, as well as 77-caliber 92 heavy machine gun bullets.

    In fact, the long-distance attack plan of the Japanese and puppet troops was relatively perfect. The tactics of attacking from two sides and launching a surprise attack from the west of the village with the most elite troops were more suitable for the main purpose of the Japanese and puppet troops' operation. If  It¡¯s not that Yang Zhen happens to be here, it¡¯s not impossible that the entire battle plan of the Japanese and puppet troops can be realized.

    Of course, with the experience accumulated by the two veterans of the advance army who have been fighting behind enemy lines for several years in difficult conditions, as well as the determination of the guard chief of the guard regiment in charge of the headquarters security, and his tenacious fighting will, the Japanese and puppet troops can really succeed and will advance  The chances of marching into the headquarters and annihilating them here are not too many.

    Although there is little chance that the Japanese and puppet troops can really wipe out the headquarters of the advancing army here, under the surprise attack by the Japanese and puppet troops,As the headquarters of an army, with many non-combatants, a lot of heavy equipment, and a lot of non-combat materials, it is inevitable that the headquarters of the advancing army will suffer certain, or even serious losses.

    No one has the ability to complete a major move or even breakout in a short period of time while fighting an opponent with superior firepower under the nose. Once the headquarters suffers serious losses, even in a short period of time, it is impossible to fight with the frontline troops.  Losing contact may have a fatal impact on the entire war situation.

    Moreover, according to the consistent style of the Japanese army, as long as there are not a large number of reinforcements around the advancing army headquarters, or the advancing army does not join the main force, they completely lose the chance of success. Even if the advancing army headquarters can successfully break through, they  I will keep chasing after him.

    However, whether it was the provider of the information or the person who formulated the entire plan, Yang Zhen and his accompanying troops were at the headquarters of the advancing army. They mainly made rifles made in Hanyang and only a few machine guns.  The equipment of the advancing army guard regiment is indeed incomparable with that of the Japanese and puppet troops, but the equipment of Yang Zhen's accompanying troops is completely different.

    After Yang Zhen's guard troops joined, the firepower comparison between the two armies completely reversed 180 degrees. Although the number of heavy machine guns was not as many as that of the Japanese and puppet troops, they also lacked the Japanese infantry artillery and mortars.  Artillery, but in other aspects, they had the upper hand. The advantage in firepower and the correct use of tactics made Yasuhiro Takada's sneak attack plan a complete failure.

    In fact, at this moment, he was very frustrated that his painstakingly planned sneak attack plan had failed. Looking at the team that was already more than half shorter than when he arrived, Yasuhiro Takada, who still didn't know how to explain to the Commander when he returned, was still not ready at this time.  Knowing how lucky he was in this fight.

    In a battle that was nothing more than a regiment-level battle, he was actually able to fight at one go against the two later marshals of the Republic who devastated the Japanese North China Front Army, and the Kwantung Army who fought so miserably that the Kwantung Army called it the entire  The Commander-in-Chief of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, who was the greatest security risk in Manchuria, had to fight against him. Let alone a junior officer, even the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese North China Front had not enjoyed this treatment.

    However, whether Takada Yasuhiro was frustrated or excited at this time was not something that the advancing army and Yang Zhen should worry about. After the Japanese and puppet troops retreated, the commander stopped the troops from pursuing the pursuit.  The casualties in this battle were heavy, including the lightly wounded who were still able to move, and the force could only reach three companies at this time. Although the Japanese and puppet troops were repelled, they did not fall into chaos.

    However, the Japanese and puppet troops who were first defeated in the north of the village withdrew to the east of the village, and after joining up with the Japanese and puppet troops there, the advancing army did not have an advantage. At this time, splitting up the troops to pursue them would actually give them an opportunity.  Especially since the emphasis on annihilating the enemy with firepower has led to insufficient ammunition, a rash pursuit can only be dangerous.

    After the sneak attack of the Japanese and puppet troops retreated, Yang Zhen considered all the factors that led to the attack on the headquarters of the advancing army, and decided to transport some landmines to the advancing army in the shortest possible time, especially since the advancing army was engaged in defensive warfare.  When fighting in mountainous areas, anti-infantry mines and anti-infantry directional mines are most urgently needed.

    Rehe is not yet the main deployment direction of the Kwantung Army. The Japanese and puppet troops here have no tanks and anti-tank mines are not used. Moreover, even if there are a few armored vehicles, Yang Zhen has previously provided a batch of Japanese rapid-fire cannons to the advancing army.  , dealing with these thin-skinned armored vehicles, there is no problem at all.

    Anti-tank mines are not urgently needed by the advancing army at present. On the contrary, they are anti-infantry mines that are urgently needed for mountain operations. The number of anti-tank mines currently in hand by the advancing army is indeed insufficient. In addition to anti-infantry mines, the advancing army currently has relatively sufficient ammunition for other ammunition, so there is no need to resist.  Too many links added.

    However, there is a huge shortage of food and medicine, especially first aid kits, bandages, alcohol for disinfection, trauma medicines such as iodine for treating gunshot wounds, and medical syringes. After a war, the number of wounded may be tens of thousands.  It is difficult to carry enough medicine to meet the needs.

    In addition to food and medicine, the most urgent need for the advancing army is salt. At this time, the original communication lines inside and outside the Great Wall have been cut off by the Japanese and puppet troops. Although the Jidong area originally planned to be the rear of the advancing army is rich in salt, the supply there  However, due to the blockade of the Japanese and puppet troops, salt could not be transported at all.

    The Japanese and puppet troops' tactics of fortifying the wall and clearing the field made it difficult for the troops to obtain enough salt during the battle. At the same time, when the troops were advancing north, the limited transportation capacity of each unit was too concentrated on transporting ammunition and salt in the east and west. Originally, many people  With things that can be bought everywhere, no one even thinks of bringing more.

    When I arrived in Rehe, I realized that the reality and what I thought were completely different, because you have to eat this stuff, and the common people have to eat it, and coupled with the strict control of the Japanese army, you can¡¯t buy it at all.In order to trap and starve the advancing troops to death in the mountainous area west of Rehe, the puppet troops even took away all the soybean paste and pickles that could be used as the main staple food in the hands of ordinary people and allowed people to obtain a certain amount of salt.  It's ruined.

    Not to mention advancing into the villages where the current main activities are, the amount of salt reserves reserved in each county every day is extremely limited. The Japanese and puppet troops even imposed regulations that no common people are allowed to hoard salt and grain. The required salt and grain are required every day.  You need to go to a Japanese trading house to buy it every day.

    Not enough salt can be raised, and the amount seized is limited, which cannot meet the needs at all. Even if one or two counties are opened, the amount that can be seized is limited. The limited amount of salt raised in a small amount has to be replaced because of insufficient medical alcohol and  Lack of iodine as a disinfectant.

    Eating too much salt is very harmful to the body. However, if the human body does not get salt for a long time, it will become weak and it is impossible to live without salt. Although the daily salt requirement per person is not too much.  , but with so many people from the entire army coming down, it is a large number. The salt shortage currently facing the advancing army is even higher than the food shortage.
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